High Magic Earth

Chapter 1666: This is not the title

Well, this question is actually not important, right.

So until violent. . Before the dragon started, Norman did not want to understand the answer to this question.

"Da, da, da, da, da da, da da da da!"

This one is deformed, and with the addition of some dilated heads, there is almost no difference between a human head and a human head. The only thing that is slightly different except for its uglier appearance is probably its orange eyes.

The dark pupil stood up like a cat, and the pupil was surrounded by a divergent orange-yellow color. These were a pair of dinosaur-like eyes, and they would never be human.

As for the reason. . It is still unknown.

After all, even why a dinosaur has a human head on its neck, how can it be possible to understand why the eyes on this head are not human but dinosaur.

In any case, at least these eyes are no problem.

Because after the twinkling orange eyes blinked, the human dinosaur began to accelerate.

Just like a velociraptor, its movements are soft and silent, and its two claws seem to fall heavily on the ground, but in fact, each time it falls, there is not much power, and it almost rebounds. He began to run forward quickly again.

There was hardly any sound, only the sound of claws hitting the cold concrete floor. . And faster and faster and more intense.

But although its movement is very light, it cannot make up for its volume disadvantage.

The tail of the human dinosaur oscillated from left to right, seemingly swaying arbitrarily, but in fact it did not touch the wall, and the wall on either side was not there any time.

In the process of running and hunting, it can make a sound and startle away its prey. Naturally, its tail will not make noise and let it be exposed.

The constant shaking is just to maintain balance.

But the tail and claws are very light. . Its body is too large.

The human dinosaur just happened to get into the tunnel. Although it can get in, it does not mean that it is free to move. The huge body is still a little narrow for the tunnel. As it runs, both sides of the body immediately scratch and hit the wall. Above.



Velociraptors are not known for their strength. Although this human dinosaur does not know what characteristics it is, but now it looks at the characteristics it shows. . Human head and dinosaur body, then most of the characteristics may have to follow the dinosaur.

Its strength is not strong.

So even if it rammed in the tunnel, it could not knock the walls on both sides into a big piece. It has not yet such a strong force, it is not a Tyrannosaurus rex, and the building of International Gene Technology is not so fragile.

But even this is enough.



The man behind the dinosaur rumbling and scratching the wall swept through the sound. In the ears of the dinosaurs who ran wildly in front of them, it was like a reminder note from the hell. The speed has become faster. . Unfortunately, it is not much faster.

For a velociraptor that is known for its speed, it is really ridiculously slow.

Even in the tunnel, it wants to catch up with this group of people. . Dinosaurs are also a breeze.

"no, do not want!"

Just after a few breaths, the rumbling sound of the rear suddenly seemed to diminish. . But no one felt any joy, because it did not mean that they were safe, the monster behind gave up, but it, caught up.

Sure enough, at the moment when the rumbling shock and roar stopped, a scream of sternness and fear rang out, and Norman looked back in the process of rushing. . Seeing a dinosaur just happened to be swift. . The human dinosaur caught up.

"Do not!!"

This is a human face. Although it grows on the neck of a dinosaur, she is still a human face.

People eat a lot of things, the most common food, rice, vegetables, and even fruits, or common meat, roast chicken or steak, etc., and more cruel live octopus, even rats and monkeys.

Humans seem to eat everything. The mouth that does not occupy much of the face is like an invincible abyss that can swallow everything.

But humans do not eat humans. . Perhaps, if we eliminate a small number of more special humans and more special times, humans do not eat humans.

So in this way, the only thing that can be determined is that humans cannot eat it. . Only things that are too big to be swallowed in one bite.

It needs to be cut into pieces to eat.

This sounds like a brain teasing joke. . But this is not the case.

Because this head is eating people now.

The bright red tongue protrudes from the mouth. It seems to be twenty to thirty centimeters in length. The upper jaw and lower jaw of the mouth are forcibly opened to both sides. Although they still cannot break through the original limits of human beings, they are still enough to swallow half of a person.

The neat teeth are not sharp, but are rather neat and tidy, densely distributed all over the upper and lower jaws, but giving people a cold and dark **** feeling outside.

Then in the next moment, the screaming stopped abruptly.

Norman felt his stomach twitch.

Obviously, even if the dinosaur's head was replaced by a human face, it would still be human.

And even more terrifying.

One cannot eat too much food, because one's mouth is structurally limited to oneself, destined to fail to open more than ninety degrees like a crocodile.

So even if you eat human meat, it's like a lamb who can't speak. It treats human meat as meat from other animals and cooks it normally. . Instead of swallowing human beings in one swallow.

That's definitely not something humans can do, maybe a python can, a crocodile can. . But by no means human.

But this scene. . It appeared here.

Yes, although the head on the neck of the dinosaur is only a few times larger than normal humans, it can't directly open the mouth to the extent of swallowing a person.

But it's OK to bite the second half in one bite.

So after catching up with the unlucky egg running at the end, there was no pause at all, and the human dinosaur immediately took a bite.

Even the head, neck, and even half of the chest of the unlucky dinosaur entered the mouth of the dinosaur.

The blood drenched the dinosaur's chest in an instant. . At the same time, the screams also interfered. After the dinosaurs twitched twice, there was no sound.

Although human teeth are not as sharp and sharp as crocodiles, cheetahs, tigers and other wild animals, they are absolutely not bad in bite force.

For most carbon-based organisms that are composed of fat, it is deadly enough. . Of course, silicon-based biology cannot be generalized.

