High Magic Earth

Chapter 1696: New knowledge get

But Lito was talking, but suddenly realized something seemed wrong.

because. . Wei Li was silent.

Although the contact with Willie is only a few minutes. . Even the exchange and dialogue between the two did not exceed twenty sentences in total, but Lito was already deeply aware of the nature of Willie's words.

It may even seem more terrifying than the female deadpool.

Especially this guy seems to have inexplicable enthusiasm for himself, or his monster identity of Sphinx.

Of course, Lito is understandable, after all, he is a guy who studies genes. . Interpreting the genetic mysteries from different organisms in my life, I thought I already knew all the creatures in the world, but suddenly found out that there is another side to the world?

How could she not be fanatic, or how could she not be excited.

but. . But she is not afraid of herself, which makes Lito speechless, and he can understand the enthusiasm, and many scientists in the last world found themselves like this.

They found that they felt fear first, then fanaticism.

Although the final result is the same, but at least others were frightened at first, and others were afraid too. Wherever she was, there was no fear from the beginning, and even now, there is no fear!

Although Willie was not afraid that Lito had no real meaning. . But he was still very upset, as if he had lost something.

Of course, Lito can't do anything, or scare Willie, threatening her to be afraid of herself. . That is even more meaningless, and it is even more stupid.

the most important is. . Lito didn't give up, even if he was facing these mercenaries full of blood, he just let them face the dark labyrinth in his heart and trap them forever.

Instead of killing them.

Indeed, they did not die. To be more precise, from the outside world, their symptoms should be called vegetative.

Whether it is soul, mind, or body, they have not suffered any substantial damage. . They are just trapped in their own hearts, just trapped.

And it's not forever. As long as they can find the answer to the puzzle and get out of the maze, then they can get out of the darkness in their hearts and return to normal.

. . Lito still left them hope, not all despair.

Yes, Lito now knows exactly who this group of people are. They are not employees of the security forces of International Gene Technology, but a group of foreign mercenaries.

Henry Wu. . That is, one of the No. 1 villains in the Jurassic World movie was invited by the doctor who was responsible for the awakening of dinosaurs throughout the Jurassic era.

The reason for how to know this is also very simple, because Lito saw their memory, or rather, the heart.

Lito was able to put them in the darkness of his own heart, how could he not see what they were thinking inside.

And this ability to perceive the human heart, and the ability to put people in the heart, or magic, is not the magic in the magic system of the Harry Potter world. The telepathy has not had such a strong effect.

This is Lito's own unique blood power.

In other words, this is the magic that Lito has after going back to the origin of the Sphinx blood line, and it is also a unique ability that belongs to the Sphinx family alone.

Even stricter to divide. . Based on the effects of these magics, the way they are released, and simple analysis of magic principles, they are no longer magics known to wizards today.

Use the magic wand, chant a spell, and then expend the magic to release the magic. . This is the release process of most existing magic and known magic. Among them, the magic system from the Harry Potter world is the most mature and perfect, so it is often represented by it.

However, the unique magic of the Sphinx family possessed by Lito is different, and these conventional and known magics are different in terms of effect and principle. . completely different.

It is more like a kind of magic that only appeared in mythological stories, and the effect is even more miraculous, as if it only existed in mythology.

and so. . They have a new name, called mythical magic.

The conventional system of magic and mythical magic are also the only two types of magic power systems currently in the hands of the origin conference.

In fact, as a large organization among free people. . It is also very secretive, and the recruited members are also some elite-level figures. The news that the origin conference knows is naturally more.

Otherwise, they cannot be so eager to improve their power, and they are so hostile to angels and free men belonging to the new humanity.

They have learned some news. . Some not so wonderful news.

In addition, it also includes the analysis of magic power, as well as in-depth analysis of the secrets contained in the source world and other information.

They may not know much better than a research institute with real angels behind them, but they have gathered a lot of intelligence, at least far more than a small group of witch sisters. . Of course, there may be some insiders who know more than they do.

Because the so-called adventure, its meaning is the magical course that most people will never experience in their lifetime, but. . The vast majority of people will not have any adventures, it does not mean that no one has experienced them.

And there are definitely more than one or two people with adventures, not only Yi Chou, but also Mianlong, Will, or Lito. .

The reason why these people seem to be very rare, but they seem to be all together, the reason is very simple.

Because after having all kinds of magical experiences, no matter which aspect should surpass the others. . In the same way, other people can't keep up with their rhythm, so naturally, they are separated into two groups.

Only people close to each other can get together. This is the commonality of human beings, so in the end, there are still some of these pioneers with adventures. . It will gather for various reasons.

For example, the origin meeting.

Of course, because of the particularity of the origin conference itself, there must be many other similar people who did not join or could not join in. They may also be very powerful and have a unique presence.

These people may have awakened some magical extraordinary talents, or they may have surpassed others in certain abilities, or they themselves have become directly. . There is a more legendary existence than the descendants of demigods, for example, demigods, and even the real lower gods and the like.

And because of their extraordinary strength, these people are naturally also exposed to some extremely advanced existences, as well as some kind of extremely hidden secrets.

