High Magic Earth

Chapter 1688: Qualified villains are all compassionate men

Willie Wembley, graduated from Stanford University in genetics and genetics, holds the title of doctorate, and was the worthy pride of the day.

Because she not only achieved outstanding achievements in school, but also had a great appearance. Many people felt that even if she did not become a doctor and entered Hollywood, she could also become a famous big star.

When appearance and career come to a person at the same time, she will naturally be regarded as the pride of heaven.

Of course, the career can be worked hard through the day after tomorrow, so the innate decision is actually only the face, but unfortunately, the value of the face does not mean that people will work hard and succeed. . But it does not necessarily have a very high face value.

This kind of deficiency makes the so-called arrogance of heaven so rare.

Willie wouldn't like to be a star, how could a girl with a strong personality like her be willing to make a vase-like career.

And because of her excellent appearance, Wei Li even had to learn taekwondo to protect herself, and she also had to practise the marksmanship regularly.

This country is really too confusing. You can do whatever you want with money. . This is indeed the case.

As long as the dirty traces of yourself are covered up and not exposed, it will be fine.

Fortunately, Wei Li went in and out of high-end office premises and lived in a wealthy neighborhood. The privilege of these rich people brought her great security protection.

Of course, if we describe the appearance of Willie once in a thousand years, the degree comparable to Helen, which caused the war, must be exaggerated, but it is also above the excellent level.

Probably the kind of look at each other on the street, just one look, this is the degree to which the idea of ​​a beautiful woman will be instantly established.

Black hair, a certain face, but charming, Wei Li is a mixed race, her mother is British, and her father is American.

Although she is an American, she looks more like a British girl in appearance.

Willie wearing glasses has an intellectual beauty. . Originally intellectual beauties should be weak, but it is a pity that Wei Li's strong personality bluntly chopped off this weak temperament, and replaced it with a middle-sexy and domineering.

Although it is not a weak line, this strong character seems to have won a new title for Willie. . Don't think she doesn't know what those people call her on their backs.

Iceberg goddess. . To be honest, she doesn't like this title, and can she be more creative, seeing a cold woman is called the iceberg goddess, and the woman called the iceberg goddess can almost be combined to form an iceberg.

Despite being called in this way, Wei Li is actually not a real iceberg, and her character is not cold at all, too lazy to take care of those men. . It's just because they are too stupid.

And not only are they stupid, they often think of other unrealistic things in their heads, for example. . Yourself.

In fact, Wei Li is not a special case. I am afraid that any woman will always swear by a man who has some nasty thoughts about herself.

. . It's just that Wei Li's appearance is too good, and there are more men like this.

And there are not many women who can talk to her. After all, Willie’s IQ and knowledge are not here. They are all in several other work areas. There are beautiful and general appearances.

But over time, always alone, Wei Li came to the title of the iceberg goddess.

In fact, she is not cold.

but. . Strong is really strong.

For example now.

Willie walked aggressively towards a scooter. . It's just a scooter, and the result is that she becomes as if she wants to drive a sports car.

There are many scooters in the work area, which are roughly divided into three models, but the speed is not fast. After all, there are many walking staff in the work area.

It can be said that these scooters are not much faster than walking.

but. . There is a safe mode.

Most of the scooters are under the blockade of the safe mode, and the speed cannot be raised, but when the safe mode is lifted, the speed of the scooter can basically be equal to the speed of the high-speed bicycle.

This is set for urgent matters.

Security mode wants to be contacted, only security personnel with a level above a certain level can, just fine. . Willie's supervisor level is enough.


The scooter emits a low whine of the engine, and its speed is usually limited to the extent of human running speed, and the speed is suddenly turned on, making its rotation a bit rusty for a while.

But in the next moment, it is ready to wait.

Then Willie rushed out instantly.

"Damn it!"

The scooter belongs to a public area, and staff who feel that they are far away can use the scooter. Just a few people from other work areas have also come here, and then they have not seen anything, they saw a ride. 'S scooter rushed out with a roar.

"Can the scooter run so fast?"

Obviously, these guys are the bottom staff.

. . .

The scooter is in Mercedes.

The United States is a capital country, but in fact, in addition to the feature of money supremacy, this immigrant country with a history of only a few hundred years has already born a little of their culture.

For example, the cowboy culture in the era of western development and the birth of industrial civilization with the rise of civilization. . car.

This is a capital country, and it is also a country above motor oil and tires.

Almost everyone in every household here will drive, and even most people will repair the car. The car is like their daily necessities, like a phone, like a house. . Like shoes.

So Willie will naturally drive.

And the drive is still slippery.

Although she has never played sports cars and racing, she can also bring speed to an extreme. In fact, this kind of scooter, which is not much faster than a bicycle, is like a toy in her hand, and it will not appear to hit people at all. Happening.

There was no worry in her heart, and she even thought that as long as she ran fast enough, she could have more. .

Well, in fact, Wei Li did not think so much.

Even up, she caught up with a hot head, it was purely by virtue of feeling, she felt. . It's important for yourself to catch up and catch up.

It's just like. . In the midst, I feel that the teacher will call myself the same in the next moment.

Of course, even if there is nothing in the end, Wei Li has nothing to do. No need to report to unlock the safety mode, it will cause trouble if it hits people, otherwise the international gene technology company has a big business and no one cares who is in the workplace Drag racing.

Besides the speed of the bicycle, is it really a drag racing?

just. . Chasing chasing, Wei Li felt a little wrong.

