High Magic Earth

Chapter 1686: The title Jun does not want to appear again

Dr. Wu said quietly, "If you don't believe it, there are surveillance videos."

Bakalim immediately stepped in and waited for the few mercenaries outside to walk forward with a little curiosity. . They were lazy and did not seem interested in what Dr. Wu said.

But when Dr. Wu described this creature which is not like human beings at all. . They are all interested.

So the group followed Dr. Wu to watch the surveillance video again.

After watching the video, everyone was silent.


Bakalim paused for a moment and looked up at his own.

"What do you think."

He asked.

No matter whether it was the Asian small man or the big man from Russia, there was no flinch, and a little thought, the Asian man said first.

"Somewhat difficult to deal with... I suggest that the identity of the other party be sorted out and then shot directly from a distance."

"...If the sniper rifle is useful to him."

How does this last sentence sound?

Before Bakalim's eyes signaled, Russia's big man shook his head.

"I'm not his opponent. His speed is too fast and his strength is too strong. Skills are useless at this time. He can kill me with just one punch."

"I also think it's better for us to set traps."

The remaining two mercenaries also agreed.

Although these guys are a little dignified, they don't seem to feel much nervousness. . Obviously, they have not really realized the terrible of each other.

It seems to them that in the face of this non-human creature. . If you get rid of fear, then it is like facing a brutal dinosaur, it makes no difference.

The power is greater, the power of the dinosaurs is also great, and the speed is fast. The speed of the dinosaur hunting is naturally fast enough, and it is difficult to be killed. . The same is true for dinosaurs.

It's just a small dinosaur.

As mercenaries who have been on the islands of the Jurassic world for many years, they certainly considered how to deal with dinosaurs. Although Bakalim did not intend to use any violent means to obtain the source of smuggled dinosaurs, but. . Professional habits.

And they came to the conclusion that the best way to deal with dinosaurs is to set traps.

The dinosaur skin is thick and hard to kill. It has high attack speed and a typical strong attack. Although their mercenaries have various means, they can’t get rid of the fact that they are just ordinary human beings. If you touch one of the behemoths, I am afraid that you will not die.

It's not wise to confront head to head.

It is the right choice to use traps and set various restrictions to detour.

So in their view, the existence of this non-human creature is very shocking. . And danger, but it’s not impossible to deal with it.

Although the other party is indeed very dangerous, just be cautious. .

However, Bakalim is obviously not so optimistic.

Having passed the age when his mind was often stunned, he clearly realized that the real pros and cons of both sides were not the so-called trap tactics and thick skinned dinosaur bodies of human beings. . But there is a gap between wisdom and unwise.

Dinosaurs are beasts without wisdom, and humans are experienced hunters, which is the real advantages and disadvantages of the two.

But obviously, the humanoid they are facing is not a brainless beast like a dinosaur. His speed is terrible and his power is dangerous. But this is not his real threat.

He is a real threat. . He also has wisdom.

Under this premise, whether their so-called traps will work is a question.

Bakalim is not optimistic about this.

Probably because of Bakalim’s hesitation, Dr. Wu quickly added, “He stole a very important gene from the gene bank, and his value is very high. You can see that no matter he What is it, his own genes are valuable."

"He is very important to me."

"...Help me catch him, I can pay."

"a lot of money."

Of course, Dr. Wu is a rich man, mainly because he is the top group of people in the genetic field. As long as his experiment is successful, he can use a large part of the remaining experimental funds.

Although he wanted to use the money immediately to conduct experiments to study the extraterrestrial genes and strange creatures such as Will, he did not dare to give Bakalim money.

These mercenaries are not good people. . Without money, he would immediately turn away and deny him.

They may be troublesome to deal with that kind of monster, but it is not easy to deal with themselves.

Dr. Wu is very rational, just like he has always rationally disagreed with the smuggling of dinosaurs, he does not need to take such a big risk for money. . This time too.

The money must be given to Bakalim, and his experiment will be delayed for a while. . Can't wait at all to start experimenting and then chased by the world and run down to become a villain shouting for everyone, that Dr. Wu is crazy.

Of course, there is no way to wait for the serum to save time like a green devil.

Bakalim knew this, of course, but he didn't know what to think in his head, and suddenly said after turning around.

"Gene warrior."

He spoke.

"You think... he might be a gene warrior, right."

Dr. Wu did not understand what he meant, but. .

"It is indeed possible."

Instead of concealing Bakalim, he nodded and began to analyze it very seriously.

"Although he looks like another kind of creature besides humans, we all know that this possibility is the most impossible."

"The most realistic guess is that he is a gene product, perhaps something unexpected from an experiment, and he may also be born that cannot be copied."

Dr. Wu seemed to have foreseen the meaning of Bakalim and said without leaving any traces.

But obviously, Bakalim was completely deaf.

"If... I mean, if this guy is really a genetic variation, then if I catch him, you can treat me too..."

Bakalim did not finish his words, but everyone already knew what he meant.

The mercenaries behind him also opened their eyes, and Dr. Wu frowned slightly.

Yes, Bakalim wants to be a super fighter. . Or to enhance some abilities, even if the body becomes more resistant to beating.

Bakalim was once a warrior, and now he is, as a warrior, of course he longs for powerful power. . And even if it was not for this reason, he was afraid of death.

Everyone is afraid of death, especially the older the richer the guy. It happens that Bakalim is getting older and getting richer, so he is no exception.

Even if it can't increase strength or longevity. . Even if you live a few more years, it’s good.

