High Magic Earth

Chapter 1678: Bad things always happen

"Are you hungry, Cali."

Will was thinking about these messy things, and he heard someone calling him by his name.

When he was a policeman in this world, Will didn't actually do undercover, but he also learned this knowledge, and more importantly, he has already entered the gene bank several times under the guise of other people. . I'm not nervous anymore.

I don't know why, it may be the talent of the Transformer. Will didn't feel any tension when he was transformed for the first time, and he would be very calm even in the face of sudden inquiry from other people. . Even calmer than usual.

This is probably the natural adaptability of the deformer.

Greeting is a middle-aged woman, Asian.

In this country, native Americans are not so friendly, even those British and even Germans are more friendly than they are.

Especially when working, these Americans rarely greet strangers and rarely make friends with strangers.

Unless you are his dish, it is the one she or he likes.

Of course, there are naturally friendly Americans, but the number is not large, so they always greet each other in the laboratory or work, most of them are people from other countries.

Among them, Asians are the most important. . They are naturally friendly.

It's not how indifferent Americans are, but that they seem to be using friendship with other Americans, and the invisible diaphragm is always there. . Even if their slogan shouted louder again.

Will recalled it and thought a little in his head before thinking of the identity of this Asian woman.

. . Hell, it’s too bad to be able to swallow memory. Thanks to Will’s professional training, he knows how to remember quickly. If I change to an ordinary person, I’m afraid I can’t even remember the name.

This Asian woman is also a member of the laboratory. Although she is not a senior technician, she is also an indispensable tester. The technology is excellent and reliable. After entering the international gene technology company. . It seems that there hasn't been a mistake at work.

She is very passionate, and her relationship with Cali is not very good, but she will greet acquaintances every day when she sees her acquaintances.

Will paused again, thinking about the habits of Researcher Cali and what he might do now and how to deal with it. . Then he hurried a bit.

He turned halfway, holding a donut in his mouth, holding a folder and laboratory supplies in one hand, and shaking a half-box of doughnuts in her other hand.

Sure enough, the female Asian researcher immediately thought that Cali had no time to speak. . In fact, he did not have a mouth to speak, so he did not have any doubts.

She shrugged her shoulders with a smile, then turned around and said to herself.

"Sure enough, youth is vitality."

Will has no flaws and is very skilful in this unexpected episode. . Fortunately, no more talkative people were encountered along the way.

After all, the International Gene Technology Corporation is now a big company, and there are many people in the research department.

Now the research department. . In addition to the subordinates, who knows who.

Will came to the gene bank smoothly, he found a duty room, and then put the information and donuts aside, said in a hurry.

"Cali, Calivisi, first-level researcher, I'm going to Curry to find some information."

As he spoke, Will handed the badge over. . As for where the badge comes from, as a deformer, is it easier to steal something than to get in somewhere?

The staff of the security department on duty took the badge and flicked it on the instrument, and the information about Cali immediately appeared on the screen. He habitually glanced at the photos on the data and Cali himself, and then the next moment, The on-duty staff suddenly noticed the news notification that came suddenly half an hour ago.

That above. . Has a picture of Cali.

But the staff on duty did not say anything. He silently returned the badge to Will, glancing at Will in a hurry, and seemed to ask casually.

"It seems... the experiment is not going well."

The duty officer withdrew his hand, and at the moment when Will's eyes shifted, he silently knocked down a key on the keyboard, and at the same time, Will again recalled the character that Cali should have and replied. .

"Cough, fortunately, I feel like there is a new discovery, inspiration resounds in my mind like a holy tone... I may be only one step away from success."

Will coughed, and seemed to be choked by a donut.

He knew that his Indian English was not standard at all, so he deliberately chose a duty room in which Cali Researcher would never come.

Cali's office is on the left side of the gene bank. In theory, he should be in the duty room in the northwest corner, but now Will chooses the south.

The staff on duty here did not know Cali, nor did he speak to him. Even if there was a problem with his accent, no one would notice this incident for a while.

And why Cali suddenly came from other directions. . The donuts lounge is right here.

Cali is not used to it, or the schedule for the rest time comes directly from the lounge to the gene bank. This is the first time Will has walked.

As to whether Cali will have this habit in the future, Will will no longer have it.

The duration of his mission is only a few weeks, and getting everything he gets is success.

"Then wish you success."

"The future Lord Edison."

The staff on duty shrugged and smiled at Cali.

Instead, he put the badge away and walked to the gene bank. He turned around and said, "In fact, the person I adore most is Darwin."

. . .

Sometimes, the point of disagreement between things is often just one idea, extending an infinite future from one idea.

Just like Will, as a policeman, he has always been a person who decided afterwards, and this is also the standard generally accepted by American policemen.

But as a protagonist of the American drama, Will often has a sudden impulse. . Opportunity slightly, Will thinks he is a person who can seize the opportunity.

No one knows exactly what the future will be, but Will’s firm decision is correct.

It's like now.

. . .

At fourteen in the afternoon.

Since the data analysts submitted the abnormal situation to Dr. Wu, Dr. Wu has been thinking for a long time. During this period, he asked people to ask the researchers who had abnormal data. . The answer was not surprising, they did not enter the gene bank so many times.

