High Magic Earth

Chapter 1673: The title that finally comes to mind

The plot is the same, even the actors are the same. . Well, this seems not very accurate, because the actors may be the only thing to watch.

Those second-rate plasma film actresses who are struggling in Hollywood, young and beautiful, and dare to become famous. They are the only bright colors next to Crystal Lake, and they are going to succeed. . Dedicating life to Jason.

But looking at the face alone, Will's memory is not enough to tell him which couple corresponds to which plot. This is not Will's face blindness, but really can't tell.

Oh, and by the way, the more top-secret material than Crystal Lake Jason is Freddie, Freddie Kruger, the dark artist with a new sense of sinister evil, pursuing art and a little humor.

Although no one really felt that he was humorous.

And even in the world, his existence is absolutely blocked and forbidden to mention.

Will didn't find any news about him at all, and even his name hadn't even been heard, so it wasn't exactly that Will found him. . But Will thought of him.

After hearing the name Elm Street.

And this may also be the only thing, also recorded in the outside world, and Freddy related things.

Only this one word is left.

it. . Probably the only existence that can be associated with the name Freddie.

Although it is very inconvenient to transfer messages between the world because of the danger and privacy of the world, and even some messages are often blocked directly and fall into a semi-confidential state, there are still many well-known things.

For example, in the world, it seems like the netizen's banshee wave, the saffron double sticks Wenjia and Shuangsha, the young Dezhi has left and right embraces, and the new Alpha Wolf Scott who is close to the harem.

The news about them is still easy to find.

According to the news he heard, Will has gradually clarified the context of this complex world to a certain extent.

It's still early.

Yes, it is still very early, much earlier than expected.

Will's time is now, not long after Christmas Millenium just after the millennium. Not to mention that many plots have not yet happened, and even many of his familiar or strange protagonists have not been born yet.

Some are too early.

Except for some long-lived plots, whose timeline is steadily and steadily advancing, the real plot has not reached the period of the blowout.

Many of Will's well-known plots did not appear. . It is even obvious that this is at the prequel time of certain plots.

In other words, although this world is very complicated, monsters and ghosts are rampant everywhere, but at present, they still stay in the background level more, and have not really reached the level of the group of demons.

Not to mention that because of the size of the area, Will can’t take care of monsters and supernatural events all over the United States. Even if he can take care of it, it’s useless because the plot hasn’t started yet.

Will has only stayed in this world for more than half a year, but even if the main plot has not yet arrived, he has also gained a lot.

This is still in his very cautious situation.

Although there is no well-known plot, no matter whether it is a movie or a TV series, there are more or less prequels and rumours. The most inferior monsters and treasures in it, Will can remember one or two, and there are still a lot of oil and water.

But Will is conservative and a conservative.

This is probably the biggest difference between the crooked nuts and the Asians who have been immersed in infinite streams. The latter can fight if necessary, and it is in danger, but for this group of crooked nuts. . They always take their lives the most, unless they are particularly attractive, otherwise they will not risk their lives.

And something that can attract them. . The preferences of crooked nuts are often a little strange.

This is Will, for example. . This nest of vampires possesses a legendary magic weapon, and it happens to be a vampire race that is familiar with weaknesses. As long as a good plan is made, you can use special weapons to restrain and fight, but of course, there are certainly risks.

In this case, Will would abandon them after a little hesitation, because he felt no need to risk his life.

Magic weapons will come sooner or later, but only once in life.

This is the biggest difference.

Will is a little virgin. . He must not kill the indiscriminate killing of innocent people for the purpose of grabbing treasure. Those who died under his control were all guilty persons after his verification.

Fortunately, the monsters in the world are more or less nothing good. . There are few good monsters.

And under so many harsh conditions, Will is still full of harvest, which is enough to show the richness of the world's supplies. Sure enough, the danger is indeed dangerous, but it is also full of wealth, crisis and opportunity will always be Coexist.

You know, just after the first source point world, that is, after the end of this world, Will will be qualified to join the origin meeting, without waiting for Mianlong to find the potential to come to the door, and then trace the blood.

He himself has traced the origin of blood.

This is naturally in this complex and huge world, the gains over the past six months.

the reason. . In fact, it is also very simple, because during the time in that world, as Will's understanding of the inner world became deeper, he felt that his race might not be that simple.

He may not be just a shapeshifting creature like a shapeshifter.

he. . It may be the origin of some deformer.

He is an ancestor himself.

It's that simple.

Yes, when Will realized this, he actually completed the trace of the blood, because he was the origin.

. . Sure enough, it is the protagonist of American drama.

It seems to be hidden in the crowd, but it is actually carrying the ancient blood of the world's seal demon. What he needs to do is also very simple, that is, it can be strengthened all the way in the process of constantly installing X.

It may be difficult for others to break through the shackles of humanity, but for Will, it simply does not exist.

Because his limit has already been established, the ancient blood line is far beyond the limit of human beings, all he does is to reach the end of himself.

Finally save the world.

In fact, in that compound world, Will did just that. He kept in-depth contact with the inner world, and saw more and more various shaped monsters, and then unconsciously, he seemed to be able to become a larger non-human. Biological.

The specific level is probably from a cat to a tiger.

Will didn't know what was going on, and he didn't realize that the biggest reason was because of his ancient blood, not other external factors.

After many attempts to find the cause and no results, he can only temporarily classify all this as the more alien monsters he sees, perhaps the stronger his ability to change, but it is actually irrelevant.

