High Magic Earth

Chapter 1695: So this is the wrong set again?

Lito was startled, but immediately nodded indifferently.

"Etc., etc.."

But at this time, Bakalim shook his hand again and said.

"The problem is not difficult...right."

Lito still shrugged indifferently.

"It's all like brain teasers." He replied without any concealment. . I don’t know if I’m too lazy to hide, or it is based on the characteristics of other ethnic groups.

"It doesn't involve issues with a strong professional nature...such as biology, chemistry, or physics knowledge in the doctoral field."

"That's good."

Bakalim posed the pistol behind Willie's head, indicating that Lito could start.

If possible, Bakalim certainly does not want to continue to waste time here to answer any **** questions. . But still in that sentence, he didn't have much confidence to turn his face, so it is better to follow the other party's rhythm first.

Anyway, it’s just a question. When he answers it, he will ask if the other party can let them go. At that time, if the other party uses any other means, it is a last resort. . Then you can only turn your face.

Although Bakalim did not have much confidence in killing this monster, but the people who took their own retreat smoothly, the problem should not be great.

Of course, Bakalim, who made the second choice, was obviously confident in answering questions.

He tried to recall the first two questions. . The answers are gravity and greed, which are indeed not difficult. They should be regarded as some unpopular brain teasers. Although they may not be able to answer in an instant, it does not mean that no one can answer.

Behind him, his men didn't answer at the time, but they probably didn't even think about answering. After all, in the face of a monster that might attack themselves at any time, who still wants to listen to what the other person is talking about, or to answer any **** questions.

But if you think about it carefully, the answer should not be difficult.


On the other hand, Lito cleared his throat.

As a Sphinx, asking questions is its old business. In fact, although it is only a question, in fact, it can completely control who can answer and who can not answer.

The reason is also very simple, for example. .

"Chongyang has never seen a beautiful woman return."

"Type a word."

At the next moment, Lito, as Sphinx, said such a sentence in a pure Chinese with a perfect Chinese character.

Bakalim and Willie and a group of mercenaries:. . ? ?

For about half a second, Bakalim asked ugly.

"What are you doing?!"

Lito's voice was calm.

Even calm is not normal.

"Question, the question you want... Now it's your answer."

"Are you playing me?"

Bakalim asked sharply.

He certainly understands that it is Chinese. . As a mercenary, he has traveled many places, and of course, has met more people from all over the world.

This includes the Asian side. Bakalim even learned many languages. Even in Chinese, he can speak a few words fluently.

. . It is precisely because he has studied Chinese that he is very clear that he cannot answer this question.

Of course, Bakalim did not know the couplet and guess the anagram, but in his mind, every country and every country with a different language must have some riddles of its own language.

Probably something like this.

Being able to speak a few local languages ​​does not mean that you can penetrate their culture and answer such questions. . This requires a deep literary attainment, or special study of the culture there.

And there are no Chinese in his men. . There used to be one, but then I heard that I made enough money and went back. Before leaving, I shouted that I would be a bodyguard for a young lady. .

Bakalim didn't know that he didn't quit anymore. Why did he go back to be a bodyguard? If he was short of money, why did he quit?

Is it possible to return to your own country and get more oil and water than the war zone?

But okay, some are off course. . Don't rip things so far away, the problem now is that the monster opposite is completely playing with them, right?

"It's your turn... why not answer the question."

On the other hand, Lito asked again in that calm and almost strange voice.

Bakalim was in anger, and the mercenaries behind him were a little confused, and realized what, only Wei Li, she seemed to feel something wrong. . A very uncomfortable breath.

This feeling made her a little afraid, resisted, could not help shrinking her neck, and then suddenly quieted down.

At the same time, listening to Lito's step-by-step questioning, and even some Bakalim like questioning, he was once again unable to suppress the anger in his heart.


He said in a low voice.

Putting the pistol directly on Willie's head, the power is so great that even Willie's head can't help but knock forward.

But Bakalim did not find out that Wei Li did not cry out. . Although she may indeed be very painful, she could not bear it.

Like. . What is about to happen is more terrible than pain.

"Either let us pass..."

Bakalim continued.

In the process of speaking, he always paid attention to Lito's face. .

This is easy, because Lito’s head is now very large, like a lion head, which is more than a full circle larger than the original human head.

So it makes Lito look very clear. .

Bakalim is analyzing, he can't figure out what this monster is thinking, just like he doesn't know exactly what the fighting power of this monster is,

Perhaps all this is just a deception.

The monster didn't even care about the woman's life and death. . Although Bakalim is confident in his analysis, he also knows that there is no absolute thing in this world.

At any time, you must leave yourself a way.

In other words, although the monster valued the woman very much, he also wanted to deceive himself and others. Although he said he wanted to make way, he would attack when they approached the past. .

This is all possible.

How to judge can only be observed by Bakalim himself.

Any slight changes on Lito's face will make Bakalim make a different decision like a startled bird.

For example, now, if Lito shows any malice, Bakalim will immediately retreat to make the next choice. .

"Or, let us leave."

After speaking, Bakalim looked at Lito quietly.

His pistol was still very stable, and he put it firmly behind Willie's head, without even shaking.

Bakalim is not a psychologist, negotiator or the like, but he has naturally had his own experience after so many years of mercenaries.

