High Magic Earth

Chapter 1677: The title of the festival has left

Will thought of the evidence that Mianlong showed himself.

The existence of the free man is only two years. It seems that two years ago, the so-called fantasy existence of the fantasy world that gathered humans to own movies, TV dramas, and so on has just been born, so even the original free man was only entered two years earlier. This fantasy land is only.

But in fact, more and more evidence is on the surface. The existence of the source world is far more than two years.

It is likely to exist all the time and never stop.

The movie was born soon, and the TV series existed for a shorter period of time. I am afraid that the time when the two are added together has not exceeded 100 years. Even if the source world exists very early, it seems that there is no world for humans to enter.

But in fact, if you think about divergent thinking, maybe the source world needs more than just movies, operas, psalms, and even storybooks. It seems that they can all become carriers of a world.

No one knows what kind of existence the source world is, and no one knows the secrets in it, so it’s not surprising that anything happens, is it?

Will has no intention of exploring the secrets of the source world. Although he is indeed curious, it is not the time. When the possible enemies and future crises are resolved, it is time to explore the secrets of the source world. He believes. . That would be another great chapter.

The real question is, if the source world has always existed, then why has humanity never realized it. . It's about the existence of free people.

Will doesn't believe that free people cover up very well, because for themselves. . In just two years, the existence of free men has been somewhat overwhelming.

Even above, Will feels that the big powers in the real world probably already know about the existence of free men. The reason why they still remain indifferent is that they are considered in many ways.

For example, if you are unfamiliar with free people, or you can’t decide what kind of attitude to treat free people, how can you control the situation to the most stable, minimize property losses, and so on. . It is even possible for the parties to attack each other and again treat the existence of free men as some kind of political bargaining chip.

But the exposure of the free man is an established fact.

In less than two years, the existence of free men has been completely exposed. . If the source world is always there, why can't find any information about free people.

It is not because modern technology is more developed, so free talents will be exposed. As early as 20 years ago, the monitoring equipment for the road surface has been perfected. At that time, the existence of free people can not escape the monitoring.

It is not that the level is not enough, there is a group dedicated to this problem. . Will said that he was also a policeman, and his grandfather had made great achievements in the navy. His father was also in the police establishment. Although his family was not a big consortium, in the police, there were indeed A lot of relationships.

He couldn't find any news.

I even believe these two points rather than deceiving myself. . It is better to believe that the source world does not exist before. It is also just born in the past two years.

Unfortunately, a lot of evidence has shown. . The world where the source world exists may be far beyond everyone's imagination.

Mian Long once vaguely pointed out that the witch hunt operations around the sixteenth century were probably related to the source world. Some free men slaughtered another free man.

Just like now.

Although Will has only experienced the source world twice, because of the importance that Mianlong particularly values, the inside information he knows is no less than those who are hiding from the pursuit of the research institute and the campus, while completing the mission in the source world. There may even be fewer senior free people who avoid their own people.

These so-called seniors often refer to the source world experience about five times.

Except for the group of free people who entered the source world two years ago and still don't know where to hide or die, most of the free people who are active now enter the source world within the past year.

According to the research, the passive shuttle cycle of the source world is about one to two months. In other words, as long as it does not die in the mission world or cannot return again for various strange reasons, then the most free people, It has only been through the source world five to six times.

So many experiences have accumulated. . More or less will come into contact with other people for various reasons, and naturally a circle of free people will be born.

News is spread among them.

However, Will has a special channel for Sleeping Dragon, but does not worry about these problems.

This is one of the benefits of joining the origin conference. . The significance of holding groups to keep warm is here, as are most other small organizations, even small groups of only three or five people.

In addition to exchanging magic, blood, and even fantasy items, the most important thing is intelligence.

Now basically all free people who belong to the magic side know that there is another group of free people who have some inexplicable bad intentions and hostility towards them.

According to the different worlds that the two often enter, it can be roughly divided into the free man with the coexistence of technology and power, and the free man with the symbiosis of fantasy and magic.

Although I don't know why I can't passively enter the other's world. . But just can't enter.

They didn't even understand what the source world is, let alone understand the problem.

Free people belonging to the fantasy world are still habitually calling all free people free people, at most, they are distinguished by abilities, of course, and later the name of new humans has spread. . I don't know where it came from, and what it means.

In other words, the free man who belongs to the fantasy world does not take the hostility from the new man too seriously.

Perhaps in their view, this inexplicable hostility of the new humans may come from the natural inconsistency between technology and magic. . These crazy scientists always want to unravel every fantasy creature, even every wizard.

Of course, no one wants to be unplanned, so it must be avoided everywhere. . Most of the free people caught by the new humans have never appeared again, or in other words, none of them have reappeared.

However, with Will's continuous in-depth understanding of internal information, he feels that the free people's hostility to the new humans may not have understood enough.

They are not at all so-called curiosity about magic. If the witch hunt in those days was really a confrontation between two free parties, then all these things now are likely to evolve into a witch hunt again.

Indeed, it is not the sixteenth century, it is not that backward and ignorant age. . However, apart from the brutality of the methods and methods of attacking each other, in fact, nothing will change much.

This is because of human nature.

And what these new humans have for the free people is not at all malicious curiosity and peeping, but really full of maliciousness.