Because of the weak power, their knowledge may not be as broad as the origin meeting, but they cannot deny that they may know some deeply hidden inside information.

These news may not be known at all, and only if they are particularly outstanding in this regard, they may only be contacted.

This is also the case of the origin meeting at this time.

Although the reason for the origin meeting is very harsh, and as long as it is elite, there are actually many members, at least more than double digits.

With more people, the collection of news will naturally increase exponentially.

And they are all elites in their respective fields. . The collected intelligence can't be overlooked.

Those extraordinary Lone Rangers may know some little-known inside information, but they are certainly not as much as the origin conference.

but. . Of course, there are exceptions. For example, the insider knowledge may not be worse than the original meeting no matter the number or depth.

Just like the knowledge about the magic system, in addition to mythical magic and conventional magic, Yi Chou also knows two other self-contained magic. . He has not been exposed to fairy tale magic several times, and the energy magic that he is already very familiar with,

Now it seems that fairy tale magic and mythical magic have many similarities. . Much.

Of course, this is probably not even known to Yi Piao, because he has not yet come into contact with mythical magic, the existing magic in Yi Piao's hands. . The only thing that seems to be mythical magic may only have the power of silver tongue.

It's just that he probably doesn't know this, and he's not even sure whether it is mythical magic.

But whether it is or not. . The silver tongue is an extremely high-end power, and it has even been played by Yihou. If the silver tongue really belongs to some kind of mythical magic, I am afraid it is also an extremely powerful mythical magic.

The people at the Origin Conference knew a little bit about mythical magic and fairy tale magic, but they didn't know it at first, because at the beginning their members did have representatives of fairy tale magic. . The fairy Nancy, and the demigod descendant Netti and so on.

But also because Nitty is a descendant of the demigod, it may be that the power in the bloodline is too strong. After tracing the origin of the bloodline, she did not gain any magic. The magical powers belonging to the three-eyed witch are for her. , More like an instinct, an innate talent.

For this reason, at the beginning, no one discovered the existence of mythical magic, because at the beginning of the meeting, no one realized that there might be a special magic such as mythical magic.

They just thought of the demigod descendants of these myths. . This is probably the case.

This is not to blame. After all, they did not show it. In the case of crossing the river by feeling the stones, who can guess these.

Later, when Lito and other non-demigod descendants, only descendants of certain mythological races in Egyptian or Greek mythology, joined the Origin Conference, they found out. . There is even a special magic such as mythical magic.

Of course, they just discovered the existence of mythical magic, but still they are basically ignorant of their principles, so the reason why they are called mythical magic is based on their characteristics, but they just started Just the name.

For example, no matter what kind of magic, most magic, even as long as it is magic, basically has a lot of magical powers.

In the view of people in the magic field, these are equivalent to miracles.

But there is still a clear difference, just like turning a person into a pig, it is definitely different from creating a brand new pig man race out of thin air.

Or it may curse that a person can never leave the sea, or that all people who step into a certain sea area can’t leave again and can never lift the gap.

The latter is much more difficult than the former, either it lasts longer, it has a larger range, or it refers directly to a more essential existence, or it ignores certain rules.

And the gap between these two kinds of magic, I am afraid it is not just a matter of magic strength, it can be explained clearly.

It now appears that this may be an essential difference.

perhaps. . Even if a wizard's magic power is enhanced a hundred times, a thousand times, he may not be able to actually create a new race.

Perhaps he can achieve it through experiments, splicing, mutation, etc. . But this kind of creation is not a real concept or creation in a real sense, but just a way similar to creation.

The same is true of the difference between the two curses.

For curses, most curses will either weaken over time, or they need to leave a line of cracking. Even if there is absolutely no solution, they are only aimed at someone, and the curse payers will pay a great price.

The latter curse ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seems to be a powerful rule, ignoring other rules, ignoring time, ignoring the cursed person, once triggered, it will definitely take effect.

This. . It’s not just that the magic is stronger.

I am afraid this has already involved the realm of God.

Therefore, it is called mythical magic.

Before the emergence of mythical magic, none of the people like Mianlong and others from the Origin Conference seemed to realize this. Of course, they were not selectively forgotten or did not notice, but everyone thought that when the conventional magic is strong to a certain extent After that, you can do these things.

But with the emergence of mythical magic. . Obviously, the facts are not as simple as that.

Of course, perhaps the conventional magic is so strong that it can indeed achieve this effect, but. . The power of most members of the Origin Conference comes from the blood of their origin. Their first step is to trace the origin, and the second is the ongoing transcendental origin. . I haven't thought about the next step.

But no matter which kind, it relies not on pure magic power, the power of the wizard, nor the magical power of any member to the theoretical level.

So I want to verify the answer to this question. . I am afraid it will take a long time.

The bloodline of Sphinx about Lito is actually a typical mythical creature with mythical magic.

Lito. . His original world was originally born in a mythological world, ancient, magnificent, and ancient Egyptian mythological world.

Seriously, until Lito left, he didn't fully figure out which movie world he was in, because it was so confusing. . The only thing he was impressed by was that there were so many gods in different gods like dogs. Starting a war of gods was like eating, and from time to time there was a scene.

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