High Magic Earth

Chapter 1652: I am the node title

"Mum! Mum! Mum!"

The headlights inside the abandoned factory are lit up one by one, exposing the complex internal space inside.

It looks like a completely abandoned factory on the outside, but the things inside are basically brand new instruments.

Although it is far away from the room of the cutting-edge laboratory because of the structure and structure, a closer look will reveal that these single instruments are basically the top of the line, even in many low-end experimental fields. The cutting-edge experimental device, even non-professional personnel, cannot even be controlled.

Obviously, it is Jarvis who controls all of this, as an artificial intelligence that can assist Tony Stark to become Iron Man. It is still very easy to replace some researchers.

As for whether the thief will be stole into the contents. . Jarvis may be able to contact Dobari directly.

Barry Allen is the fastest person in the world. Any corner under his feet may be reached within ten minutes at most.

What's more, Jarvis is not without resistance. .


Some kind of soft noise appeared behind Barry, listening to a familiar voice, and he didn't even need to look back to know who was coming. . Or what is it.

"How is the result?"

Barry took off the Flashman's hood, and then casually flicked it to an experimental table next to it.

"Bad news, the first 362 failed."

"Good news, we are one step closer to success."

The empty, electronically synthesized sound appeared behind Barry, but unlike the original greeting from Jarvis, the sound seemed more empty, even seeming to echo with a metallic texture.

Because Barry looked back, he saw a metal man with the same tone as him, even with a similar style of painting, standing not far away.

iron Man.

Or, steel armor.

"Mr. Allen, this is experimental data."

But obviously the inside of this steel armor is not Tony Stark, because the armor stepped forward, opened his palms, and countless streamers projected, and then formed a virtual near Bari and the steel armor. screen.

There is a lot of data flowing on the screen, including some charts and patterns.

But Barry didn't read the data for the first time, but looked at the steel suit.

"Is it okay?"

He asked.

"You look like you can't hold it anymore."

The golden-red steel armor is the original steel armor, but it looks very worn. Not only is there a large black mark on the surface, but even some places have been scattered and damaged, many of the lines and parts are Exposed.

This is exactly the steel suit that Stark originally wore, but it seems to have not been properly maintained.

"Alright, Mr. Allen."


The mask of the armor bounced off, revealing the empty interior.

"You know, steel and metal have no pain."

"I do not have either."

Obviously, it wasn't Stark who controlled the steel suit, but someone else, Jarvis.

As an assistant to Iron Man, Jarvis naturally has the authority to control the suit, and may not have all the authority. Some weapon functions may require Stark’s authorization and unlocking, but most of the functions can still be accessed by Jarvis. of.

Even if it couldn't, with Barry's help during this time, it also cracked some of the permissions.

Artificial intelligence cannot break through its own codes and permissions, but people can, for example, Barry Allen.

But Rao is so. There are some core places in the steel armor that the two can’t touch. For example, the weapon system, which was one of the core permissions set by Stark at the time. Defensive system of steel armor. . Turn on automatic counterattack.

The same is true for the repair of the armor. This kind of core contact authority involving the armor itself is very high. Even with the help of Barry, Jarvis can’t break through and must be authorized by Stark.

Therefore, even if Jarvis has the core data and manufacturing process of the armor, it cannot be manufactured on a large scale. . Not even repairing itself completely.

You can only repair some unimportant armor damage, and maintain the damage rate and completeness within a broad range.

And Stark's authorization. . That is obviously no longer.

Barry's mouth forced a smile.

"I got Jarvis... put the mask down."

"You know, looking at an empty armor feels weird, just like being at a ghost film scene."

"As you wish, Mr. Allen."

Jarvis put down the veil of the steel suit and took a step back, standing in front of the virtual screen of data.

Barry's face is not pretty.

He didn't really think that the unmanned steel suit was like a ghost piece prop, he just. .

Death, cruelty, attack, that feeling of powerlessness, suffocation. .

Yes, every time Barry saw the burnt marks and the damaged appearance on the armor, he would think of the things before Stark's death. They were like nightmares that could not be shaken, and they were entangled with him every moment. A little bit tightened his throat, a little bit squeezed out the last trace of air in his lungs.

Barry and Stark are very similar, not referring to cleverness, ability, or age appearance, but they are very vulnerable.

Mental fragility.

They are all the kind of heroes who take the heart. The suffering they do not come from the actual pain or the emotional torture, but the torture of the soul.

Or anxiety, or regret, or confused. .

Obviously, after going through that journey to a different world, coupled with Stark's death, Barry Allen, who was not firm in heart, was undoubtedly lost in confusion.

Feelings of powerlessness and confusion surrounded him, making him unwilling to think of that bad memory.

There are many heroes with a firm heart, the most representative of which is Captain America, and even Gotham’s cup noodles have no conviction.

In any case, Captain America has always run through the justice in his heart, not being shaken by external justice or other things, he always upholds his own heart.

Maybe when he has a mistake, he will give up immediately after discovering everything and make a recovery, but whether it is wrong or correct, his belief will not be shaken.

This is also his greatness, very few people. . Able to have such a firm heart like him.

Although the dark knight is also firm in heart, he is swaying, and he needs to abide by himself and not fall into darkness without assimilation by Gotham's great quagmire.

So he is reflecting on himself every moment and keeping his creed. . In fact, it is not as firm as the captain.

Because his purpose is not to believe in himself, but to ensure that he does not fall into darkness.

