High Magic Earth

Chapter 1651: I am the title of artificial intelligence


A flash of electric light flashed, and Barry immediately came to a suburb outside the Midtown, looking around. There were forests everywhere, and no trace of human smoke and artificial buildings could be seen.

Perhaps some special technological means may be hidden.

but. .


The next moment, I saw Barry's hand shaking at a high speed. Under the rapid shaking, his hand even formed a blurry afterimage, but because the speed was too fast, this blur was infinitely stable, let him His hand looks no different than before.

but. . There is already an essential difference between the two. After all, although Barry's hand looks clear, it is formed by the accumulation of countless afterimages.

Then Barry slowly stretched his hand under his chest.

Without any accident, his hand passed through the red-and-gold, red-based combat uniform without hindrance, and then took out a small patch device about the size of a key ring from the inside of the combat uniform, but the combat uniform itself There was no damage.

This is exactly the tracking device left by Sisko.

Barry certainly knows the existence of this thing, because this thing monitors his physical indicators in real time, so as to avoid any unexpected situations.

After all, no one knows about Shen Suli, although everything seems to be moving towards a good trend now. . But who is right in the future?

Not even Barry was sure.

So Sisko did not avoid Barry when he placed this thing at the time, and in the previous mission, Barry even encountered a dangerous situation several times. It was precisely because of this thing that he contacted the rear and found a way to defeat. .

This thing is not a shameless bug. It is not necessary to make it smaller than a button. The tracking device the size of a keychain has its own independent power supply. It is usually under the side of Barry's chest combat uniform. This position is not easy to be damaged. And Barry can feel it all the time.

Taking this thing off, it would be as easy for Barry to take off his hat.

Because this thing was damaged by the impact force several times during the battle, Barry ran to the hardware store to borrow a screwdriver to poke it and fix it, then fold it back to join the battle again.


But this thing is linked to an electromagnetic position on Barry, so as Barry removes it, the health parameters it passes back to the cutting-edge laboratory immediately begin to change.

But Barry is faster.

His hands turned into countless ghosts, and this thing was disassembled into countless parts almost at the moment when he detached from the combat uniform. The parts were scattered in the air, and before falling completely to the ground, Barry’s hands were Once again quickly grabbed a few small chips and began to regroup.

Between landing and landing, the parts scattered in the air have been reassembled by him into a complete tracking instrument. . These parts seem to have entered a field of weightlessness. The whole process is gravity-free and is randomly used by Barry, making his splicing speed as fast as if it has never been disassembled.

fact. . This is also true.

Because even Sisco at the cutting-edge laboratory did not receive any abnormal parameters, this means that Barry Allen’s speed has even exceeded the speed of data transmission, and can even deceive computers and networks.

However, this also seems a bit wrong.

Because the original Barry is fast, but it has limits. At least he can exceed the speed of light, but he needs to do his best.

It is completely different from the present. It seems that it can easily break the limit of the speed of light, and then cause countless time remaining.

Not to mention, he now even exceeds the speed of data transmission.

Relative to this abnormal speed, it is Barry's skillful modification of the parameters of the tracking instrument that is not so surprising.

Because Barry Allen was already smart.

Before he became the Flash, Barry was an investigator of the crime scene forensics section. Of course, he chose this profession to return his framed father's innocence and wanted to try the accident 13 years ago. Evidence of the father's innocence was found in

But it is undeniable that it is not an easy task to become an investigator of the crime scene forensics section.

The investigator does not sound like a high-end position, but it is not that simple. It requires a lot of knowledge, such as chemical engineering, biology, and even fluid mechanics.

Similarly, most police stations can only recruit one or two investigators from the crime scene forensics section, even in Central City.

Only in a prosperous city like the metropolis that is not bad for money, or a place with a high crime rate like Gotham, I am afraid that there will be enough funds to recruit more people.

This can be seen from Barry just graduating from a short time before he can feed himself. . The daily life and status of ordinary people in the superhero world have not changed much, and prices and housing prices are still flying high.

Most of the shots are only focused on rich people like superheroes, looking at the world's richest man Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne, Scourge Mike McDuck. . Cough, it seems that something strange is mixed in.

Wealthy people spend their money and create a steel armor army in minutes. Even banks can buy them in the blink of an eye, but ordinary people.

They are still struggling to live, even if they are not threatened by aliens, their lives are also not good.

You know, even the agents of SHIELD are only struggling for thousands of dollars. Those mercenaries who seem to assist the evil villains to destroy the earth every day receive only the same thousands of dollars.

Ordinary people are still ordinary people, no matter where they are.

House prices are expensive, prices are expensive, and credit cards bottom out every month. Once you lose your job, you will be reduced to a homeless man. Young people like Barry who are new to society can not only feed themselves, but also have free money to please their girlfriends. . Alice, enough to see the salary of investigators in the crime scene forensics section.

Even if it is not a rank, it is definitely not low.

Similarly, if you want to make more money, you will naturally have to pay more. Joining the crime scene forensics department is not a simple matter.

Barry was a wise man before he became a Flash, and even some geniuses. If he didn’t choose to investigate the truth of his mother’s murder, he chose the crime scene forensics section in order to give his father an innocence. Scientists, laboratory technicians may also.

After becoming a Flash, he became even smarter.

It is just that the speed of thinking can accelerate the speed of thinking. For scientific researchers, it is enough to be called a magic skill, not to mention the visual acceleration brought about by the speed of speed, the reading speed is increased to the extreme, and so on. .

What's more, the changes brought by Shen Suli are far from superficial, and those deep changes are the most precious.

