High Magic Earth

Chapter 639: You should feel lucky


There was a crunch in Rocky's ear.

And she could clearly feel the buzzing vibration from the card in front of her finger.

seem. . Not the same as expected, just know that she saw Yi Xiao just waved her hand, the card's power was attached to the little yellow monster.

This illustrates two points. The power of cards is not one-off, and the power of cards is not necessarily the power that the cards themselves turn into.

But how did I get here. .


The next moment, Loki saw the entire card turned into a silvery luster, not like Yihuo, pulled a silvery luster from the surface of the card, and rushed at her instantly.

Although not as expected, Loki did not panic. How to say that she is also a mage, although not as powerful as Yi Chao, but also the chief mage of Asgard, not knowing anything, only knowing screaming little girl.

This spell is not dangerous, even if it is dangerous, she can stop it, these are the two judgments that appear quickly in Loki's mind.

Then she didn't dodge, just clenched the scepter, fantasy, teleportation, and protection three magic magic has been ready to wait.

But in the next moment. . The expected attack did not appear, and the expected danger did not come. Some, but only one. .


In the calm smile of Daenerys, who looked at everything calmly, but in fact the incomparably dark inner queen, these second princesses of Asgard gave a loud cry.

There was no fear in the cry, but anger and panic, which occupied the vast majority of her emotions.

but. . She is Rocky, what can make her. .

This sudden incident even forced Yi Chou to turn his head, what the hell. . Why Rocky is so horrible, of course, this may also be her prank, but Yi Chou feels no, after all, this kind of prank is too inferior, and she is humiliating on Rocky.

Then, Yi Chou saw the one on Loki. .

"Get it away!"

Loki shouted at Yi Chou.

Sure enough, the lethality of this kind of thing is huge for women. She even forgot the fact that she is a mage and can also be magic.

I really don't know what position she was playing with Odin at that time. It was definitely not on the front line, and she certainly would have a way to keep herself elegant.

Yi Xiao raised his hand and waved aside violently to drive away the flies. The worn-out slave dress that had originally hung on Rocky was suddenly thrown out.

Yes, it was a worn-out slave dress.

Even saying that it is worn, it is the most elegant and exaggerated adjective. A few pieces of worn cloth hang down the neck directly to the thigh, covered with blood stains, strange dirt, still can not be washed away Bloody gas, even a few meters away, you can smell the strong rotten breath and stench.

Very consistent with the status of slaves.

It was this tattered piece of cloth that made Loki almost crazy, because no matter what age, where she is, and where she comes from, the requirements for cleanliness. . It's about the same.

Rocky couldn't bear this dirty thing at all, and even felt it numb when he touched it.

Yi Chao threw it out with magic, and without accident, the moment the worn cloth dropped to the ground, it reverted to a little silver light and scattered, and then scattered and reunited again. . Restored as a card.

There are many ways to use cards. For example, as Yihou just used cards to guide part of the power, it seems to be used directly as if it was drawn out, or like Loki, use more power. To directly instantiate the cards.

As a card maker, Yi Chou certainly understands every usage of cards. . Which one to keep in the end, he has not yet made a decision.

But Loki obviously didn't know, and. . The result is not so wonderful.

"You should be glad."

Yi Chou's voice was calm, but how Loki felt, how could he hear a sense of schadenfreude and said slowly.

"This piece of clothing is attached to your body, adding a piece of clothing to you, instead of replacing the original one."

"You should also be glad."

"This is why you are still here."

Loki said bitterly, but. . The sound sounded very weak.

"Your threat is really pale and weak."

Yi Chou shrugged.

Rocky didn't answer, because she had a clatter, as if the broken glass was instantly broken from the place. . Here is just an illusion that she left behind, an avatar. As for her body, she no longer knows where to go.

It is estimated that I need to find a place to clean it. This thing may drive her crazy, because even if it is easy to arrogant, smelling the stench and the pungent smell, I feel a little nausea.

He waved his hand and dragged down Kevin's unlucky egg to find a place to heal it. The little yellow man's vitality is tenacious and it is basically difficult to die, just like the feeling in the cartoon animation. . No matter what happens, it doesn't seem to die.

But again, once he was injured and he didn't heal in time, Kevin would subconsciously feel that he was going to die, and feel that he was going to die soon, although it was just a feeling, but then. . It's really dead.

Yes, this is cartoonish.

So Yi Biao sent it directly for treatment. At least before it hurts, don't think about clicking on the apple.

At the same time, Yi Chou lifted it slightly with one hand again, and the cards on the ground floated up again with his movements, slowly spinning and then fell in front of him again.

But I don't know if it is an illusion. Yi Xiao always feels that the surface of the card seems to be a bit darker. However, after careful observation, it seems that it does not appear to be dark, just an illusion.

Yes. . There should be no loss.

In the original intention of Yihou to create cards, there is no such thing as card loss. It is a kind of magical props that can be used indefinitely, instead of using it once, it will lose energy once, or how many times.

That setting is meaningless.

It seems just an illusion.

After studying the front and back of the card again, it was found that there was not much change, and the card was handed over to the little yellow man in the white coat next to it, and it was used for further detailed analysis.

This is just the first card, you know, there are three cards in total.

Yi Chou once again looked down.

Hosette was still sitting on the ground blankly, as if he hadn't reacted yet, or maybe he didn't know what was going on, and he looked a little dazed.

Yi Xiao waved again, and the card suspended on the stone tablet behind Hosette was moved by him.

