High Magic Earth

Chapter 1668: This is the title

"Something in the world will never stop but always... Forget it, let me ask, what are you doing?"

Lito hurriedly dragged Nancy directly in front of her.

In fact, on the way of Norman's progress, Nancy has always been behind him. The talent from the little fairy not only made Norman invisible to her, but also made other ordinary people nearby not even aware of Nancy's existence. .

Just like in fairy tales, only children with pure hearts can see the elves. . But in fact, whether the elf appears and can be seen is entirely controlled by the elf himself.

If you don't want to take care of the bear child, then the elf will not appear.

Nancy also has this talent.

And don't look at Director Norman's exhaustion and panting, almost failing to get upset, and Nancy is completely exhausted along the way.

What she said was also a magical creature, but could this middle-aged, greasy white uncle be able to compare, purely in terms of strength and physical strength, Nancy would be better, not to mention, not all fairies can fly.

Nancy was actually floating in the air all the way, clinging to Norman in the shadow.

It's just that ordinary people can't see Nancy, but Lito sees it clearly.

The fairy’s stealth is magical and practical, but only for ordinary people. This kind of stealth is more like a kind of conceptual magic and is not noticed by ordinary people.

So no matter what the situation, even infrared scanning, the spectrum of various unknown particles may not be able to illuminate the fairy.

Because they are conceptually not detected by ordinary people.

It's just that once they face not ordinary people, but the same kind of magical creatures, their invisibility magic will immediately become that very ordinary invisibility.

Slightly more powerful, or magical creatures proficient in anti-hidden spells, can perceive their existence.

For example, in the fairy tales, the villains, evil wizards and bosses catch the elves, and it is simply to catch them and get them out of the air. . This is the reason.

And Lito, Lito is like a villain that appeared at the end of the storybook at this time, directly pulling Nancy from behind Norman.

He didn't look good, so he caught Nancy and prepared a quality question.

Lito had no idea what Nancy was doing. . Because according to the original discussion, what they should do now is to continue to dormancy and do their own thing.

But look around now. .

In fact, Lito can fully understand the use of magic outside the plan. After all, the plan is just a plan. There is no perfect plan in the world. There will always be accidents.

And Lito, who has been working in Hollywood for many years, also knows that the United States is not a place of kindness, and there are malicious people at any time.

Magic is not only convenient, but also represents power.

As long as you gain magic, few people really restrain themselves. . Don't use it.

What's more, Nancy is still a very beautiful and petite Asian, she may have more accidents than everyone else.

but. . It can't be like this now.

Lito looked around, a scene of doomsday, the red alarm had sounded far away, everyone looked very worried, and the only reason why they did not immediately mess up was that they had not seen the real escape. Dinosaur.

What exactly did you do to mess up several workspaces?

Lito was obviously anxious, because he was not sure what variables this would bring to the next move.

In fact, after a pause, he gave up the habit of asking a riddle before asking questions, and turned to direct questions.

After all, riddles still take time, and he is already anxiously saying that this time can't wait.


Nancy was stunned, apparently not expecting Lito to appear here, and she just pulled herself out. She truantly caught her teacher's guilty expression when she went out of class to surf the Internet.

"Give him a little... a little lesson?"

Lito's eyes fell on the unlucky egg. . Norman's body then left quickly, and within a second he had already guessed what was going on.

So he seemed a little more crazy.

"...A little? A little?"

"You actually call this a little bit."

Lito put down Nancy and began to circle around. . He was very irritable all over, and kept holding his head with his hands, as if to mess up his hair.

It seemed as if he would run away in the next moment, jumping up and beating Nancy.

But Lito doesn't do that.

Although he is very tough and handsome with a bit of fortitude, he is actually a very gentle person and very attentive, and more importantly, he is definitely not lacking in firmness and responsibility at critical moments. He doesn't have many defects in character.

Not to mention beating women.

It's just that he is very excited. . When something happens, unless it is a happy thing, sometimes it will fall into a state of madness.

Although this has something to do with the deepness of his heart, it is more because the Hispanic people are emotionally rich. . It's easy to get excited.

Naturally, Nancy was already blamed, and there was not much fear or strangeness.

"Big... probably."

Nancy said a bit hard.

Obviously, she also seemed to feel that she had made things a bit worse. . Although she did so for a reason, because another partner in the core experiment area had an accident recently, in order to cover the whereabouts, she was not exposed before the critical time point. Big directional chaos.

The problem is that it seems that the chaos is now. It is estimated that the companion in the core experimental area may have covered things up. . But the confusion seems a little too big.

The question now is not the accident of the previous action, but whether this chaos will cause a bigger accident.

So when it comes to this, Nancy's tone is inevitably somewhat unsteady.


Lito heard the words and finally calmed down.

In other words, it is even more calm.

Looking around, Lito found that the chaos did not seem to stop as soon as possible. Although there was no trend to continue to spread out, it was estimated that it would completely calm down, and it would also require personnel from the Ministry of Security.

The Butterfly Effect. .

The butterfly effect is avoided by all of them. Although it will not cause any unbearable consequences, it will always lose a lot of opportunities.

And now this situation must have caused the butterfly effect.

"This is not a rough idea."

Lito said.

"This is a mess, chaos."

"Rather than a bit of confusion, not a bit, not a bit."

He seemed a little childish.

In fact, although Lito seemed angry, he was always angry, but he didn't aim at Nancy. In fact, he didn't know what he was excited about. . However, Lito likes to be excited.

