High Magic Earth

Chapter 1679: A must-have skill as a villain. .

but. . Will still holds the last glimmer of hope, or deceives himself.

"what are you doing."

Pretending he didn't know anything, he panicked and puzzled, and challenged the security personnel by the door.

The guard on duty shrugged again.

"Sorry, Researcher Cali."

In fact, the security staff did not know what Cali had committed. He just received an internal notice about the immediate control of Cali.

Of course this is a violation of human rights, but if Researcher Cali really has no problem, then the compensation given by International Gene Technology is enough to shut him up. . No one does not like money. If there is, it is not enough.

Researcher Cali really has a problem, so it goes without saying that a whole team of lawyers maintained by the International Gene Technology Corporation is waiting to go to court.

So the security forces of the security department started. . There is no pressure at all.

As long as there are no things that touch the ethical bottom line, such as abuse, etc., then there will be international gene technology companies to take them.

Seeing that he could not be confused, obviously the other party was serious, so Will would not bother to continue to pretend.

He calmly put the paper material in his hand back into the suitcase, put the suitcase back together, and then stood up silently and looked at the security officer.

"Hopefully this is not the worst kind of situation I think."

His eyes fell on the security officer.

This guy wasn't serious at first. Although he pointed at Will with a stun gun, he seemed very serious and responsible, but in fact he was lazy, but he seemed a little casual.

After all, the other party was just a researcher sitting in the laboratory all the year round, and he was already pointed at him with a stun gun.

He saw more guys like each other. . Selling company interests for money.

He can't understand these professional materials, but he is very clear that these guys can only do things that take away the materials secretly, and capture the power of let alone resistance on the spot, and even some people do not even see resistance.

The researcher is not a security force in the security department. Their security forces are either retired soldiers or guys who have been mercenaries for a few years. They are all real.

But as Will set his eyes on him, he suddenly felt a sense of tension.

This kind of tension is just like how he felt when he faced the group of insane lunatics in Iraq. Even if he was to die, he would drag you to die together.

This is not just as simple as having confidence. . This shows that the guy on the opposite side may have seen blood, but how can a researcher see blood.

The only thing he thought of was the commercial spy sneaking in, which was still very powerful.

The security personnel at the door couldn't help getting nervous. He found out, or the researcher opposite Cali might not be as simple as he thought.

He stared at Will slightly, his hand holding the stun gun tight, and said coldly.

"Sorry Researcher Cali, maybe things are worse than you think."

He won't let his guard down until other support arrives.

Will naturally saw blood. In that compound world, even if Will rotten good people, there are many people who should kill in the world and the dark world.

Or too much. After all, most monsters feed on humans, or on certain parts of humans, and humans are natural enemies between them.

Will apparently did not intend to embarrass such a little guy.

The next group of talents who came over was the Lord. .

Although his identity may have been exposed, Will did not plan to leave like this, because even if he left, he would have to get everything together before leaving.

Otherwise, there may not necessarily be a chance to come back here again, even if there is a chance. . Don't forget that there is another group of people watching.

Fortunately, the gene bank has almost replicated, and the remaining genes such as frog monkeys can be obtained even if they are not in this world in other places.

The only thing still missing is. .

"Researcher Cali..."

"Or, this unknown gentleman."

"You think I should call you Calivisi, or some other name."

Did not let Cali wait for too long, and soon, with the chaotic footsteps stopped, Dr. Wu had brought in a team of security personnel.

About five or six members of the security forces in the security department blocked the entire gene bank entrance.

Dr. Wu is at the forefront.

He looked at Will with a consistent smile on his face, making people not aware of what he was thinking. His tone was not anxious and slow. It seemed to be very gentle, but it always gave a very cold feeling.

"Wow, I haven't learned what to do now."

As a police officer, Will certainly learned about undercover knowledge, but he felt that this knowledge might not apply to a deformer, just like now.

So looking at the crowd of people pouring in, he couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Henry Wu. .

Will certainly knows this guy, after all, he is one of the villains in the plot, creating one of the creators of the entire Jurassic World theme park.

His accomplishments in the field of genetics are unmatched. If it were not that his character and the origin meeting might be inconsistent, he would be one of those who must be taken away.

But despite being a villain, Will is not afraid of him.

In other words, in this Jurassic world, this international genetic technology company, he has nothing terrible. Even in the face of the group of abilities and free people, his combat power belongs to the first echelon, not to mention, Facing a group of ordinary people who do not know anything.

Even this group of dinosaurs will not cause him much harm. . The only thing to consider is that once they are released, they may cause havoc and even the death of researchers.

So Will looked at Dr. Wu calmly.

"You can call me Will."

He said.

"Oh, Will."

Dr. Wu repeated the sentence, and then showed a signature smile again.

"Then Mr. Will, what technology are you using... pretending to be so many researchers, you have to admit that you are very successful. If it is not some special precautions, I am afraid that no one will realize that there is a business like you. spy."

Commercial spy.

It is really not surprising that I am regarded as a commercial spy. After all, this is a world of ordinary people without any extraordinary power. Even this group of dinosaurs are made by using genetic awakening, so they have their own first. The reaction must have been a commercial spy using high-tech technology. . Not a metamorphic monster or mutant.

and so. . Will suddenly had a mischievous thought.


"It's actually very simple technology..."

He stared at Dr. Wu, and the talents belonging to the shapeshifter began to emerge.

