High Magic Earth

Chapter 1657: Secretly observe the title Jun

Read the mind, fix yourself, fly, predict the future unreliably, and avoid the fierceness of the times. . There are even blessings and archery,

Although these abilities are only a part of the fairy, and Nancy may not be able to fully exert it to the extent that the real fairies are, it was enough for the origin conference at the time.

Nancy can be said to be abducted by Mianlongkeng to go to the Wolf of Wall Street to flee for funds, to the Black Hawk to fall to Fleece for arms, to the Washington Conference for Fleece for talent rights. . Ah no, going south and going north directly opened the pattern for the origin meeting.

Then, after everything was prepared, Mianlong took their backbone to enter the world that had been coveted for a long time, unreservedly showed all their strength, defeated the protagonists and villains, and grabbed the key formula of synthetic potions. With materials.

With the synthetic potions, the origin meeting began to take off completely, and a Harry Potter world that had not yet entered other free people was selected to be blocked and used as their base camp and stronghold.

Although Nancy has the petite peculiarity of Asian girls, and she has shrunk a few times again under the influence of goblin blood, she is an out-and-out senior free man.

Not only is he well-informed, but his strength is only high.

Half-elves do have talents, but it's not that they only have talents. Give a chestnut. This chestnut is still Professor Felius Flivi.

In fact, his professor title has it all.

Nancy is magical, and is basically the kind of magical city. Not only does the magic level exceed the professors of Hogwarts, but the blood of the half-elf also makes her only high in magic.

The only few people behind is probably Dumbledore, whose storyline is more open, and Tom Riddle, the descendant of Gunter, and the descendant of Salazar Slytherin, whose origins are more biased towards killing magic and magic reserves.

Nancy, who has extraordinary talents, has a starting point higher than everyone else, with her superb magic, even if she is not a battle sequence in the origin meeting, but her combat power is still one of the best.

In addition to the rich shuttle experience, she was able to stand alone in the origin meeting.

So it will be sent here, this world. . Come bring new people.

Yes, newcomer, that Toby.

Just like the problem faced by every free person organization, the origin meeting is also facing this problem, that is, as the number of free people increases, the composition of personnel becomes more and more chaotic and complicated, and the most important. . It is also the quality that has become uneven.

It is not ruled out that when the number of free people is scarce, everyone feels special and stands out among all the living beings, destined to have special places, so they are more serious and have a sense of mission. I don’t think I’m so valuable, I don’t think it’s a mission. . More like an extraordinary profession.

But more, because of the increase in the base, a large number of mixed fish and dragons have also been screened in.

For example, this Toby, he was not a good person before entering the source world, but of course, he was not directly purified by La Nina, which also shows that he is not an absolutely bad person.

Nancy read his heart, he can be attributed to the kind of rogue gangsters who dare not do big things and keep doing little things.

He wouldn’t dare to let him rob the bank, but let him blackmail in the alley, and he had no pressure on those weak people to start and yell at them.

When he was in school before, he was the representative of the school bully, the kind of bullying others, the campus bully, the scumbag, the bully and the famous rogue and so on.

Just like a greedy stray dog, he will go where he has the advantage, go to various parties, eat and drink, and even pick up those poor girls who are drunk, his best memory is a certain The exchange student who was an academic year was thrown out by the school.

Because what he went to at the time was that he could only be regarded as a medium in his original country, but there was a handsome guy who cheated a lot of easygirls, and he even changed nearly one hundred within a year.

There is no need to spend your own money every day. There are subsidies and easygirl support. The girls around me keep changing, and the exchange is not only a loss, but also a lot of money.

That year was almost like heaven, so he was very impressed with easygirl. When he saw Nancy, she stared at her.

This is a typical scum, but no matter how bad he is, he was selected by the source, pulled into the world of the source, and awakened the origin of the bloodline.

That would naturally qualify to join the origin conference.

Perhaps those large organizations, such as research institutes, may still be able to pick and choose. The unqualified free people may not even look down on them, and they cannot be reused, but the origin conference does not have so many options.

Because the conditions for originating the meeting itself are very harsh, it must have a traceable blood line, and this blood line can also be successfully activated.

There were not many people who were eligible to join the conference. If you pick and choose. . Then no one is there.

But Nancy really felt that she should recommend Mianlong, even if she didn't add people, don't choose those bad people to come in, because she felt that it was not the same as a guy like Toby to join in. It was even better not to have him. It may be less than successful.

but. . Let’s take a look at this one for a while. If it’s not as smooth as she thinks, then Nancy will really put her own opinions to Mianlong and clean up those guys.

The Origin Conference is not unique to the Mianlong family.

Because of the domestic blockade of several small and medium-sized organizations that betrayed from the two major organizations of the research institute, most people in the country can not get out, so many free people who are active outside are mostly Americans and Europeans. And then there is the sporadic existence of Japan and small African countries.

These people are obviously full of free thoughts, no matter what they think in their hearts, at least on the surface they prefer to be free and loose. . Freedom is their slogan.

Therefore, apart from the two major organizations of the Academy, the vast majority of privately established small and medium-sized secret organizations are basically structured as a conference system, and no one can decide anything in one word.

Although the chairperson does have this right, this is to avoid the situation where there is no principal in an emergency and everyone is hesitant, but it is easy for other people to oppose it, as long as everyone votes together.

Conference system, voting. . In fact, it is basically *lord.

So if a guy like Toby is really just a bad guy who doesn’t do anything, not only doesn’t help his companions, and even takes advantage of the opportunity, and can only make things worse, then others will inevitably vote against it.

