High Magic Earth

Chapter 1687: Historical car. .

"I hope you are saying good news."

Lito picked up the phone and knew it was Will without looking at it.

"There is good news and bad news."

Will has no nonsense.

"The good news is that our mission may have ended early. If it goes well, it can be completed in about three hours."

"But the bad news is... the number of security forces dispatched may be more than expected, and I need you to help me stop them as much as possible."

stop. . Instead of killing.

Do you mean to kill as little as possible?

Lito sighed.

"How much more."

Will might have thought about it. . Then he said a little sorrowfully.



Lito was surprised.

"Uh... that's all."

Will was helpless, "You may need to pay attention... there are angels appearing here, I'm not sure which world's angel is from, but they have already come."


Lito asked again.

Will was speechless. "I said it was an accident."

"Alright alright."

Lito no longer entangles this issue. . "Compared to angels, I actually feel that all security forces are dispatched and need more attention. This is really a little accident."

Okay, probably, probably no longer entangled.

But this time it was Will who was slightly more serious.

"Are you sure you can stop it...the number of security forces can be quite large."

Yes, if the security forces are deployed, a large number of hot weapons will be concentrated, and the power and threat will increase almost geometrically almost immediately.

At this time, it was not an international genetic technology company more than ten years later. The security forces only had three or two cats and kittens. . A total of less than ten people died.

At this time, the international gene technology company is in its heyday, and the profits are so big that those big consortia are jealous. Also because of their participation, more dangerous speculators are watching here. . In order to guarantee their wealth, the big consortium spares no effort to support the security forces.

After all, do they know the force and the nature of this country?

The number of security forces is around 1,000. . Of course, not all are in the standby state in the work area. In fact, in addition to research institutes, office personnel, or bottom-level personnel such as warehouses, and some special positions, such as breeders, other staff Basically belong to the security forces.

The quiet near the ferry, the patrol in the work area, the security guard in front of the warehouse, accompanied the staff into the dinosaur area to collect data, etc. . They are all security forces.

The number of nearly a thousand people. . For the huge Jurassic world islands, there are actually not many.

The regular standby personnel are actually less than 200 or so, and they are still scattered in different areas. Now, the number of people who can quickly gather is probably about 70 or 80.

. . But even so, after the gathering of seventy or eighty people, the threat posed by firearms and explosives should not be overlooked.

If they don’t want to kill.

Killing is easy, whether it is Will or Lito, even Nancy, including the newcomer Toby, can kill them all by themselves.

but. . They do not kill people, such innocent people.

This is not because of the Virgin, but because of many, many reasons.

Murder is really not that simple. It is a combination of multiple factors. The simplest is that the indifference to life will continue to deepen.

This is not a metaphysics or illusion, but real, of course, not because of supernatural factors, this is purely because of habits.

Most people will be resistant to anything for the first time, from the first marriage, the first work, to the first flight, or the first train ride.

The same is true of the first murder.

Don’t dare to kill, worry about taking responsibility, whether you can kill the other party, or whether you have beaten the other party, these are things that have been worrying before the first killing.

These things are blocking and will dispel those undesirable thoughts again and again.

but. . Once the killing has become a habit, these will not exist.

At that time, no matter what faced, there will be one more choice. . That is killing.

Killing is a very simple thing. Anyone, anything, just kill it and solve it, so this is actually a very simple method.

The easy way is not like old age. . So everything will get worse.

Including Mianlong. . Although it is inevitable that they must be contaminated with blood, everyone is restraining themselves. From the beginning, they will never kill people. Later, they will not kill good people. Until now, they cannot kill innocent people.

The bottom line is being lowered step by step, but fortunately. . There is a bottom line, so that they will not fall completely into darkness.

Like this time, Lito can indeed kill everyone rudely. This is not a method, but in the future, when someone stops the road, will all be killed?

Gradually passed. . And what is the difference with those villains.

The reason is this, it is actually very simple.

"I can scare them."

After thinking about it, Lito felt that he was still somewhat sure.

"Not to mention... is anyone better than me at doing this kind of interception."


"I almost forgot."

Will froze for a moment, obviously letting go.

"I forgot this."

He said.

"So... you are responsible for informing Nancy."

"As for the arrival time of the security forces, I am not sure, anyway, you just drag them there, the longer it is, the better."

"Try not to kill, but if necessary..."

"I know."

Lito said.

"Wait for my good news."

. . .

Hanging up the phone, Lito quickly contacted Nancy. . Although it is said that there is a connection of Nidi's mind, it is used to connect across the world in the origin meeting.

Having nothing to do with the world, let Nitty help, you have to be prepared to eat a wave of cleansing attacks from the trio of Boniti and La Nina.

Nitty and La Nina have another one. They are the three special existences of the veterans of origin. All three of them are women and all are descendants of demigods.

That is, the descendants of God and man, to be more precise. . It is a descendant of the descendants of God and man, not a direct descendant.

For example, the most typical Achilles.

He is the child of the goddess Thetis and the mortal hero Perrius. The child of **** and man is the demigod, but Achilles is directly demigod, that is, the first generation descendant, so his power is infinite, far Extraordinary, but also far from the gods.

Of course, even so, he is like a **** to mortals. . You can even complete the feast of killing gods.

Nitty and they are just like the descendants of Achilles. Of course, it is unclear whether there are descendants of Achilles, but there are many demigods in ancient Greece and Egypt.

It’s just that there aren’t many famous ones, so I think they seem to be scarce.

More demigods have been obscured in their lives, like an ordinary person, appearing silently, and then leaving without interest again.