In any case, after the first source world, Will has grown to a considerable height. . Although it can't be said directly that the world is invincible, it has at least squeezed into the first echelon.

After all, his transformation is not only to change his appearance, but also to simulate the ability of the target. Although it is not the full power of the target, it is only a part, but that is enough.

There are not many tiger-sized monsters, but there are also a lot of them. Naturally, there are also tough guys. . For example, the parasite was born in a tiger, alien.

Will can be turned into this kind of thing, including the body structure that is very different from carbon-based organisms, and corrosive and acidic blood.

It's a pity that the source world of the second return is not that world, but one of the classic novice worlds. . Harry Potter.

It was here that Will was blocked by Mianlong and then joined the Origin Conference without any surprises.

In fact, the free man does not have any special connection with the world of the first source point he entered, such as binding coordinates.

The reason why Marcotel can travel to and from the Middle-earth continent and lock that world is because of the special nature of Marcotel itself.

She is a Maya, an indigenous god. . It would be strange if a **** broke the connection with her original world.

But Will is not. Although he may be some kind of ancient creature in that compound world, the ancestor of a certain kind, but it is far less important than the gods.

The strength of the ancestors stems from strength, combat power, and some special characteristics. They are powerful because of their strength, but the importance of the gods is that they are gods. Even in some worlds, gods are part of the world. . The two are inseparable and indispensable.

The importance is self-evident.

This is completely different from the two concepts.

There are many ancestors in that compound world, even if Will may have great potential, but there are more than one and less than one.

Will clearly also knows the benefits of that world, not only because he was born there, because of the peculiarity of the ancestor, it was because he couldn’t lack the support of the world, not the world, but because the world was dangerous and crazy, But also very rich. . Full of opportunities.

It is a pity that he looked for a lot of ways, and even tried to return there with the help of magic. He didn't know how to re-enter and when he would enter again.

After wandering through the second world without stress. . Will decided to follow Mianlong.

After all, he is a man with a sense of justice.

Even if he now has the ability to enter other worlds, even the world of movies and the world of TV shows, he can't change the way he was when he was a policeman. . Unlike most hypocritical Westerners, Will is a really good person, little Madonna, messenger of justice.

Although it still instinctively favors its own country, it also has no racial discrimination and can maintain sufficient justice.

After that, Will, who had just entered the source world, was in a confused period, because although his initial world looked very bad, he did not encounter much danger, and the second world was more like a game.

The two worlds were mixed together. . Although in these worlds it is also adhering to its own heart to do justice, but it is inevitable that some lack of big goals.

It happened that Mianlong found him at this time. After Mianlong's skillful lobbying and showing a part of the evidence, Will and the Origin Conference hit it off. He believed that this was where he could once again perform his justice.

So Will appeared here.

The source world of Jurassic Park.

To be more precise, it was a new version of the old version of Jurassic Park remake in 2015, Jurassic World, 1.

. . .

While Will was following Dr. Wu's group, Dr. Wu also noticed that the staff in the work area was slightly messy and busy at this time.

But it is a little strange that the busy people come and go, even the security department staff is mostly, they are constantly running in small steps, leaving the team one by one to go to the work area in different directions.

To know. . There are only researchers and members of the security forces in this work area. Even if they suddenly get busy, it is mostly because the researchers may have made major research discoveries and new breakthroughs.

The security department suddenly became busy. . It is terrible to think carefully, this is not a good phenomenon.

Is there any dinosaur that broke through the safety restrictions of the activity area and ran to the tourist area? That's really bad.

Seriously, Dr. Wu doesn't care about the life and death of these people, and dinosaur wounding is not a big deal in his eyes.

Compared with dinosaurs, humans are at the lower end of the food chain. From the moment the dinosaurs are resurrected, humans should actually be prepared to be eaten or killed by dinosaurs in the future.

Perhaps humans will not fall from the position of the overlord of the earth in an instant, but there is once again a large ethnic group above the human food chain, but it is certain.

Dr. Wu is not worried about the dead. International Gene Technology Corporation will die every year. The accidental death of the staff, and even tourists do not follow the signs and forcefully break into some free-range areas to find their own death. There are all kinds of reasons.

This is not a big problem, otherwise the concept of work-related injuries and the consequences of being at your own risk have any meaning.

But dinosaurs broke through the circled activity area and broke into the tourist area to hurt people. This is completely different from the accidental death of the breeder and the tourists who found themselves dead.

The responsibility of the former will be completely laid on the international gene technology company ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if there is a whole legal team, I am afraid that this fact cannot be reversed, and once this happens, I am afraid that the number of casualties will be at least double digits.

The number of tourists in the tourist town is too dense. If a dinosaur breaks in, the casualty index will probably rise uncontrollably, and it is not impossible to rise to three digits and four digits.

If one or two people, or even three or four people, are killed accidentally, the International Gene Technology Company can continue to cover up, cover up the truth, and lie in the court.

But casualties of this scale. . This time alone, it is enough to directly drag International Gene Technology Corporation into the bottomless abyss and repeat the mistakes of Jurassic Park a few years ago.

And don’t look at the international gene technology company's big business now, it seems that it is a huge multinational group that has extended its tentacles to all walks of life, but it is not a biochemical weapon like an umbrella, or a Weiland company that has continued from the human information age. To the giants of the interstellar age.

they. . It is the real hands behind the secret control of their respective worlds.

International gene technology companies are still far away.

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