The first is the muscles. The creeping muscles are like earthworms, rolling continuously under the epidermis, and then the bones. Under the imperceptible internal vibration of outsiders, Will's bones start to contract or stretch, and soon become The same height and width as Dr. Wu.

Finally, the skin and appearance. . It was as if the plasticine was twisting, first shaping it from the inside, and then wrapping it with the outer skin.

Then in just a few seconds when Dr. Wu and his colleagues were dumbfounded and did not even react, Will had completely changed to Dr. Wu.

Almost exactly the same, even the same clothes. . Of course, the change of clothes is not the talent ability of Will deformer.

In fact, there are no deformers who can transform clothes, watches, etc., even Will, the suspected ancestor.

But Will is magical, especially the magic of the Harry Potter series. Transfiguration is the most important thing. . And it's very simple.

As a deformer, Will even practiced the metamorphosis spell, especially the spell of changing small accessories such as clothes and watches. . It's already possible to cast silently and instantaneously.

The same appearance, the same uncomfortable smile. . Even Will even made a slightly dumbfounded expression in coordination.

All this makes Dr. Wu look like a mirror when he looks at Will.


"How is this going."

"What is this?"

Unsurprisingly, the members of the security forces by the gate sent out bursts of turmoil. Although their discipline was strict, they could not help whispering and talking.

Even Dr. Wu appeared very surprised at this time, his usual indifferent smile expression disappeared. . Someone looked at the other himself in shock.

But Dr. Wu deserves to be a doctor, and his response is still faster than others.

"Who are you... No, what are you."

He stared at the other himself tightly, not even the two silver suitcases he cared about first.

"I am you."

Will looked at Dr. Wu with his signature smile on his face. . This smile was very uncomfortable even if Dr. Wu, who was standing across from him, saw himself like this.

"This game is not interesting at all."

Really false, false, false, true and true . It's a story that often appears in the movie, and it can't be distinguished. Although it looks very old-fashioned, it seems that it will never be outdated. .

"I didn't plan to play such boring stuff with you."

At this time, the surprise on Dr. Wu's face was gone, and turned very dull, even saying. . Some surprises.

"Forget it, I don't want to know what you are, I just know... the next Nobel Prize belongs to me."

His eyes were fixed on Will, his eyes full of greed, he finally didn't smile, and there was only coldness. As his words fell, Dr. Wu stepped back and hid behind the security forces behind him, again Commanded.

"Grab it for me."

As a doctor, Dr. Wu is very confident in his eyesight. . He is confident that he is not mistaken, that the other party is not using anything like an electronic mask at all, but a pure and pure transformation.

Because no matter how exquisite electronic masks, it is impossible to change things with height and weight.

Not so much as a kind of electronic mask, Dr. Wu believes that the other party has a certain transformation ability. Of course, Dr. Wu does not think of the transformation monster, nor the mutants. He just thinks that the other party has carried out some kind of genetic deployment. Has a very mature genetic technology.

It is also possible to steal gene banks with each other. . Right.

After all, are they peers who play with genes?

Dr. Wu doesn't want to admit that the other party's attainments in the genetic field may not necessarily be much lower. . Even higher, after all, he just awakened the dinosaur, and the other party has created a human with the ability to transform autonomously.

But Dr. Wu is confident that since the other party does not know why he is unwilling to publish all of this, he will be able to decipher it as long as he catches the sample.

His next Nobel Prize is his.

Dr. Wu is very confident. . First, he firmly believed that the firearms and weapons of the security forces could control the other party.

After all, the ability to have independent transformation is already incredible. . The opponent will not always be a mature genetic weapon.

What Dr. Wu said is also the leader in the field of genetics. He is well aware that the genetic biological weapons at this stage are not mature, and there are even many places that are unrealistic.

Even if there are secret researches in other laboratories that have already surpassed themselves in some way, it will not change in the whole afternoon, even the biological weapons are made?

So Dr. Wu is not worried at all. In such a small space, facing so many security forces, the other party can still escape.

But it is a pity. . At the beginning, Dr. Wu guessed everything wrong.

Upon hearing Dr. Wu’s order, several members of the security forces behind him immediately picked up the stun gun and aimed at Will, then leaned over carefully.

Dr. Wu’s command was to control the other party. . And after all, they are also working in international gene technology companies, and soon thought that the other party might use some kind of genetic technology.

Members of this group of security forces do not understand genetic technology, but they worry that strong currents and voltages will cause some kind of irreversible damage to the other party, once the other party is destroyed. . No one wants to face Dr. Wu's anger.

The other party is only one person, even if it is not Cali's unrestrained researcher, but there is no weapon, they should control the other party, there should be no problem.

Looking at the security forces approaching carefully, Dr. Wu said. . Or Dr. Will's mouth hung with Dr. Wu's signature smile.

What kind of thoughts does this group of people fight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He who has been trained by professional police can also guess, but. .

"You are so confident that you can win me."

Hearing this sentence, Dr. Wu, who had retreated to the back, was alert again. . As a potential villain, he is almost full of skills in running and vigilance.

He immediately realized that since the other party had no fear, then there must be something he didn't think of, perhaps, the most unbelievable bad possibility he had guessed.

So he didn't want to go backwards again, turned away from the gene bank, and shouted loudly at the surrounding security forces.

"Quick! Quickly grab him! Quickly grab him!"

At the same time, Will put away the Dr. Wu smile on his face and turned to some kind of indifference, then his shoulders shook slightly and his body shook suddenly. . Two white wings stretched out from behind him.

Like an angel.

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