High Magic Earth

Chapter 1662: Even if you starve to death, you won't get 1 more work. .

Stealth is also not a high-end thing for the little fairy. Nancy’s bloodline is born with this invisible talent, as long as she really activates the power in her bloodline. . That is to trace the origin, you can enter the invisible state at any time.

Even in the magic of Harry Potter, the phantom body mantra is not a high-end mantra. You can learn directly from the first and second grades.

Of course, the fairy's talent stealth is much better than the phantom body.

As for why she danced and sang songs along the way, and the pace was so cheerful, it was not because she likes to sing and dance. . Nancy didn't expect these two skills to reach the depths to be able to embarrass Ronan.

This is also the fairy's own talent. It is probably like the charming face of Meiwa. It is like a passive skill that is not a talent. Even if you don't want it, you can't get rid of it.

That's why the little fairies in fairy tales always love to sing and dance. When there is nothing wrong, they come to the last moment to force Guerra down to the Indian opera.

And the twinkling starlights scattered like stars in her hands are the real magic possessed by the fairies.

That is a dream.

Can weave to give people a beautiful dream.

Norman's nightmare.

. . .

At the same time, a man in the fifth working area who was wiping the test tube down suddenly raised his head, as if he had noticed something, and then sniffed it gently.

It came from the work area next door. . It’s Nancy’s guy.

But unfortunately, at this time there happened to be a lady who smelled like a scent, and hurriedly stepped past him like a gust of wind. She was one of the permanent chief institutes in the fifth working area, Dr. Wembley .

Not only is she very beautiful and her body is hot, her attainments in the field of genetic engineering are also one-on-one, otherwise she cannot become the chief researcher, and her temper is as explosive as her body, her personality is very strong, and she even seems to stand alone.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be so rigorous in the laboratory, and even strictly prohibit the spraying of perfume and other work places can still make yourself full of fragrance.

This is the cold beauty of the five districts, the female tyrannosaurus, the thorny rose, and many people who covet her. . But none really got it.

Because at first there were some new low-level basic staff who thought she was a bully girl who was bullying and could take advantage of it. . Then, after several guys with discounted third legs were wailed and carried into the eight district hospital department, everyone realized that this girl had also learned taekwondo and free combat, and the number of segments was not low.

This is normal. A woman like her always has to learn something to protect herself.

It was very unfortunate that this man wasn't sniffing when Dr. Wembley had just walked by, as if he didn't know what to sniff like a dog.

The people next to him thought he was smelling the fragrance that Dr. Wembley passed by.

Fortunately, Dr. Wembley was in a hurry, maybe there was something urgent, but he didn't notice this, but Dr. Wembley didn't notice that a chubby colleague beside the man saw it.

With a glance at Dr. Wembley walking away without a shadow, the fat man dared to come up, hit the man with his shoulder, and then asked with a squeeze expression.

"Lito, Toad wants to eat swan meat."

This man who has not wiped the test tube is called Lito.

Unlike the Norman supervisor, who leaned on that pitiful right to coax the little girl everywhere, this man named Lito was very young and really handsome.

It's the kind of handsome guy who enters Hollywood, and maybe a good movie can instantly catch up and become the top ten list of the next out magazine.

His appearance is melancholy and strong, with a strong Brazilian style, deep eyes and eyes, and a straight and right nose bridge. Although the beard seems to be a bit lush, it does not bring any roughness to him. There was a kind of handsome and resolute knife.

This is a handsome brother from Spain.

His face value is really not low, so the toad just wanted to eat swan meat is not a malicious mockery, it is more like a joke between colleagues.

After all, this man and woman now. . It really depends on the face value.

Education is not important, salary is not important, as long as the face value is high enough, you will say two words to please women, even if you can’t be the object of a peaceful marriage, you can play a few friendship guns, anyway in the world. How honest.

The more intuitive expression is that Dr. Wembley is basically the same for everyone, and Lito is not the same. Even the two occasionally can say a few words while making coffee.

Many of his male colleagues are envious and jealous of Lito.

Lito apparently knew that his movements were a bit strange, but he could not say that he smelled the smell of Nancy when she released her magic, so she glared coldly at the fat man, using the Spanish-speaking speed Asked quickly.

"I can provoke or end the war, I can give you strength, make you a hero, or make you powerless. With a glance, I can be lured away, but nothing can force me to stay."

"What am I?"

The poor fat man was stunned, but apparently, Lito's habit of asking riddles was not the first time. . At least the fat man was not surprised to ask him a riddle.

But the riddle is not something you can guess. It requires talent. . And IQ, so the fat man replied somewhat hesitantly, "Yes...love?"

Lito didn't say a word, but at this time, there was another beautiful woman with a low face value, and also a colleague of the two. One also might have squeezed into the middle of the two without much time.

"It's time, you fool."

Fatty sorrowful.

Lito was also helpless and gave her a squint.

"But you are the most boring, Misha," he said.

Then his eyes turned again and fell on the fat man next to him.

"So, do you still plan to waste time here?"

The guy was thick-skinned and smiled, and then squeezed his expression at Lito again, "Then you won't disturb you and Misha."

"To tell me, Misha is the best match for you."

The female colleague who had just joined in, Misha, glared at the words and lifted the flask in her hand to make an impulsive action. Although everyone knows that it is only containing no concentration of salt water, but Still scared the fat man quickly slipped his legs.

