High Magic Earth

Chapter 1683: Feel something wrong

Will walked out of the lounge with a bit of pizza.

His appearance began to fluctuate like flowing water when he stepped out of the lounge. Waiting to step out of the lounge completely, he has completely changed into another stranger again.

It was the young researcher brother I saw in the lounge before.

After all, when he forcibly entered the laboratory before, he did not conceal his behavior and did not kill his mouth. According to the clues provided by the researchers, he was able to find him out if he wanted to trace it.

The advantage of the deformer is that it can be perfectly disguised and mixed into humans. Will does not have to leave such an obvious mistake.

Anyway, it was just a random transformation, changed an image, and the difficulty level of trying to trace him immediately rose geometrically.

But of course, it is even more hungry.

A lot of hunger does not make him faint, but it is enough to make him very tired. . Even tired to lose mobility.

Will prepared some high-calorie emergency food, such as easily absorbed concentrated chocolate bars. Although the incident happened suddenly, he did not follow the original observation plan and carefully replaced the researcher who had figured out the law of action. When entering the gene bank, but when rushing into it. . He was already mentally prepared for the incident.

. . I just didn't expect it to be so bad.

So he naturally carried some reserves with him. . But the current situation is far from that level.

Of course, Will will not eat emergency food now. Although he is not from the Marine Corps and has no professional field survival training or the like, but the police training background is actually not much worse.

It is enough to collect some food while passing by some lounges, just like now.

After swallowing the last piece of pizza, Will finished the entire 14-inch pizza and came to the north side of the work area. There is at least seven or eight corridors away from the gene pool at the core, and the twists and turns are at least extended. Hundreds of meters away, he was far from the area where he caused confusion.

Wow, the siren is so small that it is almost inaudible, and only sporadic echoes can be captured. The flashing dark red indicator light is not turned on at all in this area.

After all, international gene technology companies are big businesses. . It's impossible to affect all workspaces with a little thing.

Even if this little thing refers to the explosion of the gene pool.

But in addition to knowing the truth, Dr. Wu and other security forces involved. . I am afraid most people think that there is a fire in the gene bank or something.

Invasion of foreign enemies. . This is really exaggerated.

Randomly rubbing the greasy hand on the clothes, Will sniffed his nose, forget it, anyway, his body was already full of **** smell, which can't be removed for the time being, it doesn't matter if it tastes more pizza.

The work area is still very busy. . There are either laid-back or busy staff everywhere. They have not been affected and affected. Even if someone occasionally hears the faint alarm sound, it is instinctively ignored and ignored.

Jurassic World Island has also been on the island for more than five years. Although there may be some unlucky eggs in the feeding area that were accidentally bitten by dinosaurs, their arms or heads were accidentally accidental. . But still not.

Many people are doing work that does not cause any surprises in daily life. . May have forgotten these potential dangers and the lessons of blood.

Comfort makes people forget to be alert.

Will walked around the work area in stride, like an ordinary staff member. . According to the timing of his silent reading, more than five minutes have passed since the conflict broke out in the gene bank.

The complete response of the security forces took about fifteen minutes, and he needed to speed up.

The remaining ten minutes are certainly not enough, but faster is always higher than slower.

As a police officer, Will naturally learned how to judge time based on the number of heartbeats. . Unfortunately, this method is not applicable after becoming a deformer.

Because he might stop his heart, he switched back to the original silent reading timing method.

Thinking wildly, Will observes the surrounding work area, laboratory, and researchers in white coats. . The pattern is the same in all cases, but although it looks the same, Will can still distinguish the details and the value. .

"At this!"

Will's eyes lit up suddenly.

This corridor is straight, with offices and laboratories on both sides that have been pulled down or closed without blinds. The only difference is that in the corridor near the side of Will, about 10 meters away, there is a sudden, concave in the front. Wall space.

The area of ​​about five or six square meters looks like a semi-finished storage room without completion or without doors.

In fact, there are few corners that are undetectable by surveillance.

Will walked two steps quickly, and in the strange eyes of the other fellows passing by in the corridor, one flew in and hid.

The space is not large, and there is no shelter at all. Originally, it was planned to be designed as another lounge or barista, but the laboratory on the left needs a very large laboratory equipment. . The cross section cannot be put down, so it can only be expanded.

The space in the original lounge was occupied, and the remaining five or six square meters was even smaller by pressing the door. Nothing could be done, so I simply gave up here.

Because here is just a small space on the side of the corridor, there is no place to hide or hide things, and there is no additional camera to come over.

And Will didn't plan to hide anything.

In less than ten seconds, Will walked out of it again. . But in the shocked eyes of the researcher passing around from strange to rounded eyes, he has changed his appearance and body again, and the two silver-white suitcases in his hands are gone.

Yes, they were shrunk into two slap-sized cigarette cases by Will, and they were put into their pockets.

Will, of course, will transform the spell. . Otherwise, how did he transform his clothes randomly, but he was only proficient in transforming clothes, not only can cast spells silently, but also instantaneously.

As for other things, they are not as skilled as clothes, so he reduced the suitcase to a cigarette case in a relatively quiet place, so as not to make it into a kind of cigarette case that can run and jump. Will will not want to grab it. they.

In addition to the Transfiguration Charm, Will is also proficient in the Traceless Charm, which he has practiced recently, mainly to move those huge instruments and machinery.

Weir, who carried a pocketless mantra, also made a few of them. Although this thing cannot be produced in the magic world, it is a contraband, but for the origin conference. .