Seemingly seeing Dr. Wu's uncertainty, Bakalim quickly said again.

"It doesn't need to be enhanced to that extent, as long as it is enhanced, even a little."

But Dr. Wu did not have a big deal.

He did not intend to pit Bakalim, nor did he intend to conceal anything, just like he told Bakalim clearly what he was going to deal with at the beginning.

Because he can only rely on these people Bakalim, and. . Is Bakalim so pitious? If he concealed the news and Bakalim did not die in the end, would he still have to do it himself? So Dr. Wu had no intention of pitting Bakalim.

He explained very seriously.

"Even if he is really a product of experimentation, it may just be an accident. I can't replicate his success, but..."

"If something is really researched, I can use it for you the first time... and myself, I will make sure it is safe enough."

"Of course...you can have too."

Dr. Wu's gaze ignored Bakalim and looked at the people behind him.

"If you bring enough materials, I'm definitely not going to make only one... so you'd better bring the living guy back, and you better avoid leaving only a few pieces to blow him up."

"Although I don't think he will be so easily broken."

Bakalim nodded.

Although it is very different from his expectations, he also knows the difficulty of genetic engineering, forget it. . It is better than nothing.

"not enough."

But Bakalim continued.

He is greedy. . No one has ever said that he is not greedy, don't be fooled by his bold and friendly appearance, and he and Dr. Wu are friends, half friends.

"Of course, there is money."

Dr. Wu is well-behaved, he is not bad money.

"It's not enough."

Bakalim continued.

Dr. Wu was silent for a while, then paused, and then said again.

"A raptor, no more."

"The deal."

Bakalim immediately smiled once again. He seemed to take a step forward with great enthusiasm. He stretched out a hand to grab Dr. Wu's hand and shook it vigorously, then hugged Dr. Wu again.

"wait for my good news."

He patted Dr. Wu on the shoulder, and the next moment, he already led his people out of the laboratory with great vigour.

Time does not wait for others, timing is life.

. . .

At the same time, Will also opened an internal network of contacts.

Dedicated access, Ms. Nitty.

"Niti, Niti Nitty, I need your help."

"Niti Nitiniti."

And after a while. . After about a few dozen seconds, a dissatisfied female voice came from Will's heart.

"Don't think you can turn into Tom and I won't beat you... You know how much sleep is enough for a woman."

"I still think Rocky will only love his brother."

Will hurriedly said, and then continued.

"But I have more important things here... Help me contact Mianlong, I have a little problem."

"I knew you would have a problem..."

Nitty seemed to yawn, and the next moment, her voice seemed to be taken away directly. After a pause of half a second, a calm male voice appeared.

"What's the matter, Will."

This is Mianlong.

"A little accident happened."

Will will go straight to the theme.

"My identity was exposed, but only one third of the task was completed. I packed and took all the gene bank data and gene samples, but the large machine had not had time to deform and transport, and the researchers did not have time to dissuade."


Mianlong was silent for a few seconds.

"This is not a minor problem."

He said helplessly.

"So what help do you need... Still the task can no longer be continued."


Will said.

"I'm just preparing to finish the plan ahead of time... After about half an hour to an hour, I will call back to the bird's passage at any time to prepare him."

"The machine and the researchers can only be sent away first, and then explained to them."

Mian Long had nothing against it.

Most of the people who can become leaders are not soft-hearted guys. Even if he has a bottom line in his heart, he is more concerned about whether Will will proceed smoothly.

"Are you sure there is no problem."

"I think it's okay."

Will replied.

"That's the best."

Mianlong seemed a little busy. . This time there was a pause for a few seconds before reacting.

"I still have things on my side... just go here."

Pause, Mianlong said again.

"good luck."

"Hope you don’t run into those nasty guys."

The voice fell and Mian Long's voice disappeared.

And Will can feel that Nitty has broken the link, and as the link is broken, he can have a very obvious awareness and awakening.

just. .

There was a wry smile on Will's face.

"...Not hope, it has already been encountered."

Those nasty guys generally refer to the abilities, the group of free people who are opposed to them. After all, the origin conference is active in the other party's subworld. It is too normal to encounter those free people.

If it’s a newcomer, it’s okay. . They didn't know what they did when they first entered the world. They are mostly friendly except for the few lunatics and extreme guys, and at least they won't cause trouble.

But as soon as they leave the source world for the first time, they will basically be targeted by the institute, and once they are absorbed, they will soon become hostile to them.

There are very few free people who have not joined, so most people are very unfriendly to them.

And this time. . It was probably not this group of nasty guys, but a more annoying existence, which also exposed Will.


The existence of this suspected angel. . But more annoying than free people.

I hope they are not too many.

With a long breath, Will looked at his watch, and the time passed again ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now that 11 minutes have passed, the security forces have been fully operational without accident. . There may be other people staring at themselves.

Will knew that international gene technology companies still have a group of foreign aid. This guy is an intermediary who specializes in contacting mercenaries and introducing arms.

He may have a group of powerful weapons. . For yourself, it is also a big threat.

Because he could not solve these people by assassination in advance, he now has no time, but also to protect the machine from the explosion. . Very difficult.

International Gene Technology Corporation may not mind that some high-precision machines have been damaged. They can enter a batch afterwards, but Will can't wait for that period of time. In this way, Will is somewhat at a loss and cannot let go.

But fortunately, it is precisely because of this, so this task is not Will alone.

"Lito this guy...hope he can catch up."

Will took out his phone and pressed a number.

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