The conditions have been opened, he does not need to do other unnecessary things, just wait quietly. . Continue to put pressure on the other party.

But in the next moment, Lito smiled calmly.

"So I can understand... You refuse to answer this question, maybe you can't answer it, right."

Bakalim's lips twitched and he didn't speak.

He suddenly remembered what his men told him. . Sphinx likes to stop people on their way and ask questions to passers-by.

If he can answer it, he will let it go, but if he can't answer it, he will eat that person.

For this reason, Bakalim feels that he is now the best option to remain silent.

But it is a pity that silence does not change anything.

"Then I think you can't answer it, right."

Bakalim is speechless, so it doesn’t make sense to answer him, right?

"Let us go!"

So he did not give in at all. . Shouted loudly.

but. .

"You can't pass."

Lito said in a strange tone.

"Similarly, you can't leave without answering the question."

"I will kill her."

Bakalim did not hesitate to pull the trigger. . But it didn't come to the end in an instant.

But at the same time, Lito, who had been lying in front of him, finally made a move. He slowly stood up and showed a greasy smile to everyone here.

"The Sphinx question is not so easy to answer."

"Can't answer, then you have to accept the due punishment."

"The punishment of the dark game."

"...Let me think about it, let you, in the maze, look for the answer that will never be found!"

Bakalim realized that it was not good.

He tried to put Willie back in front, and then let everyone retreat. . Yes, he didn't really intend to kill Willie.

Because Wei Li is a member of International Gene Technology Corporation. . A researcher who killed employees of the International Gene Technology Company for no reason, he is not crazy.

Even if the International Gene Technology Company does not go to his troubles, does Wei Li have no family and friends? Most of the guys who can become researchers are not stupid, maybe they are rich families.

This will cause them a lot of trouble. .

They are mercenaries, they are for money, not for the madman who sees what kills.

But unfortunately, at this moment, Bakalim suddenly realized that he could not move.

Yes, he can't move. . Not moving at all, not only did the arm grabbing at Willie suddenly freeze, even the finger that pulled the trigger seemed to be stiff.

As if in a flash, he became a sculpture.

"What is it..."

"...The case."


Then it was another moment. . Bakalim felt a whisper in his ear.

The whispered whisper is slight, but it is very clear, as if many people are talking, more accurately, it is like many people are asking what.

They kept asking and answering, like asking themselves, asking them, or even asking them meaninglessly.

There may be only a few seconds, but Bakalim feels that he seems to have heard, understood hundreds of people whispering and whispering, and kept asking questions. .

Even more frightening is that such murmurs and whispers seem to have no tendency to stop. .

Bakalim's pupil narrowed slightly, and then he noticed that everything in front of him had also changed. . It becomes distorted, it doesn't seem to be in a normal world.

He felt his body slowly fall backwards. . Then it might have fallen to the ground. He seemed to hear the sound of others falling to the ground. That might be his men. Then Bakalim saw the ceiling.

Twisted ceiling.

The corridor that was originally white became more pale, and the decorative slits were twisted like abstract swirls. . maze.

Yes, the maze.

The next moment, Bakalim felt that he was in darkness. He seemed to have lost his vision, but the other feelings were back, and he found that he could move.

He tentatively stood up and found that he was dark all over, up and down, left and right, and could not see anything. The only thing he could feel was the growing murmur in his ear.

Sometimes they seem very close, sometimes they seem far away.



Bakalim looked at several names, but there was no response.

In desperation, he could only go forward tentatively. . Then Bakalim noticed that although there was darkness at his feet, he could not see anything at all, but it seemed that there was indeed something, at least to make him stand up.

Fumbled, Bakalim moved forward slowly and carefully as if he were a blind man.

Whispers grew bigger and bigger in his ears, that was the problem, countless doubts, all the problems from this world, they were endless and chattering. .

They were the only companions when Bakalim walked carefully step by step.

The darkness is getting thicker and thicker, and Bakalim, who is on the move, does not know how long he will go and walks there. . But if you stretch the perspective in a moment, you will notice. .

This is a pure darkness, there is no up and down, no distinction between left and right, it exists, it does not exist, it is in Bakalim's own heart.

And its size. . It is infinite.

. . .

Wei Li suddenly felt that coldness and discomfort faded.

Then she heard a few heavy objects falling to the ground.

Looking back instinctively. . She saw the group of mercenaries in the rear banging down, including the guy who threatened her with a gun before.

Although she wasn't scared at that time, she was pointed at by a gun after all. There was definitely an instinctive fear in Willie. Now that there is no such threat, she is relieved.

Similarly, at the next moment, she turned her eyes back to Lito's body.

Not only because it is a monster, but also because it is the most likely cause of all this now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anyway, Wei Li doesn’t think she has the ability to put this group of mercenaries inverted.

It seemed that he noticed Willie's gaze, Lito shook his head and the huge lion body, and then in a twist, he changed back to his original human appearance.

It was amazing that his clothes were still there.

Willie stared at him stupefiedly, wondering if she was looking at something, or did not react from this series of really shocking things.

But Lito obviously didn't need to think so much. After all, he was indeed the culprit.

"Their mind is trapped."

"But as long as you walk out of the maze, you can resume it."

"But... I haven't seen anyone come out of the maze."

Lito explained.

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