High Magic Earth

Chapter 1694: So finally no need to be called a lion

"What are you doing?!"

Lito said frantically.

What the **** did the woman think? . Why does she always do so many inexplicable things.

The syringe is not painful, even if the bullet hit Lito's body, he would not hurt him too much, let alone a small syringe needle.

But the point of the problem is not this. . It's what the woman has to do!

Hearing Lito's mad tone, this guy even raised his head and put on a very innocent expression, as if trying to fool around.

"Don't look okay!"

Lito snarled at her.

Theoretically, any normal person may be hesitant or hesitant to face a monster that is more than twice as tall as its own, and has a lion body with a human face. . It is even possible to scare away directly.

Not to mention that the monster seemed to be very angry and grinned.

but. . Wei Li was not much afraid.

She silently closed the syringe and continued to say in a tone that nothing seemed to happen, "...it's just an injection, are you afraid of it?"

"Why would you carry such a large syringe with you?"

But Lito apparently did not intend to let Wei Li easily. . This guy is so unreasonable.

And listening to Lito's question, Wei Li's solution is. .

"Ha! I know, you are Sphinx! That's right!"

"Don't try to change the subject! Hey!"

Hey. . It's your two styles that have changed. Don't suddenly change from a realistic American-style movie style to a light comedy.

Seeing that being stupid seems to be confusing. . Willie can only shrug.

"I'm a researcher... Isn't it normal to bring a syringe?"

Lito felt that he had a lot of grooves to vomit, but he didn't know where to start vomiting for a while. The focus of the questions he asked didn't seem to be here.

Probably worried that Lito continued to ask questions, and Wei Li felt that she could no longer keep silent.

"Are you Sphinx?"

She asked again.

Lito also collected his crazy mood, and then nodded.

But Wei Li was still not sure.

"I mean... Sphinx in Egyptian mythology, it's not that your name is Sphinx, or you thought about a codename called Sphinx..."

Lito gave Willie a vicious look.

"You think I'm such an idiot?"

"I am Sphinx, the Sphinx in Egyptian mythology...I am not the oldest one, just a member of them."

Wei Li nodded slowly.


She said.

"It's really... incredible."

Looking at the woman with abnormal brain circuits, she was finally surprised and Lito was very satisfied. . I feel much better.

Because this guy did not seem to be a normal person from the beginning to now, so Lito couldn't keep up with what was thinking in her head.

Even if she is a woman. . The brain circuit should not be so strange.

Probably digesting this shocking news, Wei Li soon asked again.

"That...how a guy like you."

"I mean, monster... It should have been a myth, but the result is what really exists..."

"I've never heard of any other existence like you... are you probably the first one?"

"Where do you usually hide, away from humans or in humans, do you have any special ways to prevent humans from discovering you?"

Well, it seems that she hasn't changed much.

Although the tone slowed down, Wei Li's questions were still one after another, but this time it wasn't like asking questions like a cannonball.

Lito scratched the ground with his nails, he thought about how to answer Willie, but at this time, there had been no movement at all, standing quietly behind Willie, about a few meters away from her Bakali Mu suddenly moved.

He was like an old but experienced cheetah, a very calm and steady step forward, the pistol firmly against the back of Willie's head, while using another hand to control her from her neck Live, dragging her directly, small steps but quickly backed away a few meters.

"Okay kids... The self-introduction should come to an end."

"Next, you should listen to me."

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Bakalim, with Willie still slowly backing away, was originally about five or six meters away from Lito's claws. When he was dragged by him, he pulled away again by three or four meters.

As the two men continued to retreat, the big lion Lito and Willie had already opened a dozen meters away. . Even Lito needs a jump to get past.

But when looking at Bakalim, who was slowly retreating, Lito did nothing.

Not only him, but also the dozen or so mercenaries who were on the alert at the back, looked at his boss with a brutal expression.

They did not want to understand. . Bakalim suddenly **** a researcher who didn't seem familiar with the other party.

"what are you doing."

Wei Li didn't panic too much, but asked in a slightly nervous voice.

"I don't know him at all!"

As an international gene technology company. . As a member of the core researcher, Wei Li has long held certain psychological expectations that she might be kidnapped and threatened.

But the current situation seems to be somewhat different from what she expected. After all, according to her expectations, only some kidnappers or militants trying to **** the results of the experiment exist. . Instead of mixing a monster among them.

At the same time, Lito also whispered.

"I'm puzzled, what's the point of catching her."

Bakalim did not hide himself behind the hostages as he did to avoid snipers. . Try to minimize the exposed body area.

Because there is no sniper here, in the face of a huge monster, such a method is obviously without doubt. As long as we guarantee that Wei Li is controlled and the pistol is always loaded, he will not do other unnecessary things.

He heard a question from Lito and Bakalim smiled. . The vicissitudes of the face made this smile look distorted.

"I know you two don't seem to know each other."

"But... do you know love at first sight?"

"What?" x15

This is really unexpected.

Lito thought that this guy could speak pale and threatening words, and the result was the next moment. . Suddenly it turned into love at first sight.

Please, it should be the time period of the psychological counseling program now.

