High Magic Earth

Chapter 1676: The title of the festival Jun still has not left

On the other hand, Dr. Wu also led into a data monitoring center under the leadership of several security staff.

Here, like the monitoring center where Will is located, it also monitors every corner of the entire Jurassic world theme island, whether it is the surface of the island or the monitoring room of the inner working area.

. . Only the work area is divided into more than a dozen, not to mention the larger theme island, how can a monitoring center handle it.

The monitoring center where Will is located is only one, and Dr. Wu is now in a higher level.

The level of data that can be queried is also higher, for example. . Records of access to the gene bank.

"What an abnormal situation."

Dr. Wu took the data from the staff next to him and asked while looking at it.

As a doctor. . He is also a Ph.D. in the movie. The biggest feature is that he is almost versatile. Not only is he proficient in his own fields, but hackers, mechanical engineering and other fields seem to be good at most doctors.

As if these two areas have become universal skills.

The same is true of Dr. Wu. He is a half-master computer. Although he is not a hacker, he is more proficient in this area than the average person.

Even so, although Dr. Wu can understand the data files in his hand, he cannot find the problem at a glance. . The abnormality of the data file is all through the comparison of a large amount of data to find the abnormality, which is particularly a waste of time. It is better to ask the person next to it directly.

"Since the recent week, the access to the gene bank has been somewhat abnormal. Compared with the past, some have increased significantly, and it has been opened at least ten times more."

Dr. Wu immediately understood the problem.

It is not surprising that someone sneaked in. The gene bank is the essence of the international gene technology company, and some people have been thinking of the gene bank for a long time.

The stalls of Jurassic World themed islands are too wide open. . A lot of people have been peeping for a long time, and the benefits of this are not to mention the idea of ​​making people take risks, even if it leads to a war.

It is also thanks to the large consortiums that have settled in international gene technology companies. They themselves are the world's top group of forces, which can suppress other enemies.

But even so, they are harassed and robbed by legal loopholes on the surface, and turned into secret theft by spies.

Since the opening of Jurassic World themed islands, commercial spies have never ended. Under the plain surface, the pool of dinosaurs has not looked so calm.

"Then find him out."

It is not surprising that there are commercial spies. After all, Dr. Wu himself has experienced more than a dozen spy incidents, large and small, and he wanted to steal various confidential commercial documents, such as experimental parameters and data.

Even if it is impossible for them to directly use the data, some people will secretly buy it at a high price. . After all, it is far more than the international gene technology company, one of them, to study the gene.

It would be strange if there was no commercial spy one day. . That means the company has no value.

Compared to why there are commercial spies, Dr. Wu is actually more curious about how this guy mixed into the gene bank. Since the gene bank is the core of the entire international gene technology company, the security settings are naturally the most rigorous.

For example, when Dr. Wu entered before, not only had various identities verified inside and when the door was opened, but also had to be accompanied by others.

The most important thing is that although several other important researchers also have access rights, in fact, only Dr. Wu, including them, has access rights.

The numbers are all added together and no more than ten people.

No one else has the right to enter.

Dr. Wu is still quite curious about how the other party got around these obstacles, perhaps. . Is it a very good hacker?

After all, although these security measures sound very rigorous, they still cannot escape the entire process is controlled by the computer program.

Not only the internal identity verification, the opening of the door, but even the identities of these dozen doctors are also recorded in the control center.

So as long as the control center is hacked, no matter how many layers of defense system, it actually has little effect, as for the condition that other people must be present. . As long as the door is opened and there are no other people, it naturally loses its meaning.

But it is not so easy to hack the control center, because they basically use the internal network connection, and rarely connect the core control directly to the external network.

In other words, on the islands of the Jurassic world, which is the home of the entire control center, it is not only difficult to hack, but it is also very fast to repair and regain control.

So instead of hacking the control center, it is easier to steal the target directly. . In fact, previous spies also made such a choice.

This seems to be the first spy who hacked the control center.

But unfortunately, the next moment, the reply from the security personnel broke Dr. Wu's guess.

"Sorry, Dr. Wu... We didn't find suspicious personnel."

Yes, this is the problem.

Just now Dr. Wu was wondering in his heart. Since he has discovered that there is a spy, he directly catches it, no matter whether it is handled in secret or sent to the police station and the other party to fight the lawsuit.

It is not false to be the chief person in charge, but it rarely administers the affairs of the security department.

really. . Obviously not that simple.

"What do you mean."

Dr. Wu asked in his usual indifference with a little hidden inattentive tone.

"We did not find any suspicious external personnel in the monitoring. We checked the 168 hours this week and the 14 hours of video today.. Every minute and every second has been checked, and no deliberate personnel have been found."

"I didn't find any clues in the data."

"But... the gene bank has indeed been opened more than a dozen times than before."

"An abnormal cordon has been reached."

Abnormal warning line. . This should be regarded as one of the safety precautions of the international gene technology company, and it can just be aimed at this situation.

For example, gene pool.

Genetic research and breakthroughs are orderly and concise, because deciphering the characteristics of genes is destined to make them impossible to break through more than a dozen at a time, but again, every time there is a breakthrough at the genetic level, at least one program is presented, Or the number of new developments in a department may be between five and eight.

