High Magic Earth

Chapter 1658: Same in the world

Because unless his strength is really capable of crushing everything absolutely, there will be problems eventually, and Mianlong's strength is enough to suppress everything, he is strong, but not to that extent, he is not enough, far enough .

Just like Professor X, many mutants think he is a traitor, because Professor X can obviously use the terrifying mind control ability to make the mutants live better, but has not done so.

but. . Did Professor X really think about this possibility? Obviously, this method is not desirable, so Professor X didn't start.

Mianlong is the same

But Professor X did feel a little softer, maybe it is a good old man who needs to be a mutant for a long time, and Professor X has been kind enough.

Mian Long did not. He was not as Madonna as Professor X. If necessary, he still did not mind a casual guest appearance.

Therefore, Mianlong can be said to have blended the advantages of Professor X and Magneto, but shielded their shortcomings.

Only such a sleeping dragon can support such a secret meeting of origin.

Having strong strength but not blindly radical, while remaining aggressive while still not aggressive, gentle but not benevolently overdone, it is very important to see the origin meeting, but it will not lose reason to blind eyes.

How could such a sleeping dragon really be able to let these scums come in at will.

Think carefully. . Nancy thought Mianlong might have his own ideas.

After all, it was an old partner, and Nancy quickly found a gang and kidnapped. . Ah no, the tacit understanding when going south.

Blinking her big cartoonish eyes that were not human-like, Nancy stared at the place where Toby left, and an interesting expression appeared in her dark pupil.

cannon fodder. .

So, keep watching.

The charm from the little fairy and the animal affinity quickly called back the little triceratops who were seriously frightened, and then in the pumping of Nancy’s eyes, they made a moo-like sound like a calf, Walking very cheerfully with little hoofs on his limbs, he soon ate a full meal below.

Then with the last handful of food, Nancy clapped her hands and stood up.

But at the same time, a business executive who didn’t know from which work area was wandering around and was walking around idly, or at least a middle-aged man who was also a management of the laboratory, suddenly saw Nancy standing up, and then His eyes light up.


Nancy heard the footsteps approaching quickly behind her.

"Come with me, there is a shortage of manpower there."

The voice of this middle-aged white man sounds very gentle, and it seems to have some kind of majesty, looks not ugly, and with his eyes, like a serious research team leader, the kind who only knows the research and is very harmless Species.

But Nancy felt in a moment the rich and unwilling intentions hidden deep under his eyes.


Nancy asked quietly, still carrying the unique weakness of Asian girls.

"Warehouse No. 2... There is a lack of statistical materials for some people."

The white supervisor thought for a while, and gave an answer without much hesitation. He looked indifferent, and didn't seem to think that there was any problem with his answer, as if it was really just an ordinary temporary job transfer.

And he can't help but start to lead the way ahead, and the direction is also the second warehouse.

but. . Nancy could see the terrible desire deep inside him.


Warehouse No. 2 has no materials to be moved and counted at all, and no one is there at all, only some terrible memories between the dark shelves.

Supervisor, girls at the bottom of the laboratory, unmanned warehouse, dark corners. . What happened next is too easy to guess.

. . In fact, this scumbag director can not cheat the girl by relying on coercive means and coercion, but more of the temptation.

Because even if he is a small supervisor who is not in a low position, he can't take care of those complaints, and even these are still responsible for breaking the law.

Even if he is the president of the United States, he can’t take it for granted. He has never heard of the president and can use his power to arbitrarily girl. Even if there is, he can’t be exposed. Once exposed, it’s over.

But in fact, there is no need to use such low-level and inferior means. After all, he is also a slightly powerful supervisor.

For these girls who want to climb up but suffer from no chance, even if it is just a false promise that may never be realized, it may make them give up resistance.

But it can be confirmed. . The main reason he came here this time was not because of Nancy’s identity as an Asian, because through reading her mind, Nancy saw that this guy could not say that she was completely picky about girls.

