High Magic Earth

Chapter 1704: I miss the title Jun

"You, how are you..."

Not only did Dr. Banks see it, but everyone on the scene saw it, but Dr. Banks was the closest, he saw the clearest and most authentic, and was the most shocked and surprised.

What kind of monster is this, or a clever close-up magic.

Dr. Banks felt a bit confused in his head. . The first thing he thought of was magic, but it seemed to be a little different. It didn't look like it. The situation now seems to be not right.

But without waiting for Dr. Banks to be surprised and speechless, his thinking need not continue to be confused, because he heard Will say again.

"Very good, I thought of it."


Then in the next moment, Will's fingers burst, and then in the eyes of Dr. Banks' eyes all protruding out, the original large and heavy machine suddenly turned into a smoke in the sound of "Bang!" .

While waiting for the smoke to dissipate, the three-cubic-meter-large iron block machine has disappeared, replaced by a small safe that reaches the person's legs.

This time. . Dr. Banks is really speechless.

"This this.."

Dr. Banks' lips squirmed, but he couldn't even say a complete sentence. The shock kept disturbing his brain cells and thoughts, making him just repeat the same words instinctively.

He couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes.

In fact, others are similar.

If the first finger becomes longer, it can be regarded as a close-up magic. . Not everyone will think of gene mutation gene warriors after seeing a person's fingers suddenly become longer, that is not what normal people should have.

This is not magic, this is what normal people should think.

But if the former may be magic, then the latter. . Such a large machine suddenly emits a burst of smoke and then disappears, then when it appears again, it becomes a safe that has been reduced by at least nearly ten times. Is this also the so-called magic?

Especially when they were busy on the machine a few minutes ago, they couldn't do anything at all, this. . It is not what a magic can do and explain.

Will didn't care about these people's ideas, or that he was used to it.

Don’t forget his comprehensive world of the evil forces of the original world. The Wenjia Shuangshen there is comparable to the enhanced version of the Blitz Elementary School in Europe and the United States. They still buy one and get one free. Disguise the existence of the world in front of people.

They have always come to the victim suddenly as a savior, and then before the same sudden or transformed monster hurt the victim. . Save them.

And these victims seem to have a big heart one by one. They don’t seem to care about the sudden monster problems and what they represent. It is completely different from the situation that the Greens often face. Once someone sees the Green creatures, they will collapse in three ways. , As if the world view had collapsed so badly.

They fully play the role of the background board in a movie. . It was screaming, panicking, and cheering.

And the focus of most female victims is on Dean, not monsters. .

Very strange.

But in other words, Will has a lot of opportunities to play that you are a monster, and you know too little about the world. These cameos are boring terriers.

He has already played vomiting.

In the real world, identity cannot be revealed, but in the source world. . Unless very special circumstances, most people behave very casually.

So for the surprise of ordinary people, Will has already seen it, and he is almost used to it.

After walking two steps forward, Will bent down, and with a hard effort, he easily lifted the safe upside down, and in his hands, he realized that the weight was OK.

"not bad."

Will said to himself naturally.

Transfiguration compresses the weight of this heavy instrument, and the heavy iron coffin becomes a compact safe, which is not yet solid.

However, the weight of this safe is still heavy for an ordinary person. Not to mention handling, I am afraid that it is very difficult to pick up.

But Will, as the ancestor of the Transformer, must have some special abilities other than Transform, which are not part of the Transform ability series, for example, stronger power and faster speed.

Lifting this safe is still very easy.

But Dr. Banks, who was next to him, didn't look so relaxed. His lips flickered, and he couldn't understand everything he was seeing.

Whether it's lifting this safe, it's more difficult to understand. . What the **** is going on.

But after shaking for a while, Dr. Banks gathered all the questions into one question.

"You are... how did you do it."

"...Is it Pym particles?"

He asked in a low voice.

It was really hard for Dr. Banks, such a lot of age is still reading comics, and even knows the famous stunt Pim particles of Ant-Man.

But this is certainly not a Pim particle.

"Your imagination is rich enough."

Will also laughed. She found that the weight of the safe seemed to be not as heavy as she thought, so she changed from holding it to holding it with one hand. The free hand patted Dr. Banks on the shoulder.

"of course not."


Dr. Banks seems to want to ask something.

Although he is a person in the field of genetics, he still seems to be a researcher in basic work, but in any case, he is also a high-end researcher. There must be curiosity.

They also have the professional passive skills of scientists, curiosity is always proportional to the desire to die.

He has many things to talk to Will, such as how Will did it, what advanced technology or what. . The most important thing is what technology this is!

However, Will was interrupted with a wave of his hand, because Will did not want to talk.

"You will know about these problems later, doctor, but I can explain briefly now, this is not a technology, it is magic."

"This is not good!"

Seeing that the doctor was about to rise again, Will quickly pressed him back again.

"Okay, I don't want to explain more."

He said.

Dr. Banks's mouth twitched, which was not a simple explanation at all, and after you explained it, there were more problems.

Wait, my style seems to have changed.

"The question now is..."

Will stared at Dr. Banks with his eyes.

"What do you like."

"Dr. Banks, use your imagination."

"Why, what..."

Dr. Banks asked in a low voice, he did not quite understand what Lito was talking about. . And there was still a trace of embarrassment, thinking that the moment he heard Will's question, he thought of it as a banknote in the first place.

"Banknotes don't work."

