High Magic Earth

Chapter 1674: Metamorphosis? I have 1 bold. .

This is a world of ordinary people with normal painting style, and capital is the main theme here, rather than relying on viruses or all kinds of strange superpowers. .

In the face of profit-seeking capital, the seemingly huge body of International Gene Technology Corporation is just a mirror.

Once the international gene technology company is affected, the company's experiments will certainly be affected or even terminated. Dr. Wu naturally does not want his research to be disturbed in this way, and no scientist would like to encounter such a thing.

So he had to ask what is going on with this situation now. Although he is not a staff member of the Ministry of Security and has no help, he is after all the head of research for the entire Jurassic World Project No one knows the creatures better than him.

He can give some help to the members of these security forces in other directions. . Perhaps this unknown riot will be suppressed.

But of course. . It's better not to think about the worst possibility he imagined.

"You guys are going to have a party tonight."

"There is still a little cute who escaped from his cage."

Dr. Wu grabbed a lucky security officer on duty and asked.

The staff on duty obviously knew Dr. Wu, and this was nothing to say. . Even if it cannot be said, it does not mean to Dr. Wu.

The researchers didn't want to offend Dr. Wu, as did the security staff.

After all, no one wants to be assigned to the jungle every week to protect the researcher’s task of collecting dinosaur data.

So there was hardly any hesitation, he quickly replied, "A riot accident occurred in the fifth work area, which caused the riot... It is the general manager of the seventh work area, Mr. Norman Tolskin."

"What kind of riot."

Dr. Wu continued to ask with a gentle voice.

His voice is very strange, although it seems plain, but under this plain, it always seems to hide a rich, insatiable unwillingness.

With his smiling expression and small eyes. . This strong contrast and discomfort even made the lucky watchman shivering secretly.

Hurry up to send the man away, the watchman thought about it secretly, and at the same time the speed of speech was quickened a little.

"The target showed a strong hallucinogenic response when he was arrested. He thought he saw a certain kind of monster. The specific hallucination was... Dinosaur man with dinosaur head and human dinosaur with human head."

Even with Dr. Wu's cultivation as a potential villain, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly after hearing the name of the human dinosaur. . What the **** is this girl?

But he didn't ask questions wisely, anyway, it was just a fool's illusion, not his work.

There was a naughty idiot in my heart, and Dr. Wu said leisurely again.

"I remember that the company has regulations stating that smoking is strictly prohibited no matter whether it is working or not. Perhaps... you can submit the specific investigation report to the personnel investigation department."

But the duty officer smiled bitterly.

"It would be simple if this was the case."

"Because according to our inspection results of Mr. Norman Tolskin's personal belongings, we have not found any signs of his carrying, nor found any leftovers."

"Including Mr. Norman Tolskin's blood test results. There is also no residue in his blood."

Dr. Wu frowned slightly.

The International Gene Technology Corporation is a biotechnology company, and it has been separated since ancient times. . It is really easy to test, but they not only have professional testing instruments, but even professional testing personnel.

And there is nothing strange about the company regulations. Not to mention the International Gene Technology Corporation, I am afraid that any company will ban smoking, at least during working hours.

Dr. Wu believes in the company's technology, so. . Since no residual results were detected in the blood, either the tester made an intentional error, or the Mr. Tolskin was pretending.

But no matter what kind of possibility, the impact should not be great, after all, it is just a madman who is favored by the crowd, or has a bad heart.

Then Dr. Wu heard the duty officer continue to say.

"Some people suspect that an unknown substance used in a laboratory has leaked. Perhaps this substance has undergone a further mixed reaction with some other substances in the outside world after inadvertently leaked. The means cannot be detected."

"Now we are conducting investigations by working area."

The watchman soon said everything he knew.

But hearing this, Dr. Wu was relieved that most of his tone became mellow again, "This is impossible." He said.

"We have no such material, no research in this area."

"There is no possibility of such a chain reaction."

Dr. Wu skillfully came with a set of denials. . Scientist, a potential villain scientist like him, maybe other things can not be refined, but the skill of dumping the pot must be skilled.

In fact, maybe there are other things that Dr. Wu may not be able to help, such as dinosaur escape, he cannot always catch up and catch the dinosaur himself, and can only consider how to support from his professional field, but now this matter, The situation concerning the leakage of hallucinogens happened to be his field of expertise.

As the head of the entire Jurassic World project, Dr. Wu can say with certainty that there is no such unknown hallucinogen in the laboratory, and there can be no such accident.

Because Dr. Wu was involved in the overall design of the project from the beginning, and the overall design. . As the name suggests, it is necessary to consider many possibilities and accidents, including the leakage of raw materials.

First, there is no hallucinogen in the laboratory. Secondly, even if something leaks, then it is impossible to produce a hallucinogenic effect by a chain reaction with other substances in the outside world.

There are indeed three related substances in the entire laboratory. Once they leak and combine with each other, they will have a similar hallucinogenic effect, so at the beginning of the design, Dr. Wu was placed in different partitions. . Isn't that what the design means.

There are other dangerous reactions, such as explosions after combination, strong corrosion, etc. . When storing similar materials and conducting experiments, they are in different laboratories.

Hundreds of possibilities, nearly a thousand combinations, Dr. Wu has all considered. . It took half a month to manage the division of the laboratory.

This is a big project.

I have to admit that no matter what the character of Dr. Wu is, his professional knowledge is definitely one-on-one.