They themselves are not puppets who do not know anything. Under the opposition of all the members, don’t say that Mianlong wouldn’t be able to pull people. I’m afraid Mianlong itself will not bring these waste scum into it, after all. Mianlong is not stupid.

not to mention. .

His eyes fell on where Toby left, and Nancy's **** gem-like eyes blinked, maybe they weren't useless when they were dragged in. .

As the chairman of the origin conference, Mianlong is not a white lotus and a little milk dog. He is also an old sly and cunning guy, although he looks like a young man. . But he originated from the dragon's bloodline, and even Nancy couldn't tell how old he was. He was really so young.

After all, Mianlong wouldn't think about it himself, who would be fine every day thinking how old he was.

But Nancy, who has been working with Mianlong and others for the longest time, is very clear that she should not underestimate this seemingly kind young man.

His heart is dark.

Nancy feels that he is very similar to Magneto, or that it is a combination of Magneto and Professor X, and is the one that mixes the advantages of Professor X and Magneto and shields most of the shortcomings.

He is similar to Magneto in terms of race and goals.

In the eyes of Mianlong, people are also regarded as three, six, nine, etc., but it is not that ordinary people like the Magneto must die and must be killed. They are only of different importance. It is undoubtedly that the free blood of the origin is activated It is the most important thing in Mianlong eyes, followed by ordinary free people, and then, ordinary people.

Although he can't do things like kill ordinary people and create a better future for his companions, but if he is allowed to choose from ordinary people and free people who activated the origin of the bloodstream at the juncture of crisis, there is no need to hesitate, It must be the latter.

And the most important thing in Mianlongyan is the origin meeting itself.

The Origin Conference brings together all the wizards, demigod descendants, and other special beings that have activated the origin of the bloodline.

They are not just tracing the origins of more ancient times, more, they are all relying on each other to help each other in groups, like a big family.

This is also the purpose of most of the existing free people's organizations. There is no utilitarian heart, everyone is just helping each other, just like the Sisters of Witches.

But now as more and more people appear, the water becomes muddy and utilitarian.

What Mianlong wanted to do was just try to make the origin meeting better. . That's all.

Therefore, he is very similar to Magneto, and he is very radical, but he is not as radical as Magneto. Magneto treats all ordinary people as enemies, but Mianlong is not.

The same thing is that Magneto tries to build a mutant empire, so that all mutants can live freely under the blue sky. Although Mianlong is not planning to build any Mianlong empire, but also wants to protect his companions, those who activate Companions of the origin of blood.

This is in terms of goal and racial consciousness, he is very much like Magneto.

In character, he is very similar to Professor X.

Although Mianlong has extremely powerful power, it can even be said that in the early days, he alone supported the entire origin conference, but he was a person who did not approve of the use of violence.

Like Superman, he knows he has great power, so he is very restrained, and like the night knight of Gotham, he is afraid that once the killing ring is opened, he will no longer be able to keep his heart and fight with him all the year round. The darkness becomes one of them.

Of course, this is just an exaggeration, because Mianlong's power is definitely nowhere near that of Superman. . The difference is far away, but Rao is so in the free man, his strength also decided to belong to the top handful.

He is a dragon.

Regardless of the world, most dragons are top-notch in their settings.

Although Mianlong and Nancy are both free men who activated the origin of the bloodline, even though Mianlong may have more world experiences than Nancy, the strength of the two is fundamentally different.

Even if they don't show their own bodies, Nancy's magic is hard to hurt Mianlong, because dragons are magically resistant.

Most of the dragon scales are not only top-notch physical defense, but magic is also immune to most. The immunity of the dragon scale of the sleeping dragon is even higher than that of the night walker dragon Ken. Even if it is cut in human form, it will be enough to resist including Most magic including death curse.

Ordinary sorcerer’s spells are useless to him, not even against the sorcerer. The vampire’s teeth can’t break his skin, and the werewolf’s claws can’t catch the meat. Even the bullet hit him. The flames and lightning from the capable person could only burn his skin black.

This guy is simply a humanoid weapon, and this terrifying defense force has already stood at the top of the combat power.

Even the defense can't penetrate, what else to fight.

In addition, Mianlong is also magical. Harry Potter magic is not only a kind of universal magic. It can be learned by anyone very quickly, and it is especially suitable for them. After all, the wizard of that world is essentially a combination of magical creatures and people. The descendants born, but did not activate the origin of the bloodline, only to obtain the bloodline power from the magic creature.

And magic is not effective for Mianlong, it does not mean that it is invalid for Nancy. In this kind of magical shooting like Star Wars, Nancy’s magic on Mianlong has no effect at all, but Mianlong’s magic is on Nancy. But it still works, so what will the result be. . It is self-evident.

Even if you don’t use the power blessed by other dragons~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The magic level of Mianlong is also first-rate, not to mention, in addition to the defense power brought by dragon scales, it is still strength, speed, regeneration, and responsiveness. and many more. .

His strength is indeed the best among the free people, not to mention the world, even if there is not much threat to his existence in the second world, basically they are the top gangsters, that is to say , Mianlong's power has reached a certain peak, looking up, that is, the existence of the strongest.

This is what Yi Chou is pursuing.

Of course, although Mianlong is very strong, it is still far away from Yi Chou, but this gap is not important before reaching the truly top level.

Because in the eyes of those extremes of the multiverse, it is just the difference between a strong ants and skinny ants.

but. . Despite such a strong power, Mianlong is like a professor X, and is a moderate.

He never tried to suppress everything with absolute force. . He also realized that this was not desirable.

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