High Magic Earth

Chapter 1697: The source of sin turned out to be. .

At first, Lito thought that this was a world of war between the gods. . The movie world, yes, he discovered it from the very beginning.

. . This secret.

Because Lito found that Perseus looked like the actor Sam Worthington, Zeus had a similar appearance to Lim Neeson, and Hades was the same as Ralph Fiennes. . Well, he has never seen Zeus and Hades. Both of them are distinguished **** kings, not a Sphinx in Lito District who can see it if they want to see it.

You know, really speaking, his identity is a monster.

But he did indeed see Perseus, and the sun **** Apollo. . By the way, Apollo looks like Luke Evans, the ancestral archer of the Hobbit Smaug battle, speed and passion, the villain of Jason Stanson's brother, Owen Shaw, and beauty and the beast Peep in Emma Watson's beautiful town hero Gaston.

As for why Lito has been able to recognize these people, not only did they recognize them, but he also remembered what movies they played. . That's because Lito's mixing is the realm of Hollywood!

Remember the movie, remember the actors in the movie, remember their performance in the movie, and learn their acting skills. . This is the basic skill of Hollywood actors.

At the beginning, Lito didn't notice this, or noticed it, and didn't realize it, but as more and more acquainted actors became gods. . He finally realized that something seemed wrong. .

It is precisely because of this that Lito has become increasingly confused about what world he is in.

Because at first he thought there was only one war among the gods, this was determined by the presence of Perseus, but then Lito gradually discovered Hercules, the Eye of Power, the son of Zeus, even the Prince of Persia, etc. movie of. .

The world was messed up in an instant.

I've seen a ghost, because some of these myths are far from even when they occurred, and even the supporting characters in the story may be the time relationship between father and son. . But they all happened together now.

This made Lito extremely confusing.

Originally, he was not a professional who studied historical background, and he knew nothing about the study of myth. . Although he is a Hollywood actor, he often needs to receive some scripts with changes in history or myths, but he does not need to understand it himself!

The screenwriter writes the script, and the director is responsible for turning it into a movie. . Otherwise, what does the screenwriter and director do.

And the script is not history. Most of the scripts are exaggerated. Even if the film is a historical drama close to history, no one can guarantee that it must be true.

. . Because history is an existence that can never be proved, because no matter what you go to verify, its truth will always be in dispute. This is history, and this is history.

What's more, here is not just a world of Egyptian history, but a world of myths, and there is no so-called information and evidence to refer to, how can Lito know these things.

Fortunately, he finally knew the plot in the movie and combined them together. . Well, there is still no reference value and significance.

In the end, he just determined that it was a mixed world of movies.

but. . Although not much is known about many myths, the famous Sphinx Lito still knows it, even if he does not know the specific legend. . The human face lion Lito always knows.

So Lito found a good cat.

Yes, every day.

This is also something that can't be helped. Lito didn't know how the plot development of this world was. The combination of countless plots and the main line seemed to be a very chaotic world. Second, because he appeared as a lonely and solitary one. . There seems to be no contact with this world.

He didn't even have a person to talk to, or a monster. . It is even more impossible to know where to go.

Of course, the most important thing is still. . Here are the two river basins in BC.

Ancient Greece, ancient Egypt. . Regardless of whether they actually existed in the real world or not, here they are undoubtedly existing and are extremely prosperous.

. . Of course, this refers to prosperity in culture and civilization, but not in other areas, no matter how other aspects can not exceed the afterlife of three or four thousand years.

And the reason why civilization is very prosperous even with the eyes of the millennium later, mainly because of the existence of the group of gods.

Yes, this is a real world where half gods are not as good as dogs and gods are everywhere.

So Lito decisively counseled.

Because they are gods. . That's God.

Lito didn't know what level his sphinx identity and combat power belonged to in this group of mythological creatures, but no matter what level, there must be no **** king. . It is definitely not able to beat the gods.

In this world, the gods are the first fighting power ladder, and there may be some gods who are not good at fighting, such as the Ophesus of the Megumi series. . She performed singing and dancing for other gods, or the goddess Onomia and the like. She represents spring, but most gods are extremely capable.

Even Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty.

It is estimated that he can be beaten two more with one hand.

Lito thinks that his small body can bully ordinary people, but he is against the gods. . Forget it.

So he shrank decisively.

After all, before he came to this world, he was just a Hollywood actor, and he still worked hard in Hollywood for many years. . Second- and third-line actors who didn't make much progress.

I even often make TV shows.

In Hollywood, film actors and TV actors. . But two circles.

Lito is not a person who is good at fighting with people, nor is it that special forces retired, Peerless Kings play Hollywood or something. .

In fact, he was able to quickly accept his identity change, from a human to a monster, and returned to the Lianghe River basin in a blink of an eye. . It seems to be the world in the movie, which is already supported by the strong psychological quality he has exercised as a Hollywood actor.

If not Lito was lucky enough to directly become Sphinx. . I am afraid that as a human being, he does not even have the stage of adaptation, and even if it has not passed, he will die unexplained.

The civilization of the Lianghe River Basin during this period was brilliant and prosperous, but it was also very cruel, especially for ordinary people.

