High Magic Earth

Chapter 1702: Transformers are really convenient

"Incubation room...J410..."

Holding a small book, Will stood in front of the laboratory door of the second incubation room, looked at the sign on the door, and then again checked the record in the opponent.

There is nothing wrong with this.

As the core research area of ​​the International Gene Technology Corporation, the naming of the laboratory here is actually very random, and some even do not specify what it is used for, just randomly write a house number like 102 or 305.

In terms of rigor, the other work areas are divided as carefully as possible, and even as rigorous as the distinction between work areas, such as research areas, living areas, and logistics areas.

This is mainly because there is very little turnover in the core research area.

At this time, the recovery of dinosaurs in the Jurassic era is flourishing. As the owner of the entire dinosaur recovery project, International Gene Technology Corporation is currently the first person in the field of genes.

Naturally, except for some people who can't get away in confidential projects, or can't leave at all in this life, basically all high-end talents in the field of genetics have been wiped out by international gene technology companies.

It is rare to suddenly enter a new person. . Even the rising stars in the field, through the publication of the paper in the journal, brewing, fermentation, it will take a long time.

In addition, the treatment provided by international gene technology companies is not bad. There are also very few people leaving, so the staff turnover in the core research area is not large.

They are all acquaintances, and naturally they don’t need to distinguish too clearly.

Everyone will only be responsible for their own part, and will not easily get involved in other fields. . Although they are all genetics, they also have very different classifications. Just as English and French are both languages, they are just languages.

For those in their profession, it is quite easy to distinguish, but for the layman like Will, it is comparable to the labyrinth of Minotaur.

In order to step on the point and figure out what the place was doing, Will wasted a lot of energy.

"Where are you from?"

Will is recollecting the small books. . Put it in a non-marking stretch bag, although this thing is easy to damage and easy to lose, it is really very convenient.

When I was about to open the laboratory, a question came from the side.

Will turned his head slightly and saw a young man in a white coat. Well, he wasn't too young. He looked like he was in his early thirties and went in the middle age.

Somewhat strange.

Wil glanced silently at his cuffs. That's right. He looks like a researcher now. How can he get other people's inexplicable attention.

Just when Will was secretly strange, this guy had come over.

"Did you forget the morning notice, 410 has a very important experiment, if you disturb... Dr. Kisson will be very unhappy."

His language is gentle, not like trouble.

In fact, he really is not.

Will was a little stunned, and then understood what he meant. Probably this guy thought he was a low-level research institute. Knocking on this laboratory seemed to have some important experiments this afternoon, and he worried that he would break in by mistake. remind.

. . It's a pity to be a good person.

"The soul is out of my mind."

When the other person approached, Will suddenly raised a hand, his index finger became sharp and slender in an instant, and then lightly pressed against the other person's chest. When he didn't respond at all, he meditation A sentence.


Will's index finger burst in the front, and the blood stains mottled both people's clothes, but in a blink of an eye Will was swept away again with a cleaning spell.

But also at the same time, the Soul Capture spell took effect.

Yes, the Soul Curse.

Although the three great unforgivables are naturally not a secret or forbidden technique for free people, the original source of investigation can no longer be traced back. Anyway, I don’t know who got the spell from where, and then it was broadcast.

. . Relatively speaking, these three spells are even less valuable than some ordinary transforming spells or basic magic knowledge.

As a free man, all free people who can use magic do not have the problems that the aborigines in the parallel world only have. For example, the magic system is incompatible, or the black witch cannot wipe out the patron saint.

The hourglass will solve everything for them.

As the Three Great Unforgivable Although all free wizards can learn, the difference is only in the continuation of power.

And the three big ones themselves are very simple. . Of course, this is not aimed at aborigines.

Compared with Aboriginals, basic rafters are even more rare for free people, because they don’t understand anything, but the three unforgivable advanced mantras are not difficult to learn because there is no threshold.

The only problem may be the three unforgivable themselves.

The release of these three spells is not much complicated, but especially the Heart-Shaping Curse is a tortured spell, and the damage may not be as severe as the fragmentation, but it seems to be able to damage the soul, this time it is unbearable or even able to Drive people crazy.

The second is the soul-spelling mantra. Although it is a mind-controlling memory, it must be related to the realm of the soul, and it still involves a lot.

As for the last. ≡It is a death spell that everyone in the Harry Potter world talks about.

Undoubtedly, as long as the magic with effects is brought, most of them are soul-related.

In other words, all three are unforgivable, but all can be related to the soul.

The magic system of the Harry Potter world seems to be solid, but in fact, the blurry and indistinguishable places are also very correct. Even because these witches are like warlocks, it is simply a fantasy version of my thinking.

For example, a simple drift pick, Yujadim Leviosa.

Wave your wand, read the spell, pay attention to angle, frequency, and tone. .

Very good, this looks professional, but why this tone needs to be lower and the angle of the hand higher, I am afraid that few principles are not understood by a few wizards.

Because all of their blood is from magical creatures, and they all come from the same source, so all magic is done by doing so and may be successful. . Then it succeeded.

The principle is not known at all.

And even these principles are unclear, let alone expect them to understand the taboo of soul magic.

So the use of three cannot be spared, but it will inevitably affect the releaser himself. Just as the forces are mutual, the soul magic also seems to act on both sides.

In particular, the Life Mantra is used more often. . Probably I also ate a life spell.

