High Magic Earth

Chapter 1680: As a must-have for the American protagonist. .

Although most of Wu's body has left the gene bank, Dr. Wu still saw the white feathers through the shadows of the members of the security forces behind him with the afterglow of his eyes.

He didn't realize for a while what this was. . But it does not prevent him from continuing to roar loudly.

"Come on! Come on!"

This is also one of the classic quotes of the villains.

At the same time, he flashed himself and ran out. . But only about three or four steps out, he stopped again, and did not really escape.

Looking to the right, Dr. Wu noticed an empty laboratory that was concealed. Without hesitation, he rushed in and buckled the door with his backhand. At the same time, he pulled the blinds next to the glass of the entire laboratory. Blocked, he quietly leaned against the opaque glass door and listened with his ears.

At the same time, five members of the security forces remaining in the gene bank, as well as a security officer on duty, also began to do so.


It took almost a second for Will to spread his wings, without any slight jerking, just as the wings had grown behind him.

The sudden outbreak of the wings surprised the members of these security forces.

The captains of these five security forces members are retired soldiers who have participated in the Iraq war and served as commanders of several teams.

In fact, Dr. Wu's order was not needed at all. After the huge wings with a length of nearly two meters spread out, he felt the threat and gave the order. He slammed with one hand.

"Free shooting!"

They hold a stun gun in their hands. Although they are stun guns, they can also knock down an elephant, because these things are prepared for dinosaurs, dinosaurs. . It’s much scarier than an elephant. In the true sense, it’s neither bulk nor cruelty.

Of course, the security officer on duty had a stun gun on the person, and the internal patrol did not use the elephant.

The original members of the security forces were also hesitant to control the other party, so whether to replace it with a less powerful stun gun.

But when Will's wings, which seemed to be Transformers, suddenly appeared, plus the captain's order, they conditionedly pulled the trigger.



The electrode in front of the stun gun cracked in an instant and was ejected like a dart. The stun gun is different from the ordinary pistol. . It has no bullets in the conventional sense, and some are just two dart-style electrodes.

The thin slice of the muzzle is cracked by a huge impact force, and then the dart with the electrode hits the target in front like a normal bullet, and the electrode is hung on the target body by the barb and the pushing force, and then the electrode is connected to the stun gun. The wire released a lot of current.

The wire used to connect the electrode and the gun body of an ordinary stun gun may only have thick hair. However, the stun gun used by the security forces enough to stun the elephant has reached the level of hemp rope.

Even because the target volume is too large, the connection line may be stronger than expected. . To prevent breaking free.

Also because of its special structure, even if wearing a bulletproof vest can resist the penetration of the electrode, the current released by the electrode cannot be resisted.

Still makes the target lose power in an instant.

As a police officer, Will naturally knows these things very well.


At the moment when the sound of ejection and cracking appeared, Will had leaped into the air violently. He sideways, his two huge wings contracted to the left and right, showing a perfect oval barrel, and then the next moment Then, his wings stretched again suddenly, spreading vigorously in the same direction.

The huge repulsion caused his body to spin suddenly. The two wings were like two huge fans. With the power of whistling, the electrode darts that had been ejected were blown away.

Will is well aware of the principle of the stun gun, and naturally will not rely on his wings to resist hard. . Even though his wings can resist the penetration of bullets, the stun gun does not rely on penetration, but the current that follows.

Although Will only rotated sideways, the gust of wind swept through the entire gene bank in an instant, not only blew the electrode darts ejected from the stun gun, but also nearly swept the entire gene bank. It's as if it was raged by a tornado.

Of course, these unfortunate members of the security forces were not spared.

The roaring madness caused them to stand unsteadily, and even flew them away from the spot in an instant, or sideways, or directly hit the wall behind with their heads down. . It seemed to pause for a few seconds after hitting the wall, and then it slowly slid down against the wall.


The heavy muffled sound just made it hurt. . Not to mention these parties.


After rotating a circle, Will stopped, his feet landed smoothly one after the other, his legs bent slightly to stand.

"Hoo, land safely."

Will shrugged secretly.

After all, he is not an angel, but he has observed the angels in the evil force system up close. . Then simulated the pair of wings on their backs.

After all, he is a deformer, and deformation is his talent. Will even extended the original wings of more than one meter directly to nearly two meters. . But this is the limit.

But the wings are not his natural after all, so it is very uncomfortable to use. The movement of the circle seems simple, but it is actually very difficult. During the initial practice, Will fell several heels in succession. . They couldn't stand when they landed.

Even now, he cannot fly long distances.

Will stepped forward and gave a few members of the security forces who had not completely collapsed. Although the violent winds raged before and even shot them on the wall, humans were not so vulnerable.

Especially this group of guys with mercenaries and retired soldiers are all very strong.

Only a few unlucky guys who had hit their heads passed out on the spot. The others were dizzy and prepared to continue to shoot back at this time.

This time it was a real gun. Naturally, security forces were equipped with real guns. . It's just that it is rarely used. If you want to use heavy firepower to deal with dinosaurs, you must apply in advance.

And so far, international gene technology companies have not seen anything that needs to use heavy firepower.

Of course, even the real gun Will is not afraid, these wings can roll up this level of madness, and naturally can also resist the attack of the firearms.

Will always be mixed with Shuangsha Will the angel block the gun Will is not clear, anyway, he is okay, because he just deformed the appearance of angel wings. . The inner structure is the skin of the ogre.