And each breakthrough cycle should be about two weeks. . This rule is just like how often the computer will be replaced by an update. It is a kind of internal calculation in the industry.

If the International Gene Technology Corporation has ten people responsible for genetic breakthrough research, then the maximum number of times to open the gene bank per month will not exceed forty times.

Perhaps considering some other factors, it may eventually fluctuate up and down forty-five times, then once this number is exceeded, and above sixty or seventy times, then there must be a problem.

This method may not be applicable in other fields, such as chemistry and physics, but the exploration of genes is all regular, and international gene technology companies are among the best. . They have always used this method.

Anyway, it is just a warning line, even if there is a false warning, it will not cause any loss.

Dr. Wu once thought that this thing had no effect at all, but did not expect that this time it was really through the cordon to find the problem.

There is no problem with monitoring and data. . Since the other party is a master of hacking, if even the control center can be hacked, then there is no problem in changing the abnormal recording and data in the monitoring.

"What about the staff on duty."

Dr. Wu asked again.

Considering that the computer may be hacked, people will not believe the data of the computer at all. The location of the gene bank is very clever. It is not only close to Dr. Wu’s laboratory, but also works almost in the entire research institute. The central location of the district.

Including the monitoring room where Will is located, there are a total of seven or eight security departments on duty. . They should be aware of any unusual circumstances and personnel.

Then, the security officer's answer finally made Dr. Wu frown slightly.


"We didn't see any suspicious people coming in and going out."

Dr. Wu still had a dull expression.

"not a single one?"

The data is not abnormal, the monitoring is not found, and even the manual monitoring does not see any suspicious persons coming in and going out. . Dr. Wu wondered if the other party was teasing himself.

"In fact... the anomalous data comes from other researchers..."

"What do you mean."

Dr. Wu asked.

"Researcher Kelly, he entered the gene bank last Wednesday, three days ago, but on Thursday night he entered the gene bank again."

"There are also Friday morning, evening, and this morning."

"In addition to Researcher Kelly, Researchers Ian and Ida also frequently entered and exited the gene bank. At first, we thought that the data had been tampered with, but through the video and the inquiry of the staff on duty... they were indeed."

"You mean..."

Dr. Wu's tone paused.

If this person is not lying, then obviously, these researchers frequently access the gene bank, obviously not because of the usual experiment, but to take away some important data,

Because even though the data may be amended, the staff on duty at the gene bank will always be right.

Nothing can easily deceive people's eyes, at least in the case of pretending to be another person, even the most advanced spectral mask can't do this.

Although Dr. Wu is not from the mechanical field, he is also concerned about these things.

Although the manual duty seems a little bulky, it has to be said that if it is loyal enough, it is definitely one of the safest solutions.

So excluding hackers to tamper with the data, then the remaining possibility is that these researchers are commercial spies.

They are selling the company's interest.

but. . Although there are options that rule out all the impossible, then the last remaining option, no matter how weird it is, is still a fact. Dr. Wu still doesn't quite believe that these people are selling the company's interests.

Because it is not necessary.

In addition to the fact that they are in a high position, there is an important reason that many genes in the gene bank are deciphered by them. If they want to sell them, they will be sold. . There is no need to deliberately return to the gene bank.

According to their laboratory equipment, they can make a new copy by themselves, and even Dr. Wu did not believe that they did not leave backup data at the beginning.

Although it may be more troublesome, it is always safer than going to the gene bank and exposing yourself.

Things may not be as simple as they seem.

Dr. Wu suddenly thought of the gene he just put in the gene bank. He was hesitant to leave it temporarily. After all, it contained something in it. . Crazy cross-century discoveries more than dinosaurs.

. . .

Will is silently thinking and waiting.

The companions around are still busy. . Noisy everywhere, still looking for possible suspicious material leaks.

The kind of substance that can cause hallucinogenic effects.

However, as Will, who is on duty at the monitoring center this month, does not need to go out with other people to run around blindly. After all, it is more important and convenient to check the monitoring data than to check the work area by headless flies.

There are many people in the monitoring center, and more data needs to be checked. . This is a big project, no one can find it even if he is lazy for a while.

This gave Guangming Zhenglao the opportunity to be lazy, or to think.

Will doesn't want any surprises in this mission.

Although Mianlong did not explain, Will also knew that this time's task, or what he got this time, was very important for the origin meeting.

Perhaps the key to the next stage.

The enemies are ready to move, they don't have much time.

In fact, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not just the genes in the gene bank, the genetic equipment of the International Gene Technology Corporation, other mature gene technologies, and even some scientists are all within the scope of Will's goal.

Although he did not approve of the forced captivity of scientists, he was not a pedantic person, and now this situation does not allow them to slowly find like-minded scientists.

And Will thinks that the treatment of the Origin Conference is pretty good. Unlike the villain groups in the movies, they kill scientists at every turn, and even if the research is completed, they will not be put back alive.

Robbing is just a last resort. . In the end, Will will definitely send them back in person, and will also give enough generous compensation.

Even if it is not those potential enemy threats, they will certainly not use this method of robbing people.

And the enemy. .

Thinking of the potential enemies, Will, a former Christian, narrowed his eyes slightly, because he could never imagine that he would stand against the previous beliefs.

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