"The great wisdom of little slaves."

"Note: You are not smart, but you are not stupid. Sometimes sticking to your heart may bring you unexpected gains. With it, you may be able to fool over some small problems, such as... No homework, but don’t expect to be in the wrong toilet."

Yi Chou raised his eyebrows.

The surface of the card is no longer a specific thing, for example, the slave's clothes, although they are a few pieces of worn cloth, but they are indeed clothes.

The slave's clothes look like that, right?

It is a more abstract existence of painting, that is, a brain, to be more precise, a heart-shaped brain, and a faint human figure in the background.

The human form is the background, and it must be the background, because it is not clear at all. The main content and highlights are this heart-shaped brain. . It's what the card wants to express.

Sure enough, Yi Huo paused.

Unlike the worn-out clothes of slaves, this is a more abstract existence. It doesn't want clothes to have substance like that. It is invisible at all.


Yes, in the final analysis, after saying so many things, Yi Chou still judged the essence of the influence of this card in the first time.

It's luck.

It should be able to make a person more fortunate within a period of time, or within the scope of a small thing. . I need to use some of this adjective this time, because even if it is easy, I really don’t know how to describe luck.

As with time, luck is also an area that is hard to reach, and there is misfortune against it. . That is doom.

This card is obviously much more interesting than the slave's torn clothes. It is also invisible, how it looks. . Be more magical.

unfortunately. . Kevin is gone.

But it doesn't matter, Yi Huo looked around and suddenly found a little yellow man. . It looked a bit dazed, sitting in his place, and he was there in a daze after forgetting his tasks and work. It looked like a dementia.

Yi Biao's mouth twitched, why the little yellow men under his hands are a group of guys that look like this.

Then his eyes were fixed on the little yellow man who was still ignorant of what he didn't know, what he was going to encounter.

"come here."

Yi Biao waved at it, and suddenly, the dazed little guy ran off happily as if he saw something interesting.

unfortunately. . Looking after it.

After a while, this little guy was also carried down, carried to Kevin's side and accompanied him, and Yi Chou also got the information about this card as he wished.

It’s not much different. It’s really a little bit of luck. Compared with the slave’s broken clothes, it’s just that there is no substance, and it can’t be realized. Even if it’s out there, it’s just that. The ghost of the brain on the card picture disappeared.

Some of the enhanced luck, Yi Huo estimates, and some of the defenses brought by the clothes may be equal to this.

But of course, because it is an ambiguous adjective, and because luck cannot be counted at all, it is just a guess at the moment.

It seems that there is an essential difference, but in fact the essence is still the same, Yi arrogant boring, then threw this card to the little yellow man in the white coat.

Then the rest. . It seems to be the most special card.

Unlike Hosette, the Avenger seemed to have realized what he had done after calming down, but his current approach and choices were the same as Hosette, sitting quietly on the ground with his back leaning against the stele, his head drooping and his face facing On the ground, I don't know what is going on.

but. . His card was gone.

When Yi Xao first brought the three cards, the corresponding card was not there, or it wasn't that the card was gone, but instead of being dragged by Yi Xuan, he got into his body.

So now. .

Yi Chou paused for about three seconds.

"It's unfortunate."

Then he whispered.

The next moment, an invisible force instantly wrapped the avenger below, no longer just trying to grab the card, but grabbed him all over.

The avenger struggled a little while in the air, seeming to be a little flustered, but he quickly calmed down again.

Then he floated in front of Yi Biao, about half a meter above the ground, slowly floating.


He tried to say something, but Yi Huo directly gestured a forbidden gesture.


In the next moment, in Yi Chao's gesture, the avenger closed his mouth tightly, no matter how hard he tried to open it or the slave made a sound, there was no word. . He spit it out.

The silver-white luster rose between Yi Chou's hands, just like the light erupted before the card. Under the wave of Yi Chou, he seemed to have a soul around the Avengers, and then slowly turned.

One lap, two laps, three laps. . Then the light stopped.

"I finally came across something interesting."

Yi Xiaochang breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward, raised his hand, and a wand emerged from his fingers from nothing, or condensed out.

The bottom of the wand is held by Yi Xiao, and the tip refers to the chest and heart of the surrounding Avengers.

"come out."

Yi Huo said softly.

And as his words fell, the gloss of the silver tongue immediately appeared at the tip of the wand, and a boxy card was slowly pulled by the wand, just like it appeared from the surface of the water.

This is a card with a lavender luster. The outside of the card is surrounded by silver. That is the power of clamor. The power that imitates the silver tongue. Before the experiment is completely completed, these energies are everywhere. . Very rough, like the unfinished robots are full of power cords.

After one second, the card has been pulled out by Yi Chao.

"It's a really unfriendly card."

Yi Xao stared at the card in his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That gave him a feeling that was completely different from the other two cards, stronger and more strange.

"It seems... only you can use it."

"This is not what I want."

"Um! Um!"

The avengers around him struggled to say what they wanted to say, but unfortunately, his voice was banned by Yi Chou, his mouth could not be opened, and he could not hear anything clearly.

"It seems that this experiment needs to be greatly improved... wait, maybe not."

Yi Xiao ignored him, but said to himself.

Cards are undoubtedly for everyone. This kind of card that only someone can use is obviously a failed experiment. Yi Chou originally wanted to correct it immediately, but at the next moment, he dismissed this idea.

Because he suddenly discovered that this seemingly failed card seems to be good.

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