Not only Lito is so, but also Weily's mood. . Including the group of people under Bakalim's hands, even those with big brains have begun to wonder if the monster on the opposite side is going to do any magic, and have broken the head of his boss.

But Bakalim did not care about these things.

He continued to speak in an orderly voice.

"Trust me young people... I have seen more dead people than friends you know."

"I know exactly what love is. In war, I don't have so much time for you to talk about love and love. When I see it, I see it. For a moment, we call it love at first sight on the battlefield."

Litovilli and the group of mercenaries in the back pulled straight.

At this moment, Bakalim seems to have become a love mentor.

In fact, although it has not been known for many years that World War II has ended, war seems to have become a very distant word. . The war is actually not far away.

Especially for mercenaries, they live on the battlefield almost every moment and every day.

This is not an exaggeration, because for example, in the African region where the conflict is serious, the fighting there is no longer a small-scale conflict, that is, war, primitive and modern war, blood and killing with primitive atmosphere, there are also It contains firearms and ammunition with engine oil and modern flavor.

The war never stopped, it just shifted.

in fact. . Lito wanted to ask a question at this time. .

What does the number of dead people you have seen have to do with the concept of love? . But looking at the appearance of Bakalim, it is estimated that he will not answer this question.

And Lito felt that he must have fallen into some strange situation, or something like a live-action TV show. . Otherwise, what would happen to normal people? Such a reaction now?

What the **** is this? .

On the other hand, Bakalim is slowly telling his love story. .

"I can tell."

"You two now... that's it."

"Love on the battlefield, love at first sight, you are very suitable."

"How could it be appropriate! He's a Sphinx!" Willie tried to resist, but was slightly poked by the pistol behind her head, and immediately stopped moving again.

Lito said calmly.

"What are you kidding."

But in the strange eyes of the group of mercenaries behind him, Bakalim was unmoved.

"I'm not kidding."

"If you don't believe it..."

Bakalim loosened Willie’s neck and took a step back, pulling away from Willie. He held his pistol flat against Willie’s head and slowly placed his finger on the trigger to make An execution.

"I can kill her."

"No conditions will be mentioned to you."

Feeling the coldness behind him, the threat from death left Wei Li's instinctive brain blank. . Her body trembled slightly, and she couldn't even speak a word.

Bakalim slowly pulled the trigger and stopped talking, just looking at Lito so calmly, and the arc of the trigger turning became bigger and bigger.

Then the next moment, Lito said suddenly.


"So... what do you want to do."


The hires behind him sent waves of riots and discussions. . I don't know if I am surprised that my boss's vision is accurate, or I am surprised to witness an epic love.

The mercenaries were originally a group of very daring guys. When the fright at the first sight of the monster Lito disappeared, they soon became active again.

Most of the guys who can jump on the battlefield have a high mental endurance. . Of course, some are just used to war.

The corner of Bakalim's mouth also moved a little, but he quickly returned to convergence.

Now he needs to think about it. . What did he want?

Without thinking for a long time, only about three or four seconds, Bakalim said decisively.

"Let us go."

Yes, there are actually many options for Bakalim, for example, letting the other person return to humans, or handing over some blood samples, etc., not just to make them so easy in the past.

But Bakalim has no choice.

He couldn't be sure that even if the other person became human, he would still retain the power under this volume. . Even if there is no possibility, the other party can change back at any time.

And blood samples or something. . Who dares to go up and grab it casually.

These things will only add a lot of variables, and they have been wasting a long time here. Sam secretly reminded him that his goals seem to be about to begin to shift. If they don’t catch up, they may give all their goals. Lost.

So with a little trade-off, Bakalim made a choice.

He felt that the other party gave way. . It should be the easiest thing, but a pity. .

"Sorry, I can't."

"I will kill her."

Bakalim pointed at Willie again without hesitation.

"Even if you killed her, you can't leave here without answering my question... Don't forget, I am Sphinx."

Bakalim frowned, Sphinx. . what's this.

Probably he saw his doubts. A black mercenary leaned beside him and whispered a few words to Bakalim.

"Sphinx is a monster in Egyptian mythology. It's keen to stop the rushers and then ask them a question."

"If you can't answer the questions, Sphinx will eat them. If you answer the questions, Sphinx will make way... Some versions say that Sphinx will jump off the cliff and die."

"Can't it fly? I saw it with wings."

Bakalim asked quickly.

Lito does have wings. . Gathered on the back, it even seemed a little difficult to find, but it was indeed wings.

"Who knows."

The black mercenary shrugged.

"Maybe it wants to die."

Bakalim nodded, indicating that he understood, then he turned to ask Lito again.

"As long as you answer your question~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we can leave, right."

Bakalim can of course continue to threaten Lito and Willie with guns in order to keep his face. . But that approach is undoubtedly very stupid.

If the other party really can't give way, can he really kill Willie, they always know too little about this monster, and there is no confidence to break the net.


Lito nodded his head.

"I asked a total of two questions. The first question was not answered, but Dr. Wembley had just typed it out. After asking the second question, I gave the answer myself."

"So you guys, did not answer any of my questions."

Bakalim nodded, then looked at Lito again.

"So what are you waiting for, please ask."

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