High Magic Earth

Chapter 1670: Suddenly thought of a title Jun

Obviously, whether it is a dinosaur or a human dinosaur, they are all ghosts made by Nancy.

As a little fairy, dreaming could not be easier for her. In fairy tales, they are dedicated to the work of dreaming, such as cheering for the prince, invigorating, or firming their beliefs.

but. . Dreaming can be both a beautiful dream and a nightmare.

This is the nightmare of Norman.

In his eyes, everyone has become a dinosaur, and even imagined a human dinosaur that does not exist. . Seriously, Nancy admired his imagination somewhat.

But of course, as Nancy is pulled out by Lito, the illusion she maintains will not break through. She has been following Norman behind to maintain his sweet dream. Nancy doesn’t know how the real fairy does But she. . Sweet dreams need to be maintained.

The dream broke, and Norman's eyes returned to normal.

Of course, Nancy didn't want to let Norman go so easily, but since Lito was caught, she would no longer be able to maintain her dream and pit Norman in front of Dr. Wembley.

Nancy doesn't know Dr. Wembley, but the little fairy is very good at people. . Some are like prophecies. Although Nancy can't see anything substantive, there is a certain hunch in the midst that Dr. Wembley isn't actually annoying.

really. .

Well, although Norman's end did not follow Nancy's expectations, but seriously, it has now exceeded Nancy's expectations. .

"I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense!"

On the other hand, farce is still bothering.

The unlucky Norman supervisor was forcibly dragged from the ground by several security personnel, and then it seemed as if it might indeed be that he had some kind of hallucination. . Although Norman believes that there must be a reason, but for the time being he has not found the cause.

But in any case, this scene now looks like he is unreasonably making trouble, so he is decisively a denial of three combos.

But unfortunately, the staff of the Ministry of Security can not eat this set.

Although they are not mercenaries, they are also more professional than most security personnel. Many of them are veterans, and they are also professional soldiers. They used to work in special troops.

These people did not leave because of disability, etc., perhaps because they violated certain disciplines and regulations, but more purely for money.

Their professionalism is no worse than those of mercenaries who have been around for many years, and they are even stronger. At least they will not be so bottomless for money.

"What the **** is going on here."

Soon, the higher person in charge of this work area also rushed over, and then began to quarrel on the spot.

Norman's behavior was weird. Galloping and running all the way made him breathless and panicked, like seeing something terrible.

In fact, he doesn't look like a commercial spy.

Not so commercial spies would be so unprofessional and stupid enough to expose such obvious flaws. . The fact that these staff members of the Ministry of Security are staring at Norman is not a suspicion that he is a commercial spy.

In fact, if Norman was really a commercial spy, that would be fine.

Because compared to commercial espionage, the staff of the Ministry of Security suspected that he was more terrible.

It’s even good. In fact, everyone is now worried that Norman is exposed to some kind of leaked laboratory medicine, or even more terrible dangerous goods. . Only then did the seemingly intense hallucinatory reaction now take place.

This is the most dangerous.

The staff of the Ministry of Security are also human beings, and even the mercenaries are afraid that the international gene technology company will suddenly leak some moths like a virus.

While the group was arguing, Dr. Wembley walked aside calmly, brewing a cup of rich coffee for himself again, and leaning against the freezer next to it while watching the group arguing and questioning , While still thinking about watching the TV next to it.

And thanks to Norman's mere hallucinatory response, if anything else is more serious, I'm afraid it has been taken away now. . Instead of continuing to shout here.

Of course, Norman's identity certainly played a big role.

just. . No matter what the cause of this incident is, after this kind of thing happened, I am afraid that Norman can no longer stay in his place, or even stay in the international gene technology company.

But none of this matters to Dr. Wembley.

She can drink coffee beside her elegantly.

After all, she came out of passive self-defense. Everyone can see this and anyone can testify. She is also well-known for her proficiency in Taekwondo and Sanda. . There is nothing surprising.

Think carefully, she has nothing suspicious in this matter, and no accusations of anything.

So Dr. Wembley calmly drank his coffee and twisted his wrist by the way. It seemed very refreshing. Looking at the clean movements, it didn't look like a laboratory researcher at all. . And a woman.

Soon, the quarrel was fruitless, or too lazy to explain carefully with Norman and listen to him, the staff of the security department began to force him away.

Norman couldn't break away at all. . Without even struggling twice, they were taken down, and soon these people disappeared behind a white iron gate in a safe passage and disappeared, and the work area returned to calm again.

But of course. . The staff present were not so calm.

There are even several test benches involved, both the work data and the test bench itself are destroyed. Before the repair department repairs it, I am afraid that the owners of these workbenches are in a state of nothing.

So with the departure of Norman and others, the scene did not calm down, but the people present were all in groups with their friends, whispering.

The protagonist of the discussion is naturally Norman. . This guy is quite famous. Even in this workspace, several people have heard his name occasionally.

And now he seems to recognize him too.

But the other party of the matter did not dare to talk. . Dr. Wembley is still here.

But with the departure of Norman, the farce is indeed almost over. . Seeing that there was no excitement to see, Nancy was slightly bored.

Then he turned his gaze slightly, and saw the relish Lito still watching next to him.

This girl is actually watching. . Dr. Wembley? !

After a pause, Nancy couldn't help but lightly hit Lito with her elbow.

