High Magic Earth

Chapter 1665: This is not a title

As the entrance gate collapsed, the so-called monster, a huge figure of a dinosaur, instantly caught everyone's eyes.

The dinosaurs in the passage have seen this scene.

"What is this and this!"


"Run, run!"

"Damn, I knew that all technology companies would secretly study these things!"

At the same time when I saw it, everyone started to scream in horror out of control.

Even Norman, who was running fast, was attracted by the chaos in the back, taking time to glance back, um, well, the monster outside the door was not big. . Squeezing should be able to get into the door.

So immediately, Norman turned his head, and even without lifting his eyelids, he began to run away.

and. . Although Norman, who was running, seemed pale and calm, but if he listened carefully, he would find that his mouth was also swearing quickly.

"Damn **** it! Damn it!"

"What the **** is this monster!"

"Dinosaurs are okay... What a ghost is this dinosaur!"

. . .

Yes, human dinosaurs.

The thing that knocked down the wall and the metal gate is not a monster, but a dinosaur, or more precisely a dinosaur, but a human dinosaur.

. . It sounds like the dinosaurs have called the wrong name, but human dinosaurs and dinosaurs are actually essentially different.

Okay, please forgive how ridiculous Norman thought these names sounded in panic, but. . No matter how strange the name sounds, it points directly to the essence of these monsters.


A weird roar came from the metal gate at the end of the passage, some of which seemed like a woman's screaming scream when she was spitting, and then at the next moment, the whole tunnel began to tremble.



Violent impact sounds continued, and dust and debris continued to fall on the top of the channel.

After the weird roar, the dinosaurs outside the passage began to frantically impact the entrance of the passage that had been blocked by the gate.

It saw people in the tunnel, it wanted to come in.

The size of this monster is not large. Norman looked at it from afar. In fact, this monster is about the height of two people. Its width is similar to the entrance of the tunnel. It should be no problem to squeeze in.

But because of the body structure of the dinosaur, its neck is longer than that of animals like humans, so its head is so much higher that it is just stuck outside the entrance. Of course, it can be squeezed in by lowering its head. . I just don't know if its IQ can realize the action of bowing down.

But Norman feels that this matter is actually not difficult, after all, bow his head. . Not all biological instincts.

Sure enough, after several shocks, it seemed to have found a way to enter correctly.


There was another impact.

The top of the tunnel seemed to be crumbling. . It makes people worry that it will collapse.

Because this is an internal passage from the work area to the tourist town, it is not an important route. It is not used to rescue dinosaurs, monitor the dinosaurs in the deep forest to collect data, but is a welfare channel for employees. Not as strong as other channels.

Not to mention that it is compared to the island’s strongest underground passage.

But Rao is so. Its ruggedness is at least able to withstand shocks below level four.

This monster outside the passage. . Its power is not really strong.

"Boom! Boom!"

There was a muffled noise above the tunnel. With the impact, there was a constant drop of gravel and a sliding sound of a lot of gravel, which made people feel very uneasy, as if they would be buried here in the next moment.

But fortunately, this was the last time the monster outside the entrance hit.

Because in the next moment, the dinosaur who stopped the impact did not leave, but bowed his head slightly, and his head silently entered the tunnel. . The strange face and the stranger head stared at everyone silently.

The huge clear yellow pupil reflected the figure of everyone, so that people still in the tunnel burst into a stronger scream.


The huge dinosaur body squeezed in most of the moment, almost filling the passage. . Nothing can make people feel intuitively more fearful than confronting a gigantic beast directly.

Those dinosaurs still stunned in the tunnel seemed to finally realize that the danger was coming. They woke up and screamed as if they were frightened, as if they saw the most terrible thing in the world, pushing each other. Scrambling to start running back, trying to stay away from here.


It may be that you see your prey begin to run away, or you may simply want to bark, seeing that the crowd in the tunnel is agitating, and most of the dinosaurs who squeeze in will make a weird roar again.

But it just made the crowd escape faster.

Just like a group of lambs that were broken into a flock by a tiger, this group of people tried to crawl and crawl this terrible and weird. . dinosaur?


"Run! Run!"

Seeing that the monster at the entrance also twisted his body twice, trying to continue to squeeze into the mouth, the group of guys who ran wildly ran faster.

Even the guy who first fell to the ground, almost smashed into a meatloaf by a heavy metal gate, crawled up from the ground in a panic, ran back and ran for his life.

may. . Because this is an international gene technology company, the staff members present were not afraid of dinosaurs hurting people, dinosaurs getting out of control, and even little surprise.

Probably they were already psychologically prepared.

Just like tigers in the zoo will also hurt people, and electricians will also have accidents such as improper operation and leakage of electricity. These are unavoidable work accidents. As long as they are working, there are risks. . Wall Street traders also had overwork and sudden death.

The same is true of dinosaurs hurting people. After all, the international gene technology companies are doing dinosaur business. . It's just that the dinosaur has just recovered, it's still a new thing, and the size and ferocity are indeed more than any beast known in the world. This seems to be more important for dinosaurs to hurt people.

In fact, it is an ordinary work injury.

As for the more terrible leakage of poisonous gas, and even some kind of genetically modified virus experiment. . Everyone actually has a certain psychological preparation.

