High Magic Earth

Chapter 1684: This is probably a sympathy


Dr. Wu walked around in his laboratory.

As a doctor, although he is cunning and insidious, he is actually not good at fighting such brutal and only knowing the use of violence. He does not know what to do now.

Most doctors are rational and calm. . Of course, it's not a field of biochemistry, or a crazy doctor who has been injected with strange genetic drugs.

Dr. Wu's first reaction to calm down after leaving the gene bank was to run. He wanted to escape from here. As long as he brought his own project and experimental data, he could make a comeback wherever he went.

But the cherished, suspected angelic gene remains in Will's hands. . As well as Will himself, Dr. Wu left him unwillingly.

It's easy to make a comeback, but these genes. . But it is inexplicable, maybe you will miss it.

The suspected angel gene was collected in the meteorite rain not long ago in New Hampshire.

As for why it is said to be the gene of the suspected angel. . It is because among the meteorites that fell from the meteorite rain, an oval meteorite split directly into two halves, and in the middle of the meteorite, there is exactly a human-shaped depression. Of course, the depression is empty. It's like the creature inside has left.

The depression is a human shape, the shape is almost the same as the shape of a human, and the size is also almost the same as the height and volume of a human.

More importantly, on both sides of the depression, that is, where the back extends outwards, two strange depressions that are unlikely to belong to human-owned organs can be clearly seen.


That is the shape of a wing.

People, wings, angels.

Even if you are not a Christian, you will think of this possibility in the first place.

Of course, this is too fake, no one will believe. . Reason tells them how creatures like angels might exist, but the meteorite in this place and the depression in the meteorite make people wonder.

It's so realistic, it's too coincidental and weird.

The appearance of meteorites is nothing. After all, meteorites often appear. . Humans haven't even flown out of the earth, how can we understand the mysteries of the universe.

Although the recent occurrence of meteorite may indeed be more frequent.

The large number of meteorite rains has not caused much impact, because it only involves some professors and doctors in meteorite and geology. For them, it has been like a carnival in the past six months.

There are also members of the anti-dinosaur faction, who seem to use this frequently-falling meteorite as a sign of disaster and begin to march on the streets as frequently. . It has even evolved that dinosaurs are a catastrophic creature, and their presence will cause meteorites to fall and reawaken the rumor of God's flood.

But what normal people don't believe is.

However, many people who have seen these meteorite still have some surprises in their hearts. . The main reason is that the falling meteorite is basically round, and the size of the round is almost a circle, so far away, it can even kill patients with intensive phobia.

But no one thinks about any extraterrestrial creatures,

Human speculation about aliens has never stopped. . But the real aliens only exist in the movie, and it is like Ye Gonglong. The fantasy of aliens is very beautiful, but the appearance of real aliens is not necessarily beautiful.

So most people instinctively assume that the aliens no longer exist.

Although people's intellect is very clear, the universe is very large, so big that it is definitely not only the planet with intelligent life.

But he would still be horrified by the alien visit.

So even the appearance of meteorite rain is strange. . What most people think of is that all this is a strange astrological phenomenon, and ghosts know what these meteorites have experienced in the universe.

In addition to lamenting the infinite wonder of the universe, there will be no other emotions.

But the appearance of an angel-shaped depression. . But it made everything different. It directly took this matter into an unpredictable direction.

And yes. . Extremely incredible direction.

This incident was blocked for the first time, and then there are no longer only geologists astronomers and meteorologists, all kinds of scientists began to flock like here to gather.

No one thought that such a thing would happen. Although the blockade was carried out in the first place, after all, it had already spread out. The scientific community and some big consortia got the news early. The blockade is only a blockade for the outside world. .

Then, before and after countless scientists, after a detailed analysis of this meteorite under a high-magnification microscope, even a millimeter, a more surprising and thrilling, even unbelievable things appeared, they were really of. . Residues of suspected genes were found in the meteorite.

No matter what the so-called angel gene is, it is definitely a gene, and the existence of a gene means that there have been creatures here.

Of course, it is not necessarily an angel, or even a wise creature. . But it still caused a sound wave.

Although the news was originally blocked, there are still many people in the circle who are talking about this as an interesting thing. Until the appearance of genetic residues, the blockade was further aggravated.

International Gene Technology Corporation obtained a small amount of genetic samples in the first time. . Although this thing is strictly blocked, after all, the news is not a secret in the circle, and here is a capital country.

For an international gene technology company with a big business, any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

It's a gene-based company. . How can a copy of a gene from outside the world not be available.

Although International Gene Technology Co., Ltd. is far from Tanggu, it has already evolved towards an umbrella.

Perhaps if they were not free people such as Will, Dr. Wu really unlocked the secret of the extraterrestrial genes of the suspected angels. Perhaps the style of the entire Jurassic world will be brought to another dimension, such as dinosaur slaps or something. .

But of course, if there is no free man, then there will be no angels, who has a relationship with others. . Not easy to say.

The genes of this kind of extraterrestrial creatures suspected of being angels are very precious, and international gene technology companies can't buy much because they don't have much money.

Dr. Wu knows better. . They have already entered the test benches of major laboratories, and there is no more left.

So if the genes in those two silver suitcases are missed, it is unlikely that he will have the next chance, unless he is willing to enter the other laboratory with the extraterrestrial genes.

But the experiment is definitely not led by him.

In addition to this extraterrestrial gene suspected of being an angel, Will itself is also a great attraction for Dr. Wu.