At the next moment, the human dinosaur's face and head were slightly hard, and he instantly bit the unlucky dinosaur in his mouth, lifting it to half a bite and flicking.

Blood was scattered and scattered on both sides of the tunnel, and the unlucky dinosaur man turned into a broken rag doll and was thrown to the ground.

The tragic image behind him made the group of dinosaurs cry even worse. . It also runs faster.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

Norman was also running dead.

As a middle-aged white-collar worker, his physical or comprehensive qualities are definitely not as good as those of the younger trainees who have not even been in the company for a long time. Few people surpassed him.

Of course, no one tripped him or even pushed him. It wasn’t how high the quality of the employees of the International Gene Technology Company, but it was necessary even if he pushed or even stumbled. Time wasting.

Unless the big mouth of the dinosaur's blood basin will bite his head in the next second. . Otherwise, no one will be bored and have to push and push others.

In addition to wasting time, the psychological level is indeed a problem.

No one is born a cold-blooded killer. . Unless it is at the juncture of life and death.


"No! No no!"

There are more and more screams, and the rumbling impact sounds are getting closer and closer to them, and more importantly, this velociraptor dinosaur does not have to bite every time it meets everyone. It seems to be only interested. Some dinosaurs were directly bitten by it, but more often, they rushed all the way into the crowd.

Like a high-speed train, no dinosaur can withstand its impact. . This velociraptor dinosaur bowed its head forward, and the lightest person hit by it was also a broken bone, and more, it was shot directly on the wall and fainted on the spot.

Norman's breath also became more and more rapid.

The long run made his feet heavy. . But he was still clenching his teeth, he could hear the monster behind him getting closer and closer to him, screaming more and more, and less and less.

This is not a phenomenon, more and more because more people are attacked by this monster, less and less. . But the rest are already fewer and fewer.

Fortunately, the only good news is. . The exit is at hand.

Yes, just like these dinosaurs nearby, as employees of International Gene Technology Corporation, they have long been psychologically prepared for possible accidents, such as dinosaur flight, dinosaur injury and so on.

So again, international gene technology companies are actually very prepared for this.

Almost every work area is built according to the highest level of protection measures. In fact, the most intuitive performance is that there are many bends and forks, and there are also many metal gates that can be closed manually.

These metal gates are distributed in the corridors of the work area, such as corners, or simply divide the corridor into sections, and there is a movable metal door every 100 meters or so.

It is to protect these dinosaurs.

These metal doors are not normally opened, but are opened on both sides of the wall. . Yes, on this very modern and even futuristic island, they don't use lift doors. Even the worst is an induction door. It is the most common and the oldest door.

That is. . Open the door.

In other words, as long as the latch is removed, the door can be opened directly, no employee card is needed, and it does not provide any protection at all.

But in fact, it was not originally designed to protect people.

It's a dinosaur.

For example, this is the case. . As long as they ran to the front gate and closed the corridor door before the dinosaurs killed themselves, they were safe.

It's temporarily safe.

And the premise is that they can close the door before the dinosaur also crosses that door. . And there must be enough power to prevent the monster from knocking the door open when the door is closed.


The screams were getting closer.

At the same time Norman also fell from the front of the team to four or five people, but fortunately, he is still ahead.

And even more fortunately, he passed the gate in the promenade along the way, and Norman even saw this heavy metal door standing on both sides of the wall. . Can be closed at any time.

But he didn't stop at all.

Yes, Norman did not stay, but continued to rush.

Closing the door can indeed hinder the dinosaurs. . But as I said before, closing the door is not so easy, because this is a non-automatic metal door, which completely depends on manpower. Although it can still be used when the power is turned off, it is a critical point that is chased by dinosaurs unless someone sacrifices itself. Procrastination, or there is no other way, otherwise, when closing the door, it is easy to be directly knocked away by the galloping dinosaurs.

Sure enough, just after Norman waited for a group of people running in front to leave, some fell behind, and were already very close to the monster at the back. The people who almost ran away stopped. They were not going to escape, but were going to close the door. To stop the dinosaur.

But it is a pity that the heavy metal gate has just been dragged away from the wall by several of them, or even just moved a distance of half a meter, the dinosaur in the back came rumbling, it squeezed in without hesitation. In the gap between the two large metal gates, the heavy force directly knocked the gates that were not closed.



The unlucky eggs dragging the gate naturally flew out at the same time.

but. . These people have delayed Norman for some time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Norman ran a few times, sprinted to a corner not far away with their last strength, and then just after the corner, they began to drag the metal gates in a hurry, trying to close them to together.


The unlucky dinosaurs who were biting before seemed to have discovered the situation here. It abandoned the broken toys on the ground and also began to accelerate. The rumbling sound appeared again in the passage. The distance of more than ten meters was in the sprint of the velociraptor. The next is almost fleeting.


But fortunately ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ this period of time is enough for Norman and others.

The monster is getting faster and faster, getting closer and closer to them, but the remaining gap in the middle of the metal gate is becoming less and less.

Finally, with a thud, the metal gate was closed fiercely.

A few people hang the bolt without stopping, and then half a second later.


There was a violent impact on the back of the metal gate. It was the monster that was hitting the door, but. . Perhaps instead of a Tyrannosaurus rex or something like it, the door may be knocked open, as for the velociraptor? It is based on speed, not strength.

It couldn't even leave a deflated mark on the metal gate.


Until then, several surviving talents took a sigh of relief, leaning on the metal door behind them, and slumped weakly on the ground.

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