Don't look at him, he seems a little fat, but his movements are very sensitive.

Because after all, this is a genetic laboratory. . Although it is known to be saline, the things in the genetic laboratory, no matter what, actually have certain risks.

Of course, Misha can't really splash out.

Without the dead fat man who was in trouble, the remaining two could finally talk normally. . Don't look at Lito's handsome appearance as an actor. Before entering the source world, he was really a gangster Hollywood, looking forward to the actor who was about to get the next Oscar.

But it is a pity that the style and appearance like him may be scattered throughout the United States, and the number may be a little scarce, and it may be considered a handsome one, but in Hollywood of the same kind, this kind of leather bag is really a big deal.

Even many stylists are not inferior to him. Actors who are older than him in acting skills and qualifications may be unhappy, until finally limping for life. . Actors are not so famous.

He has been in Hollywood for more than two years, but unfortunately he hasn't mixed up any famous ones, and he hasn't even received a famous TV series.

This situation is somewhat similar to Madison.

But without a chance, there is no chance. His basic skills must be very solid. A half-chaotic and half-chaotic conversation between men and women like this is just for him.

In a few words, Misha Jiao laughed again and again.

Lito is very popular with women in the laboratory, not without reason.

As for others. . For example, the fat man just now can only secretly envy, jealous and hate in his heart, should such a look and image go to Hollywood, why should he come to the laboratory where there is a shortage of beauty resources and rob them? The only chance of death.

Ahhh, it's really abominable.

Fortunately, now at work, the two of them even want to chatter forever. . That's impossible.

About half an hour later, Misha was carrying the beaker, and she was content to shake it back to her test bench again.

Yes, she left her place neither to make a cup of coffee nor to make a small cake. She had nothing at all, she just wanted to chat with Lito.

This is indeed a world that looks at the face.

After Misha left, Lito also sighed in relief.

He is not a person who is not good at talking with people. After all, he is an actor. Communicating with people is a basic skill. He is not indifferent. Gao Lengfan may try to transform after you become famous, but still maintain it before becoming famous. With the appearance of Gao Lengfan, then don't think of fame.

Lito is very cheerful, people who are mixed with Hollywood are like this, even if they are not cheerful, they must act like this.

He had no pressure in communicating with Misha. . It was this mission that really put him under pressure.

Coming to this world is naturally a task. Perhaps in the eyes of other companions, this task is just one thing that needs to be done smoothly. It is not worth paying attention to, not so important, but Lito is not.

Lito is Hispanic and he has the unique sensibility of the Spanish. . It's very easy to touch, even the kind of neurotic sensibility, and value family members.

Now his companions are his new family.

Although this was not his first collective action, Lito still appeared a little nervous. This was because he did not want to cause something to happen in the whole process because of his own reasons. . Thereby dragging down to companions.

He is not a serious person, even a little lazy, hispanic, people in these European countries like and are very good at enjoying life.

Born in the world only knows work, that is just playing a robot for fifty years, and even if it is just in a daze, it is also a biological experience of its own.

But this light sense of pressure and responsibility made him have to take everything seriously.

For example, this seemingly unimportant job. . Reagent debugging.

Unlike Nancy, who is a bottom-level staff, Lito's position is slightly higher and is an ordinary laboratory researcher. . assistant.

Every day's work is to replace those complicated mechanical processes that cannot be completed by machinery. . This process is a bit complicated, and it can be done by using machinery, but the cost is very high.

Very boring work.

But even so, he seemed to be in a hurry.

In the world of Harry Potter, his potion is very bad. It can be called another crucible destroyer. After moving to this genetic laboratory in the field of technology, it has not changed much.

For example now.

He is an actor, not to say that all actors must be uneducated, but not all actors have a high degree like a doctor.

Performance is also a skill. It takes time to study performances, and naturally it is weak in other places. . There are not so many geniuses in the world who are very young and can master several disciplines at the same time.

So this kind of assembly line debugging seems to be simple, but for Lito, it is still not so easy.

The most important thing is that he wasted nearly half an hour, and then may also waste the second half hour and the third half hour and so on. . This made his time a little nervous.

Although it's just the work of the general researcher assistant debugging the pharmacy, it seems that it is not so important, but the failure to complete the work may cause the boss's doubts and rebuke, which will lead to greater changes. . For example, this medicine is really urgent.

It may eventually affect the entire link. . So although it is only details, it is still very important.

Lito doesn’t want to have so many uncontrollable accidents. Accidents will only lead to more accidents, and then more accidents will add up, which will make things slide in an unpredictable direction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is not a A serious person, but his sense of responsibility allows him to take care of everything he is responsible for, regardless of whether this matter is really important for everyone or not.

Of course, in fact, international gene technology companies, as a large multinational group, are still dominated by crooked fruit guys, and they are all crooked nuts who are calling out every day *people*, so in theory, they will not, Don't squeeze the labor too much and drain the workload every day.

The eight-hour working time is actually more than enough, and the workload is not much. . It's completely enough to dry, and by the way, there is still time to make coffee, or even play a bridge.

After all, they are the end of the world in ice, snow, and snow. They are all over one hundred degrees below zero, and they have to maintain the magical species of eight-hour working system. .

But the problem is that for Lito, he still has his own things, such as investigating something, figuring out the route of a part of the work area, and where important genes and machinery are stored.

As a result, the time is a little nervous. 2k reading network

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