High Magic Earth

Chapter 1689: Spanish should be here

Bakalim has thirteen people in total, like thirteen arhats.

This group of people has different temperaments, either thin or strong, some with a fierce look like Rambo is alive, and some with a gloomy face like a murderous guy. . Although the shapes are different, there is no doubt that they all exude a touch of blood.

It's really bloody. It's an exaggeration, but it's also a kind of closeness to others, which makes other people feel very uncomfortable.

Although this kind of breath from the same kind does not say that it is not as obvious as the **** smell, but the sixth sense from humans will still feel very uncomfortable.

It's like the opposite emotion of love at first sight. When you see this person, you know that you hate him, and that you and he will definitely not be the same person. . This feeling of being at a distance.

The thirteen Arhats were not fully armed, and the three most well-dressed men were only hanging more small and medium weapons on their bodies. At most, they only wore camouflage trousers and no clothes at all.

After all, the islands of the Jurassic World Theme Park are located near the subtropical waters, which is more suitable for the survival of dinosaurs. For humans, this climate is more inclined to the Hawaiian archipelago, which is a bit hot.

Most of the waiting tourists wear short sleeves, drink cold drinks and ice cream, and wear them in such a place every day. . It's just asking for it.

What's more, the more powerful mercenaries dress up more casually. . This is the truth in the movie.

The group of people jumped out of two small off-road vehicles, quickly joined together with Bakalim, and then went deep into the work area.

As a hacker, Sam has not targeted the other party, and he hasn't even distinguished what the other party is like now.

However, according to the analysis of Bakalim and Dr. Wu, the other party did not seem to rush away, but was looking for something, so he should not have gone far, still within the scope of these work areas.

Because only the things in these workspaces are the core and most valuable.

So no matter what, they rush there first, and they will not be wrong choices.

In less than three minutes, a group of people rushed to the location of the gene bank explosion.

Originally, Sam intended to use the internal network to find out the other party while walking, and then lock the other party's position. . Although Sam himself is not sure how to lock a head in his mouth, he can become the appearance of any person, any person who looks like a person, but. .

But they were lucky because they didn't need to go to find it. As they reached the location near the core of the gene bank, Dr. Wu again sent them a message that they were looking for the target. . I already suspected that I had emerged.

"So... this time it looks like the goddess of luck is on our side."

Bakalim grinned, his face full of malice.

Sam next to him was holding an electronic device that looked like a personal terminal. While walking, he waited for the voice of Bakalim to drop, and Sam also had a finger to lock the next direction of progress.

On the right, northwest corner, away from the core of the gene bank.

"Are you sure."

Bakalim asked.

"Within two minutes, the opponent should not move at will."

This is what Sam saw through monitoring. . The main reason is that the other party has exposed himself, otherwise he will hide in the invisible form again after he deforms again. Unless he appears himself, I am afraid there will never be a chance to find him again.

Even if there is, it takes a lot of time to investigate. . At that time he had already run away.

In fact, Sam had no hope at first, but their luck was really good. The other party was taking away something, so he was recognized by Dr. Wu at a glance. . This is a fake.

Nodding, Bakalim waved his hand, and the others immediately began to adjust the formation, and then quickly moved in that direction.

They are ready for a small-scale conflict.

This group of heavily armed mercenaries did not attract any ideas.

Because although the other work areas still seem calm, the place is not calm at all, after all, it is the first place where the gene bank accident happened.

Almost all the staff heard the explosion of chaos and noise.

However, due to confidentiality regulations, they did not come to the scene for the first time to observe. . In fact, even if there are no confidentiality regulations, I am afraid that not many people will come.

After all, people who were killed because they saw something they shouldn’t see, or were involved in events that shouldn’t have been involved in the movie. . Not too much.

. . Relative to watching the excitement, they actually want to run away.

Here is a genetic laboratory. Although it is not as dangerous as chemistry and biological laboratory, it is also in the biological field. Ghost knows what will be leaked.

Fortunately, although the alarm sounded throughout the work area, although it sounded a bit harsh, it was not a warning of fire or experimental leaks, and it did not affect everyone.

This reassured the staff a little, but it was only a little reassuring.

So far, there hasn't been much confusion in the work area, but the atmosphere has always been very tense.

The group of Bakalim galloped in the corridor without attracting any attention. If it was in peacetime, maybe they did bring some kind of tension, but at this time. .

At this time, the alarm bells have already been done. The appearance of them as security forces not only does not bring tension or other feelings, but only makes people feel safe.

Without them, the staff here will be more nervous.

Similarly, Bakalim did not have much mood to pay attention to these ordinary staff, because they must go all out as quickly as possible. . Dr. Wu's description of the scene is not clear. The time given by Sam is also very tight. There are only less than two minutes. The ghost knows how long the other party's sudden exposure can be effective.

Facing a monster that can change his appearance at any time, he can easily hide himself back into the crowd at any time, and he can't even find a shadow.

So it must be as soon as possible.

But Bakalim did not realize it, nor did he expect it. . At the next moment, when his team turned the corridor and entered the next work area, the mercenary at the end of the team was not very eye-catching and had no special features. It suddenly seemed to stun, and then stopped. Stepped.

Then his figure flashed, and in a blink of an eye he hid on the other side of the corridor.

Bakalim did not realize that there was already one less person in the team.

He is not a god, but a merciless mercenary leader, and it is impossible to notice the movements of everyone on the battlefield.

In fact, Bakalim did not even think that someone would suddenly escape, because the people in his team were originally selected by himself, and these people are good hands.