Seeming to see what Dr. Banks was thinking, Will shrugged and explained.

"There were people who actually answered my question...but their answer turned out to be banknotes."

"I can understand it, and I understand it too, but the banknotes really don't work."

"You, what are you talking about..."

Dr. Banks became more confused.

He looked at Will who was chattering and didn't know what he was saying, and a very bad feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Cats, dogs... No, cats and dogs are too big."

"Well, squirrel, hamster, mouse, which one do you like?"

Your classification is quite complete.

Dr. Banks, a leader in the field of genetics, is voicing his heart.

And after hearing these animals, the uneasiness in him became stronger and stronger. Although he didn't know where the unrest came from. .

and many more.

Dr. Banks' eyes suddenly fell on the safe in Will's hand at that moment, and then he thought slightly as if he had thought of something, and then set his eyes on again, contemplating again, gazing, contemplating, gazing. .

Safe, deformation, magic. .

"and many more!"

Dr. Banks gave a short growl, but it was too late.

"Just the hamster."

"Small enough to run slowly enough that I can catch it if I lose it. Ah no, find you again."

The next moment, Will's fingers suddenly became thin and slender again, and then came slowly to the front of Dr. Banks.


Will whispered.


Another white smoke burst. . Will also has no way. The transformation of normal wizards is a realistic style of magic. For example, turning a table into an active sculpture, the moment the substance is twisted and stretched, and the particles are reshaped, There is always a fascinating mysterious charm.

And myself, a white smoke?

At this instant, everything turned into a kind of inferior five-hair special effect.

but. . Forget it, easy to use, after all, he is a deformer, or an ancestor, not a pure human wizard.

The smoke dissipated. . Sure enough, Dr. Banks' figure also disappeared, replaced by a hamster who had been spinning around on the ground.

It's the kind of hamster that should be counted as a large hamster, even bigger than a human slap.


"Dr. Banks!"

"Oh my god!"

The surrounding researchers were in an uproar.

Since they cut off the operation of the machine, they have nothing to do, but they dare not go, but also to reduce their sense of presence as much as possible. . Lest be shot inexplicably.

So they were silently watching Dr. Banks Yuwell and said nothing at the same time.

Naturally, they also saw everything.

For example, Will turned heavy machinery into a safe. . And the scene where Dr. Banks was turned into a hamster.

They couldn't understand it, Dr. Banks, and the hamster, and what was going on. Did they stray into the shooting site of a certain movie? In reality, how could such a thing happen in reality.

They couldn't understand everything in front of them, but it happened really.

Dr. Banks disappeared as well. . Hamster on the ground.

After all, although the hamster turned into Dr. Banks is a hamster, it only has the appearance of a hamster. Its inside is still a human being, and of course it is impossible to fall into a box. . Ah no, it ran wild when it landed, so the hamster is still staying in place.

In fact, Dr. Banks's heart was more frightened than anyone at this time.

He couldn't see the rapid change of his body, but he could feel the rapid decline of his vision, not enough at the same time. . But there are no other adverse reactions.

Unlike being a camel, you feel that you have an extra stomach pouch, and you can still ruminate. Transfiguration is after all a thing in the realm of magic. Although humans are turned into animals, most of the senses are still humans.

One of the most obvious changes is probably the change of vision. After all, there is a big gap in height.

Dr. Banks' heart was panicked by the rapidly falling line of sight. In fact, there had been vague speculation in his mind before this. . Guess what is about to happen to you.

And this rapidly narrowing visual gap is constantly confirming his conjecture.


The next moment, Dr. Banks, trying to say something, heard a squeak in his throat that he might not even understand, and then Dr. Banks raised his hands in a hurry, and then noticed him His hands were gone.

Instead, there are two things roughly called claws.

Hamsters, subclasses of true beasts, rodents, and hamsters. .

A series of basic information about hamsters immediately appeared in Dr. Banks's mind.

Is it a PhD in genetics after all?

I really became this thing and fell!

When Dr. Banks heard the word magic, he felt bad. Although he didn't believe in magic, everything unbelievable happened before him. He didn't want to believe it.

And Dr. Banks, the transformation, from a heavy machine to a safe that is also very heavy but also very compact. What do these few people think of when they are connected together? . . It must be the so-called transformation magic!

Magic is definitely transformable. A magician without a transfiguration has no soul. Any wizard or magician can transform magic, and he must.

After all, this is true in movies or inside.

As a scientist, Dr. Banks is naturally unwilling to believe in supernatural things like magic, but also as a doctor with high IQ, his thinking ability is undoubtedly keen.

Even if he is already old.

From the word magic to the metamorphosis, and then the first time I heard animals such as cats, dogs and hamsters, and my own name, Dr. Banks thought that this might be his next encounter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sure enough, his hunch came true.

Dr. Banks gave up struggling and became such a small animal running around, it was really death.

In addition to being too small and dangerous, don’t forget that this is a genetic laboratory. Little mice are really everywhere, and hamsters must be no different.

Even if it is not a hamster, judging from the difference in the current viewing distance, his volume is not so big, it is estimated that it has just passed the height of the human instep. . Don't run around to find death.

And Dr. Banks had nothing to struggle, because in the next moment, Will had stooped to pick him up.

"It's a convenient magic..."

"Dr. Banks, next time, you will be wronged for a while."

Will said in a hurry. As soon as his words fell, he took a special suitcase out of the unmarked stretch bag and threw Dr. Banks' hamster into it.

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