They are preventing, even slaughtering free people.

And this can be done for such a long time. . It can also be done well. Under the more or less prompt of Mianlong, Will soon thought of an existence.

Behind all this, there may be a lingering shadow.


Will took a deep breath.

He now understands why the protagonists in the movies are always indecisive at critical moments, because the burden of saving the world is suddenly on his shoulders. . It's really unbearable.

In fact, it doesn't make much difference to Will whether the so-called enemies are those legendary creatures or even whether the enemies exist.

He is also one of the determined strength factions, that is, he firmly believes that strength can rewrite everything.

At that time, he was crazy to practice marksmanship, fighting, and even fighting, and then he found that the so-called strength growth did not exist at all.

No matter how strong the fighting is, it can't withstand the firearms, and the shootout. . Luck is more needed than technology.

Well now, the current strength growth can be seen, the deformed monster has broken the limit that humans can reach anyway, but. . Not enough for Will.

Even for the origin conference overall. . There is also a big problem with their current strength.

The highest-end combat power is undoubtedly Mianlong, and there is only Mianlong alone. Although everyone else’s fighting is not low, compared to those high-starters who have no possibility of progress, it is a world of difference. .

But in fact, the bloodline of the origin conference is just another high starting point in form.

Their limits have also been set.

Just like those with abilities, their awakenings are derived from the genes of the new human, the power of the origin conference, and also from the magic of origin in the bloodline.

However, the former's potential is very low, even if it is awakened, the latter's potential is very high, and it can be continuously strengthened in the process of tracing the blood, knowing that it is infinitely close to the original creature. . Magic creature of origin.

But, after all, it can only reach the level of that magical creature.

At most, it is just a talent with a magical creature of origin. At the same time, it can also have a human mind and body to control other wizard magic.

It is enough for the new human beings of the current level, and can even participate in most of the source world plots.

But if the enemy is really the legend of those religions. . Well, Will is still lacking in confidence, or that there is no confidence at all.

He, or the origin meeting, must find a better way to improve his strength and break the limit of blood origin.

Fortunately, Mianlong seems to have an idea in this regard, and he does it now. . It is the first step of the Origin Conference to a higher level.

Will even found the tension he had when he first called the police.

He didn't want to mess up all this.

. . .

At about 15 o'clock in the afternoon, Will silently left his place.

The staff of the Ministry of Security have variable meal times. After all, if there is an emergency, they will not be able to eat anymore, and they will eat all the time.

But of course, Will, as a staff member of the monitoring center this month, does not need to go out on field missions, but no one will pay attention to these things.

In fact, the work area of ​​the entire international gene technology company is very complicated. The canteen is basically open to the outside world for 24 hours. Fortunately, there are staff from more than one country here, so you don’t need to enjoy the typical American style. Convenient working meal.

Italian Chinese and even Japanese Korean, all kinds of national cuisine, treatment is very good.

Will got up and walked towards the restaurant, silently turned into the bathroom when passing the restaurant, and when he left again, the whole person had changed.

Researcher Cali, a young man of Indian descent, is also one of the most important researchers after Dr. Wu.

Of course, Will does not speak Hindi, but fortunately, Prof. Cali usually speaks English when communicating with others.

But even so, his English smelled of curry, and Will didn't have much confidence to learn a lot.

If it is possible, he naturally does not want to become the image of a person who speaks completely strange languages. . But now there is not much choice for Will.

During this time, the most thing he has done is to observe the habits of each researcher, the way he speaks, and record every bit of their life. . Don't wear time to help.

The time distribution of when each researcher appears and when he is busy with work is naturally under Will's observation.

But unfortunately, at this point in time, most of the researchers will frequently come in and out of their laboratories. Only Researcher Cali likes to take a nap in the afternoon, he will not stay in his office.

Will can only pretend to be this guy.

and so. . Now I can only hope that not many people will say hello to him, and try not to talk as much as possible.

Researcher Cali, or Will, raised his hand and looked at his watch. At 15:18, he had less than 20 minutes to act.

Although it is not that his identity will be punctured when he arrives in 20 minutes, but the rest of the Cali Institute will end after 20 minutes, he may leave his laboratory at any time. Will exposed the risk, Will rise geometrically.

After leaving the bathroom, Will didn't go to the restaurant, but he was really hungry, so he walked past the coffee shop and grabbed a few doughnuts to eat while walking.

He remembered that Researcher Cali did indeed have the habit of eating sweets~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and always seemed to complain that he already had a sign of diabetes and so on.

With a donut in his hand, it is also a good illustration of why Researcher Cali did not continue to rest in his office today, but walked out. . Obviously, because I was hungry.

It's not the first time Will will pretend to be someone else and enter the gene bank. Although the incident happened abruptly, he still didn't feel much nervousness.

After all, he was a policeman before.

Relative to the useless things of tension, Will is actually more concerned about what the unknown number gene is. It is definitely not the initial gene of Tyrannosaurus Rex, because the complete gene of Tyrannosaurus Rex was created by Dr. Wu not long ago. It has even been copied, but the embryo is still gestating.

and so. . What is this unknown numbering gene?

Indistinctly, Will seems to have a certain feeling, what key it may be, maybe. . It is more important than imagined.

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