High Magic Earth

Chapter 1701: Sudden sugar

With the help of Occlusion, Lito finally began to look like a human again, he became less and less in a daze, and was able to communicate normally with Mianlong.

Or. . Communicate with Mianlong's view of time.

Then Lito began to gradually show the hot emotions unique to the Spanish hybrids. He kept entangled with Mianlong and asked East and West. At first, what was the name of Mianlong. Of course Mianlong did not tell him, not distrust. It is because there are too many magics that can be related to the real name. As the leader of the origin conference, Mianlong needs to be vigilant.

Without getting the name, Lito didn't care, because his interest soon changed again, and began to pester Mianlong about the origin conference.

For example. . Is the Origin Conference like Avengers or Justice League, a legendary hero organization hidden behind the back of human beings to save the world.

. . In fact, Mianlong told Lito long ago about the origin conference, but he always felt that there was something he didn't know about the origin conference, as a hero behind the scenes.

Mianlong is also very helpless, but although Mianlong, as the current leader of the origin meeting, whether it is style, words and deeds, even the name sounds very rigorous and domineering. . Some are like the type of overbearing president, but in fact, um, he really is.

Although it is said that the free people inside the Origin Conference are united, and the free men and witches in the Sisters of Witches who Madison mixed in are also united, but this does not mean that this is true for everyone.

As the origin conference, a feature that traces the power in the origin of the bloodline, it seems to be the largest organization among the free people on the mysterious side at the same time, and is also the leader of the most secret organization. The pressure of Mianlong is actually very huge.

It must also be tough.

Because not only the free people of the new humans are interfering, the aborigines in the source world are also not annoying. The huge power that can not be avoided in any world is the state machine.

The same is true even in some higher mysterious worlds.

Not only conventional weapons can cause damage to them, there are many worlds with higher mystery levels, and there are also strange forces in the national machine that can counter those unknown existences.

It doesn't matter if the performance in the plot is balanced or not. . This is the case in the source world of reality anyway.

Even in the seemingly ordinary Harry Potter world, some people have discovered a very unusual Harry Potter parallel source world.

There is more than one Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry near London. There are countless ancient pentagram seals in the abandoned sewers below London. . And a phone booth and torchwood group that often disappeared and appeared mysteriously!

Although most of the Harry Potter world is the most friendly world for beginners, if you encounter this one, this is probably not the novice world, but the most difficult world.

As a matter of fact, the free man who discovered this world and did not know whether it was lucky or unlucky had died and died of a mysterious item running out of a warehouse.

. . Of course, in the end, this item was re-contained by a librarian.

Among them, the Torchwood team is on the bright side, and the official forces hidden in the dark. The librarians are also half, but they are loyal to the more ancient existence.

These npc or indigenous people, but it is not easy to deal with and fool.

What's more, not only are these external threats, the free people belonging to the mysterious side themselves are not all so friendly, there are indeed many friendly guys and the existence of unity. . But there are still more idiots, secondary diseases, and pure bullies.

For example, the Toby who partnered with Nancy was a pure fool.

In such a situation where threats are everywhere, Mianlong wants to hold up the entire origin meeting, he must be tough.

But in fact, although Mian Long is tough outside, his character is not cold. He is a kind of gentle person. Even in the face of such a nagging and enthusiastic guy, Lito didn't kill Lito. . Ok. .

This is a sequelae that Sphinx hasn't been completely shielded. After all, Sphinx is curious. With 100,000 Sphinxes, Mianlong can only tell himself this way.

To hold back, Sphinx is a well-known mythical creature. Joining the origin meeting will definitely be very valuable. Mianlong is persuading himself to hold back.

And after about half a month later, Lito finally returned to humanity, and no longer kept the large and conspicuous Sphinx appearance.

This metamorphosis is actually a very special kind of magic, which is not something that can be learned in the ordinary world of Harry Potter. If it is to be compared, it should be collected in the books of the pure blood noble family, And it is still the kind of level hidden in the mezzanine of a book. Once discovered by which wizard, it can immediately cause a movie plot of at least 20 minutes.

This is a human transforming technique specially developed by the Origin Conference, and is specially prepared for the monster form companions who joined later, so that they can become humans.

The general principle is somewhat like Animagus' inverse spell.

After all, not everyone has the talents such as goblins or morph monsters, and they can naturally become humans.

Lito, who has returned to humanity, is naturally very excited.

In fact, Sphinx is also him, and the human Lito is also him. It is not a schizophrenia, but Lito in the form of Sphinx seems to be drunk, like one of the most rigorous, every day before going to work People who check watches, cufflinks, ties, and briefcases are very neat, and they are suddenly hit by some kind of disintegration. They don’t care about anything every day. They get up from the bed and go directly to work.

This muddy feeling is absolutely bad.

Lito at this time seemed to wake up suddenly, as if sleeping a good night.

. . Naturally excited.

But unfortunately, Mianlong declined Lito's plan to go out for a fun or a big meal. Well, Lito later also felt that the two big men seemed to have nothing to play.

By the way, football. .

Well, the idea of ​​the two going to the football game together was also eliminated by Mian Long.

After adjusting the time for half a day, Mianlong decided the next trip for the two of them, that is, to explore what world this is.

And Mianlong does not like sports. In fact, according to reports on the Internet, this world happens to be the most brilliant season for the Bulls, but. . As the leader of the origin meeting, Mian Long sometimes did not do what he wanted to do.