Ignore the age and the race, as long as you have a slight appearance. . He may have been harassed by him, of course, because he is only a small supervisor who can prestige at the level of low-level experimenters, and he can't even meet the women who have been working for several years and have risen.

The harassment of this guy is basically a female college student who has not entered the laboratory for a long time, is doing basic work, and has even graduated.

And it can’t be the type of tyrants and geniuses. Geniuses are very arrogant. Don’t agree with him. It’s the most likely thing to report him smoothly. After all, no woman can treat such a person. Goodwill, unless both are purely interest exchanges.

What's more, even if these geniuses just entered the laboratory, they participated in those core projects, and he didn't even have the right to enter the relevant experimental work area. . Genius is a genius, unlike mortals.

Asian, Japanese, Korean, English and French girls from Europe, even blonde stupid girls in the United States, this guy is not picky anyway.

In addition to being relatively conservative among girls in several Asian countries, girls from other countries are very open, and they don’t think there is anything like this.

And after being pushed halfway, the sporadic Asian people still hold the thought of calming down and calming down. . So he did not dare to force the local and European girls, but he dare to treat Asians harder, and may see more girls who exchange interests. Occasionally, it is good to change the taste. He also likes Asians more.

Of course, as an old fried dough stick mixed with his supervisor, he still has reason. He does not pick Asians everywhere like a real criminal, but he will be very excited when he meets Asians.

In other words, he used the poor company rights in his hands to unsuccessfully rule another scum of those girls.

It's just that the International Gene Technology Corporation is a huge multinational group, even a small executive has many rights, and even each work zone may have thousands of people, more girls are exposed, and there are more opportunities for success. .

In essence, there is no difference from those scumbags with unspoken rules in the workplace.

He was so excited that he seemed to be brisk even a few feet, but Nancy who was walking behind was very angry.

Nancy used to be a native of the country. In addition to traveling a few times, even responding to school activities in high school, she spent a lot of money to participate in international exchange students activities, but it was only a small coastal city in the United States. The whole semester, I ran back in advance.

She is not familiar with foreign countries.

However, after she became a free man, she noticed that the domestic population was obviously much larger than that of foreign countries. . This forced her to leave the country and go to the United States. . Has lived a long time.

Before coming to the United States, Nancy had heard that the treatment of Asian Americans in the United States was not friendly. . But she hasn't quite believed that this is just a rumor.

She hasn't been to the United States, how can it be so exaggerated.

But in fact, she didn't find out until she stayed for a while. . This is no exaggeration.

Even just during the period when she first began to hide and live in the United States, she encountered several unscrupulous robberies before and after. After seeing her, she had other thoughts.

This is just the most basic danger. Even a group of local black-handed people found out that she didn't seem to have many friends and social interactions to play. She didn't go to work. After she was alone, she felt a bit better. They even planned to occupy her for a long time.

Including her house, her finances, and Nancy herself.

What disappointed Nancy the most was that even the police were full of malice. Once again, she was stopped by the police when she drove back late. She thought it was just an ordinary inspection, but the result was no inspection at all. The two policemen tried to press her directly. The back cover of the car.

What a crazy country.

Of course, it may also be related to living in a relatively chaotic neighborhood. After all, she has to continue to hide even when she comes to the United States. She can only live in a place where stowaways and fish and dragons are mixed.

Later, Nancy discovered that, in fact, it was not just for Asians. This neighborhood, even this country, except those rich people, as well as those bright and beautiful big cities, commercial cities, and other places, the crime rate is very high. .

Even the bright and beautiful commercial cities are also very dangerous, because they may not have any thieves or small robbers because of good security, but when something happens, it is big, such as an attack.

The crime rate here is already high, and any crazy thing can happen.

However, because the Asian personality tends to be calm, and does not rely on credit cards to live like other people, they prefer to save money as a reason for savings. . The accident rate of Asians is indeed higher.

