High Magic Earth

Chapter 1664: The channel must be opened

His abacus is very good. If this dinosaur-human mutation event is really a ghost of the international genetic technology company, then the employee-only channel must have been blocked for a long time. Maybe the people of the security department are waiting there. If anyone finds something strange and wants to leave the island from there, it would be a self-investment, and it must be a catch.

But mixing in tourists is different. Unless the entire Jurassic world island is blocked, even if tourists are not allowed to enter or leave, it is impossible to stop him.

Nearly 10,000 tourists were blocked. . Even international gene technology companies cannot withstand such a big pressure internationally.

More importantly, Norman is very sure that today the island is open to tourists, so now the island is definitely not a tourist or not.

As for the ferry ticket to leave the island, it is simpler, just find a place to make up the ticket. After all, the paper ferry ticket is playing on such a large island, and it can be lost at any time. It is easy to make the ticket on the island, and There is nothing tedious.

Tickets for islands in the Jurassic World Theme Park are actually not expensive, or the International Gene Technology Corporation is not worried about someone running away. . To know that it is necessary to board the boat on the island, if you want to escape the ticket, you have to sneak in, and the ticket is not expensive, it is worth it.

Or the meaning of the International Gene Technology Corporation is that even in order to escape a ticket, they are still smuggling. . Then escape.

Therefore, whether it is a ticket replacement or repurchase, the review is not strict.

The only problem may be your identity.

The ticket replacement requires identification, which is nothing for ordinary people, but his identity is registered with the employees of International Gene Technology Corporation. Once the ticket is sold, even if the ticket seller at the time does not know anything, but this message may also It has been passed on to the inside of the International Gene Technology Corporation.

In Norman's mind came a series of special agent films he had seen.

The International Gene Technology Company cannot monitor all tourists, but it can monitor all the staff inside. Their own identity certificate has just been provided. After buying a boat ticket for departure, the internal security department of the company will immediately give a red warning light. Masterpiece.

Warning, someone is out of the island!

Countless pieces of information similar to this kind of prompt appeared on the display screen of the security department's monitoring center, and then they would dispatch security personnel. They rushed to the commercial town here, and temporarily delayed the ship that they were on. Ship time. .

No, the security personnel do not need to catch up with the town. They may have left people in the town. The moment they received a notice from the company, they started to dispatch.

Then the curtain that opened was the chase battle on the ship. As is often performed in the movie, countless sturdy men in black shouted to the FBI to do business, and this side rushed to the ship instantly.

Of course I will run, but then after a fierce chase, I will still be captured by them, and then again. . Click.

Of course, Norman himself is still very clear. If someone really wants to catch him, he will not be able to run far. With his physical fitness, I am afraid that he can’t even run out of half a step, and he will be caught back by these professional mercenaries.

This method is never feasible.

Ask someone to help yourself make up the ticket. . But it is estimated that a lot of fragrant banknotes will be consumed. Norman thinks on this side, and this step hastily hurried again.

I have to say, this guy's drama is so much.

Because it is a staff-only staff passageway, the gates are opened in some obscure corners inside the town to avoid tourists entering by mistake.

Of course, the gate can never be opened from the outside, and the hidden places are mostly next to some telephone booths, or corners such as the corner plates of coffee shops.

Because of the need for concealment, the metal door should naturally not be too large.

At least not as big as a separate island dock dedicated to employees. There is a port dedicated to picking up employees out of the island. In a semi-open cave, the metal gate is half underwater and half above the water surface, which can accommodate a whole The first cruise ship is a dozen meters high.

As for the entrances and exits of the employees’ dedicated passages in the town, it is just enough to accommodate one person.

After about ten seconds of stuffy head advance, Norman basically came to the narrow door at the end of the passage.

By this passage, there are fewer staff nearby, and the rest are all dressed up and ready to go to the town to relax. . Dinosaur man.

Norman wasn’t obsessed with it. He speeded up again, and the exit was right in front of him. As long as he continued to walk a few steps, he could leave this work area that may have leaked unknown viruses. Norman could even hear the narrow door. The hustle and bustle of tourists in a commercial town as well. . Scream.

Ok? Scream?


The dull sound suddenly appeared, just outside the iron gate at the end of the passage.

Norman's face was black, and his expression was a bit panic, but he turned back almost without hesitation.

"what happened?"

"What sound is this!"

"What happened?"

In addition to Norman, there are some staff nearby. . That is, dinosaurs, the sudden appearance of dull sounds also frightened them, suddenly looked around in a panic, looking for the source of the sound.


There was another loud noise.

With the exclamation of tourists from the town outside the iron gate, several dinosaurs nearby finally realized where the sound originated, behind the iron gate.

It sounds like something is hitting the door.

The dinosaurs didn't know what was happening, and they were still confused like a headless fly, but Norman knew what was going on. He lowered his head and walked back without hearing.

There is no doubt that monsters are stuck outside. . In the true sense of opening the door and killing, Norman did not see the monster, but if there is only the sound of the door knocking, maybe he is thinking too much, but if it is accompanied by a scream outside. .

Norman is not prepared to die with common sense, because the supporting actors in the movie all die like this.

And although Norman seemed calm, in fact, his heart was also very panic, because it was obvious that something was hitting the door, maybe a dinosaur, or other mutant monsters, Norman can be sure that this is not an illusion , Because the screams of tourists are all good to pierce his eardrums.

Although he was prepared psychologically, Norman was not surprised that dinosaurs might appear outside, but that was only the worst expected. He did not expect that there would actually be an accident, and there was a dinosaur blocking the door. . Not only does this mean that the road ahead is impassable, it means worse.

