High Magic Earth

Chapter 1682: So it's time for Title Jun to play again

"Click, click."

Will shook his neck. . The new neck bone made a series of clicks, as if the winch of the machine was running in and adapted to it, then he strode forward.

Following his movements, the researchers standing opposite the laboratory seemed to finally wake up. They panicked backwards, and as a result, they bumped into the obstacle before they realized that behind them were the experiment table and the wall. There is no refund.

They stuck their bodies on the edge of the experiment table. . It seems like this, you can find a trace of security.

But it may be that their movements are too tidy, but instead scared Will, thinking whether he has strayed into the hidden protagonist laboratory. . For example, thanks to ears.

Because they inhale inwardly, clinging to the edge of the table, lined up next to each other, very funny temperament.

As Will watched, their breathing became more rapid.

Although Will looks harmless now, and his wings are put away, except that he looks exactly like one of these five people, it looks very weird as if looking in the mirror or twins, but there seems to be no threat, but Several researchers will not forget how this one entered the venue.

That looks like a religious mascot. . And full of shocking power, there is no ghost without threat.

Unless everything they saw before was hallucinatory, even if they had collective hallucinations, the broken glass could not be faked.

That's a glass crystal of polymer material, not to mention the general flame burning and bullet penetration, even if it is a small-scale explosion caused by the experiment, there is no problem, it is still safe, and the result is so brutally crushed. .

They estimate that this guy's strength must be measured in tons, and the density of bones and muscles must be far more than ordinary creatures.

So it's a ghost illusion.

Maybe it's a big alarm bell ringing through the work area now. . It is because of him.

As Will moved closer and closer, several researchers did not dare to breathe, even because of breathlessness and nervousness, one of the female researchers turned his eyes slightly in the next moment, and the whole person fainted.


Her head hit the experiment table heavily. . Fortunately, it is not the edge of the table, otherwise let alone a broken head and bleeding, it is possible to die on the spot.

But Rao is so. The muffled noise on the table makes people feel painful. Even her companions doubt whether she can continue to work as a laboratory researcher in the future.

And more importantly, such a large movement naturally attracted Will's attention. At first, the other party's eyes did not care much, and at this time, it seemed to become more focused.

This kind of detail change that I didn't want to notice, let some people's mouths straight.

But in fact, after Will took a closer look and found that there were no familiar faces in it, he lost interest in several people again.

After staring at a few people for a while, Will suddenly stretched out his hand and trembling in their bodies, the four survivors inhaled again to abdomen, and even wished to change themselves from a three-dimensional entity to a two-dimensional portrait and hang it on the wall. Last time. . Slowly brought over the plate of cookies next to it.

Then Will gave them a light look again. . With a tray full of cookies, he silently opened the other door of the laboratory and left.


Until the door of the laboratory was automatically closed again, Will's figure disappeared, and several talents came back to life as if they had survived the robbery, breathing heavily.

"This is really..."

One of them said a few words, and then he didn't know how to continue.

. . .

On the other hand, Will returned to the familiar laboratory environment again, just like when he patrolled last week, except that the alarm sounded from time to time and the occasional flash of dark red gloss added a bit to the surroundings. It's just a tense atmosphere and colors.

Yes, when Will last week, he made all of the researcher's work area and the security work area clear.

He was directly mixed into the patrol at that time, and walked these two work areas over and over again for a whole week. What convenient passages and open places in each work area could unexpectedly go through the whole He knew all the doors of the corridor.

Naturally, it also includes several main goals of his trip.

Some large-scale experimental instruments. . And some researchers.

Seriously, the experimental equipment is not counted, these researchers Will originally planned to say hello in advance, so that they are better prepared.

Although he was quite sure that the origin meeting would not hurt their lives, he was suddenly caught. . Even if they may choose to cooperate, the efficiency may not be guaranteed, after all, the origin meeting will not torture them from time to time or use life as a threat.

I have to say that although this method is very brutal, it is indeed highly efficient. Other methods such as lure and purely rely on personal charm and like-mindedness. . Although it may be effective, it may not be as good as expected.

I don't know how long it takes to run in each other.

The Origin Conference will indeed ensure friendliness. . But saying hello in advance and then bringing people over, and communicating after bringing people over, are completely different degrees of friendliness, or even entirely two concepts.

It's a pity that all this has been disrupted now. . Forget it, it's just that Will doesn't know how to greet him in advance. After all, he will shuttle to other parallel worlds to help fight against the angels and demons. .

Perhaps some people in the former may believe that although they are in the field of genes, they are all highly intelligent businessmen, but there are not many people who believe, while the latter. . It is estimated to be directly regarded as a lunatic.

Anyway, he hadn't thought of what to say. The plan was disrupted, so it was chaotic.

Will grabbed a handful of cookies and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing on it in bulk, regardless of the sprinkling and falling of the biscuit food residue.

He was a little hungry.

These extra body organs created by Will using local deformability, such as extending a pair of wings or something, will not feed back the injury to itself. . These parts are like cocoons on the feet, hair on the head or nails on the hands and feet, but they will be very tired.

It's like a long-distance race that runs a few thousand kilometers, and it's not just a decline in physical fitness, but also a mental exhaustion like being concentrated on the whole long-distance race and trying to achieve good results.

You can refer to the exam for details. . Although there is no physical activity, but still feel very tired, this is mental fatigue.

Of course, compared to mental fatigue, physical energy consumption is greater.

At this point Will was not too exhausted and still full of energy, but he could clearly feel his stomach growling.

