High Magic Earth

Chapter 1637: The human advantage is that. . Quantity

Yi Xiao observed the cards in his hand.

Two cards radiate a faint magic luster in his vision, one is silver, or almost colorless light toward white, and the other is pink color. . It was just a little deeper, and it seemed to deflect towards scarlet.

It's just that these glosses are manifested in the field of magic, that is, the energy field. If you want to observe these glosses by changing to technological means, I am afraid that you need infrared sensing, or spectrum, in-depth research on visible light, etc. .

In the eyes of outsiders, for example, watching Rocky, Daenerys, Little Lorna, and the little yellow people around them silently, they can't see any light, just an ordinary card.

Of course, perhaps Loki, who is also a mage, also has some means. .

"Click! Click!"

The green bar on Yi Biao's forehead bounced again.

damn it! Sooner or later I will give this guy. . Forget it, Yi Huo sighed again, now too lazy to take care of it.

As Yi Xiao said, these glosses can only be observed in the field of magic. From the outside, they still look like an ordinary card.

And it seems a little too ordinary.

"What I want is a complete card..."

Yi Chou was hesitating.

"Not... a picture with instructions?"

Yes, in Yi Biao's eyes, the two cards in his hand can't be called a card at all, or a fully configured card.

The card produced by the soul card experiment. . Although Yi Xiao did not expect it to become a card game that is popular all over the world, nor did they expect them to make money, but at least it must have certain rules or fun. Only in this way can its existence be promoted.

Otherwise, even if it is free, I am afraid that it will not be promoted. Even if it is converted into a card that is collected and collected for fun, it may be difficult to welcome, and the things that need to be engraved on the card are meaningful enough to attract people. . To collect.

Even so, the life of the collected cards is not long, because when it is collected, it is basically the end of its life.

The soul card must have more characteristics because it has not yet shown, more card numbers, more card users, otherwise its existence is meaningless. . Just like the time when Yi Biao was in Neverland and this world, no one can promote the former, but the latter is not suitable for promotion at this stage.

But now, the cards in the hands of Yi Chao now. . It looks like there is a picture printed on it, and below it is a messy and scattered text.

Obviously the experiment was indeed successful, but it was not completely successful.

It's no surprise that Yi Chouhao.

When experimenting on Fantasy Island, Yi Xiao used some low-level creatures as a carrier, and had successfully printed some cards through them, but these cards had success and failure, and some of them also showed cards. The rules of the game.

Although it is a rule created under the guidance of Yihuo engraving instead of a naturally formed new rule, it is still a complete game rule. . For example, the playing card with the number of fifty-four battles, it is one of the guinea pigs.

But this rule is not unique, because in addition to the successful poker that Yihu deliberately guided, there are some rules in other successful cards. Although they are all sporadic single cards, they can still be seen. These game rules are completely different.

In other words, they were not born under the same game rules.

In addition, there are more cards that have failed. For example, if the card entity is defective, it cannot form a complete square at all, or if the card is blank, there is no pattern on it. . Yi Chao has tested that there are indeed no patterns, but the non-owned patterns are "blank", which has no energy gloss.

There are various problems in the experiment, and the original soul card experiment was not 100% successful. . So now there is a problem to prepare for psychological problems.

After all, what about the experiment?

The little guy next to him nodded solemnly, pulled out a brand-new record board from the pocket on the right side of the white coat that had been dropped to the ground, bit the pen cap, and began to continue to work hard.

The IQ of these little yellow men is not low at all, throwing out bad reviews of eating, drinking, playing, and mischief, and their IQ is generally even higher than that of normal people.

Relying on Yi Yuan's original experiments and inventions to improve some, there is no problem at all, you know that in their original world, these little guys can even make freezing guns. . That's right, it's the kind of quick freezing and quick freezing.

Their original mainstream weapons in the world are also normal gun ages. As a result, these guys have already researched these cross-age weapons in advance.

Of course, the little yellow people are not geniuses, and it is impossible to keep them in a small black house for half a month to create a time machine. At most, they are partially modified and upgraded on the basis of the original technology.

So they have no problems as assistants, and they don't need to worry about their IQ being indistinguishable.

After recording the specific information, the little yellow man in a white coat soon began to think about it, and then tentatively began to command other little yellow men. . Make small changes to the experiment.

Upon seeing this, Yi Xao can finally have time to take a closer look at what these two newly born cards are, and the cards he made in the previous experiment. . What is different.

"Click! Click!"

Yihou Qingjin +1.

A card is drawn on the surface of the card. . Worn ragged clothes?

Or it is a worn piece of cloth.

Take out a card, and it is held in the air not far away by invisible power, so that it slowly rotates, not only letting Yi Chao himself, but also others around him, such as Rocky and others, see it more clearly .

Just staring at the picture of the card, Yi Chou was very unsure of what it was.

clothes? Can this really count as clothes? It clearly looked like pieces of broken cloth almost torn into pieces.

But the text at the bottom of the screen explains everything clearly.

"Slave's Gift Clothing"

"Note: The owner of this dress has survived from the arena three times, but unfortunately it finally fell on the evil wizard's experimental platform. It may bring you luck and a little meager defense... and a lot of bacteria. , But it’s best not to wear it to face magic, something that might not be so beautiful happens."

Yi Biao's mouth twitched, and there seemed to be too many slots. He didn't even know where to vomit for a while.