But fortunately, the hourglass seemed to solve this problem. Although the free man still had to pay the price of his soul to release the life-spelling curse, he didn't want the aborigines to be rough. . It is within the acceptable range.

In addition to the problem of the soul, magic is also one of the most important elements.

Only stronger magic can release stronger magic, which is the principle of most magic. . However, although the three major unforgivables are due to the world of Harry Potter, which requires a magic wand, there are some problems with its release.

This will cause Will's fingers to burst.

Of course, if you don't want to blow your fingers, you can wear a magic wand or become stronger, and the magic will naturally not be a problem.

or. . Like Will.

Retracting his fingers calmly, Will said softly.

"go with.."

He took out the booklet and turned several pages on it.

"Z207, tell them that Lawrence Love's appointment half a month ago can now begin."

"And z308,712..."

"Say it all."

This unlucky good-hearted man won the soul-taking spell, and naturally there will be no resistance, and this is not something that would instruct him to commit suicide to produce an instinctively strong command.

Nodding, he turned and left.

As an insider in the research area, and seems to be a guy with a low position, he naturally does not have to worry about getting lost, and watching him leave the figure, Will was silent for a moment, and then he did not continue to think about this matter.

The time now is really tight. . He also had no mood to think about whether the Soul Charm was against his heart.

Lawrence Love is a pseudonym used by Will, mainly to prevent this from happening today.

As long as he figured out which equipment needs to be taken away, and those researchers also need to pack and take away together, he went to see many low-level researchers in the name of Lawrence Love.

Lawrence Love is also a real person. He is the logistics supervisor in the research area. He is basically responsible for the replacement or repair of all instruments.

And Will called it in the name of Lawrence Love. ≡It turned out to be his way.

According to Lawrence Love, no one doubts that Will has arranged many tasks, all of which are triggered tasks.

Just like he just told the person to speak, the researchers will only start if the word is heard.

And the task is not a very fast and difficult task, but they just packed things in advance, turned off and sorted the instruments, and then waited for Will to pack and take away.

After the exemption, you still need to find the parts of the instrument now. . After all, not all instruments are large-scale equipment, and some types of centrifuges are inevitable.

Although it is possible to use flying to curse, it is a waste of time.

Will is looking for some low-level researchers who let them do whatever they want, and it is no different from what the office does, and it is not a violation to clean up the equipment. The task is naturally promulgated smoothly.

The original plan was to be notified by Will himself, a little bit, so as not to attract attention, but now, only one person can be notified.

Putting the manual away, Will put his hand on the door handle of the laboratory.

There is a password input device next to it.

Will has a good memory. In fact, he can remember the name of the machine and the target researcher, but this is due to his shorthand training when he was a policeman. He just wrote it in the booklet in case. .


Pressing a few numbers gently, the door of the laboratory moved slightly and then released.

Will walked in, then closed the gate again behind him.


Two slight door sounds, although not loud, were enough to alarm the people inside.

Although it is said to be an experiment, I don't know what happened in that respect. Anyway, I can't hear any sound. On the contrary, because the laboratory's sound insulation is very good, the outside sound can't pass through, making this place extremely silent.

and so. . A slight door rang, and soon attracted attention here.

"who are you?"

A female researcher didn't know where it came from. She protruded half of her body from behind a large instrument not far in front, frowning at Will.

"I don't know if it's being transcribed here..."

"Wait, how do you know the password here."

The password of each laboratory is naturally different, no matter what the reason is, in order to prevent external people, or prevent internal people, this is necessary.

Of course, the members of the laboratory must know the password, but as soon as the woman was stunned, she recalled that all the members were here for this experiment.

He is not vain.

But as a password. . It is still very simple to get it.

For example, cracking, or stolen, cheated, etc., there is another reason, that the insiders leaked out, and no matter what kind, it seems not very friendly.

And this female researcher looked at Will with no expression, no panic, no face to explain, and probably realized something.


She took two steps back and didn't know what she wanted to say, so she returned to the crowd.

Researchers who are in intense discussion are stunned.

"Sunny, what's wrong."

One of the oldest researchers frowned and pushed his glasses.

"Someone broke in."

Shanny's mind is full of the pictures in the movie now, what spies, shootouts, mouths. . I forgot to call the staff on duty for the first time.

Naturally, the laboratory can directly call the security forces. Even if it is not to prevent this situation, once the laboratory has any fire or explosion danger, the security forces need to rescue the scene.

But Shanny seemed to forget.

But the oldest researcher, who is also their team leader, does not.

Hearing some of Pansy's remarks, he immediately pressed a red button under the test stand in silence.

Although ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ maybe all this is just a misunderstanding, maybe it's just a guy who went wrong, or maybe it's just someone whose friend has something to look for, but. .

If it is a misunderstanding, then it can be explained clearly afterwards, but if there is no call to the security forces and there are really any problems, it is the most serious.

So he pressed the alarm button without hesitation.

No alarm sounded, but in fact, in the first class room where the security forces work area is located, the alarm has begun to make a big deal.

The on-duty staff on duty left the news immediately, and at the same time, among the few on-duty staff, once again gathered a three-person apricot and hurried to the place.

When the security forces began their emergency operations, Will also came over.

"This gentleman."

The person who saw it was also a researcher. The old researcher settled in and asked, "What are you doing."

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