High Magic Earth

Chapter 1681: So the plan is for chaos

"Shoot! Quick... Damn it!"

Like a horse-drawn carriage, Will's momentum was fierce, but not overwhelming. The security forces behind him quickly reacted, and even began to prepare to attack Will again.

But Will also doesn't need to solve everyone here. . The only thing he needs to do is rush out.

Although the roaring wings could not directly lift the tornado, the power of diving and the power of Will itself hit a person's body enough to make him dead on the spot.

Silently rushing out of the gene bank, Will instantly solved the headmen of the outside security forces.

By the way, there were a few unlucky eggs who obeyed the orders to prepare for the way.

But he did not fly smoothly, and he had a poor sense of balance. He couldn't fly smoothly in this narrow area.

Fortunately, he is not in a hurry now.


Jumping from the gene bank and diving for a distance of three or five meters, Will stretched his wings and landed again, and at the same time he landed, his feet had once again slammed on the ground, and the wings behind him were like a huge blower. stretch. . Then rushed over again.

A good pair of wings. . Obviously it was an air unit, and it turned him into a ground unit.

This is also something that cannot be done. After all, it is not an original angel, and it is not so easy to fly.

In fact, even if you press your wings, you won't be able to fly immediately. . The reason why angels are called angels must be different from humans in addition to their wings, such as the internal structure of the body.

This structural change only allowed them to drive up huge wings and balance their bodies.

Although Will can completely simulate the angel's body and fly smoothly, it also loses the advantage of partial deformation.

All he needed was a pair of wings, even a short glide, not the whole angel. . Although only angels can kill angels, their strength is not enough to crush everything.

For example, encounter something like the power grid. . Will also be bound.

The agitated wings once again brought strength to Will, fortunately. . Or coincidentally, it may be that Dr. Wu exaggerated his threat. This time, there was no stun gun in the security forces, and everyone used conventional firearms.

In fact, the threat posed by these conventional firearms to Will has not been greater than the stun gun.


Will swooped out again instantly.

His speed is not fast, far from the level of the afterimage, but it is extremely impactful. After being unfolded, the wings with a length of nearly four meters are even enough to fill the corridor.

Plus Will, an adult. . No one dared to stop, and no one could stop him.

"Shoot! Shoot!"

All members of the security forces on Will's dive route evaded from the sides, but they were professional after all. . The other members who were not affected, soon started shooting under the leadership of several leaders.

Of course, in this chaos, they don't want how accurate their marksmanship is and directly hit the target. . Their current shooting element is to avoid their teammates to avoid accidental injuries.

As for hitting Will, it is best to hit.

But after all, the corridor is very small, and the semi-automatic rifle has a fast shooting speed. Even if there is no aiming, a small part of the bullet still scratches Will on the body.

And Will did not care.

If it is a stun gun, he may have to repeat the trick, using his wings to fly the electrode darts out. It may not have been so smooth when he rushed out, but it was just some bullets. .


Dense bullet storms splashed on Will's body, hitting his wings, and all quickly splashed away, slipped away, or stuck in feathers.

Unfortunately, he directly hit his body. . Although the skin he had beaten was cracked, and even bones were exposed in some places, he was recovering at a very rapid rate.

The entire corridor is only a few dozen meters away, and Will does not need to care about these disturbances at all.

As long as he flies fast enough, the bullet cannot catch up. . Well, the bullet can still catch up with him, but in the face of this deformer who doesn't even have his brain in his head, even if he penetrates his brain, Will can rush out with a sense of direction.


After diving for about four or five meters again, Will has already crossed the blockade of the entire security force, and without the surviving members of the security force that Will rammed, he also spontaneously gathered together, armed with guns, and began to be densely packed. Block shots towards Will.

But they were blocked by the wings that he stretched behind.

The next moment, Will slammed on the ground again, and the whole person rushed towards the corner of the corridor in a blink of an eye. . It came to the end of the corridor in less than half a second, and then the wings turned around, disappearing into the eyes of the members of the security forces.

He rushed out of the cordon.

At this time, members of the security forces also stopped shooting. . In fact, in the face of such a strange character with wings on their backs, their psychological pressure is also great.

Not even escaping on the spot is considered to be their excellent psychological quality. After all, the wings on their backs not only mean that this is an inhuman monster. . It is very similar to the image in a certain religion.

Of course, if Will is not a human image, this situation is another possibility.

Perhaps the security forces will fight and withdraw, or even fall apart, or it may be that when facing monsters, an extraordinary desire for survival and combat power erupts, and the more and more wars, the harder to say.

but now. . Seeing Will disappear at the end of the corridor, the lucky two team leaders looked at each other and then quickly made a decision.


They pressed with one hand and made a gesture, and then took the lead to run forward.

After all, the salary of the international gene technology company that I get is usually not so much money. I don’t do anything for them. At this time, I don’t do anything. I don’t want to work in the international gene technology company in the future.

Another reason is that although Will showed more power than ordinary people, and even had wings, he was running away from beginning to end and wanted to break out.

In addition to a part of the unlucky members of the security forces, Will was directly hit by Will, and then coma on the spot, and no other people were injured.

And these unlucky eggs are also comatose, not dead or anything, at most it is just a serious injury.

This also made the two security team leaders slightly underestimate Will's combat effectiveness, which was the main reason they dared to catch up.