Even if there is nothing extraordinary, but at least he will not escape, his eyes are not so bad.

unless. .

This person is no longer the original person.

. . .

"Why follow me?"

Lito asked seriously.

But in fact, there is not much deterrent force. Although Lito is an actor, and he often guest roles such as gangsters, but he is not suitable for intimidation and deterrence, on the contrary. . He has a natural affinity. Well, some of them are like a certain SHIELD agent.

Although Lito looks handsome and persevering, it is always difficult to make people feel afraid, but it makes people feel that he is always strong and weak.

. . This is probably the natural intimacy brought by the hybrid look like Hispanic?

In fact, at the last moment, Lito thought that when she saw Willie, she was just curious, but at the next moment, he left the thought behind him and left behind without a trace.

Someone will be bored just because of pure curiosity, they will catch up in one breath, and even chase here. . There must be other reasons.

But I didn't expect that after Lito asked these words, the opposite voice was even more aggressive than him.

"Then why are you running? Why can you run so fast? Who are you?"

With a sigh of breath, Willie jumped directly from the scooter, and before she stood firm, she hurriedly asked Lito as if it were a serial gun.

"Are you asking me?"

Lito's face was very surprised. Was this woman a lunatic or an idiot? Isn't she justified?

Dr. Willie Wembley, Lito certainly knows that, after all, he is the boss at the top of his work area. Because of the beautiful relationship, Lito deliberately took a few more look.

People are always extremely tolerant of beautiful things. . What's more, anyone who says Lito cannot have other ideas.

Although he doesn't think the other party can be regarded as himself.

This is also Lito's unique view of love as a Hispanic. . Although he possessed extraordinary powers, like the superheroes in the movie, he did not want to use this power to become a supervillain or a hero to maintain justice.

Most of the time, he just thought it was cool.

His view of love has not changed at all, and he has not relied on a strong force to **** anything. . Because Lito thought it was very boring, and not a man at all.

The kind of love he prefers is when two people see each other and see each other. . Then, then, it's a matter of course, like a love at first sight and a natural match.

This is love, and what should come will always come.

and so. . Originally, he still had some good feelings for Willie, maybe he was still expecting something, but now there is nothing left, because he thinks this guy is not suitable for himself!

"Don't you keep up with yourself?!"

Lito said a little speechless.

But Willie's rebuttal was louder and more straightforward.

"If it weren't because you were so suspicious, would I keep up?"

Lito thought the woman was crazy. . It is simply unreasonable.

He didn't even know this guy. Okay, at most I met a few people in the work area, I didn't even say a few words, at most I asked them a good time when I met each other.

Why is she so familiar with her, she looks familiar. . You can even yell at yourself.

And why yell, she looks so beautiful, her black hair seems to be very gentle, but the temper is so irritable, it is like a female tyrannosaurus.

Lito really felt that she was not at all suitable for her character. . The two of them were born to look pretty good.

It is estimated that this is also the reason why the two of them were upset as soon as they met.

Because even two strangers will not be so noisy just after they meet, on the contrary. . Will strangers be more courteous and keep their distance from each other?

Lito still believes these similar fate statements.

And insisting that men do not argue with women, Lito decided to cut off this topic.

"I don't quarrel with the lunatic."

Lito said.

"Dr. Wembley, this is not where you should come."

"You are crazy!"

Wei Li refuted the sentence subconsciously, and then suddenly realized as if she had discovered something.

"Ha! You actually know what my name is, are you investigating me?"

"You are my boss! Why would I not know what your name is!"

"I don't even know what your name is!"

Willie continued to shout.

"Why would you know what my name is!" Lito was a little crazy, "I'm just a humble ordinary pharmacist in the laboratory!"

"Then why do you know these things! Are you a commercial spy!"

"Of course not! I am!"

Lito's voice stopped suddenly.

He knew it, he knew it!

As a Ph.D., there is no one with a simple IQ. How can he suddenly be crazy and say so much non-nutritive nonsense to himself. . Almost caught out, fortunately, he responded promptly.

Lito spread his hands, but did not ridicule or sneer at Wei Li, but shrugged with a casual and indifferent light.

"I'm sorry, it seems that you didn't succeed."

"Nothing succeeds! What the **** are you doing! You are a commercial spy!"

Then the next moment, he saw Willie continue to shout at herself.


Lito made a slur, secretly, and said back without retreating.

"Why are you still yelling at me! Why are you still arguing with me! Do we know each other! What the **** are we arguing about!"

Sure enough, there is no such thing as IQ. This woman is a lunatic.

In fact, it doesn't blame Lito or Wei Li.

For Lito~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wei Li is a troublemaker who entangles herself. She doesn't know anything, and then she roars at herself without reason, just like crazy.

But for Willie, Lito is indeed a very suspicious guy. . Normal people go straight to the core research area without suddenly saying hello, and running so fast.

This completely seems to be the behavior of commercial espionage.

Although Wei Li is not a member of the security department, there are commercial spies under her, and it will more or less affect her performance evaluation. Of course, she is unwilling to see her.

In fact, it was also the first time that Wei Li had encountered such a thing, and encountered a commercial spy, so the scooter started to make a noise, which was more or less a disorder.

Of course, it's more like she was born unhappy with this guy. .

but. . Just when the two were arguing fiercely, a noisy footsteps passed faintly from the corridor behind them, and not long afterwards, Bakalim took his mercenary squad . . Appeared here.

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