High Magic Earth

Chapter 1669: It’s not easy to maintain the style of the title

What the hell? !

Dr. Wembley saw a big, greasy face in the first time. . Like a large tray of cakes, he rushed towards himself.

She is not blind. Although she wears glasses, Wembley's eyesight is better than most people who are not short-sighted. Her glasses are not only decorative and beautiful. . It was originally high-quality eyewear that protects good vision, not to correct it.

After all, her job is to observe a lot of things under the microscope every day. . If you don’t want to start missing something accidentally in your experiment a few years later, it’s best to keep your vision above a standard line.

but. . Finally, there is a guy who does not open his eyes.

Wembley applauded in a crazy clap in his heart, but his face showed an expression as if he was frightened. . It's just that this expression looks very weird. If you look closely, it looks like a gruesome smile mixed with fright.

This mischievous groan would even tremble Norman, who was flying himself for a while, and he suddenly felt as if he had made some very wrong decision. .

But it was too late to regret it.

In the next moment, Norman was already in front of Wembley, and according to the direction of his big face and the landing of his hands, he would not accidentally have a soft landing.

This is not surprising. Norman did not mean to take advantage of it deliberately. After all, it is now the point of life and death. Women can do it at any time and at any time.

but. . What a man, Norman wouldn’t mind if he could easily take advantage of something like being directly in Meiyu’s arms.

Wembley didn't really mind. She didn't know what the trapeze was in front of her. She didn't want to know at all. She just needed to know that the guy who was flying for a while looked infinitely insignificant. . Is enough.


Dr. Wembley screamed, looking as if frightened, but if someone who knew her well was there. . For example, her girlfriends will hear that her voice is actually more excited than frightened. .

There is even a feeling of eagerness to try. .

Because of this. . What a great punching bag!

The Norman approached gradually.

A middle-aged white man weighing nearly two hundred pounds, although not particularly fat, but the pressure of a normal adult's volume will give a very powerful feeling of oppression.

The Norman is getting closer and closer, and even to Norman's pupil can reflect Wembley's figure, and the depth of the pupil in this figure has Norman's own figure again to the extent.

The two approached in one minute and one second, and Norman watched himself pounce on the big beauty in one minute and one second.

But at this moment, Wembley was very calm.

It was as if time had stopped in her eyes.

Then in the next moment, he withdrew and punched.


Wembley's movements are not fast. She is not a Flash, but just an ordinary person. Even if her eyes can catch Norman's action nerves, it can react, and it is impossible for itself to be faster than Norman.

Norman rushed over every minute and second, and Wembley moved side by side in an inch.

But the advantage of Wembley is that her movements are very elegant, and there are almost no extra movements, perhaps the problem of using power in extra places.

She flashed lightly to the side, almost dangerously crossing Norman, and at the same time, Wembley's petite fist was slammed on Norman's side belly. .

I have to admit that women are indeed inherently weak in power.

Even if Wembley spares time every day for fitness and sandbag exercises, her strength is still difficult to compete with a normal adult man's full burst.

But the advantage of learning various combat techniques such as Sanda is that you can use the more scientific muscle movement methods and the angle of punching to maximize the power.

And Wembley attacked Norman's very fragile part, the gap under the man's cost.

Double the effect, the effect is better.

Wembley punched quickly, like a fist punch. . In fact, these are some fancy attacks in Sanda, which seem to work well, but in fact they have little significance.

Perhaps there may be a place for the opponent to use Sanda in the same manner, but it may not be so practical in real combat.

Of course, there are definitely very practical moves in Sanda, but in fact, for modern martial arts, what is more important is their perception and their use in actual combat. . Instead of more moves.

For example, Green Arrow and Batman, these two natural fighting masters, are also very simple moves in their hands that can become fascinating, crying to the crying fathers who have the same two hands and two feet. mother.

This is a different application in actual combat.

And this needs to involve personal perception, ability to bear heart, ability to play on the spot and so on. . The final factor is the fundamental factor of physical fitness.

But in any case, this Wembley attack was enough for Norman.

With a muffled sound, still in the air, you could see Norman's face twitching at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and seemed to be very painful.

After all, Wembley's power is not great, and the effect of a bang is definitely exaggerated. Even the mumble, it sounds very weak.

But Norman was under attack, and Norman was a middle-aged man who was more sub-healthy than Wembley. . These two people are just rookies pecking at each other, which is enough for Norman to hurt.

With Wembley flashing off, Norman hit the heavy laboratory table behind Wembley without stopping, and then. .



The laboratory table is much heavier than expected. . In fact, it is actually fixed on the ground. In order to avoid the occurrence of some force majeure that will cause the table to shake, and then let the experiment be disturbed, etc., a series of chain reactions.

Norman had no problem hitting the test bench above, but hit himself with Venus instead.

And with the violent impact, a large pile of crumbling bottles, jars and test tube pharmacy bottles placed on the test bench were also scattered and rolled off the table.



Norman's screams had just appeared, and even half came out of his mouth, followed by a scream that seemed to be frightened by the marmot. . He even jumped up in shock.

Because Norman suddenly felt as if something was flowing down his neck and near his shoulders, not only did he instantly feel a little cold on his skin, even after a while of cooling and freezing, his skin immediately became Hot.

Although there was no pain, it was enough to be scared.