As for the time points of their entry in the gene bank recorded in the data, they either did not affect it at all, or they could cite evidence of absence.

. . Here is a laboratory. It is normal to keep track of the experiment every moment. If it happens to be the researcher who rushes to do the experiment, not only will the experiment record be left, but there will even be a video.

Dr. Wu naturally believed that they were not lying.

But the data and surveillance video in his hands could not be faked. . Then the only possibility is that someone pretends to be their way and enters the gene bank.

Although this idea is incredible, it seems to be the most likely guess.

It must be said that this method is not only incredible, but also difficult to be discovered. If their company is not so bored that even the data will be calculated and monitored, then it is indeed difficult to discover this matter.

After all, to investigate whether there will be a person appearing on two monitoring screens at the same time. . Normal people never think of this possibility.

And Dr. Wu is also curious why this guy with inexplicable camouflage ability frequents the gene bank.

If the other party is a commercial spy, in fact, one successful entry into the gene bank is enough for him to take away the core genetic data.

If an ordinary spy breaks in, there may not be enough time, but a disguise like him. . Just like ordinary researchers looking for information, how can time be insufficient.

But he frequented the gene pool.

This does not seem to steal the most valuable things. . In fact, it looks like the entire gene bank needs to be evacuated and copied all over again.

Although I don't understand it, it does not prevent Dr. Wu from passing this news to various duty rooms.

Because so far, Dr. Wu still believes that this intruder is using a technologically advanced electronic mask.

It may be able to disguise the appearance of several important researchers, but it is certainly impossible to change. . After all, in addition to appearance, we must also consider the size of the disguised target. One meter eight is disguised as one meter six. It is impossible to think about it.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to disguise even the personnel of the security department on duty, as he himself is mixed in the security department. . It doesn't matter.

After all, their ultimate goal is to stop this from happening, not to find out this commercial spy.

The latter is only conditional, in order to satisfy Dr. Wu's curiosity.

Then immediately Dr. Wu thought of the genes he put in the gene bank. . This gene is very important, not for international gene technology companies, but for Dr. Wu himself.

He never imagined that this kind of creature really exists in the world.

This gene contains not only the next Nobel Prize that belongs to him, but also the future of humanity.

Dr. Wu suddenly felt restless. This gene was not backed up. He just put it in the gene bank and was studying it himself at night, but now he has encountered this kind of thing again. . Suddenly he was a little worried that the other party would take away the genes of the lone copy.

After all, although the other genes in the gene bank are also valuable, they are all backed up. The genes used in other laboratories are the backup versions in the gene bank.

Although being stolen does have an impact on the company, it has little impact and will not affect the progress of the experiment.

But this gene is different. . It has not yet been analyzed and deciphered.

Dr. Wu stood up and decided to go directly to the gene bank to take out this gene, and now conduct research, saving a lot of night long dreams.

He is the chief person in charge here, and no one dares to say anything even if he studies something else. . No one can even find out.

But at this time, a member of the security department outside the door hurried over and knocked on the door and said, "Dr. Wu, we found it."

. . .


The door was pushed open. Two security officers stood outside and guarded the door. The last officer on duty followed Will into the gene bank. But just after entering, he stood still beside the door. There was not much vigilance on Will.

This is a rule that every researcher needs to be accompanied by three security personnel, not to doubt Will.

But the security staff didn't stop anything the researcher wanted to do, so with Cali's face, Will calmly took out his hard drive and started transferring his data.

At the same time, take out the dedicated machinery and start stripping the gene backups stored in the gene bank again.

In fact, for the origin meeting, the specific gene samples are more valuable than the cold data. In order to successfully strip it out, Will also specifically studied the professional gene cultivation methods.

At least he now looks like a professional researcher.

The gene stripping work is very time-consuming. It’s not too long, it’s not too short. It’s about half an hour or so, and with this time, Will also calmly came to his goal. before.

Gene number J-x01.

He wanted to see it. . What was inside the box, even the origin meeting was not found.

Will reached out his hand to the box, and then at the next moment, his movements suddenly took a slight pause, as his afterglow suddenly discovered the position of the security personnel's hand standing at the gate. . It also seems a bit wrong.

According to Will’s observation, they should usually have their hands drooping naturally. This is normal. Although the work requires them to be vigilant at all times, there is no danger inside the International Gene Technology Company, so most of the time these safety personnel Is relaxing.

Why? . He was uncharacteristically vigilant today.

Will is not sure what the reason is~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He had thought that he was exposed, but he could not find the reason for the exposure at all. In order to avoid what was not discovered at all, he exposed himself. After that, Will decided to keep on his feet.

He still carried out his work calmly, but he had already made the worst plan.

The next moment, Will opened the suitcase numbered J-x01.

What exactly is this.

Several paper materials were placed on the uppermost layer of the suitcase. Will picked it up smoothly. The pupil shrank slightly when his eyes fell on it, and the original inattentiveness became dignified.

Because on the top paper material. . He Ran draws the image of an angel.

And at this moment, Will heard noisy footsteps from the outside of the gene bank. At the same time, in the eyes, the security personnel at the door silently pulled out the stun gun from his waist and aimed at Will. .

It seems that the worst predictions did happen.

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