He felt hungry with a cow. . Can swallow it in one bite.

In the real sense, because he can become a non-human creature, such as a python, but. . Ok. . It is estimated that it is still difficult to devour a cow of the same size as a one-person python.

"Cough! Cough!"

"Cough cough cough!"

Will, who was running, couldn't help but start coughing violently, because the food was choked into his throat by swallowing too much. . This makes his entire eating experience feel very bad.

"Cough cough cough!"

Such things as cookies, especially cookies, are very dry and crunchy. They can even choke in your throat if you accidentally breathe it.

But even so. . Will not stop Will from eating.

He held a suitcase and a tray of cookies in one hand, while the other hand still grabbed a large amount of cookies and delivered them to his mouth. Swallowed all the cookies.

Of course, it's choking enough, and most of the cookies are also scattered.


Fortunately, Will had already strode to a gate that seemed to be a laboratory at this time. He didn't look at it. He lifted his leg directly, and the whole person broke in instantly.

This is still a lounge.

Although becoming a deformer does bring a lot of enhancement to Will's overall quality, most of them are manifested in the speed and physical fitness and regenerative power, intelligent memory and spiritual unique leisure concepts of the mysterious side. . Instead, there is not much enhancement.

After all, he has become a deformer, rather than directly becoming a **** in one step. Naturally, he is not so comprehensive.

Will was able to remember that the topographic maps of the two work areas were not an advantage brought by the deformer's talent, but because of his basic skills as a policeman.

If you can’t even remember the way, you often get lost. . What police do you do?

There are not as many people in the lab as there are in the lounge, but there is still one. A researcher in a white coat and a young man who looks like a fresh graduate is sitting on the sofa looking at a magazine. The small cake machine slowly lights up the indicator . . It is estimated that he is waiting for his small cake as a snack.

The guy was startled when Will kicked the door open. The whole person shivered, and the magazine in his hand was almost not scared.

He turned around to prepare for scolding, but after seeing Will coming straight in, the curse at his mouth turned into a weak complaint, and then he saw Will's indifferent eyes again. . Finally, even the curse was swallowed back quietly by him.

The elite researchers here have more or less some house properties. Even if they don’t, they are more sensible than impulsive.

Forget it, anyway, I don’t have any substantial losses, so be it. . The researcher on the sofa sat back silently again, then secretly looked at Will.


Will casually put two suitcases on a table next to it, picked up half a pot of coffee and didn't know whether it was cold or hot and poured it into his mouth.

He is not worried, because he is not afraid of whether it is cold or hot, because even if hot coffee can make his mouth hot and foaming, it will not cause substantial harm to him, but it will still hurt very much.

"Gutter, grunt, grunt."

The whole half of the pot of coffee was filled in one breath, and Will felt like he was alive again.

Although he even swallowed half a plate of cookies and half a pot of coffee, Will was still very hungry. . Because he is a deformed monster, not a monster.

In addition to the ability to deform, the deformers are not so powerful. If it is not Will who has the powerful force that originated in the blood, that is, as an ancestor, he has the ability to deform locally, and he can also change into a non-human being. Creatures, deformers are actually more powerful than ordinary people.

The ability to transform can make them disguised and blend into humans, is a natural assassin and master of destruction, non-silver products can not kill them is the main battle rely on the deformers.

But beyond that, humans still have many means to deal with them, trap them, and even catch them alive.

Their terrible thing is that they can be disguised to cause chaos and destruction, rather than fighting head-on.

Although Will now looks as usual, his body was bloody, and even the wounds that can be seen in the stubble have healed, but that is just a disguise of deformability and deforming spells.

He himself is still in a state of serious injury. Although he and Wolverine both have the ability to heal themselves, these injuries may recover for Wolverine within a few blinks, and do not even feel that they were injured, but for Will. . I am afraid it will take several hours or even longer.

The same goes for food digestion.

He swallowed the food in with a gulp, just stuffing it into his stomach does not mean that he can digest it in a few minutes.

Of course, Will can simulate the stomach of birds, and the digestion ability of birds is very fast. . But the problem is that human beings are a complete whole, and even deforming monsters need to abide by this rule, which is also one of the shortcomings and limitations of local deformation, otherwise why Will changed his wings and stumbling.

So only one bird's appetite is impossible, and other organs cannot be combined with this fast-digesting stomach, and the final result can only make everything worse.

Putting cookies into the mouth in a hurry is just an instinctive impulse under severe hunger, and it cannot really be digested quickly.

So even if Will had swallowed half a plate of cookies and coffee, it was nothing more than food, and the energy consumed was still not recovered. . Also still very hungry.

Putting down the coffee pot that he had already drunk, Will looked up, and then his eyes lit up, because he saw a pizza box that seemed to be unopened beside the coffee pot.

Uncovering the corner of the pizza box, sure enough, there is a brand new pizza ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is still warm.

Without hesitation, grabbing the pizza and suitcase, Will walked out again.

The researcher in the other corner of the lounge actually watched Will quietly, and he didn't dare to say anything when he saw how a starving ghost was reborn.

It wasn't until Will put the target on the pizza on the table that he finally couldn't help but tried to remind.


But Will didn't even bother to care for him, and even without looking at him, he walked out again through the kicked door.

Looking at Will's disappearing figure, the poor young researcher in the lounge lowered his voice again a little bit unconsciously, murmuring the second half of the sentence slowly.

"...This is the pizza I ordered..."

A pizza and four small cakes. This is afternoon tea in their laboratory, but unfortunately, there may be only four small cakes.

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