Prosperity is of nobility, of the upper class, of the upper class, while ordinary people, coolies, slaves. . Every year, hundreds of thousands of slaves have been recorded to build huge structures to die.

This is not a small number. . Because all the population of this era is added together, I am afraid that it is only one million or ten million.

This world, this era, is extremely unfriendly to ordinary people.

Lito shrank a total of about half a year. . In addition to slowly sorting out ideas and exploring the news, more is adapting to the world and adapting to your new identity.

From a human to a sphinx. . The difference is still very big.

In fact, Lito's sudden disappearance did not cause the slightest waves as he imagined. . Before he came to this world, or the original Sphinx was not an honest guy.

Of course, in fact, it just followed its own instincts, and then casually found the only way in a small canyon. . Then squat inside.

then. . Then what else can I do, of course, who is caught and asked.

Fortunately, although Sphinx eats humans, it is not just humans. Even as mythical creatures, they do not really need to eat and consume energy to survive.

Eating people is just a hobby, just like some people like to eat melon seeds, some people like to eat shredded squid. . But these are snacks, as long as you eat on time, even if you don't eat snacks, you will not starve.

Sphinx eats like humans eat snacks. . But Sphinx doesn't need to eat in the real sense.

Fortunately, this Sphinx probably does not have the habit of snacking, so although most people, or basically no one answered, but no one was eaten, the final outcome of these unlucky eggs is found no matter what You can only go back to the entrance of the canyon any way you go, and you can never pass here.

So gradually, as more and more people encountered this situation, the news of Sphinx blocking the road naturally spread out, but it may be because there have been no dead people. Those rumors did not The amount of fearful and frightening ingredients is actually a growing atmosphere of some kind of regional legend.

As the news spread, most people began to choose not to pass by. The era of BC was not thousands of years later. Traveling was carried by cars or private jets. At that time, all depended on legs. At most, a camel was added. Encountered mountain collapse road blocked and so on. . It's not as simple as taking a few more roundabouts.

Especially in the desert area, when the dry food and water carried are exhausted, it is about to die.

Therefore, the caravan will definitely not go from there. Although they have a camel team and a big career, but there are many people, and they can't go wrong. That will make the entire caravan in crisis.

It would be better to prepare a little detour, rather than bet on any chance.

Ordinary people rarely have the past, after all, not everyone has the courage to face a monster. . In fact, don’t look at many myths about what warriors defeated monsters and what maze they got out of. In fact, carefully counted, these so-called warriors are either descendants of a certain god, or illegitimate children left in the human world, Either it is a demigod in itself.

Real ordinary people. . In fact, there are only a handful.

And even ordinary people, most of the ordinary people who are favored by the gods will eventually become kings. In fact, in the eyes of the gods who can see the fate, they are not pure ordinary people from the beginning, but are born. Extraordinary.

Of course, it is not that ordinary people without boldness are not unbelievable.

There are a lot of guys who are always thinking about trying on the edge of death. For example, there are a lot of guys who really need to cut corners when there is an emergency. . Still unwilling to try your luck here, or that the outsider didn’t know the news and strayed into it.

But these are not the main points. The most excessive thing is that some guys seem to regard this as a test of guts and wisdom. They did not intend to cross the canyon, but they had to pass by.

Just to see Sphinx.

Fortunately, no matter who they are, as long as they don't answer Sphinx's question for the first time, they can never enter the canyon again, so the pressure on Sphinx is not as great as expected.

. . After all, the ghost knows the tricky problems where it was found. Sphinx should be grateful for the era when ignorance is still blinding most people. If it is in the later generations, let alone catch a road to block for several years, I am afraid to block for a few days. All its questions will be answered completely.

There are computers with huge storage capacity, and once the Sphinx question is asked once, there will never be a second time when it cannot be answered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But in this era. . The Sphinx problem is quite difficult.

The answer to Sphinx's question is wisdom. Dare to face the huge monster of Sphinx is guts. If you can pass through the canyon, then you have both wisdom and courage. . Go to the pinnacle of life in minutes to win the rhythm of brown beauty.

The most important thing is that no one will die anyway, so try it.

So the road and Sphinx became so hot.

Fortunately. . There are not many such daring people, and together they are only a dozen or so. Moreover, the news of this era is very slow, and it is basically relying on going, so it has not been widely known.

But if this momentum continues for a year and a half, I'm afraid Sphinx will be completely on fire. . Maybe it was the first one that really caught fire, or this one that started the Sphinx family?

But in any case, after the fire, it will naturally attract more attention, for example. . Gods.

Then all kinds of weird reasons were found. What kind of jealousy do you say I am good-looking, you say I am not good-looking, I give you apples and you don’t eat and so on. .

I'm afraid if Sphinx's ending is not very miserable, it will be teased.

That's right, the gods are like this. They are neither evil nor justice, but they are absolutely wanton.

Fortunately, before completely becoming an Internet celebrity, Lito came. As the Lito cat rose, Sphinx disappeared, and the news about this road and Sphinx gradually subsided.

Even after the blocking Sphinx disappeared, the group of idle people, and daring to act, tried to use this as a trial guys soon discovered this situation.

In less than a month, this otherwise impassable gorge became prosperous and crowded again.

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