She has not lost her way along the way, that is because there is only one way here, from the work area where she is to the work area where she is now heading. . Only this one channel.

Although it was meandering along the way, there was no fork.

This is why Willie thinks Lito's departure direction is very strange, because here is the work area leading to the core research room, where there is not only a gene bank, but also the latest core research.

And those core research needs a lot of basic materials or basic experimental data as support. . So the two workspaces are so close together.

If Lito's departure is not in this direction, then maybe Wei Li just thinks he may be unjustified, but now Wei Li has to think of more. . And something bad.

but. . Even if that guy is really a commercial spy, he shouldn't run so fast.

Can commercial spies run faster than scooters? No matter how slow the scooter is, the speed at this time is also comparable to the speed measurement of the speed-up bicycle. Humans can't catch up.

and many more. . That is.

Wei Li suddenly felt that she might have found each other because she saw a figure flashing suddenly. . I have to say that this guy runs really fast.

Without any hesitation, Wei Li drove the scooter and turned up after a turn, and then she saw Lito standing in the corridor after the turn, standing alone in the middle, as if waiting for her arrival.

"Your curiosity... Some are too heavy."

Lito, who saw Willie, complained very dissatisfiedly at the screeching of the emergency brake scooter.

. . .

At the same time, Bakalim was already on the road.

Before leaving Dr. Wu's laboratory, it was estimated that he had not reached a distance of more than ten meters, and Bakalim had already contacted his own people.

"Listen to the boys... don’t you always complain about boredom, and now it’s time for the task."


A slight murmur came from the communicator, and soon a slightly excited greeting came.

"What alive, head."

"Did the old stubborn finally agree to sell us dinosaurs."

"Or are we going to tie it directly?"

Someone asked interrogatively at the other end of the communicator.

Bakalim did not conceal these things from himself. As an old fritter, he never had these qualities of sincerity in his body. The reason why he did not conceal them was because they were unnecessary.

This is not the information of hard currency such as a gold hiding place. It can be exchanged for money when it is in hand. After the dinosaurs are caught and then sold to exchange money, there is still a large part of the process.

These are not something that a single mercenary can play.

Of course, the more important thing is that the value of stolen dinosaurs is not great. . Long-term smuggling of dinosaurs is profiteering.

Unfortunately, Dr. Wu did not agree.

But anyway, he already opened the mouth, although only one end. . But since there is already the first time, will the second and third time be far behind?

Bakalim has a solution.

"Tied the dinosaur?"

"I might try to tie you to a dinosaur."

He said angrily.

With more than a decade of old mercenaries, Bakalim knows how to communicate with these newcomers or guys who have been fighting for years.

Indeed, mercenaries are a group of moths of interest. There are even few people who tell the truth, but there are still some stunned youths who have just entered the business and talked about the morale of the army.

For example. . This group of people Bakalim chose specially.

Of course, although Bakalim is a very experienced old fritter, he does not really have the ability to see through people's hearts.

Being a mercenary is nothing more than asking for money, so in the face of a lot of money, whether these people he gathers can really keep one heart with himself, Bakalim is also not sure.

But at least the current face project, Bakalim has never been less.

When the voice on the other end of the communicator was no longer so excited, Bakalim said again.

"A commercial spy broke into the international gene technology company... our task is to catch him."

The other end of the communicator seemed to stagnate for a few seconds, and then immediately became interested.

"Just a spy."


"I said head, a spy, as for letting us catch him."

Bakalim sneered on his face.

"He is not human."

"So what do you think."

Then the other end of the communicator was silent again.

This time, there was about ten seconds of silence before someone asked weakly.

"Head, yours is not human... does it mean literally."

Obviously, these mercenaries are well aware of their boss's personality. . He is not a person who likes to joke, if he usually likes to joke, this sentence can be understood in another direction.

But it is a pity that he never jokes, and at most tells cold jokes.


Sure enough, Bakalim responded with his usual serious style.

So the other end of the communicator left silently.

Bakalim explained slowly.

"He can pretend to be anyone's appearance at will."

The other end of the communicator was interrupted again.

"It sounds like a valuable electronic mask and electronic camouflage device."

Bakalim glared fiercely at the communicator, as if he could stare at this guy from a distance.

"Sam, do you think I am as idiot as you!"

"The other party can grow wings, that is, the angel-like wings painted in the Bible, white, flapping wings."

"His power can easily break bulletproof glass, and the speed can even avoid bullets to a certain extent. How much do you think this electronic camouflage device costs."

"How much will I give you to get me a set."

So the other end of the communicator was silent again. After a long time, someone said weakly again.

"But... head."

"There are no angels in the Bible..."

Bakalim was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with them.

"Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't say that these are useless, now you come to gather immediately..."

"Time is not waiting for anyone, we have to rush to the scene within ten minutes, otherwise this kind of guy who can pretend to be anyone has long gone."

"Also, Dopp, Dr. Wu briefly granted me security permissions, and now you can enter the internal network of the International Gene Technology Corporation."

"I have passed the internal password to you through an encrypted channel... I want you to find out where the other party might appear and the suspicious location within five minutes."

"Five minutes left... We have to choose the nearest place and then rush over."

"Have you understood?"

Then in the next moment, the voice of the response was no longer coming from the communicator, but a group of mercenaries came over from the other side of the corridor. The headed person shrugged and spread their hands.

"Neither of us are rookie recruits... that guy can't run away."

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