Of course, because of the limited space, although it is impossible to prevent the chain reaction of three, four, or even more substances that leak together, at least it can be guaranteed that no raw materials will cause huge hidden dangers if they are accidentally leaked.

As for the raw materials that are very dangerous in themselves, no matter what kind of chain reaction or even no reaction occurs after they are leaked, it is very dangerous. These are no way things. . Their safe operation level is also the highest and strictest.

Only in this way to strictly abide by the laboratory regulations to avoid accidents.

As for someone who brought in a special reaction substance, the substance that was not considered by Dr. Wu at the time entered the relevant laboratory, which caused an unexpected hallucinogenic effect, which is also impossible.

Because the audit of entry and exit is very strict. . It would be very strange if anyone could bring in anything strange.

So Dr. Wu didn't think it might be a leak in a laboratory. . Unless someone brings in illegal products.

But whether there is a leak or not, even if it really leaks, that is a minor problem. At least compared with the speculation that dinosaurs broke into the tourist area, it is really too worth mentioning.

Seeing that it was not the worst possibility that he had imagined, the dinosaur broke into the tourist area, and Dr. Wu immediately lost interest.

Perhaps the laboratory leak is still a big problem for the staff of the security department, which is very dangerous, but it will not affect the entire company.

It will not affect the company, it will not affect itself, and it will not affect his experiments. . Dr. Wu was too lazy to control.

So since this group of security guys do not believe their conclusions. . Then let them investigate slowly, it will not affect anything anyway.

Thinking of this, Dr. Wu was too lazy to continue to treat the guy in front of him, nodded lightly to him, and greeted others not to stay here.

The duty officer would naturally not say much. He wished that the boss who was not so good at the criticism would leave quickly.

At the same time, Will in the monitoring room also lowered his head again, and it seemed as if he was carefully checking the deliberate situation in the monitoring, but if it was attached to his face and observed, he would see that the drooping eyes did not exist at all. The focal length, the dim and scattered eyes are empty, his two eyes are not looking at anything at all. . The third one is watching.

Yes, the third one.

At the upper end of Will's forehead, under his hair, there is a half-thumb-sized eye standing upright, slightly opening his eyes halfway to observe the world.

So although Will seemed to have his head down, his eyes were down, but in fact he just pointed the eye on his forehead directly in front of him. . See everything clearly.

Green monster, cyclops.

but. . Just the difference in the title of a prefix caused Will's giant lineage to fall for several grades in an instant.

In addition to the monsters in the eyes of the people, the Cyclops also has some very famous existences, such as Kikrops in Greek mythology, the original giant, the son of Gaia.

The giant’s father was even Zeus’s grandfather, but he was the same generation as Zeus’ father.

Will's transformation at this time is of course not a cyclops, and it doesn't matter if he can really become the only god, and has part of the power of the gods. First of all, the origin of the cyclops is no longer even mentioned, Kylops The first-generation Cyclops, even the second and third generations. . I am afraid that until the last generation, it no longer exists.

The Cyclops has perished, and what survives now is just some descendants of the side blood vessels, pure one-eyed monsters.

In fact, it can be seen from here that Will's transformation is obviously conditional, and perhaps the possible condition is that he must have seen the creature to imitate and deform.

And according to Will's personal experiment. . This creature must exist, and what he saw with his own eyes.

That is to say, whether he invited a person to wear Medusa doll costume to imitate Medusa, or saw a movie about Medusa on TV, he could not be transformed.

Thanks to the rich resources of the compound world. . Or monsters are rampant, but Rao is so, and the types of monsters Will has seen have just broken through double digits.

Fortunately, there are many tough guys, which is the main reason for Will to be involved in the fighting power of the first echelon. . And why he thinks the water in that compound world is deep.

For example, the three-eyed giant he once encountered.

Although it is just a Green creature, according to the news Will will find in the world. . They have been chased and killed by the Greens all the time, and they are often killed as if they were pitiful.

But in fact this guy's fighting power is quite tough.

The rough skin makes it almost immune to all physical shocks, including the impact of the truck, which only makes it spit on the spot.

And it also has a natural talent for magic defense, which is natural and talented. . It also makes no sense that the defense is strong.

Fortunately, its attack method is relatively simple. In addition to striking around with a large wooden stick with an amazing brute force, it is throwing small stones the size of a human head.

Although the stones sound useless, they are very precise and powerful. . The fired stones can even penetrate steel plates about ten centimeters thick.

However, the attack frequency is slow, and there is no range of damage such as explosions, which still greatly reduces the cyclops' attack methods.

But it is enough to suppress most of the monsters in the world. . At least for Will.

At that time, after carefully observing the Cyclops~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he had no intention at all, and he just found an opportunity and went straight away.

The Cyclops has a strong sense of territory, and it is still a dead brain. Once it is entangled in it, it will eventually pay some price whether it is defeated or escaped. . It's not worth it.

It was enough for Will to see the cyclops with his own eyes.

The eyes opened on Will's forehead at this time are the eyes of the cyclops. . As the name implies, the eyes of Cyclops are their most unique and most important thing, even if there is no special ability, I am afraid that they will be farther than ordinary people see.

So Will will see Dr. Wu and his team who are hundreds of meters away from him. If he wants, he can even see everyone on the box. . What are they writing.

"J-x01, J-x02..."

Obviously, these serial numbers are arranged in order, and almost every suitcase is affixed with a label.

"Unknown creature, priority treatment level, highest."

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