And a girl who lives alone like Nancy is just a 300 gold coin that will go away. . Ah no, fat.

And it is not just a matter of these conventional crimes. If Nancy goes to find a job, she may be subject to a lot of harassment and unspoken rules in the workplace. . No matter whether Nancy is in a high position, unless she is the tallest person.

This is the kingdom of capital.

Just like now.

"My name is Norman Toman and I am the general manager of the seven districts."

At this time, the middle-aged man who led the way briskly in the front, the supervisor Norman, had begun to pretend to be inadvertently introducing what they were busy with.

"Incubator No. 3 has bred a group of small sabertooth dragons... they were born at 3:18 yesterday afternoon, you know, this group of little guys are very edible, and our entire work area is busy with them. Now."

Norman's voice sounded very gentle, and with a trace of orderly majesty in the gentleness, it seemed that the whole person was like a rigorous and not harsh kind boss.

If it wasn’t for Nancy to have read out who he was, I’m afraid he was really deceived by his appearance, thinking he was a good person, as if that *status* devil was not him.

At this time, Norman was very proud, because no intern can refuse such an opportunity, I am afraid that soon a small dog will get it.

Areas 7 to 20 are living areas, of course not the life of the person in charge, but the life of the dinosaurs, including the care after the initial incubation, the cultivation of the growth period, and the tracking observation after entering the natural environment.

Of course, most of the bottom-level staff cannot directly contact the growing dinosaurs. Although dinosaurs are not expensive, after all, international gene technology companies have established islands in the Jurassic theme park, and the dinosaurs will be cultivated. Put it back to nature, and even let them form the food chain by themselves.

But people are cheaper.

The same are the bottom-level personnel who care for dinosaurs. Those with professional animal care experience are not much more expensive than pure layman's wages. For a large multinational group, they can't even get a fraction.

So those college students who can’t do anything even if they are related majors, but because they have no experience, they can only do clerical work and chores. . This point is very similar all over the world.

But joining the international gene technology company, except for the high salary, who is not for the dinosaurs, every bottom-level intern wants to contact the dinosaurs.

In addition to the love of this extinct creature, it is also because any job that comes into direct contact with dinosaurs, whether it is a salary increase or a promotion, is faster.

So Norman seems to be explaining the work, but in fact he is inadvertently showing his ability. He has the ability to let people directly contact the newborn dinosaurs. . It's true to follow him.

Mengmeng's little dinosaurs and promotion and salary increase, which most women can't resist, his hint is also easy to understand. . Even if there is a small part of the idiot who can't understand it, but he explained it one step in advance, and he should make an impression and explain it in the warehouse.

Nancy is also a free man with several experiences in the world of the origin. Her rich experience is a bit of work, and she naturally understands it.

She followed behind Norman, looking like she didn't know anything. . But the power from the goblin made her easily see the eyes of the people around her.

Many people are secretly watching here, and their eyes are weird. It seems that this Norman director is still a celebrity, and many people should know this kind of unspoken thing.

Most white girls' expressions haven't changed much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seems to have become accustomed to it, a few girls of other descents are inexplicable, some seem to say something, and some are indifferent. . There are even some jealous, tf? !

Then Nancy saw the only other Asian girl in the district where she was. She seemed inexplicably looking for something to remind, but noticed Nancy's eyes and finally dropped her head in a panic.

Not surprisingly, Nancy shrugged inwardly.

In comparison, she was even more amazed by the guy who led the way ahead. How many girls had been harmed by this girl. Just this way, at least a half of the girls in the work area had their eyes changed.

Of course, it may also be related to the work area where Nancy is. . Because this is one of the newly established temporary dinosaur cultivation rooms, many girls who are suitable for careful care have been temporarily transferred here. Nancy is still feeding those stupid little triceratops just now.

But anyway, seeing this guy's record so amazing, Nancy had already planned to turn the little surprise he had just prepared for him into a memorable one. . Memories.

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