Of course, for Will, he focused on escaping absolutely not because of lack of combat power. In addition to not wanting to hurt the innocent, there is a bigger part, because now things have completely become a mess, he has to be as soon as possible. Get the rest.

For example, some instruments as well. . researcher.

Under the command of the leader, a group of security forces members quickly followed in the direction of Will's departure, and about half a minute after they disappeared in the corridor, Dr. Wu's figure slowly walked out of the laboratory Came out.

Looking at the rugged ground and bullet holes in the wall, Dr. Wu frowned slightly, feeling that he still underestimated the combat effectiveness of this genetic warrior.

The other party seems to have other things, so they are unwilling to fight. . Dr. Wu did not believe that this gene product would have any fighting power at all.

Although this is good news for the security forces, because the other party does not intend to fight head-on, it is not necessarily good news for international gene technology companies.

The other party is obviously plotting something bigger.

But things are as they are now, but Dr. Wu feels that there is nothing to worry about, because things have become very bad and international gene technology companies have been affected. . No matter how bad it is, it won't be too bad.

Anyway, my Nobel Prize is not so easy.

Dr. Wu's face was ugly, and he hurriedly entered the gene bank. After seeing the mess inside the gene bank, where the original two silver-white suitcases were empty, his face became even more ugly.

He thought about it for a while, squinting his eyes without knowing when he thought about it, and then left without looking back again.

. . .

At the same time, Lito, who was finishing his work meticulously, listened to the sudden sound of the alarm bell and raised his head blankly.

After a pause, he seemed to realize. . I may have done all this work in vain.

. . .

Leaving the corridor behind him, Will didn't stop. He had already figured out the map nearby, and almost without hesitation, he ran into the laboratory next to him.

Glass is indeed a kind of high safety level, after all, it is a laboratory, to prevent the occurrence of water, fire, and various combustibles and explosions.

But he was still knocked off by his head.

There are also several research institutes in the laboratory, three men and two women. . Of course it's okay. They were together eating biscuits and coffee, as a back-up lunch missed at noon, and Will ran in.


Two female researchers were startled, and three male researchers were also scared enough. . But I just thought someone accidentally encountered something like an experimental explosion.

Although the alarm outside is a masterpiece. . But the researchers may have been born dull. They probably thought that something went wrong in the experiment that caused the fire and the like, but they did not expect to be an intruder.

This is also normal, and here is not a place like a mutant research institute. How could there be an intruder, unless it is a dinosaur to save his companion.

As for the fire. . There is nothing to worry about.

International Gene Technology’s various protections are very good. Even if an explosion occurs in a work area, although it will cause casualties, it will not affect other places.

After all, every day here produces money, and Jurassic World themed islands stop for a day. . They are all losing money.

Therefore, the fire caused by the test can easily be extinguished, otherwise, all the experimental accidents will be stopped. . The company can't afford such a toss.

But as Will slowly stood up, the two wings slowly flapped behind him. . The five researchers finally realized that something seemed wrong, and each swallowed a sip of foam, and then could not make any sound.

this is. . what. .


But Dr. Wu looks like an angel.

Those who can work here are basically core members. This is a genetic company, and there are many middle- and low-end researchers who are very young. . Young people, of course, have played games, such as Resident Evil or something.

Seeing his head boss grow wings on his back, as a member of the gene company, their heads immediately filled out a 10,000-word drama.

Just like most villains. . They used their own bodies to conduct experiments, and then the things were revealed and were hunted down. It was at this time that the genes began to show some kind of mutation. Then, a brand new boss was released.

In fact, they instinctively prefer to believe that this is the result of some kind of genetic experiment or mutation, rather than believe that the other party is crawling out of religion.

But wait. . In this way, these people are not all the people in the laboratory mentioned in the background of the story. . people?

The five researchers felt that they were all bad.

Will has been soaked with blood all over his body, which makes him look visually shocking. Coupled with the equally shocking way of admission, none of the unlucky researchers in the laboratory dare Speaker.

All froze on the spot, at a loss.

But Will didn't care about them.

Although he had confidence in his own strength, he did not plan to deal with the entire security force. . Although the number of members of the entire security force is not a few thousand, there are a few hundred.

And even if he can deal with it, can he all be slaughtered?

While he was still in complete chaos and began to hunt him down, Will decided to complete the task directly. Fortunately, in the morning he glanced at today’s leave sheet, so all the people he needed were here, and today there is no longer on the island .


In the sound of trembling bones, Will gathered his wings, put his wings back together, and then stared at a researcher in front for a few seconds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His skin, muscles, bones started again Shaking slowly.

It's like creeping or melting. . Then under the stunned gaze of the five fellow researchers, Will became exactly the same as one of them.

"Meet me... ghost!"

The researcher who became the same by Will felt that he couldn't even speak.

And ignored them, too lazy to care what they were thinking, carrying two silver suitcases with one hand, and then strode to the other door of the laboratory.

Here you can directly cross the corridor to the other side of the work area, which is a more convenient laboratory, so he will choose to bump into it.

The silent transforming mantra was released, and the blood-covered clothes suddenly disappeared, replaced by a white gown worn by an ordinary researcher, but the appearance could be changed, but the smell could not be changed. Will still radiated a faint blood on his body. gas.

It’s just that non-professionals can’t distinguish them at all.

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