The Green Creature Ogre has thick skin and thick flesh and strong vitality. . Even if the heart is pierced, it can still be rubbed for a few hours. Unless a specific Green weapon and their secret secret hunting method, it is difficult for ordinary people to kill it.

And the wings are not afraid even if they are injured. This is deformed by Will and will not affect his body. Although a lot of deformation will make him hungry and weak and tired, these negative states are still much better than deaths from serious injuries. Too.

. . But it still hurts.

Despite the luck of the American protagonist, Will does not have the general protagonist's faults, such as the time left for the villains to confess.

Very simply, the heavy feet directly fainted those who had not fainted.

In addition to the ability to deform, the strength and speed of the deformers are also far greater than those of ordinary people. . Of course, it is still far from the standard combat power unit Captain America. The two are not a heavyweight at all. Looking at the basic qualities alone, the US team can still play the stack of deformers, including the ancestors of the deformers.

It is really easy to kick a few ordinary people. . Will does not have the habit of killing innocents indiscriminately. Even in the face of monsters in the inner world and the dark world, he will only kill the so-called bad monsters, and will let those neutrals and good monsters pass.

What's more, it is a group of security forces staff who obey orders.

After dealing with all the potential enemies, Will looked back again. . The entire gene bank that stores both data and a small number of samples has been messed up by the wind.

Databases and hard disk sets that are similar to the server are not a big problem, but the samples placed in the Petri dishes have basically been spilled onto the ground, and the culture fluid flows across the ground, staining the ground and walls red The yellow is particularly dazzling.

Fortunately, there are not too many expensive samples here, and most of them are placed in the laboratory because they have high requirements for the living environment.

Most of the genes put here are used for samples, and they are animals that can be found everywhere. They can be replaced at any time if there is an accident.

What really matters is data.

When he came to the previous table, Will picked up the notebook that had fallen on the ground and straightened it up. The screen of the notebook had been shattered and mottled. The screen was not clear, but the progress bar of the successful copy above was still Can be seen.


Will was relieved.

There is not much time for him to find another device to copy the data again. . It is best not to break.


At the same time, there were already alarm bells outside.

But Will is still very calm and holding the computer with one hand, quickly browsing the genes of the main target, and found that there is no omission. During this time, all the data has been copied out, and then the hard disk was unplugged.

"Good luck."

Will picked up the two silver suitcases by the way, then turned and strode out.

"I hope luck will be so good in the future."

He murmured and continued to keep the shape of Dr. Wu, then hurried out of the gene pool.

Will thinks that Dr. Wu's style may be useful. After all, he is the chief person in charge, and he also holds two silver suitcases that seem important. . It is also normal to rush to go amidst this chaos.

of course. . Maybe it's not so easy to use, for example. .


Will had just stepped out of the threshold of the gene bank, and there was a gunshot, followed by a burst of bullet bullets.

Too late to think, Will lifted his free right hand in front of him, and then hurriedly backed away.

If it were the original Will, this attack was enough to kill him, but now. .

"...It still hurts."

Will lowered his right hand, his arm and palm were almost smashed, and several shots were shot on his shoulder. . Fortunately, his face and neck were not injured, otherwise a lot of blood loss would make his movement very inconvenient.

But such a serious injury. . In a few breaths, there seems to be signs of faint hemostasis, and the deformer's self-healing ability is very strong, which is why Will can focus his injury on his arm with one hand blocking his face.

"I want to save some energy."

Obviously, Dr. Wu must not know where to go. . Then he gave orders to see any Dr. Wu who came out of himself and started to do it directly.

Then there is no point in maintaining the image of Dr. Wu.

Secretly whispering, Wil silently took a step back so that the outside world could not catch himself temporarily.

Sure enough, the outside of the gene pool was quiet again, and the members of the security forces who lost their targets also held guns, gestured to each other, and began to move carefully toward the gene pool.

The orders given by Dr. Wu are not comprehensive. . Or it is not comprehensive, how can I say that the magic-shaped girl in the comics ran out?

The members of these security forces only received orders, and a commercial spy stole very important core data. In order to prevent data leakage, they can kill each other on the spot. . A company's lawyers scrubbed them.

So they don’t feel and don’t know what they are facing.


. . It's too quiet.

The gene bank is too quiet. In the environment of the external alarm bells, the members of the security forces gradually moved closer to the past. The gene bank is too quiet, almost like a silence.

This anomaly warned several team leaders. They made a tactical gesture to stop the advance and prepared a team to take a look first.

Although they are just a commercial spy, they don't think what the other party can do~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But also be careful about the other party's frustrated use of weapons like explosives.

Only in the next moment, before the security team's advance team entered the gene bank first, a sudden gust of wind swept through.

"Retreat! Rewind!"

Several captains were frightened enough, and because of the air waves generated by the explosion, they even screamed out immediately before making tactical gestures, but then they reacted, why there was no explosion sound and heat wave.

But in the next moment, Will, with his wings back again, was already rushing out of the gene pool with the wind.

"What is this!"

There was no heat wave or explosive impact. The members of the security forces with excellent professional quality quickly calmed down, and then the first few people saw an angel-like figure with huge white wings against the ground. The spinning galloped out.

They even came to remember to make a question, and they were hit by Will's wings, and even fainted on the spot.

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