High Magic Earth

Chapter 1675: Rare title king, happy holidays

Will was puzzled.

The one-eyed eye that opened on the forehead seemed to turn slightly, and then all the situation in the entire room of the monitoring room was immediately seen in 360 degrees without dead angle.

No one noticed himself. Everyone was busy with their own affairs. They looked at the monitor screen to find out what the video was. Even if they occasionally noticed it, they thought that they were seriously looking through the video and their eyes passed.

So he continued to stare at Dr. Wu and his party.

Will's current state should be called local change. . It's nothing to say, it's easy to understand, as the name implies, you can guess what effect, just like the partial multiplication technique in a ninja world, he gradually practiced and explored it.

Obviously, this is also Will's unique ability as an ancestor. At least he didn't detect any monsters, and he has such a similar ability.

In fact, it is precisely this ability. . Let Mianlong attach great importance to him.

Even if he did not hesitate to put a mark on him, Mianlong will bring the main team members to rescue him, and he may even give up any mission for his life.

For the time being, regardless of the interior of the origin conference, Will at this time did not completely become a cyclops, but only changed the most characteristic part of the cyclops, the cyclops.

But even so, his other two eyes temporarily lost their function.

This is not a side effect. It is simply that Will is not skilled in his own ability. If he becomes a three-eyed giant, his eyes will be easy to use.

Local changes will temporarily disable the other two eyes.

This will make his eyes very dim. . So he bowed his head.

Then Will's eyes followed Dr. Wu and others into the storage room.

In the gene storage room, only Dr. Wu and a researcher and security staff beside him were in the room. The others were outside, and even the remaining security guards immediately dispersed their vigilance. . As if enemies will appear at any time.

Will knows this place, which is the most elite and the most valuable place of the entire international gene technology company.

This is the gene pool of the main islands of the Jurassic world. The original genes of all dinosaurs, the step-by-step mutation of the genetic records of the hierarchy, and even the genes of some other species collected are stored here.

This is a very large gene pool. . It is not even an exaggeration to say that it is the biggest in the world.

After all, international gene technology companies are genetically started. Everything they rely on is genes. Even if some genes are extinct or difficult to collect, they can also buy them by waving money.

And Will's goal. . It is here.

Yes, the gene bank, or all the genes in it.

The copying of genes is not as easy as ordinary data. Like many hacker movies, it is easy to dock with u and wait for the article to be read.

Although various accidents may be encountered, they will eventually read from 99% to 100% before the final moment comes.

The gene bank is very large, and the simple transfer of data may be difficult to carry out in tens of hours, and Will’s task is to be unaware of it. . Transfer all the genes out.

Of course, just make a copy.

And the other companions of the origin meeting have paved the way for him, for example, to inquire about the password of the gene bank to change at any time and the shift time of the staff on duty, and even the general content of the gene bank has been explored clearly.

Although it is incredible, but. . After all, the Origin Conference is a magic organization.

There are many ways they look amazing on the technology side.

Will's task is actually very easy. After all, these details have been cleared by other companions recalled by the origin using magic, and his special ability to change the shape. . This kind of task is simply for Will.

Theoretically, Dr. Wu sent a copy of a new gene should not attract Will's attention at all, because his task is to copy all the genes out, as for everything in the gene bank. . Whether it is now or in the future, he has a record in his hands.

Just make a final comparison.

He doesn't need to worry about when Dr. Wu entered the genes, as long as he guarantees that the genes from the most prosperous period of the international gene technology company will be taken out after the entire gene bank is roughly mature.

Yes, this is the most prosperous period of the international gene technology company, but it is not the timeline of the plot in the movie. To be precise, it was ten years ago.

There is a specific timeline in the plot, that is, the time of the whole plot, which is 20 years after the destruction of Jurassic Park.

This is the old Jurassic Park trilogy.

In other words, it is only ten years since the International Gene Technology Company was away from the destruction and reconstruction of the Jurassic Park, and it will take another ten years to reach the point in the movie.

But at this time, the genes are enough, or when the genes are the most, even the original genes of the Tyrannosaurus Rex already exist.

The reason is that the gene bank is not stolen from international gene technology companies two decades later. . That is because, as mentioned before, the international gene technology company at this point in time has the most elite gene pool.

At this time, the international gene technology company is at its peak. It no longer confines the dinosaurs to a small island park, and has not even started operating completely to make big money. It is because of all kinds of frequent accidents.

After several years of trial operation, trial and error, the birth of more genetic organisms, and more sponsorships and shareholders, International Gene Technology Corporation directly pushed the existence of dinosaurs to the entire world.

They built a huge dinosaur island. . Just on the route, it is more professional than Jurassic Park.

Also more successful.

Obviously, they have achieved great success.

Countless people began to be crazy about dinosaurs. They came from all over the world just to take a look at the dinosaurs. . On Jurassic islands, let's not look at dinosaurs, you can even get in close contact with dinosaurs, and even ride up.

International Gene Technology underestimated the influence of dinosaurs and overestimated human love for following the trend.

Dinosaurs have set off a wave in the world.

With the emergence of international gene technology companies, anything that can be related to dinosaurs seems to be in a hot sale. Even the entire toy market seems to have increased the rate of return by more than a dozen points compared to previous years.

And naturally, the craziest and most fanatical place is naturally the theme island of the International Gene Technology Corporation. Every day, countless tourists come from all over the world, board the ship, and then wave the banknotes, falling into a frenzy for dinosaurs. Among.