The three Nitty are the descendants of the three demigods.

And Nitty traces the blood. . It is the power of the three witches of Hell, the three sisters of Greio.

. . In the end how this bloodline is passed down, it is better not to discuss this issue.

The three sisters Greio seem to be able to see through the future and the past, as well as the present. . Of course, this is something that many gods cannot do, and they are probably exaggerating.

As a descendant of their demigods, Netti naturally cannot do this, or even worse.

But as the existence of time and space seems to be permeable, although the future and the past cannot be seen, it is no problem to connect with companions in different worlds.

of course. . As a demigod descendant, no matter how bad, the strength will not only be these, plus the other two demigod descendants who are not good tempered, annoyed Nitty, but suffered.

Lito explained to Nancy briefly that she hung up.

Because Nancy, who is a member of the goblin, apparently has passed through the unique powers of the goblins, and seems to have a sense of innocence about these things happening.

Without Lito's elaboration, she guessed most of her own.

The remaining Toby was near Nancy, and he was notified by Nancy.

In fact. . There is a reason to bring a newcomer to drag the oil bottle, and it is still the kind with a bad heart.

Just like now, if something goes wrong and the security forces are all deployed and unable to intercept, what to do at this time is obvious.

The role of this newcomer is highlighted.

Lito silently packed up the workbench. . This was completely instinctive, and after pondering for about a few seconds, he decided to leave here alone.

The work area is still very quiet, as usual, everyone should work, rest, coffee shop and lounge people come and go, but between conversations, they have a common topic, that is soon Norman took place before the time.

The explosion of the gene bank in the distance did not spread here. It didn't even spread far in its work area, let alone this place.

This is just a work area to do basic work. . The gene bank exploded regardless of what happened here.

So like nothing has happened.

Lito left his place and walked out silently. . His departure did not attract anyone's attention, and even the clean test bed was a stab. After all, someone would ask for leave every day because of physical discomfort, because something was temporary, which is not surprising at all.

apart from. . Dr. Wembley.

Yes, Dr. Wembley, as the only work area in this basic work, holds the title of doctor, and is also a real talent, and even some talented female doctors, Wembley is undoubtedly the highest person in charge.

This is the basic work area. Everything you do every day is the most basic work, even without technical content at all. Just sit down and rely on the process and operating instructions. The only thing you need is carefulness.

So most people have no biological or chemical foundation at all. . They are not skilled workers, they just sit on the assembly line and work. The replacement is very simple and the audit is not strict.

Of course Dr. Wembley will not ask them to ask for leave. Although in the basic work area, Dr. Wembley still has his own laboratory and also has his own research topic.

These chores are managed by the personnel department in the work area, but despite this, Dr. Wembley can still see the list of every missing staff, but she does not need her approval.

This is to guard against any emergencies. . The result is lack of manpower.

So no surprises. . Dr. Wembley remembered that he did not see Lito apply for leave today.

In order to prevent him from remembering correctly, Dr. Wembley also took out his personal terminal to check it again, and found that there was no Lito's request for leave.

So this is absenteeism?

Because the work area is very large, it is not a lounge or coffee room, or a toilet or the like. As long as you leave the work area without reporting, it is basically absenteeism.

Just like Lito.

As for why Dr. Wembley recognized Lito amongst so many messy assembly line workers, he also wrote him down. . Because he is handsome.

Yes, it's that simple. Men like to look at beautiful women, women actually like to look at handsome guys, and beautiful things are popular and pleasing to the eye.

This is indeed a face-seeking world.

But even if he looks handsome, he can not absent from work at will!

Dr. Wembley frowned slightly. . The mood was better once again, and the mood got worse again, why she always encountered these nasty guys.

While quickly catching up, Wembley narrowed his eyes slightly, just as the idiot hadn't kicked her before. . After all, that guy is like crazy, and Wembley can only protect himself first, not to be too lax.

But this. .

This guy looks thin and weak, and he doesn't have any muscles at first glance. It is definitely not his own opponent who has practiced Taekwondo, and he is still a handsome guy. .

Handsome guy. . Wembley suddenly felt a little excited. Strangely, did she wake up again with strange properties in the act of venting her depression through violence?

Forget it, Wembley didn't bother to think about it, but followed meteor meteor and lost the province. . She is now a little grateful for this guy's absenteeism, otherwise it hasn't. . and many more.

Damn it! How did this guy go so fast.

Originally Wembley was still wondering how to make a beautiful **** attempt, and then she had a fair and justified reason to fight back at the other party. As a result, when she looked up, the other party seemed to disappear in the corner of the corridor.

Wembley ran quickly.

Fortunately~www.wuxiaspot.com~This corridor is straight. Although it needs to turn, there is no fork in the road. She just has to catch up along the corridor.

Sure enough, after turning a few corners of the corridor, Wembley was tired and gasped, but finally saw the figure of the guy flashing again. . Probably that guy.

I don't know if I didn't see it clearly, because Wembley always felt the figure of the guy. . strange.

But whether it is strange or not, the route of this guy running farther and farther makes Wembley very suspicious, because this is not an employee passage on the remote island, but to other work areas. . And it is the core workspace.

Some kind of uneasy instinct appeared slowly in Wembley's heart, plus the almost uncomfortable feeling of losing, let her continue to follow up again without hesitation, and then found the scooter on the side of the next corridor, even more There is no hesitation in choosing the fastest scooter.

"I want to see... what are you guys going to do."

She yanked out the security key and rushed out instantly.

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