High Magic Earth

Chapter 1698: This is probably the earliest network

Lito didn't know these things because he was hiding in a zone where he thought he was very good and safe, thinking about life, or. . Thinking about Sphinx?

I don’t know if it was Sphinx, Lito’s thinking slowed down, and he may not even realize it.

He didn't realize at all that he would often think about a problem and it would be past half an hour. . This is completely different from the way of thinking and the speed of thinking of human beings. It is also why Lito can now spend a long time thinking in a daze.

Of course, this does not mean that Sphinx is stupid, because Sphinx thinks about problems in a completely different way than humans themselves.

The thinking of humans is very simple, even if they are knowledgeable people, because humans have limited development of the brain.

But this also does not mean that humans are stupid, just that the human brain and Sphinx are completely different, just like a camel has two appetites, and humans have only one.

Sphinx's brain is completely different from that of humans. Perhaps the brain circuits are more, the cells in the brain are denser, or the lobe areas of the brain are more. . What.

These questions are still uncertain, because no one has solved Sphinx, to study its head.

But the difference is definitely different. At least Sphinx's brain is very different from humans in size.

In fact, Sphinx prefers divergent thinking when thinking about problems. From one problem, it can be associated with countless problems, and then from these countless problems. . Think of endless problems.

And it is not just thinking about it. Basically, every extended problem will be considered for a short period of time. . Sphinx is not like most gods, it is born to know, but it seems more terrible than omniscience and almighty.

Because even if it does not know anything, but encounters any problems, as long as it thinks for a while, it will eventually come to an answer.

The answer came inexplicably.

of course. . The more complex and difficult the question, the longer it takes to get the answer. This time may even be calculated in hours, days, years, or even decades. .

It's like one plus one equals several. . Even if Sphinx may never have studied data, but after thinking for weeks or months, it may suddenly get the answer.

How did the answer come from and how did you come up with it? . I'm afraid it's not even clear to itself, but it just knows.

This can extend down two plus two, four by four and so on. . But if you want to ask what is the derivative of three, then I am afraid that the Sphinx minutes have been thinking for a long time.

Because first of all it wants to understand the four most common arithmetic operations, then fractional arithmetic, exponential fortune, etc. . Perhaps Sphinx has not learned the logic of this operation, but it also needs the foundation of this series of basic operations, maybe it can be slowly deduced, or come up with the answer to the question.

And the thinking time of this kind of problem may need to be calculated in years.

Sphinx also has a very special thinking feature, that is, it does not seem to forget what it is thinking about, no matter how complicated it is, how many questions.

It can always think about it one by one, and it will not be missed, and it will not happen at all, eh? I was just thinking about something, such an accident.

. . That's why Sphinx has a problem that can be interrupted for several years.

Sphinx's thinking seems to have no limit, it seems. . There are no problems in this world that can hardly get Sphinx, and there are no problems that it can't think of.

This is why its ability is no worse than omniscience.

Omniscience and omnipotence. . Compared with the two concepts that can always solve all the problems in the world, it is really difficult to say who can know more.

If it wasn't time that limited Sphinx.

Yes, Sphinx's thinking has no limit, but it does have to be limited by time. The longevity of Sphinx is not yet known, but it is certainly not eternal.

And the speed of thinking does not seem to change. . This means that Sphinx's thinking time may never be shortened much.

It takes years or even ten years to think about a derivative. . In this way, although Sphinx seems to be able to think about all the problems in the world, it is actually a fool in nature?

At least during the first ten years of its birth, it was completely unable to serve as a name for knowledge and wisdom.

but. . The reason why Sphinx infers a derivative is so slow is mainly because it needs to think a lot of basic knowledge step by step. If these basic knowledge already exist, it may not take a few days or even half a day to think about a derivative.

So in fact, the Sphinx family already has a way of survival that fits them, and that is memory sharing.

Or to accumulate intercommunication.

It is not like Fu Jiang, where memory can be shared at all times, all memories, but it seems to exist like a kind of central network.

Eliminate the subjective memory, organize the pure knowledge memory and data, encapsulate it, and then upload it through some special induction between Sphinx. . In fact, it is to use some special magic of bloodline magic to allow other Sphinx to sense it, and then they will receive these encapsulated information and memories.

This kind of received information is much faster than thinking on your own. It doesn't take a few years or days, it only takes a moment or a few moments.

And as the Sphinx family exists longer and longer, their knowledge will accumulate more and more.

Because knowledge does not need to be accumulated from scratch every time, it is equivalent to Sphinx having an infinite life and thinking about problems every moment.

Of course, there is one place that cannot be solved. . That is, there may be two Sphinx thinking about the same problem.

Because subjective memories cannot communicate with each other, it may not be possible for them to find out until both Sphinx have figured out the problem more than a decade later. . Oh, there are other Sphinx thinking about this problem.

However, knowledge sharing similar to the central network has brought great convenience to the Sphinx, so don't extravagance for the time being.

So during Lito's time thinking about his life, the only two things he did were to recall what knowledge he had received before, and to think about the present question, for example. . Why did he enter such a weird and dangerous movie world, and turned into a monster, or how to go back. .