They set off a trend that belongs to dinosaurs, and this craze lasted for at least five years. There are still countless dinosaur lovers, and it seems that the enthusiasm will not fade.

This is the pinnacle of the international gene technology company, and also its glory.

Naturally, such a big cake. . Don't think of eating it alone, even a consortium swallowed it a bit hard.

Therefore, the international gene technology company at this time is not like the next generation, a ceo dominates, even if the laboratory seems to be Dr. Wu's words, but in the eyes of those big consortia, he also changes.

After all, there have been many such doctors before him.

The current international gene technology company is a cornucopia, because the dinosaurs have not completely recovered, and within a few months a new dinosaur was successfully recovered, and then it was the newspaper headline, a world-class press conference, and the wave of tourists is about to usher again. A wave of fanatic shock.

It can even be said that as long as you enter this pit, you just sit and wait to count the money.

Under the impact of this fanatical wave, even sporadic tourist casualties will be suppressed, and the court will continue to whisper, not to mention the worker's work injury.

At this time, the international gene technology company is the peak period. . Not two decades later.

Because in a few years, as the dinosaurs are fully recovered, the enthusiasm for dinosaurs gradually faded, and seeing the dinosaurs again is like seeing an elephant in a zoo. . International gene technology companies will usher in a cold snap.

And at that time, the data of these casualties may not be overwhelming, which will bring even worse injuries to the entire international gene technology company.

If you don’t make money, you may be in trouble, and you can’t get back to it. Those big consortia are not fools. There are so many things that can make money in the world. When are industries and emerging industries that will never become obsolete, such as oil and energy? All.

If international gene technology companies can make money every day, they don’t mind joining, but if they don’t make a lot of money, they may cause all kinds of trouble. It’s not worth it for consortia with big businesses.

Many consortia have withdrawn, which makes the situation of international gene technology companies even more severe.

Twenty years later, the reason why international gene technology companies are gradually privatizing is also here. Consortiums have withdrawn from the market, and powerful individuals have settled in.

It may be small money for the consortium, and the money earned is not enough to clean up the trouble, but for individuals and families, it is already a considerable amount of money.

In addition, although the enthusiasm for dinosaurs subsided, it was not so easy to be outdated. International Gene Technology Company did not fall down after all, but after solving that lot of troubles, it had to be more careful about the casualties. , And began to pay more attention to synthetic gene dinosaurs.

The Tyrannical Tyrannosaurus Rex project was fully supported. . Just like what I saw twenty years later.

Therefore, the international gene technology company at this time is very different from the later company. Not only is it divided into dozens of different huge work areas, it is far from being as barren as there is only one work area 20 years later, and the security strength is also more than 20. Years later it is much more powerful.

Similarly, the gene bank is also the most complete.

Because with the withdrawal of the consortium, they will naturally take away the most precious wealth, the gene bank, although there are still a few international gene technology companies, but it is not as complete as the beginning.

And they are Will's task.

In fact, Dr. Wu’s actions should not cause Will’s suspicion, because as long as three days, the entire gene bank is the most comprehensive and the easiest time to start, before that, all the genetic data of all Just copy it out.

but. . Out of prudence as a police officer, when he saw Dr. Wu, Will still instinctively observed his suitcase, and then he saw something wrong.

This is a serial number that has never been recorded.

To be precise, it was the gene number that was not found by the companions who recalled the origin. . This caused Will to be puzzled, to know that the origin conference may not depend on detection and technology, and most rely on magic.

Will doesn't think that the magic has failed, or something has gone wrong. After all, other gene numbers have been confirmed in the gene bank. Will sneaked in and sneaked in several times, and also brought out the specific data.

There is no problem with all the gene numbers, only it. . does not exist.

There should be no means of shielding magic in the field of technology, so the only possibility. . It is this gene number itself that has a problem.

Why did not let it be recorded, or even let his companions "see" it, Will thinks this reason may be more valuable than imagined.

Silently closing the eyes on the forehead, Will saw that Dr. Wu had come out, and the silver suitcase in his hand was much lighter than before. They left again, and Will also looked back, and then pretended to be back. See what the surveillance video looks like.

When in fact, his mind was planning the next plan.

The way Will enters the gene bank is actually very simple. . It is to become a person who can enter, and then walk in with a big swing.

Although the defense level of the gene bank is very high, it is not only Dr. Wu who can enter. Many researchers with a low level of authority can go in and do whatever you like, just register.

But of course, copying out all the data is definitely not within the scope of registration.

This filled Will's actions with a little risk. Even if Will could turn into someone else at will, he was almost found several times. . Otherwise, Nancy would not need to cover.

Not long ago, Will's actions were almost taken apart on the spot, so he originally planned to calm down for a day or two, but the special gene number suddenly brought by Dr. Wu made Will change his attention after thinking for a while.

As the protagonist of the American drama, he is obviously an activist ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and as a policeman, he also knows that sometimes opportunities are not to be missed, and they are fleeting.

So after thinking for half a minute, he decided to take advantage of the afternoon break and go directly to the gene bank, first copy the data in this non-existent gene number, lest night long dreams, Dr. Wu transfer or delete This number and the like.

After making this decision, Will no longer hesitated to do so, but began to take the time to think about how to mix in.

Although it can be deformed, it also needs to be planned, otherwise it may face a face with the changed target. . That will definitely go wrong.

Even if these people cannot think of Metamorphosis in an instant, they must think that they are a commercial spy with some kind of electronic mask.

At that time his identity must be exposed. . Even if the investigating spy finds him out, the action will naturally fail.

Therefore, it is still necessary to plan well, although it is temporary.

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