Any world is precious, because not every world has a chance to enter the second time.

The Origin Conference does have some means to move around the world on its own, but it is not unlimited. The world that wants to be permanently locked is limited. Only after exploring this world will you know that the value is not worthy of permanent locking.

and so. . Not much time, the sooner the better.

Then Lito and Mianlong hurriedly left the apartment building, pushing the apartment downstairs for a moment. . The world is upside down, the sky and the earth are shattered, darkness strikes, and the two return to the present world.

Yes, they were thrown out.

Mianlong's first reaction was to be attacked, which may be a very powerful mysterious side world, but Lito soon realized that the mission was over.

It was shown in his head that this time the task was actually to make him return to humanity again.

Lito, who had just learned Occlusion of the brain, had just begun to practice the rare metamorphosis. He did not fully grasp Occlusion, so a lot of information was directly blocked.

Including this task.

Mianlong never thought that the so-called mission goal would be this, because most of the time, the mission will be very troublesome even if it is not difficult.

The most important thing is that it is completely inexplicable and simply does not understand the meaning of doing so.

How could it be like Lito. . So purposeful.

With this opportunity, Lito also told Minglong about his discovery. For news from Sphinx, Mianlong still attached great importance to it.

The Origin Conference also has its own source of intelligence, which is obtained through magic. Although it is not as magical as Sphinx, it is similar.

It was mainly a magic book stolen from a warehouse. People in that world could not understand the text on the book, but La Nina, a descendant of gods from Egypt, could understand it.

This is an ancient, Egyptian ritual used to communicate with gods.

But this book is not a book of sacrifices. It is like a work manual for a certain ritual. It contains a lot of strange things that happened at that time, the monsters that appeared, the will of the gods, etc.

Because it is an Egyptian book, it contains Sphinx.

So Mianlong knows the characteristics of Sphinx very well and knows the world without leaving home. . So Mianlong attaches great importance to Lito.

So even Lito's words sound a little weird, but Mianlong has no doubt, and this kind of task is not a task but a kind of guidance. .

Mian Long thought about it carefully, but it seemed that it was not impossible.

Because his first task is. . be yourself.

Yes, he turned into a monster resembling a dragon, or a dragon with potential. In the face of a lot of malice, the mission was issued not to let him live, but to let him be himself.

That is to say, if there is really anything in it, it hopes to see its own growth, rather than simply live to live and kill to live?

Mian Long thought about it, and did not go deep into this question.

Bringing the problem back to the origin meeting, naturally there will be a few boring little guys thinking. .

Lito mastered the transformation technique, and returned to humanity from Sphinx, and naturally completed the task, so the two did not continue to stay for long, and were thrown out directly.

Lito couldn't be sure when he could re-enter this world that he hadn't had time to explore. In fact, he didn't even know if he could re-enter.

And Mianlong, he used magic to trace Lito from, Lito left the world, he could not enter again.

The two exchanged some time, but they could only be separated temporarily.

After all, Mianlong is very busy. . There is no time to continue to chat with Lito here.

And it was at this time that Lito officially joined the Origin Conference, and he was quite sympathetic to this organization that could save him a second life.

And he always felt that this was the magic version of Justice League, eh. . It seems that there is already a magic version of the Justice League, called the Dark Justice League, forget it. .

Lito has only experienced two worlds, and the third world has not been opened yet, so he was caught by Mian Long as a temporary strongman.

However, with this buffered time, he also calmed down a lot and stayed with several other members of the origin meeting of the world. . I also know more.

Although Lito has only two worlds of experience, his combat power is not to be overlooked. Whether it is pure intelligence or pure power, Lito should be regarded as a leader in magical creatures and among the best.

After all, he is a mythical creature, already half-footed into the word God.

Seeing suddenly not speaking, he stared at his own Lily, Lito was also a little puzzled. This seemed to be noisier than a hundred ducks. Why suddenly there was no movement, the woman was really a difficult creature to understand.

Including my good friend.

Lito has two very good friends. Although they are not Hollywood insiders, the feelings of the three are still very good, that is, the two who discovered his real Sphinx, a man and a woman, although they received Li Toto's phone, but keenly realized that Lito seemed to have encountered something.

Worried that he was hijacked at home, there is no danger to say, so the two people came to take a look. . Of course, afterwards, they were spurted by Lito. If they were really hijacked, their two weak chickens would not call the police.

Just when Lito was thinking wildly, wondering if he would use Sphinx's ability to find out what Willie was thinking now, she saw Willie staring at him suddenly rushing over.

Lito was slightly startled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ did not resist.

And in the next moment, Willie had already pounced on his face.

Staring at Willie's big eyes, Lito was also quite stressed. . He wondered what was going on with Willie, and looked at the lower left and right corners of his eyes, um. . No syringes.

Then Lito laughed far-fetchedly, "Well... if we follow the development in the movie, do we want it at this time... um..."

Lito's voice was suddenly cut off, because the rest of the sentence had been blocked by Wei Li in an instant.

Lito wanted to push away Willie, but after hesitating for a while, he didn't do it. Maybe he was worried that his strength would hurt Willie? . . Maybe, after all he has practiced for so long, he should not be able to control his own strength.

But in any case, he did not push away Willie after all, the woman he seemed to hate, and the reason for this, I am afraid that even Lito, who is a Sphinx, is not clear.

perhaps. . Naturally, this is probably the case.

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