There is only one problem. Although the seamless extension mantra can put a large volume directly in it, which is equivalent to a space storage bag, the weight of the object will not change.

The Alchemy Bag of the Unmarked Stretching Charm itself has no defense and is easily damaged in battle. . Will didn't put the suitcase in here.

And in terms of weight. . Will may have a few tons of power. Compared to ordinary people, his power is deadly and amazing enough, but he can't take mechanical instruments that are much heavier than a few tons.

Fortunately, this problem is not impossible to solve.

There are many people who are proficient in the magic of the Harry Potter system in the Origin Conference, and the traceability of the origin of the blood vein is naturally complementary to the magic of the Harry Potter system.

Many people have both magic and theory. . They have all surpassed Dumbledore.

In fact, Dumbledore or Tom Riddle. . In fact, it is not so terrible. Of course, they do have a lot of strange magic. For example, Voldemort can slice himself, Dumbledore’s theoretical knowledge is scary and so on.

But the power of their frontal confrontation, that is, that is mainly limited to the entire magic system of Harry Potter itself.

They are not destined to smash all the continental plates with a meteorite like the mage in the dnd rule.

The reason why Dumbledore always used to compare combat effectiveness. . Mainly because there are not many people who can be measured by the Harry Potter world.

. . So Dumbledore, like a captain, was promoted to a unit of measurement for combat effectiveness.

There were a lot of geniuses in the origin meeting, and soon they thought of a relatively tricky way. Although the weight of the items contained in the seamless extension spell will not change, the deformation spell will change the weight of the object.

Of course, this is not a general low-level transformation spell, at least high-level upward.

The level of the Transfiguration spell is from low to high. Although it seems to be divided very carefully, in fact, all the different levels are generated by the increase of magic power.

The little wizard has insufficient magic power and can only transform some small things, such as turning mice into teapots and matchboxes into buttons. This is a low-level transforming spell.

Then as the magic power grows, they can turn the table into a pig, turn people into a table, etc., which is at the level of an intermediate transformation spell.

In the end, the wizard became an adult, middle-aged, or even into old age. The magic reserve has grown to the extreme and peak. At this time, the wizard can try to change some giant objects, such as turning a huge stone sculpture into a guard, or even changing the entire castle. and many more.

Of course, in addition to magic power, the Transfiguration Curse also needs some talents, not everyone can become a Transfiguration Master.

The essence of this kind of talent actually refers to the fineness of magic control. The finer the magic control, the more magic can be called. Under the same conditions as others, you can wake up larger objects that others cannot wake up. A brand new Master of Transfiguration was born.

Of course, in addition to the size, the complexity of the objects also has a certain relationship. For example, turning the table into a pig and turning the table into a ball are definitely not a level.

But this effect is not big, mainly depends on the size of the volume, the larger the volume. . The more mana is consumed.

The top-level transformation spell is Animagus, which can act on the wizard himself. . Change the shape and weight of the wizard and turn yourself into an animal.

The image of Animagus is mainly related to the wizard's heart, personality, volume and other conditions, but it can be seen from the small dwarf star Animagus is a mouse. It is contrary to the previous deformation spell, and the volume is not It is not the main factor of influence, but the character and heart.

But it also means that it can indeed change the weight of objects. . As long as the wizard's magic power is enough to shrink such a large object.

And this is not a problem for the members of the origin conference, because the magic of any kind of magical creature traces back to the origin of the bloodline, and the total amount of magic power will increase greatly.

Like a ninja world, the Harry Potter world is also a world of descent, or why are they called warlocks.

Adult wizards are better than young wizards because the magic of physical strength naturally increases with time. . This is the reason for the resuscitation of blood vessels.

Everyone is about the same.

But there are some wizards with noble ancestry, such as Slytherin, that is, pure blood wizards, because the blood is more pure, the magic that slowly grows is more.

Naturally, it is much stronger than the wizards who suddenly awakened in a certain generation, especially the power of the spell.

Spells can become more and more familiar, shorter and shorter, or even silent, but it is very difficult for the same spell to play different powers. . The magic potion that seems to be hanging only seems to be able to do Nicholas Lemer, and most of the materials have been extinct.

So even if Will, a deformer who is not a wizard at all, after awakening the power in the bloodline, a large amount of magical power can make him a master of transformation.

. . But for the large instruments used in a whole genetic engineering project that awakened dinosaurs, Will's personal strength is still not worth mentioning.

And he does not need to deform those large instruments for too long, as long as it is almost until the time of transfer.

This was also a rough plan set by Will and Mianlong.

The plan is rough. . But what about the plan, and whether there are any surprises, all rely on live performance, just like now.

Will walked abruptly and soon disappeared into the eyes of the staff in this corridor. . He twisted a few corridors in a crooked way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ once again came to a more remote place on the north side of the work area.

He still counts the time in his mind, and now it should have passed again for about two minutes. According to the reaction ability of the security forces under normal circumstances, it is estimated that everyone now knows about this matter.

If Dr. Wu made a mistake, the security forces would probably react faster.

But the handling work can already be started because of the front. . This is the first location.

Will's footsteps stopped in front of a laboratory.

But strangely, Will rubbed his finger on his chin without a beard. He always felt he seemed to have forgotten what it was. .

Then the next moment, Will suddenly realized.

He hammered his palm.

"Right! Lito Nancy."

"How did I forget them!"

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