This strange feeling that would not normally be encountered in normal life made Norman wake up in an instant. He even couldn't even care about the pain of being thrown into the meat and the pain under the ribs. , Holding on to the experiment table next to him, let him stand up again.

Yes, this is an experimental workspace. . Ghost knows what stuff is on these test stands.

The real world is not like the movie, those agents have nothing to do on the test rig. If the real world dares to overthrow a test rig, then a variety of unknown chemical agents are mixed together, it will immediately give people a Very impressed.

For example now.


While standing up on the test stand, Norman's hand seemed to accidentally press a piece of broken glass. The glass instantly punctured his skin, plus the pain in the neck and the pain under the ribs. . This hot feeling made Norman think of hydrochloric acid, and the accumulation of multiple injuries instantly caused Norman to fall forward again.

By coincidence, he fell down just in front of Wembley.

This time it was not Norman's intention.

After all, he can't find North now with some pain, and he has no time to consider these problems of taking advantage. He is purely instinctive and wants people to help.

But it's a pity. .

Dr. Wembley happened to be worrying that he hadn't been upset yet.


Wembley responded quickly.

When Norman's body moved, she suddenly screamed again more sharply than Norman. The whole person seemed to be shocked by the sudden attack.

. . It seems more credible if she really put her hands overwhelmed in front of her instead of responding to Norman faster than the average person.

The next moment, Wembley screamed back, but his hand was not slow.

She stepped forward on one leg, just stumbled on the path that Norman must pass, and then the other leg stepped forward again, and then the knee violently pushed upward.

The palm of his hand was punctured, and Norman, who instinctively raised his hand, suddenly froze, his eyes bulging out. . The whole person was suddenly dead like a dead fish.

It was like the stop button was suddenly pressed.

But Wembley won't stop.

Her movements are very skillful. . At first glance, I had practiced it thousands of times. I tripped my knees and hit the anti-wolf technique in one go. Then I grabbed Norman's shoulder again, and used his foot to trip him. Pushed him behind him.

On the side of the body again, Wembley turned around, looking at the pain now lying on the ground, and the Norman supervisor who was groaning in pain, breathed out in relief.

The depression in her heart was much less.

The men onlookers twitched at the same time. . Even Lito was no exception, but what was more surprised in his eyes.

This beauty is amazing.

Although I have long heard that Dr. Wembley taught a few guys who are mischievous to her, the rumors are only rumors, and not many people believe it.

What's more, I didn't see it with my own eyes, and I could imagine what was going on.

This time, I saw this scene with my own eyes. . Sure enough, it was very shocking, and there was even a touch of briskness.

Lito felt that he admired the Wembley lady.

He didn't like such a violent madman or shook M, he just simply appreciated Wembley's true temperament.

On the other hand, Wembley, who couldn't help wailing on the ground, was less comfortable.



The key was hit hard, and few people could carry it down, not to mention he ran all the way before and slammed into the heavy test bench. Wembley came with an elbow halfway, and it seemed that Hydrochloric acid fell on his neck and his hand was scratched by glass. .

Counting it carefully is really miserable.

This series of large and small injuries and the last blow from Wembley made Norman feel as if he was going to die. He didn't want to stand up at all, like lying on the ground. . He probably couldn't stand up for a while.

But the deeper instinct from the desire to survive is urging him, and staying in a group of dinosaurs is not a wise choice.

But in the next moment, before Norman continued to stage a number of escapes, those who followed the security department had already pounced like evil tigers.

"do not move!"

"do not move!"

"Don't move until the suspicion is lifted!"

But they are not policemen after all, shouting not to move. . It was impossible for his men to die, at most it was Norman.

Whether it is mercenaries or security personnel, they are mainly foreign defenses that may cause dinosaurs to hurt people, or commercial spies. In any case, they cannot target the ordinary staff. .

No matter how large the International Gene Technology Corporation is, it is just a company, nothing else, it is impossible to use violent means against ordinary employees, as long as it appears on the surface ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even if it is a slap, it will let it Eating lawsuits for large sums of money.

But of course, in other words, as long as it is not on the bright side, then international gene technology companies are not vegetarian.

Especially for commercial spies like Norman.

. . Although Norman wasn't, his actions and behavior were too much like a commercial spy, otherwise how could these people suddenly chase him.

The staff of the Ministry of Security crushed Norman with all his hands, but unexpectedly, Norman did not resist at the very beginning. When he saw these staff, he also seemed to see his relatives as big Shouted.

"Monster! There are monsters all around! Let's leave here soon!"

"Wait...what are you doing, is the company going to die!"

"What are you talking about, what monsters are there!"

Several staff members were also taken aback by Norman, working in a genetic high-tech company, and everyone was particularly sensitive to monsters.

But seeing Norman seemed to be talking about monsters all around. . The people around were obviously people, and he felt like he was unconscious. After talking nonsense, a few staff members were relieved.

They were also really afraid that Norman had encountered a real monster. .

Similarly, Norman was stunned by a sudden shout.

He looked around instinctively, and then could not believe his eyes yelling, "How is it possible... how is this possible!"

"Monsters! Where are those dinosaurs!?"

What you see is just a group of ordinary people around. . The staff in this experimental work area was obviously disrupted by his presence, and they were gathering in twos and threes, looking here and whispering.

Where is there any monster and dinosaur man.

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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