"Hopefully things will not continue to spread."

Fortunately, Lito calmed down quickly.

He sighed, looking around helplessly, as if thinking about where to start better. . And Lito did exactly that.

"These guys need to calm down."

He said to Nancy.

Nancy was shocked.

It’s him who needs the most calm here. .

But Nancy still understood Lito's meaning. The crowd around was not calm, because of Norman's intrusion, many people became panic-stricken. . They doubted whether something happened.

For example, dinosaurs escaped, or even more terrible accidents.

Even if it is a fire, it will become particularly terrible here. It is very difficult to escape in the work area with complicated routes. Even if the fire protection equipment is complete, the fire will cause a series of chain reactions.

This is the most terrible.

For example, the leakage of the test agent, the power supply was burnt out, etc. .

So the crowd has been rioting. . Lito meant that they were quiet, if for a while their riots continued to expand.

"You can do it."

"In the way of dreaming..."


Nancy gave Lito a white look, but nodded.

Obviously, Lito has no way, but he has to have a way, because at present there are only two of them in this work area, and they have to experience to calm down the riot.

No matter whether Lito has a good way to do it.

But fortunately, Nancy didn't do nothing, only knew that it was chaotic.

Seeing Lito still frowning, she immediately said what she had learned.

"Relax, things are not that bad."

"In the lab... there was a little problem, they needed a little riot to cover up, maybe they could continue to go deeper while taking advantage of the riot."

"The more chaotic the place is, the better for them."

Lito was not surprised by this.

Their news is not interlinked.

Because everyone's scattered location is different, it is not so easy to deliver the message. The most important thing is that it is not necessary, because it can't help.

So it was just something that should not be used by Lito, so he didn't know it.

It is not divided management like a braised egg.

But of course, because the message is not delivered in time, sometimes there will be a lot of misunderstandings, such as now, but this is also a matter of no way. The center of the whole message is Nidi. Although Nidi is a descendant of the demigod, it is not Artificial intelligence cannot be on standby all the time.

Therefore, the abbreviated version of the message delivery is not so timely.

Upon hearing Nancy's explanation, Lito's excited expression shrank back more than half, and his heart instantly became calm.

As mentioned at the beginning, there is no perfect plan in the world.

In fact, in the previous actions of Lito and Nancy, the plan has been changed in the process. As long as the goal can be reached, it does not matter if there is a change or accident in the half-way plan. Lito is not the kind of rule-keeping Dead brains.

Hearing that there was a reason for the riots, he didn’t worry about any accidents in the plan as a whole. After all, the plan was cheap or even unexpected before the riots. Accidents could not be avoided.

but. .

"What I just heard is one point, what you said is one point."

"Now this riot is not just a little bit."

Nancy was speechless.

"Can we skip this question."


Lito shrugged.

Knowing that this was not a riot caused by Nancy inadvertently, it was premeditated. Although the riot may be a little bigger than expected, this is not a problem.

Lito also relaxed.

"Hopefully they will calm down."

"Because I think they might not like the way you calm people."

. . .

On the other hand, Supervisor Norman is still carrying out his heroic rescue.

A beautiful woman suddenly appeared in front of her. . And still human, Norman rushed almost without hesitation.

Seriously, he really didn't have any bad thoughts at this moment, but instinctively didn't want to let this beautiful woman's fragrance disappear in the mouth of this group of monsters.

Of course, along the way, except for Norman himself, he did not see a human being. All the people he saw were dinosaurs, and he saw the only one of his kind. The sense of identity of this ethnic group is also a very important reason. one.

In fact, the middle-aged Norman is far less than imagined.

Although his greatest hobby is to coax young girls who have just been internships, he is not the kind of person who can't walk away when he sees it.

Especially in this moment of life and death, his life is more important.

Norman sees this clearly.

But it is a pity that this beauty did not lead him to love.

. . .

Dr. Wembley was very depressed.

During the recent period, she always felt that her experimental data had been tampered with.

Because she used hacking methods to make inquiries several times, she discovered that someone had re-logged on to her personal center and the laboratory's intranet after she left the laboratory.

And I searched a lot of things~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although nothing was lost, no matter the data or the specific target of the experiment, the records on the hacker could not be faked.

And because nothing is lost, it is even very difficult to check step by step.

It can be said that I was curious before I came up to see it, or that I forgot something, made corrections and so on.

Of course, everyone knows that these are excuses, but there is no evidence before throwing things away.

Dr. Wembley’s laboratory is not very important. Although it is also one of the cores, it is not the company’s most core project.

Otherwise, regardless of whether there is evidence from International Gene Technology Corporation, once they threaten their core data, that potential threat and target will definitely disappear in the first place.

So during this time Dr. Wembley has been very unhappy, especially not long ago the laboratory supervisor specifically asked if she had solved this potential problem. . The old woman must just want to read her own joke.

I was unhappy, and the progress of the experiment slowed down. Wembley encountered bottlenecks in several experiments, and dragged down the overall progress of the experiment for a week.

This made her mood worse and worse, like snowballing.

Dr. Wembley's bad mood is obvious to all, so no one dared to touch her brow at this time, everyone is far away. . She didn't even have a chance to make her want to teach a few non-obtrusive guys.

The same is true on this day.

But just as Dr. Wembley was unhappy with her coffee and preparing to return to her laboratory, she suddenly noticed riots not far away, and then, she saw a middle-aged man in disarray, fierce. Rushed to himself.

This book comes from

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