High Magic Earth

Chapter 1703: Threats to follow the customs

"I am Dr. Banks."

The elderly research leader said again.

"who are you."

None of the people who can enter the core research project and the core research group are stupid, and even basically belong to the elite class in humans.

At this point, they had been keenly aware that the surrounding atmosphere was a bit wrong, but none of them shouted, they remained silent, and none of them even made a sound, let alone the demented state as often shown in movies. .

Dementia-like yelling is the least meaningful approach at this time, because they have no idea what is happening now, and yelling arrogantly will only make things worse and worse.

Perhaps it was just a misunderstanding, and the performance of dementia will only make you more embarrassing and timid. . Then become a joke after everyone.

And if it is not a misunderstanding, then. .

They can only pray for their good luck, not just Willie, those spies sneaking in secret, or illegal mercenaries forcibly breaking into a secret laboratory, killing everyone inside and then stealing the test materials and experimental movies. I've watched it, and nobody has watched it.

In this case, the significance of resistance is actually not great. It is better to pray that the other party only needs things without hurting others.

after all. . Many people here even have personal experiences.

For example, Dr. Banks, their team leader, Banks was the backbone of the genetics project and engineering before joining the international gene technology company. Although it is not a high-end, it can make breakthroughs in the project, but the high-end His basic work is inseparable from him.

Even because the breakthrough of high-end projects is not so easy, it is actually not as stable as Dr. Banks’ position in the company.

It may be half a year, or even a few years after no results, it will be cut off the supply of capital chain, and then from where to return.

But Dr. Banks is not. As a basic engineer in the field of genetics, any high-end experiment is inseparable from his support.

And it is also different from those high-end talents. Those who can break through the existing fields and make new achievements in the field of genes are real high-end talents. Even if they become famous overnight, the value of one million is not a problem.

But in fact, there are many winners, and more losers.

And once it fails, most companies will no longer invest money, and no one will choose a loser. After all, there are so many excellent choices, even if the project prospects are attractive.

The circle of genes is so big, it is not easy to hide anything.

On the contrary, Dr. Banks is very stable, and his project will not make mistakes. After all, it is the basic experimental process of thousands of times. The victory is stable, but only stable.

There will be no breakthroughs or opportunities to become famous overnight, and nothing more.

For this reason, even if the laboratory really encounters any kind of commercial spy invasion, the threat will not come to Dr. Banks. After all, his research has no breakthrough value, it is just some basic things.

exactly. . Dr. Banks had only once encountered a commercial spy.

And the so-called commercial espionage is not so magical or terrible. Dr. Banks who had that experience is more like a senior thief than a spy.

The method is very clever and magical, but still has not changed the essence of stealing.

There is absolutely no time in the movie to pass the door, pass the security guard, and even a few backflips to avoid the thrilling action of infrared rays, there is no, just stealing.

Not to mention the shootout.

So Dr. Banks didn't feel much nervousness at this time, even if the guy opposite was really malicious.

But of course, this is not to say that commercial espionage is not dangerous. Compared with researchers who are helpless, commercial espionage who are proficient in various strange skills are naturally very dangerous, but they come for profit, usually Under no circumstances will people kill.

Stealing trade secrets is stealing secrets, but killing people. . These are two severity levels.

However, if the interest is sufficient, they don’t mind starting. It’s not a big deal for spies who often disguise.

and so. . Dr. Banks is still very cautious.

But one thing he is very puzzled, that is, here should be the basic laboratory, although it is indeed the core work area, but his task is to cultivate the basic stage of the cell, the normal stage, etc., but the basic work, the gene recovery project is still in turn To him, there seems to be nothing important here.

"Dr. Banks..."

Hearing the introduction of Banks' name, Will froze for a moment, then whispered something to himself as if remembering something, and then patted his head.

"Dr. Banksset."

"It's you."

"it's me."

Banks did not deny that he didn't think it made any sense.

after all. . He glanced at himself, his badge still hanging in front.

"Luckily, I didn't expect you to be here."

"You happen to be one of my goals this time. Follow me in a while."

Dr. Banks was even more puzzled.

Yourself. . It seems that it is not a great talent.

In fact, even if there is only one person in the other, and there are many of them, Dr. Banks and others have no intention of resisting at all.

If this is really a misunderstanding, the other party is just an ordinary researcher with the same neuropathy, then these people are naturally not afraid of him, everyone is half a catty, and it is a burst of hammer if they are caught.

But also if the other party is really a professional commercial spy, Banks doubts that even if all of them get together, they can't beat each other.

So he was still calm, without any excessive movements, and just started asking.

"how about you."

"who are you."

"What the **** are you doing."

"No matter who you are, what you are going to do, the security forces are rushing here, and there is one minute and thirty seconds, and you will not be able to leave without leaving."

"Don't hurt us, I know there is another entrance to the laboratory. From there, you can go directly through this laboratory, which is very close to another work area. You are more likely to escape."

Dr. Banks opened his hands slightly and laid them flat in front of his body and on both sides of the body, indicating that he was not threatened. His movements were not large at all. He also showed that he was not hostile. Such professional movements are probably practiced. Ever.

He didn't mind letting go of this guy. . If you can really walk around, the company will not be held accountable, because they are researchers and not security forces, they are talents, and it is right to protect themselves at this time.

