High Magic Earth

Chapter 1663: There must be a passage in the escape route

With a deep sigh, Lito lowered his head again, staring at his test bed.

He could not smell what was happening on Nancy's side now, but the faint traces of magic still lingered between his nose, telling him that it was not accidental or illusory.

The so-called traces that Lito refers to are not magic fluctuations, and Lito does not know any magic fluctuations. For him, the smell is a special kind of existence that can be distinguished, or unique traces and logos.

This is one of his talents and his instinct.

Just like the human sense of smell, magic has a taste in Lito’s five senses, different tastes, just like the smell of braised pork, even if you can’t smell what the meat is, you can guess it may It's a braised dish.

The same is true for Lito. Some magic may not be known to him, but he can also tell the rough. It is vague to judge which aspect of this magic may be biased, what role it has, or even more detailed or more vague. Tips and more.

But of course, as a magical means of her colleague Nancy, Nalito is absolutely familiar and can no longer be familiar, and he will never admit his mistake.

I just don't know what moths Nancy is doing there.

Because of the planned time, there is nothing to do with magic.

I hope there are no accidents that will affect the whole process.

Shaking his head, Lito picked up the reagent bottle on the experimental table again, while shaking it evenly, and according to another table with rules already set, he began to re-match.

The work in the laboratory is much more boring than performing, and the money is less.

. . .

Norman was in a hurry.

He wanted to tell himself not to be so panic, not so anxious, but calm. . Because the more you panic, the easier it is to attract unnecessary attention.

It seems that those dinosaurs still don't pay attention to themselves, but if they are attracted to their attention because of their different looks, or even exposed, it will be worthless.

but. . Again, Norman is just an ordinary person.

Even if he is in his forties, or even sits in the company management for more than ten years, he is still far from the real big guys, he is not even a *, you know, Norman is not even mixed To the top of the company.

He also has not experienced any agent training, anti-reconnaissance training and the like, he is a pure ordinary person.

Even if he has more than ten years of management experience, the so-called accumulation of the big winds and waves is probably not enough to keep him calm in this situation, calm and ice-cold from this group of dinosaurs. go out.

Not everyone has such a calm quality, and most people will be extremely panicked in the face of the danger of life and death.

Because this is not just from psychological pressure, in addition to psychological pressure, a greater part of the pressure comes from the instinct of biology.

Originated from genes.

This is a kind of repression from the genetic level, as if the mouse met the cat, and the insect met the spider, it is as if the natural enemy is the relationship, naturally born in the genetic level.

It is strange why dinosaurs are so sought after.

Those dinosaur lovers are even a little fanatic. . According to the known story, in the near future Jurassic World themed islands will once again have a large incident of dinosaurs hurting people. Not only is the island abandoned, but also International Gene Technology Corporation will collapse and evacuate across the board.

After all, everything about them comes from dinosaurs. Without dinosaurs, international gene technology companies are nothing.

About a few years later, the dinosaurs began to return to the wild state, while islands lacking artificial maintenance faced the threat of active volcano eruptions. . One of the possible reasons for the mass extinction of dinosaurs is about to reappear.

The humanity in the plot is divided into two attitudes, and the polarization is distinct.

Some of them think that dinosaurs should not be reproduced originally. Humans have disrupted the natural process and interfered with the original laws of the world, so now the best way is to do nothing, and still look at the dinosaurs. destruction.

The other part is to save the dinosaurs. Their reason is very simple. No matter whether the dinosaurs are extinct and recurring creatures, they cannot allow a species to perish in front of them.

Humans have lost hundreds of animals such as the Spyx macaw, West African black rhinoceros and so on. . Should we sit still and watch more animals die out?

The two factions laughed at each other and reprimanded each other.

The exterminators blamed the protectionists, who even thought it was the dinosaurs that needed protection, and they also intended to reintegrate them into the natural environment. . It's really interesting. The protectionists are blaming the genocide. They are interfering with the progress of human science and technology, just as stupid as those religious believers who burned to death.

And these protectionists are not as scattered as the genocide. They even set up their own protection organizations. .

The aim is to protect the dinosaurs, trying to rescue more dinosaurs from the deserted islands of the Jurassic world and prevent them from perishing again.

At first glance, this seems to be nothing strange.

After all, there is something for dogs and cats. . Even those who love hamsters, it seems not surprising that they love dinosaurs.

but. .

These dinosaur lovers seem to have too much mobility, as if they are fans, rather than enthusiasts.

Because dinosaurs are not creatures such as cats and dogs that are humanly dominant in size, they are far less harmless than cats and dogs and are close to humans. They are very dangerous.

These people don't care whether dinosaurs are dangerous or whether they can understand their minds. . They are willing to pay for dinosaurs or even be in danger.

In religion, this is what only fanatics will do.

More importantly, it is difficult to imagine the reason why dinosaurs are sought after. Cats and dogs still have their own cuteness and stickiness. What about dinosaurs?

. . Because the name sounds domineering?

Just because they were extinct on Earth, prehistoric creatures that ruled the planet for more than one era?

International gene technology companies with advanced technology in the field of genes, and other lost creatures that have been cloned and reawakened, are not without them, but no dinosaurs are so sought after. . This makes people wonder.

The dinosaurs were fierce, strong, fierce and terrifying, with huge bodies. . There is not much beauty, if you have to say that there is beauty from strength.

And human worship and enthusiasm for dinosaurs may not be because of visual appreciation, but may be derived from genetic instincts.