To know. . This is not the case in the movie, is it? Any technology company or certain gene or chemical research company must definitely make some moths and study things that are anti-human and harmful to the world.

Suddenly there appeared such mutated dinosaurs at this moment. They were really a little, not a little surprised.

Of course, not surprised, not surprised, after a short shock, there are still fears, but not afraid of the strange and monstrous appearance of this mutant, but worried about the safety of his life.

It is fear of death.


Even with his head lowered into half of his head, the human dinosaur is still slightly larger, and its neck and back are still stuck outside the passage. . And it is not yet visible by itself.

With the intelligence of the dinosaurs, it certainly wouldn't be squeezed in smoothly, so it was almost instinctive, it stepped back slightly, and then hit it hard again.



The crowd in the tunnel was running dead along the tunnel. . It is like a flock of sheep fleeing on the prairie, and the leading sheep is Norman.

At the beginning, Norman didn't have a voice at all, and just ran back with a dull head, though. . Even if he didn't say anything, there were still some unknown dinosaurs who ran back with him.

It seems that even a dinosaur has a herd mentality. . Well, after all, they are not humans.

So up to now, Norman and the small group of dinosaurs around him are the existence in the tunnel, and the dinosaurs in the back are chasing them.

If not even know that there is a more terrifying human dinosaur outside the entrance of the passage. . Norman would totally think that this group of guys are chasing themselves!

And Norman is, after all, middle-aged, he is old, and running away early does indeed give him a lot of advantages. . But his physical strength and speed are already far inferior to those of young people. In this short distance of half a tunnel, a dinosaur who was originally closest to him has already caught up, even surpassing him, and this girl's He also turned back and grinned grinningly at him.

Norman's indifferent expression was stiff.


But this guy's glorious prosperity is not long. In the next moment, without looking at the road, he suddenly slipped his feet and stepped on a slightly raised stone.

Because he didn't know what he stepped on, his ankle instinctively avoided the side, and the whole body suddenly lost its balance. The body crooked and collapsed to the side.


He fell heavily on the ground, and the sound was very painful.

Seeing this scene, Norman ran wildly with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but in the next moment, this smile was instantly converged back by him.

He didn't seem to be in the luck of this tragic sadness.

At the same time, at this very moment, a choking sensation that seemed to choke everyone's throat suddenly appeared, without any sound, without any screams and roars. . It just appeared.

Everyone felt a breath from the predator at the top of the food chain at this instant.

Quietly, he lowered his head and lowered his neck, and then, just like the predator in the jungle, the most elegant and deadly cheetah, it drilled in silently.

It was a human dinosaur, and it came in.

Human dinosaur. . It is only one word away from the dinosaurs. It must be a little more than the baht. It is two. Of course, there are more differences between the two words in English.

And as the name suggests, if a dinosaur is a dinosaur head on his body, then the human dinosaur is actually very easy to understand.

That is the human head on the body of the dinosaur.

Yes, this should be a velociraptor, whether it is analyzed from the body shape, or the ridge of the spine, the skin of the tail and the curvature of the claws.

And it may be a velociraptor that has only just grown up because it is only a little taller than humans.

but. . It has a human head.

To be precise, it is a female head.

Her face was very white, and her overall appearance seemed to be pretty. . Even if she may be fatter, she can be called a beauty.

It's just a pity, but when this head appeared on the head of a dinosaur, all this became a thing of the past.

Because this head has been magnified several times compared to the original, and even larger than a normal human head, about four or five times larger.

If a person's head is about the size of a book, then its size. . It's a washbasin.

Round, although still retaining the overall characteristics of the human head, some details have been deformed, such as the high jaw, the protruding nose bridge and the forehead, etc.

original. . This human head, which has been magnified several times, looks like a creepy feeling, like the horror valley effect.

Humans don't actually have much fear of going into the bone marrow for things that are too horribly and bizarre, because they know that this is false. Of course, this needs to exclude the intervention of supernatural forces, such as the inexplicable evil gods of the old rulers.

There is also little fear of being very close to yourself and having almost the same existence. . Because it can't be distinguished at all, and humans are visual animals, and their excellent appearance can give birth to good feelings. Even ugliness is nothing but aesthetic disgust and fear.

But there is a critical value, that is, when this existence does not appear too false, nor too true but very close to the human expression. . Human beings will have some sense of inexplicable fear.

Like a natural rejection and fear, this fear penetrates into the bone marrow.

This head is just stuck at this critical value. It is very similar to the human head, but it is not exactly like it. It looks a bit exaggerated, but it is not exaggerated.

It is just within the threshold value range of humans~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and not only that, but many parts of it have been deformed, and the distorted appearance of this deformation even looks a bit daunting for a normal human. . What's more, the hugeness of the head magnified its grim performance several times.

This is why these people nearby called out the word monster when they saw it.

It can be seen that this human head is well integrated with dinosaurs. . The head of a dinosaur was originally much larger than the human head, after all, the volume ratio of the two is there.

The average height of human beings is 1.8 meters at most, while Velociraptors can generally reach more than two meters. . And the skull is exceptionally long.

Perhaps it is precisely because this human head is well combined with the velociraptor that it will continue to grow larger, because it is growing with the growth of the velociraptor.

But what is the reason, in fact, Norman does not care, because the only thing he wants to know now is that the dinosaur has a human head. . It still eats people!

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