Of course not in that sense, but genetically. . This explanation seems even stranger.

Dr. Wu was curious about Will's ability to deform, and was even very curious.

He did not leave at that time, but hid in a nearby laboratory, hiding behind the blinds and secretly observing. He saw most of the process of Will's operation.

Can only be described in four words.


As the top group of people in the field of genetics, Dr. Wu knows the difficulty of the so-called gene warrior. . It is even said that there is no difficulty, because that is simply impossible.

For the current degree of genetic exploration.

Humans now have some research on genes, but that is the most superficial. Like a person who can use a computer, he may open a web page, but it is not clear how to make a web page.

It is far from controlling the genes.

And Dr. Wu observed Will's complete transformation process. . Perfect, without any defects.

This is not like a man-made product at all, but like it is. . It is so natural.

Yes, Dr. Wu has to suspect that Will is not a human being at all, but a humanoid creature. After all, it seems that even angels have appeared, and the sudden appearance of other nonhuman creatures is not unacceptable.

In other words, it was the appearance of the inhuman creature Will that further proved the angel depression. . Has a real angel ever existed?

Dr. Wu couldn't think of any laboratory that could make such a thing, even by accident.

But in fact, Dr. Wu does not care about the dark side of another world outside this world. . His only concern is whether he can go further in the field of genes.

He loves money very much, because genetic experiments require a lot of money to support, he looks very evil. . That's because the field of genes already looks like this.

of course. . Dr. Wu is actually indifferent. He is indeed not a good person, but he cannot deny his excellence in the field of genes.

In other words, every Ph.D. is a paranoid, and someone who does not insist on his heart cannot succeed.

This hesitant pursuit of life makes Dr. Wu hesitate here. . Even he, who has been able to distinguish countless genes in the experiment, was a bit confused and confused at this time.

Then in the next moment, the glass door outside his laboratory was knocked.


The crisp sound was like the last bell to wake up the devil in the dusk. Dr. Wu suddenly stopped, and the same faint smile on his face was hung again.

Then he looked away and looked at the door of the laboratory.

A rough man standing outside the door, a middle-aged man, is not tall, but gives a terrible feeling, as if it is a natural sense of fear.

This may not only be brought by his body shape and appearance, but also the camouflage jacket and jacket he wears, and the strangely dressed groups behind him, but they are inseparable from the camouflage pants and the various burdens on the body. Firearms and weapons.

He doesn't seem to be a good person. . Even more like a bad guy than Dr. Wu.

Seeing Dr. Wu's gaze, he spread his hands.

Dr. Wu quickly walked over and opened the door of the laboratory.

"Oh... Dear Wu, long time no see."

This guy opened his big hand around and exaggerated a hug greeting.

But Dr. Wu's expression did not change much. . He smiled as usual.

"Bakalim, when you tried to remove a velociraptor from here again last week, we just quarreled."

"Wow, your memory is still so good, old man."

"I'm not your old man."

There was still no sign of anger on Dr. Wu's face.

Bakalim. . Not only did this middle-aged man with exaggerated movements exaggerated his expression, he also made a very sad exaggerated expression, and said again.

"Dear Wu, we have known each other for three years. Isn't it long enough in your eyes?"

Dr. Wu was simply too lazy to take care of him.

Although there was still a smile on his face.

Bakalim, although the name sounds a little different, but he is a native American, some close to Mexico.

No one knows that this guy was born in that state. Bakalim joined the army and worked as a mercenary. In the earliest days, he followed the local specialties of the drug lords in Mexico. . In the earliest days, he even mixed very gangsters.

It can be said that his life experience is very rich, but most of them are related to blood and violence. . And Bakalim had no discomfort at all.

He is so instinct by nature, is an outright villain.

Bakalim is not an employee of International Gene Technology Corporation. He is more like a middleman. He is responsible for contacting the security forces of International Gene Technology Corporation with some arms dealers and the like. Even most of the members of the security forces are all Came through his headhunter.

After all, Bakalim is already middle-aged, and the killing and killing is not suitable for him. Using his previous connections, he can also be mixed up in the formal field.

In theory, Bakalim should not know Dr. Wu. . The two are one of the contacts between the arms dealers and mercenaries and the company, and the other is the general director of the company's internal projects. . Do guys like Bakalim really do business honestly?

So he tried to catch the attention of the dinosaurs.

This is an international gene technology company. . The only thing they have is a dinosaur, and the price of a dinosaur on the black market is not low.

Bakalim was not prepared to **** directly, or steal dinosaurs, if he was young he might still do it, because he always wanted to make a big ticket.

But now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he is not crazy.

In the past few years, the identity of a guest businessman has made him taste the benefits of compliance. . Of course, the so-called rules refer more to the cleverness of deflecting doors and exploiting holes.

For example. . How many dinosaurs die every month on Jurassic World themed islands due to illness or lifespan may not be many, but there will definitely be no less.

So why not waste it?

of course. . Sick and dying dinosaurs must not be secretly sold to those who are rich and cannot be sold. Well, Bakalim means in fact, since it is already a little dead, it doesn’t matter if there are one or two more.

So Bakalim approached Dr. Wu, the chief of the entire Jurassic World project.

There are talents inside to handle things well. . As long as Dr. Wu is persuaded, then what they want and what they want, velociraptors will definitely not be a triceratops.

Unfortunately, Dr. Wu has not agreed.

This book comes from

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