But of course, the latter's thinking has no answer at all.

Nor is it impossible to say the answer. Lito has a feeling in the midst of giving him enough time, he can indeed get the answer to the question, but the time passed to him in the midst of feeling is probably. . Seven thousand, ah no, eight thousand. . No, maybe eight or nine thousand years, anyway, no more than ten thousand years, but it is also close.

So it makes no sense, even if the answer to this question is known in 10,000 years, I am afraid it is useless.

It's a pity that receiving central knowledge is only a matter of moments, otherwise Lito can receive some from time to time like the Internet, and then come to kill time.

. . However, that's all it is, Lito has no patience to learn so much knowledge.

Receiving is only a matter of a moment, so whether you know what it is or not, the sphinx of the predecessor has already accepted it by the way, but it has not been read all, and it is fully integrated into its memory.

And after half a month passed, Lito did not read at all, and he was too lazy to read it.

At this time, Sphinx did not know how long it has been born, but due to the age, even if it may have been accumulated for hundreds of years, they have not accumulated much knowledge.

But the so-called not much is compared with Lito's view of future generations, compared with the vast ocean of network knowledge.

For human beings in this era, for a human mind. . It is still absolutely enough, so huge that it may not even be learned in a lifetime.

This life does not refer to a lifetime in time, but for a hundred years, but Lito feels that he may not have the patience to learn at all, even if his learning speed may have far exceeded his original.

but. . Lito didn't want to make himself a nerd, polymath, or master. .

That doesn't fit his character. He is fire, burning, full of energy, yes. .

Well, after only a few months, Lito finally began to feel boring again. He felt that if he didn’t go out, he would be mad by all kinds of delusions and things that scare himself. Off.

Sphinx's thinking cycle is very long. Not only will a clue to the problem not be lost, but you can pick it up after the breakpoint and continue thinking.

Probably where they were born, I also worried that they would think of themselves to death. . For example, when the valley collapsed, I still squatted in the canyon to continue thinking about the problem, so it seems like some kind of instinct. Every time, Sphinx will force awake.

This is a very wonderful feeling, as if you can't feel the passage of time, and every time seems to be passing by at a large span. .

Think, sober, think, and then sober again. . Then a month may have passed.

but. . For a pure Sphinx, this situation may not be strange, even a happy thing, but for Lito with human thinking. .

After the initial sense of freshness and confusion disappeared, instead of calming down, he began to become restless and more frightened. . But this time it was not aimed at this strange world, but at the time that passed by quickly.

Everyone knows how valuable time is.

Even if you use so-called daze to waste time, it is not really a waste of time, because daze itself is a matter of enjoyment.

No matter what you think about in a daze.

But whether it is a waste of time or a meaningful use, I am afraid that everyone will feel an inexplicable panic while discovering that time is passing rapidly.

Because time passes to the end, it means death.

Whether it is a fulfilling life or a life of nothingness, death will eventually come.

So humans actually have an instinctive fear of the passage of time, which is exactly the problem Lito encountered.

Sphinx's sense of time made him inexplicably panic. Even if he knew that he was no longer a human, perhaps his lifespan was completely different from humans, but this instantaneous moment was the flow of time in the past of a day. Deeply disturbed.

In addition to being uneasy, with the passage of time, boredom, which also belongs to humans, has also found Lito again.

Not everyone can tolerate the same ground with their eyes closed and closed every day, and even the positions of raised gravel are scattered, and no creature is like Sphinx, as long as you can think every day Will be happy.

Bored and uneasy entangled Lito. . Urging him to get out of his hiding place and reintegrate into this world.

Sure enough, humans are social creatures, even if they become monsters.

Then on a dark night. . When a group of caravans trying to cross the canyon had just reached halfway, Lito crouched back silently again.

Yes, squatted back.

Because he didn't know what he should do, what he wanted to do. . I can't think of an answer to these questions about the world and how he came and how he went back.

Although several months have passed, Lito is only a preliminary understanding of this mythical world, and he still has no plans for what he should do.

So he followed the instinct call and went back again.

then. . This unlucky caravan became the first victim after Sphinx returned to the mountain.

Because as a Lito from later generations, no matter how hard it is to learn without skills, knowledge and insights must crush all human beings of this era, including the Sphinx network.

With the idea of ​​being idle and idle anyway, Lito started to work as a sphinx, and asked questions, which seemed to be the same as before. . But one thing went completely different.

That is, Lito is completely different from the original Sphinx style of thinking~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lito is a human being, and still comes from human beings thousands of years later.

and so. . There is such a situation.

Limited by the times, Sphinx asked the most questions, most of which are philosophical questions about what animals walk on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night.

It was replaced by Lito. . The style of the entire question has changed.

It turned into something like the left ear of an elephant, and what could be seen with closed eyes. .

The older the age, the more unfriendly and foolish the life of the people at the bottom. The sphinx originally had a great difficulty for them, but fortunately it was in line with the philosophical issues of this era, and the light flashed, Maybe someone will answer it sooner or later.

But after it became Lito, whose style was completely wrong. .

Anyway, no one from that unlucky caravan passed through the canyon.

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