This means that this series of unknown events has spread to the outside, and even tourists are already unsafe.

If it wasn't for the situation to get out of control, then the International Gene Technology Company was crazy.

But whichever one is not good news for Norman.

He didn't care about the life and death of the international gene technology company, although the company's failure had no small impact on him. . But in recent years, he has not only used his time to deceive girls, he still has savings.

There was no problem with funding, and unemployment was not a big impact for Norman. Now he only cares about whether he can escape from here today.

There are mutant dinosaurs inside and dinosaurs outside. . So where else could he go, Norman didn't know what he should do at this time, that was the reason for his inner confusion.

But staying here is definitely unwise.


There was another muffled noise, and this time, along with the strong vibration and shaking of the wall, almost this moment of impact, there were countless cracks near the entire iron door, and the wall began to crumple even with the iron door.

The screaming outside was louder, and it was accompanied by more chaotic noise.

"what is that!?"

"what happened?"

People near the dinosaurs panicked. . Some even ran over without knowing it, trying to figure out what was going on.

But Norman kept his head down, deafly accelerated his pace again, and walked hurriedly outward, in the opposite direction of the channel, against the crowd, as if the whole world was only him, everyone else became It looks like a background board.


The fourth muffled sound came, but this time the sound was much lighter, and after the sound, the outside seemed to be suddenly silent, and there was no sound for a long time.

But people are curious. . Dinosaurs are no exception.

Seeing that there was no sound outside the iron gate, the nearby dinosaurs walked in curiously, trying to see what was going on outside.

Of course, there are also people with smarter heads, or with bigger brain holes and less guts. They may have realized what happened, quietly learning Norman and slowly slipping back.

The atmosphere in the passage was a little silent, and only Norman was still walking.

In the next moment, a staff with the heaviest curiosity and the fastest movement, also wearing a white shirt. . Or the working dinosaur man came to the already broken iron gate.

The fierce spinosaurus' head shook slightly, and then he leaned in gently, put his eyes against a gap, and secretly pointed out.

Outside the door, the hustle and bustle had almost stopped, there was no screaming or noisy, the silence was even a little weird, as if it had become a dead city, making people feel uneasy.

The spinosaurus head dinosaur who got behind the door was also a little scared, but he still dared to observe carefully.

The iron gate has long been broken due to inexplicable impact. The entire iron gate has been completely loosened, and even a very large gap has collapsed around it, only a line away from the crumbling scattered.

Through the gap, he clearly saw the town outside the iron gate. Because of the lack of light, the town seemed a bit bleak, but he could still see the familiar coffee shop in the past, just across the door from the business. The street is also a place where employees often go.

It's just that there is not even one person on the street at this time. It's cold and cold, just as if the island hadn't opened before. . No, it's even worse than that, because everything before the opening was brand new, but now, what you see is a rundown.

The glass door of the coffee shop was broken, and the billboard with the coffee pot was cracked in half, half of it fell off, and half of it was still hanging on the store. To blood stains, and torn clothes.

But there is no one. . Ah no, there are no dinosaurs.

The dinosaur in the head of the spinosaurus secretly wondered, and then the next moment, it suddenly found out that it was dark outside.

it's dark?

This is impossible, the speed of the dark clouds is not so fast, not to mention the cloudy days. . How could there be such a dark overcast sky and such a thick overcast cloud.

and many more. .

The dinosaur of the spinosaurus head suddenly felt that there was some water on his head, and when he wiped it with his hand, it was really wet. Is it really raining on a cloudy day?

Then he slowly raised his head, and saw a huge shadow hanging above his head, as well as an equally huge one. . Clear yellow pupil.

"Fear of fear...monster!"

As an employee of an international genetic technology company, even if it is only a basic staff at the lowest level, as long as they work here for a period of time, they will have some contact with dinosaurs, and they will also have the most basic understanding and understanding of dinosaurs. . At least not to admit mistakes.

Seemingly disturbed by the sound, the clear yellow pupil stood up in an instant, the huge eyes turned slightly, and the fierce breath burst out.

This is the eyes of dinosaurs, this is dinosaurs.

The curious Spinosaurus head dinosaur recognized it instantly.

The monster outside. . In other words, the dinosaur was attached to the outside of the gate. The greasy giant mouth was close to the wall, and even the smelly saliva flowed in through the gaps in the wall.



The unlucky guy stepped back and sat on the ground in a panic. At the same time, his exclamation also attracted the attention of others. Although his voice seemed to be scared and deformed, but the dinosaur The words are still heard very clearly.

It's just that international gene technology companies are full of things related to dinosaurs. At the first hearing of the word, people in the nearby dinosaurs haven't reacted to what happened.

Fortunately, reminders also appeared at the same time.


Just the moment the curious guy saw the dinosaur outside, the dinosaur naturally saw him, so he was silent for a few seconds ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Another dull sound came.

And this time the sound is louder and stronger than any other time in the past, and even the whole tunnel started to falter with the impact.

The dinosaur was hitting the gate. It wanted to come in.


There was no pause between the two impacts. After about three or four seconds, another huge muffled noise came, and then with the clatter of the sound, the gravel above the tunnel fell down, and the entire iron door was instantly knocked out. A huge force knocked down from the wall.


After half a second, the heavy gate fell to the ground.

Thanks to the neat dinosaur hiding in the door and peeping, he even rolled back several meters with a crawl, so that he was not pressed to the ground by the heavy metal gate.

only. . The collapse of the metal gate also means that there is no obstacle between the channel and the outside tourist town.

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