High Magic Earth

Chapter 638: Every mage has a death heart hidden in it

Symbol, symbol of human heart.

It is not the fear deep inside the human heart, nor the monster hidden deep inside the human heart, nor the most terrible existence human can imagine.

Because there is no doubt that they are not easy to control.

Needless to say, there is no limit to the existence of human beings. Human imagination is endless, and no one knows how terrible things humans can imagine. Even the second world where Yihuo is now is based on human fantasy. Above, the world exists.

In the first two, the fears deep inside human beings are better to say. They may be some monsters, but even if most people are afraid of monsters, there must be. . Fear of something weird, such as some abstract concept, like death or suffering.

Farther away, perhaps even more weird things, like huge, unexplainable beings. . This seems to have moved closer in a bad direction.

An indescribable thing, the most fundamental fear of mankind.

The same is true of monsters deep inside human beings. Human beings are weak, but human minds are powerful. The accuracy of this sentence is beyond doubt, but this is a good aspect.

The mind can become very powerful, but that means that once the human heart becomes a monster, the monster will be undoubtedly powerful and difficult to contain.

even. . It is impossible to imagine how terrible monsters can be born in the heart of mankind, just like how much courage and hope can erupt when human beings are in despair.

In order to avoid these situations, Yi Chou avoided these choices and chose instead. . Symbol.

What everyone symbolizes and represents, in this way, there will never be any strange things born.

However, at present, the meaning and description of this symbol seems to be inaccurate, because a human being, even if he is a slave, the symbol will not be a piece of clothing, even if it is shackles, it must be more reliable than this. .

Yi Xiao felt that the appearance of worn clothes showed that this was not a symbol, but more like, characteristics, characteristics.

But of course, there is only one card now, and I can't see anything. Everything is just speculation, no matter whether it is a symbol or a characteristic.

In fact, here, the first problem has been solved, and even the second problem seems to have been solved at the same time.

The symbol of the human representative sounds very abstract and vague. It seems to say that strong is not strong and weak is not weak, but this just meets the needs of Yi Chou, because he does not know what the next symbolic card is. There won't be one suddenly, the symbolic card will directly surpass those inexplicable existence.

Because of the symbol. . It is very abstract in itself.

For example, Captain America, which everyone loves, what he is, he is a saint, then what does he symbolize, what will he symbolize.

Although Yi Xiao didn't know, he had some speculation. . God?

This is not impossible, the symbol is just a symbol, not equivalent to power, but if it is turned into the existence of a real card, then it has power.

In this way, the first problem and the second problem are solved together.

Even more, it seems that it can help Yi Chou's third idea. .

At present, the soul card seems to be used only as a means of enhancing combat effectiveness. For example, possessing destructive power can only be used in combat.

But if the birth of the card originates from the symbol, there are more hands and feet that can be done.

Trapping a ray of soul in it is only the simplest method. Those low-level demons will use it, and even these low-level demons have disdain to use these methods.

Because no idiot will be fooled.

Perhaps the first person was deceived because he knew nothing, but there would never be a second person, and more.

Abnormalities will soon be noticed, and even if they are well concealed, there is no possibility of unlimited promotion. . Changes at the soul level have a great impact, and it is difficult not to appear abnormal.

This is simply not suitable for the promotion of soul cards.

However, it may be much better to switch to other connections, but at present Yi Yihao hasn't figured out what connection can be formed besides soul and voodoo doll.

In this way, the soul card is no longer just a means of enhancing combat effectiveness. As more and more people are promoted, that is, more and more people show their own soul cards, It will become a magic prop with infinite power in a real sense.

Like a carrier, carrying power, symbol, emotion. . Cards with the power of many factors, and powerful magic props in the true sense can even affect the entire world, the entire universe, and countless parallel worlds.

This is what Yi Chou wants.

But looking at the slave's gift clothing in his hand. . Yi Chou felt that all this was still too far away, and he had a long way to go.

"Click! Click!"

The green bars on Yi Biao's head collapsed again.

He felt he could not bear it. . Why did Kevin's apple not eat out for at least three or four minutes? This guy is definitely intentional.

Just right. .

Yi Xiao raised his hands, and the card slowly floated from the front. His hands were placed up and down, and the card was between his two hands. Quickly spin up.


Kevin at the back still chewed the apple with interest, looking around with curiosity, anyone, anything could make it feel interesting. . It didn't realize the danger was imminent.

Then in the next moment, a plain face of Yi Chou shook his hand fiercely, a silver ray of light was like a sharp arrow, and was instantly stripped from the card with his movements, as if lightning, directly hit Kevin, or rather, submerged silently into it.

Kevin still nibbled at Apple.

Its mouth is undoubtedly slowly chewing, after about three or four seconds, it just touched the body and arm in a panic as if it had just reacted. . Then I found myself nothing.


There was a smirk on Kevin's face, and a silly row of teeth appeared, but before his smile was fully revealed, he saw Yi Xuan didn't know where to draw a golf club, and then. .


With a slap! Kevin's long screams and screams, Kevin flew away, flying farther and farther, farther and farther. . Knowing that a tweet turned into a shining doji in the sky, then finally disappeared.

. . Well, about half a minute later, Kevin, who was drawn by Yi Bao to the opposite side of the experiment hall, was picked up by two other little yellow men.

It looks miserable, flying directly from one end to the other. It seems to be very hurt, but Yi Chou actually has a very decent start. Kevin has nothing to do with it, but it looks a bit miserable. .