Of course, there are naturally many fragile guys, such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, etc. . But a guy like Barry who is prone to doubt his life frequently is a typical example.

Fortunately, most of the time he can walk out of the trough of his own soul, which is also a characteristic of him.

Looking away, Barry soon stopped thinking about those unpleasant memories, but began to read the experimental data parameters in front of him.

"The spectral frequency seems to be a bit low..."

"Much lower than the previous few times."

Barry's reading speed is very fast, after all, there is a swift power, and the faint blue current in his eyes flashes, and he has already shown the whole data.

And as a genius who is a smart person, Barry looked at the data without any pressure.

At the beginning, he was proficient in the disciplines of crime scene forensics, such as fluid mechanics, the identification of various chemical residues and so on.

But as a Flashman, after entering the cutting-edge laboratory, he began to learn and contact power, theory of relativity, a brief history of time and the like.

After all, the unscientific power is also famous in the superhero world.

The data on the virtual screen is now some analysis of wormholes and nodes, so Barry doesn’t seem to have much difficulty.

Even Sisko and others do not know that Barry has now surpassed them and surpassed the average researcher after a while to supplement the knowledge related to wormholes and time nodes.

But of course, in addition to solid knowledge and massive reserves, scientific research is more important than inspiration. Without that one-hundred percent inspiration, there will be no leapfrog progress.

As it happens, Sisko is a very inspirational guy.

"Maybe it's because of particle wear on our trap."

The Jarvis next to him seemed to want to control the steel armor to make a shrug. . Unfortunately, it was not successful.

Barry was silent.

Although Jarvis can't break through many permissions, it is only the core technology of steel armor and the permissions for loading and using weapons. In addition, it is still a powerful artificial intelligence.

At this time, apart from Gideon, there is no second strong artificial intelligence like Jarvis in the world.

And what happens when a powerful artificial intelligence is combined with a talented scientist or even a scientist who has the fastest superhero in the world.

There are already examples of specific situations.

It was Tony Stark.

Although Barry Allen cannot create a multinational company with Jarvis, it is still very easy and simple to get some funds.

Otherwise, this factory seems to be worn, but the things inside are not cheap. How come these experimental machines are at the level of tens of millions of dollars.

But Rao is the case. Some of the secret equipment for repairing the steel armor is also unaffordable, so it means that even if Jarvis's authority is breached, it is not that simple to repair it completely.

The optical particle detection equipment is a very expensive instrument with a high consumption rate.

"I will find a way to get another one."

Barry said quietly after a moment of silence.

Jarvis seemed to fall into silence.

After a pause of about two or three seconds, Jarvis said with a slight worry in his voice, "Mr. Allen, your condition seems to be a bit... something is wrong."

Barry froze, but then said.

"I'm very good."

"Sir also often said that I am fine."

"But he was not good at all, lack of sleep, irregular diet and disordered life."

Jarvis began to chatter about the number of Stark’s, but after a few seconds, Jarvis’s metallic voice suddenly stopped, and when it appeared again, he had turned the topic bluntly. In the past.

"You are the same, Mr. Allen."

"I have seen this kind of situation in your husband. When he was very anxious at that time, it was actually a manifestation of anxiety..."

"I am not Stark."

Barry suddenly interrupted Jarvis stiffly.

One person and one machine stopped there at the same time, and the atmosphere seemed somewhat silent.

After a while, Barry whispered.

"Sorry, I mean... I'm fine, I'm fine."

Jarvis seemed a little low.

"You always do."

Barry apparently didn't think about getting entangled in this topic any more. He flipped the projection off the virtual screen and said again.

"Let's do this data capture."


As his words fell, countless motor units began to rotate, a gap not far from the ground suddenly cracked, and then a laboratory door hidden under the ground was slowly opened.

"The runway is clean and ready."

"Road detection safety."

"Test preparation is starting."

Similarly, once entering the formal working stage, Jarvis has become serious. After all, it is still only an artificial intelligence. It is its purpose to cooperate with work and experiments.


Under the ground, there is not a huge annular space, or, to be more precise, this is a huge underground track, and who is preparing for the track, naturally there is no need to doubt.


The faint blue light flashed in Barry's eyes, and the next moment, he had disappeared from his original position, and then came to this underground space.

"The first three hundred and thirty-three experimental data collection, ready to start."

He said.

"Okay, Mr. Allen."

Jarvis, above, responded at the same time, and then began to count down.

"Ten seconds before the experiment started."






The next moment, just when Jarvis's last number stopped, even within a microsecond, Barry's figure had completely disappeared.

He doesn't seem to need acceleration~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or the entire acceleration process is too fast to catch, and then turns into a red and blue lightning, and in an instant, it rotates continuously in this underground ring circuit.

One lap, two laps, three laps. .

He seemed to be able to determine his position at first, but as Barry continued to accelerate, the blue lightning had been seen throughout the ring circuit. The start and end of the lightning had completely disappeared and merged with the lightning itself.

The faint blue flashes gradually condensed into substance. In this underground space, lightning and thunder, and bursts of whirlwinds also began to emerge gradually, but they were temporarily prepared by Jarvis to control reverse convection above. Suppressed.

Just looking at the blue lightning that is still skyrocketing, it seems that the bellows above and various auxiliary instruments will not last long.

But it does not seem to take too long, because in the next moment, a small black spot slowly began to slowly gather in a corner of the track, and then gradually became. . More and more clear.

This is the node. 2k reading network

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