Well, the first thing to be sure is that this worn piece of cloth is indeed clothing, but if you think about it as a gift from the slave, then it is actually not so strange.

But what is the testbed of evil wizards. . This remark and description is almost full of maliciousness, but Yi Chou noticed that this description is extremely detailed. It is so detailed that even the process of its birth, it can perceive it by itself. What a special place, but very interesting.

There is also the most important point. .

Yi Chou paused for a while, and then the little yellow man in the white lab coat who was already busy and ready to reorganize the experiment came back with ease.

"We don't need a bit."

He said.

"No need, some, maybe, probably these general description words, if possible, replace these words with accurate descriptions as much as possible."

The white coat looked at Yi Chou with contempt, and said that he would not use it, while using it himself.

Yi Chou shrugged.

"Is the situation different, and I did not expect a success."

A little meager defense, something not so wonderful. . If it can be replaced with a specific value, then it meets the rules of a card.

but. . The soul card plan is not a general experiment. It is completely different from creating a few pieces of magic equipment and painting a few magic oil paintings to be framed. It is even better than dealing with the ghosts and studying GANTZ's Z-type combat suits. These research sequences are more advanced.

It is the same level of existence as the God of Creation plan. In other words, it is not an experiment that can succeed or even be carried out under ordinary circumstances. That lacks the necessary conditions.

For example, the core of the Chuangshen Project is to mobilize high-latitude energy and transform potential targets. High-latitude energy has very terrible characteristics, and it is difficult to control and indescribable changes, but there is no doubt. . It is very powerful.

Perhaps its original meaning is not the kind of power that humans understand, but the aberration brought about by high-latitude energy, the development and distortion of some kind of unknown potential, in Yi Biao’s eyes, is a kind of powerful, powerful in strength, Destructive.

For the Chuangshen Project, the core process is not difficult. A simple analogy, high-latitude energy is like a dyeing tank filled with dye, and Yi Chou has already obtained this dyeing tank, then the rest is actually to put People throw it in, dye it, roll it around, and then fish it out.

The real difficulty is in other places, such as the amount of dye, whether it is more or less, how to choose, where to throw the person to find, how to judge the potential.

And most importantly. . How to ensure the loyalty of the selected person, but it will not affect the potential development of high latitude energy to them, and ensure that the high latitude change will not bring catastrophic consequences within the controllable range, and the same Will not affect the potential development of high latitude energy.

These problems need to be resolved. . He is also solving.

At least in the search for candidate judgment potential and loyalty, Yi Xuan has made great progress. . And there are rough estimates and guesses about the screening conditions and the scope of impact.

Soul card plan is also the same, but unlike the high latitude energy required by the creation of God plan, soul card almost does not require the intervention of high latitude energy, it requires silver tongue energy.

In other words, it is the pseudo-silver tongue energy using the silver tongue principle.

The whole process of the soul card plan is more complicated than the creation plan, but it is also complicated and limited. Its core is to use the silver tongue principle to create magic cards.

There are two problems derived from this, one is what the card should be created based on, and the other is how the created card guarantees a strong destructive power.

After all, Yi Chou doesn't really want to make a card to sell money. He needs this set of cards in order to be able to achieve rapid arming and enhance combat effectiveness.

Perhaps if possible, he will also try to attach some other power to the card, change its nature, from purely used to enhance combat power, used to fight, to become something more valuable. . Magic props.

Then, these two issues are crucial.

So far, Yi Biao has only had a little thought and solution to the first problem. The solution is to burn some existence through human beings.

The creation of cards is very simple, with the silver tongue ability as a backing. Yihou can even read them one by one, and as long as they read one, they can be copied infinitely.

But copying is not a problem, the problem is the type of cards.

Yi Biao simply cannot imagine dozens, even hundreds, and thousands of different cards. Even if it can, this will be a very long process.

This creation, like writing stories, wastes brain cells. . To be honest, even if Yi Xiao is a wizard, his mental strength is stronger than ordinary people, and it is impossible to support such a job.

Because this is creation, not anything else.

. . Yi Xiao has been trying to write a system with silver tongue, yes, it is the kind of big writer system that comes with it. There must be a large number of books in it, books he has not seen, but unfortunately it has not been successful so far.

So Yi Chou hit his attention on humans.

As long as you can successfully map a human to a card and let the human and the card establish a similar conversion connection, then the whole problem is solved.

There are enough humans, and every human is different, which means that the number of cards is endless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This inspiration comes from Bogut, and an ancient anime, Bo Gert. . It is one of Yi Biao's favorite magical creatures for experiments. He thinks this is a very wonderful magical creature. Red Castle has a special Bogut training room, and there are many Boguts in the house.

the latter. . Lucy told him that as magical intelligence, Lucy's database stores a lot of information, and this is how the game king's anime was screened out.

In this anime, the birth of cards comes from humans, monsters inside humans, a human, corresponding to a separate card, the human heart has strengths and weaknesses, and the cards that are born have strengths and weaknesses. different.

But Yi Chou does not need Bogut’s fears, nor does he need monsters deep in human hearts. . The number of monsters around him is enough, and no matter how many, he can't control it.

So Yi Xiao thought for a long time, but he was not sure what kind of connection the human-card relationship should be.

And now, this connection has actually been revealed, not fear or inner monster, but. . Symbol.

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