But apparently Kevin's psychological injury was very serious, and his cries sounded weak.

"The surface is not significantly harmful."

Yi Xiao said.

The little yellow man in the white coat next to the record also agreed. It obviously didn't have any sense of sympathy for Kevin's experience, but secretly praised it. In the face of Yi's doubts, its interpretation was more professional and more.

After all, it is also a little yellow man.


The little yellow man in a white lab coat grumbled a lot.

Yi Biao’s power is well controlled, and Kevin has not been hurt. The same conclusion is drawn based on the machine’s detection and feedback. It has a bruise on its left arm and a bruise on its right leg, and then it is gone.

By the way, its glasses cracked.

"I know."

Yi Chou nodded, then made a wink at the white coat.

Kevin, who was crying, suddenly felt a chill, and it seemed to feel something dangerous. His simple brain also quickly rose up at this moment. Kevin suddenly broke free from the left and right two little yellow men trying to run away. Go, but it's too late.

Because in the next moment, the golf club in Yi Chou's hand was swung again, and at the same time there was an instant burst of white gloss.

"Leave you!"

This time the light is not the power of the card, but the original magic of Yi Chou, used to heal.

After all, experimentation, there is always a comparison to make sense. The last time a card was used to increase Kevin's defense, then this time it is natural to test the absence of card defense.

Of course, in order to avoid the superposition of injuries, Yi Xiao also very carefully carried out a small treatment for it.


With a miserable cry, Kevin flew away again. . And fly farther and farther. . Until it becomes a cross of meteors in the sky again.

The sound of "ding!" disappeared at the end of the sky.

Half a minute later, Kevin was picked up again by the two little yellow men.

This time, it was obviously injured a lot. . But still no big deal.


Kevin is still a crying expression. . But this time it really cried because it hurts!

Yi Biao can clearly see a big bag bulging on Kevin’s head. That’s right. It’s a cartoon-like big bag after injury. There is even a cross tape on the big bag, probably dragging The two little yellow men who came back from it helped him paste it.

As for its usefulness, no one knows.

"how about it."

Yi Chou asked.

This time, nothing can be seen with the naked eye. I can only ask about the data and conclusions obtained after the professional inspection of the little yellow man in the white coat.


The little yellow man in a white coat once again said a lot.

Obviously, the second injury was more serious than the first one, but as an iron clamor with a steel body, he was quite sure that the power he used was the same, even Kevin tracked out the track and fell The location is the same.

Otherwise, everything was picked up after half a minute.

Despite those small wounds, it can be clearly seen in many places that its injury is heavier for the second time, and based on the data and conclusions of the little yellow man in a white coat. .

The defensive strength of this slave's worn clothes is about the same as that of a leather armor. Yes, it is only so much better than cloth armor.

It’s even almost the same as putting on a piece of clothing. Of course, this piece of clothing is probably not damaged.

It seems useless. .

But can't think like this.

Now this is just a gift from a slave, and the gift is only a piece of broken clothing, so the defense power brought is not much or even optional. Yi Chou can’t determine whether there is an amplification relationship. For example, the better the thing, the more it brings The effect will be magnified even more exaggerated.

But even if you don’t zoom in, and change to a stronger card, such as armor, an invisible armor will definitely bring more defense than leather armor. . And it can't be ignored anymore.

For ordinary people.

The first experiment of the soul card was still very successful in a sense.

While Yi Xiao and the Little Yellow Man were studying these issues, the curious gaze of Rocky next to him fell on the slave's gift card, which was still floating slowly in mid-air.

She's not stupid anymore, she can see what Yi Yiu is going to do, and what use this card has.

The second princess. . very curious.

It is not difficult to create cards, she can make hundreds of thousands of such small things by waving her hands. . Of course, illusion.

But creating a real card, using humans to create it, and creating a card still has substantial power, which is incredible.

This is not a question of combat effectiveness, but a question of whether it can be achieved.

Rocky even suspected that even Odin could not do this.

God King Odin is indeed very powerful, more in advance in combat power, powerful destructive power, powerful defense and regeneration ability, which allows him to have the power to protect the Nine Realms.

But this creation. .

Perhaps those dwarves who are good at building can have this ability.

And all of this is obviously not the knocking and beating that the dwarves are good at, making weapons is so simple, this is magic in the true sense of magic.

There was a sudden throb in Loki's heart.

Although her skill points are a bit crooked, she is called a mage, but most of them are focused on combat. The illusion of escape and teleportation magic is full, and she has not mastered the magic that is not magic at all.

But in any case, she is a mage.

Longing for magic, longing for those magical powers is the root of every wizard~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is this curiosity and motivation that led them to the path of magic.

And now, a magic that has never been seen is placed in front of her, and has even succeeded, so how could Rocky not be curious after marveling and admiring.

Silently walking forward, Rocky's feet were silent, and then under the inexplicable gaze of Daenerys, gently touched the card floating in the air.

She did not have any strange ideas, such as stealing or hiding, which is undoubtedly too stupid, and it makes no sense at all, even the fool can see it, this is just a low-level card that cannot be lower-level. .

Loki was simply curious.

As for direct contact without protection, there will be no problems. . Whether it is a wizard like her or a wizard like Yi Chou, the heart of death never stops.

Then in the next moment, Loki's white fingers already touched the cards in mid-air.

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