For example, brain development, personal experience of the mysteries of time, a broader horizon, etc. .

Modifying the false parameters of a monitoring device and passing it back is really too simple for Barry.

The most intuitive performance is that most of the people in the cutting-edge laboratory are crouching in front of the console at this time, and the data feedback on the big screen has come from the monitoring of all corners of the city, but no one has found Barry’s data abnormal. He has removed the tracker.

Even Alice.

On the other hand, Barry, who was in the suburbs outside the middle of the city, was calm and indifferent. He gently held the dismounted tracker, and then his eyes moved slightly.


The next moment, his figure disappeared again.

Like a golden red thunder, leaving the center city, or the speed of Barry with the monitoring device removed is faster than before. . Even more than one.

When Barry Allen is running at full speed in a state of fast speed, he will drag a gold-red lightning behind him, and even wherever he goes, there are sparks everywhere, otherwise why is it called the Flash.

These Mars splashed out of thin air. As long as Barry wandered around in the room, the whole room would become sparkling, as if the whole room would be lit.

But these splashing sparks don't really ignite anything, they emerge out of thin air, and then disappear out of thin air, just like it is not a substantial existence at all.

But at this time. . Behind Barry was not a small lightning like an electric current, but a thunderous thunder, like a real lightning flash.

Wherever he passed by, the roaring thunder was almost like a roaring dragon, dragging a half-man-thick golden red lightning directly behind him.

More than doubled the previous special effects of light and shadow.

Under the extreme speed, the electro-optical light emerging behind him has even been no longer pure gold-red, but began to emerge some kind of light blue, like a faint blue light transition.

Blue lightning!

The spreading lightning also has no substance. They float behind Barry like a ghost. Although the place they pass by looks magnificent, it still has no real impact and change on the surroundings.

The bursting blue lightning seemed to condense the terrifying high temperature, and there were continuous sparks splashing around, but it could not ignite the forests and trees on both sides, and even the ground on which Barry stepped was not a bit black, even the scorching smell of choking people. nothing.

After all, Super Speed ​​is just Super Speed, not real lightning.

Of course, this is also related to the special combat uniform that Barry wears. The combat uniform from the cutting-edge laboratory and containing a variety of advanced technologies has extremely good resistance to friction, ensuring that Barry will not burn himself while running.

Without this combat suit, even with fast protection, Barry Allen would not really run himself and run and scorch, but his feet burned the ground, leaving a trace of burning all along.

While running, Barry looked attentively, and along the edge of the forest in the suburbs, he went straight to the back and accelerated towards the sunset.

There is a cliff, and it is also a very common natural cliff.

As a barren mountain and wilderness in the suburbs outside of the city, this cliff should have been connected with the small investigator of the crime scene forensics department of the police station who did not go out of the city very much, and may not even go to these places in his life, but unfortunately, it changed in Barry Allen. After becoming the Flash, the two formed an indissoluble bond.

Because Barry was here several times when he broke his limits.

He used this cliff as a place to sharpen himself.

The cliffs are notch-shaped. The distance between the cliffs on the north side is smaller, and the distance between the cliffs on the west side is larger and larger.

At the beginning, with his own acceleration, Barry could only cross the position with the smallest distance, about a distance of about ten meters, and as his speed became faster and faster, the distance he could cross became larger and larger.

So it became a place where he challenged himself.

Whenever he meets an unbeatable enemy, he will come here to exercise. . In fact, there is no exercise. It is said that exercise is to exalt him. He is a very ideal spiritual challenge.

Barry asked himself if he could break through the limit, yes, so good, then Barry speeded up and ran again, and then he realized that he could cross a farther distance between the cliffs.

Because his speed becomes faster, the inertia naturally becomes larger.

This way is very idealistic, and thanks to his being the pro-son of Shen Suli, it is replaced by others. . Long ago he fell dead.

Of course, the bigger reason is that the only strength of speeders is speed. When encountering an enemy that can’t be beaten, there is no need to consider any other plan. The only thing that speeders have to do is run, run continuously, and speed up , And then the enemies that could not be beaten can be defeated.

Over time, this cliff has become a place where Barry often comes, not only to challenge himself, but also to be a harbor where the soul evades.

Very few other people come here. After all, this is a suburb. There is no road and it is difficult to get in without driving. Except for speeders like Barry who can come in an instant, other people want to enter here. I am afraid that they have to cross the jungle for half a day.

Whenever he encounters something annoying and has nowhere to tell, Barry will hide here when he can't even tell.

His friends also gradually realized this. . No one chased him to disturb him.

So, throwing the tracker here temporarily, absolutely no one will find anomalies.

The next moment, the tracker took off from Barry's hand and flew into a tree hole with a very precise, thick hay leaf. It seemed to be a place that had already been prepared.

The blue and red lightning seemed to stop for a moment, then immediately ejected again, and turned around, toward the deeper part of the suburban forest. . Gallop away.

At the same time, Sisko of the cutting-edge laboratory did not notice the problem~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only Alice was still full of worries, but it was only for the abnormality of Barry.

No one noticed that the tracker had actually left Barry, and the regular data that was constantly being sent back at this time were just some presets. . False data only.

. . .

The blue and red flashing lightning is still galloping in the forest, no matter where Barry's destination is, with his speed, it is difficult for him to run for a long time.

In about ten seconds, the lightning in the forest suddenly stopped, and then Barry's figure stopped in front of a building that appeared to be a scrap factory.


The door was opened, and as Barry used his quick power to add a small amount of electricity to the accumulator, a gentle and mechanical sound emerged.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Barry Allen."

"You too, Jarvis."

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