Will was a little surprised.

"I'm not saying that you are my goal..."

"Forget it."

He shook his head.

"The security forces will definitely not be able to catch up within two minutes. They usually do not move so fast, let alone today."

"And, I am a member of the security forces."

Will seems to have lost the nature of the conversation, waving his hand quite willingly.

"Go to stop the machine and restore everything to disassemble and move the machine without damaging the equipment."


"Do you know that we are working on one..."

Hearing Will say this, a young researcher finally stood up.

Probably Will has been acting very harmless, except that he inexplicably broke in, there is no other suspicious, and finally some people began to doubt.

Maybe this is some kind of very bad prank?

The researcher strode forward, and then after Will pulled out a pistol, his feet did not stay at all and turned again, retreating back, how fast he walked, how fast he retracted .


Or the threat of firearms is intuitive.

The pistol slid half a circle in Will's hand, and then hung down again, the muzzle was slightly aimed at the ground, Will waved the pistol, the threat was already very obvious.

He had intended to slam three shots, but hesitated and gave up.

The security forces must be looking for themselves everywhere. Although they will definitely find them sooner or later, they are now firing. It is meaningless to change their appearance twice before, and they will be brought in directly.

That would be troublesome.

"Now, hurry up."

Will swings his pistol.

Pistols are a huge threat to this group of crooked nuts with different skin colors, because this is a country where guns are not forbidden. Anyone can hold a pistol.

So when the pistol appeared, Will's identity was meaningless, even if he was a lunatic, even if he didn't fire a shot at all, he couldn't be sure that it was a real gun. . No one would be willing to gamble and face a muzzle.

Everyone moved.

"Hal, here... turn off the machine."

"Ossen, go and reduce the power output."

As the team leader, Dr. Banks deservedly began to command.

But I don't know if it was done intentionally, or whether they usually use it instead of turning it off when they usually use it. Their actions are not proficient at all, so the progress is very slow.

Will can't wait.

He pointed the pistol at Dr. Banks's head and put his finger gently on the trigger.


The cold feeling immediately made Dr. Banks sweat, and the commander's words were more detailed.

"Orson, are you stupid! Reduce the power by half, then restart and shut down."

"Hart! Raise the parameters, pay attention to Orson, yes, yes, that's it..."

I don’t know if it’s Dr. Banks’ effectiveness, or whether he is usually popular. None of the researchers present wanted to make him a victim. Their actions quickly became efficient, which satisfied Will.


He said.

Dr. Banks smiled slightly and glanced at his pistol.

"You... just said I was the target..."

He was more worried that the pistol would suddenly fire. . This is not surprising. I am afraid that everyone who changes to his situation will have this worry.

"To shut up."

Will is very welcome.

"Don't talk nonsense."

But he still took the pistol from Dr. Banks' head.

These people's tasks may seem exaggerated, but they are actually very simple, but they just stop the machine. . Because Will didn't know how to control it, he was more worried that the forced stop would cause irreversible damage to the machine.

Restoring the original spell can indeed repair most things, but there may be a few more delicate parts that cannot be repaired.

The mechanical creation, even if it is a gear, has a problem. . May be completely scrapped.

The Origin Conference did not have high-level talents who were proficient in mechanical engineering, and Will didn't want the machine that was easily recovered to be a scrap.

So these people are needed to cut off and stop.

but. . This is not a troublesome thing.

Just like in less than two minutes now, the entire machine was completely stopped, and as time passed, no member of the security forces came over.

Will made the information very clear in the security forces. It took at least seven minutes to get from the nearest duty room. Two minutes is impossible, and seven minutes later. . He has long gone.

With Will's ability, even if it takes six minutes and fifty seconds to retreat, the tracking personnel can be left behind by a few simple transformations.

So Will didn't just find a place, he also had a plan. . Although it is the most rudimentary plan, it can still avoid some unnecessary encounters.


With the last indicator light off, Dr. Banks also quietly leaned over.

"It has been completely closed."

He whispered.

In fact, he was also very curious, what is the use of shutting down such a machine. . The most important question is not what the machine is for.

Although this machine can only do basic experiments, it is important because of this one. All genes cannot be separated from it in the basic training stage. It is also a thing with a cost of nearly one billion US dollars, and it is prohibited from flowing and rich. I can't get it.

It is no surprise that Dr. Banks wants to take this machine away from the other party. It is indeed very valuable. It is not the value of genetic recovery that has breakthrough progress and can lead the future, but the value of basic lathes and the like. It is always indispensable. The cornerstone of the price can be sold at any time.

But the question is how to take www.wuxiaspot.com.

This set of machines includes a series of integrated experimental functions such as centrifugation, cultivation, suitable for the environment and so on. The whole machine is placed horizontally and vertically like a three-cubic-meter iron coffin, still solid.

It already weighs more than ten tons, let alone move away. . I'm afraid it's impossible to lift it up.

"you sure?"

Will asked.

"of course."

Dr. Banks nodded.

"Okay, then..."

Will pushed Dr. Banks away, and then walked to the machine that had completely stopped running, looking at the huge and heavy machine, he muttered, "What's better to change."

Then Will's fingers began to grow and grow in Dr. Banks' stunned expression. . Until it stretched out, approaching the exaggeration of half the arm.

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