It's like the weak admiring the strong, like the abstract monsters on the ancient totem, like the inexplicable fear between natural enemies.

Weak meat and strong food have always been one of the most essential laws in the world.

Like fear, humans may feel some kind of inexplicable sense of worship in addition to fear and fear when facing monstrous giant beasts like dinosaurs. For the worship and attraction of power, they involuntarily approach it, even Is trying to get asylum.

This is not impossible.

Because this is the instinct of the genetic level. . It's just the instinct of genes.

Although genes are one of the most basic components of human beings and have a profound impact on humans, they cannot completely suppress a person's thinking and will.

There may be something in the genes that affects human attitudes toward dinosaurs, but humans will not fall into inexplicable fanatics as soon as they see dinosaurs. . Otherwise, on the first day of the recovery of dinosaurs by international gene technology companies, the world should be completely chaotic.

So in other words, because all of this has penetrated into the genes, perhaps human willpower can prevent him from escaping when he sees the Tyrannosaurus Rex. . But he couldn't stop his legs from trembling.

Because this is an instinct, humans can control their own thinking, but they cannot control every trace of muscles in their body. That is instinctively controlled.

Regarding humans and dinosaurs, what should the relationship between the modern and ancient earth overlords be?

It's just that most shareholders are dismissive of this. Some shareholders still find this kind of research very interesting, while others think it is purely nonsense, and it is of no use at all. It is a waste of time.

Fortunately, the international gene technology company has a big business, and the research on the subject is not a costly project. It is not a gene clinical trial that burns money, and the experiment team has left it. This topic has not been canceled.

In fact, whether there is any inexplicable influence at the genetic level, or simply curiosity and enthusiasm, it is beneficial to international gene technology companies.

If dinosaurs are not popular, then Jurassic World Theme Park will welcome such a huge throughput of tourists.

That way, at best it is just another zoo built on the island.

The same is true of fear.

Even if Norman tells himself to calm down, as long as he thinks of a group of dinosaurs around and around him, the instinctive fear of getting deep into the bone marrow and genes makes him unable to tremble some legs and feet, muscles on his face, or even the whole The body is trembling.

Naturally, his anomaly attracted the attention of many dinosaurs. . In fact, it is the mutual help from enthusiastic colleagues, most of them are dinosaurs coming or passing by.

Although he is indeed the supervisor of the seventh working area, as a multinational group, the number of employees of international gene technology companies has long exceeded 10,000, as long as it is not his boss and colleagues. . Who knows who.

Fortunately, these passing dinosaurs just felt that this trembling guy was a bit strange. After Norman made it clear that he didn't need help, they were also helpful with little effort. . Everyone is busy.

In this way, Norman gradually approached the gate at the exit.

But at this time, his heart began to throb with some tension, even faster than the calm road just now, and the heartbeat sounded more clearly, as if the poured blood poured into his ears Among.

Although it seemed as if he could escape from birth at any moment in the next moment, Norman did not relax at all. . Because it's all performed in the movie.

Obviously you can get a new life at the next moment, and as soon as you open the door, the monster is outside, and then. . Click.

In the words of his little daughter who loves horror movies, what is this? . Yes, open the door and kill.

Norman didn't want to be killed by opening the door, for example, waiting for a monster outside the door, it might be Tyrannosaurus, Tyrannosaurus or something. .

He wants to live, he still wants to go home, he has not made enough money for his family.

Of course, Norman still thinks that the possibility of opening the door and killing is not high, because his idea at the beginning was to mix into the crowd of tourists, mix with the tourists, and leave with the tourists, so the staff-only tourist channel is used. .

The staff naturally also have tourist access, and there are many more.

There are at least hundreds of hidden passages in more than a dozen working areas, which can lead to different areas of Jurassic World islands. The use of these passages is also different. Some are convenient for the treatment of dinosaurs at any time, and some can Used to observe dinosaur extraction data, even kill dinosaurs, and rescue tourists.

Of course, as the supervisor of a living area, he does not know where these functional channels are, and he does not need to know.

All he needs to know is the one in front of him.

The channel in front of us is a common employee welfare in several nearby working areas. It is not used to let medical staff go out to treat dinosaurs, nor to hire mercenaries to hunt dinosaurs or rescue tourists. From here, the direct access is the Jurassic. Ji World Town. . It is a large commercial block on the island dedicated to tourists resting and playing.

This small town is just beside the port where tourists enter and leave the island. It covers a huge area. Cinemas, restaurants, dinosaur sales shops, even theme parks, playgrounds are all available. Various commercial buildings are gathered here. The place with the highest consumption of the Luoji world-themed islands is naturally also a gold-absorbing place.

Of course, this is a place for tourists to watch the rest and play~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In any case, the benefits are much better than those in the work area.

After all, it costs money.

Setting aside these passages to the town can be regarded as a benefit for the employees of International Gene Technology Corporation. . So that when they are busy and tired, they can come to the commercial town to relax and relax for a while. Of course, the international gene technology company has a big business and does not expect to earn the little money in its own hands.

This benefit is only available in a few nearby work areas. After all, the islands are large and the work areas are scattered. Work areas that are too far away cannot even access the Jurassic town.

It is not because of the distance. There are special small and medium-sized scooters in the work area, but the passage cannot pass so far. After all, it is just an island. Too many underground tunnels will damage the overall structure and stability of the island.

After coming out of the dedicated passage for the staff, as long as they are not wearing lab coats like white lab coats, it seems that there is no difference between them and an ordinary tourist, and they are completely indistinguishable.

Norman, it was this idea.

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