"Hey... what do you think?"

But Lito didn't seem to hear it, his eyes were still firmly attached to Dr. Wembley, and his mouth responded to Nancy without delay. . "How come I never found her so cool..."

Nancy rolled her eyes in her heart and said in a still dull tone, "... presumably because people have never looked at you before."

"Like now..."


Her eyes continued to stick to Wembley, but she couldn't delay fighting with Nancy. Lito still responded very quickly. "Every time she makes coffee, she smiles at me."

"She never smiles at others."

Nancy really rolled her eyes this time, and then she decided to ignore the guy with the brain.

Soon, Dr. Wembley returned to his own laboratory, and the nearby staff also dispersed and began to re-enter the working state.

The surroundings were quiet again, and only the screen in the lounge was still playing news slowly, which made Nancy feel boring.

"Nature belongs to nature!"

"Humans are the destroyers of the world, and the earth will eventually restore everything."

"We are like ignorant children shouting and throwing stones into the cave."

On a twisted street, the parade crowd is overcrowded. . Even the entire road was blocked, and the road surface was overcrowded.

The team held up a variety of brands with all kinds of signs on it. . But looking more closely, they are all about the same thing.

That is to treat the repulsion of dinosaurs. They demand that the dinosaurs be exterminated again, and the natural progress should be returned to nature.

The crowd was very fanatical, and countless people were shouting, even if there was no audience, no one even paid attention to him, but the members of the team still collapsed even the blue tendons around their necks. . As if they would be slaughtered in the next moment.

Then the next moment, the camera freezes on the close-up of the face of an angry, screaming middle-aged man. The screen on the screen turns around and returns to the news studio.

"This is the second anti-dinosaur parade this month. The frequency of the parade seems to be much higher than in the past. This may be related to things in New Hampshire not long ago."

"According to the latest developments, large chunks of meteorites landed in New Hampshire, and have even caused some fire hazards."

"And this is the third meteorite falling event in the past three months. Some experts pointed out that the probability of this meteorite visiting the earth is obviously a bit high, which is very abnormal and not in line with Molid..."

"Perhaps it is the legendary meteorites that have extinct dinosaurs frequently appeared, which has made the anti-dinosaur parade more frequent."

"But before you get a tangible conclusion, you must remind the public not to participate in the parade without reason, and also try to avoid the handling of the parade to avoid accidents..."

The news on TV was still broadcasting, but after discovering that Lito was too lazy to take care of himself, Nancy was quite boring and circled around. . After discovering that there was nothing interesting in the work area even if the experiment was done, he quickly left again quietly.

It seems that even the work place of the laboratory is not more interesting than the work of feeding the little dinosaurs. . Sure enough, it was most comfortable to find a place to sleep.

With this lazy thought, Nancy's figure also disappeared behind the white door of the safe passage.

. . .

In the security department, Will is staring at the surveillance scene.

He saw the farce in Lito's work area, and even from the moment Norman stared at Nancy, he began to observe and watch the whole process.

Naturally, it also includes other staff in the monitoring room.

As mentioned before, this sudden accident also made the security staff very nervous, especially Norman's extremely misleading hallucinogenic performance. . He seemed to be infected with something.

In fact, people in the security department are more worried about accidents than ordinary employees. After all, it is their job to prevent the accident from continuing to spread, that is to say. . They are the ones who rushed to the front in life and death.

Naturally, no accidents are expected.

That's why Will would ask Nancy to do a big thing to attract attention. . The performance of Nancy's dreams is almost the same as that of hallucinations. It is indeed easy to misunderstand.

Sure enough, almost all the staff of the security department focused their attention on Norman, which gave Will a buffering opportunity.

Of course, Norman has only one person in any case, impossible, and there is no need for everyone to stare at him, and the so-called staring is more to check the situation in other locations, to find the source of possible leaks, and so on.

This requires a certain amount of time and effort to investigate and find.

Not long ago, the information security staff of the Ministry of Security discovered a data anomaly. . This is a technical error by Will.

Before becoming a free man~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is not a professional hacker. In fact, although he is about to be promoted to a detective, he has some computer skills, but he is far from being proficient.

Although I have carefully cleaned up my entry and exit records in the genetic laboratory. . But still a trace of these professional guys noticed.

And it is not yet time to expose.

of course. . It's not that there is no opportunity for remedy. In fact, even if it is completely discovered, Will also has a remedy, and it is very simple and crude, that is, physical memory elimination.

Fortunately, it has not been completely exposed. In this case, as long as the data is cleaned up, Will certainly does not have the technology to clear the data under the observation of so many people, but it does not need so much technology.

As long as Nancy created such a moment of chaos, then he could completely delete it, as for the witnesses. . As long as it is lost by amnesia.

And Will did exactly that.

The reason why the security department is so buzzing, not only because of the hallucinogenic properties shown by Norman, but also because the colleagues in the information security department were attacked under the eyes of everyone. . This is a real attack, and it is quite a big deal for the security department.

So they are doing crazy search and investigation. . Before things get bigger.

And at this time, the metal door not far away suddenly opened by itself, an Asian man in a white coat walked in quickly, followed by several other researchers, and the last two security men accompanying him personnel.

The security department is very close to the core laboratory, they are even in a working area. . This is to avoid any accidents to the greatest extent, and of course, to maximize security personnel to protect the core work area.

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