High Magic Earth

Chapter 1705: Same paragraph

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The magic bag made by the seamless stretch spell. . This thing must not be installed in humans. In fact, it has many shortcomings. What is easy to damage is not the necessary binding function that the protagonists have. It is easy to lose.

Will knew that the companions at the conference were always looking for better and more suitable space magic as a substitute, but there has been little progress.

After the blood traces back to the origin, the ability to awaken is a companion related to space. At present, there is only one person in the origin conference, back to Mr. Bird Taman.

Unfortunately, his ability is more inclined to open space doors, shuttle space channels, and connect different worlds. He is not good at making stable space objects.

Will has no choice.

So I can only temporarily put Dr. Banks in a stronger box.

Positioning Dr. Banks and putting the deformed safe into his pocket, Will's eyes fell on the other people.

The researchers shivered under Will's gaze.

Indeed, to date, Will hasn't really hurt any researcher, eh. . Except for the more unlucky Dr. Banks, Will will do more terrible things than hurt.

Turn people into animals? !

Compared with this matter, turning a medium-sized heavy machine into a safe is not worth mentioning. What the **** is the black technology? . Something even more incredible.

But in any case, even if Will is just a simple horror, this group of researchers will not be disturbed, not to mention that the other party also has some incredible means.

As an echelon of highly intelligent businessmen, they are well aware of the fact that the gun shoots the bird. . Even if they do have the ability to stop all this, I am afraid these people will not stand up like heroes.

not to mention. . They have no such power at all.

Where Will's eyes were, everyone lowered their heads, praying that bad luck would not come to their heads.

With his lips pouted, Will's fingers began to grow longer again.

The researchers around were shaking more and more frequently.

Will didn't care what these people were thinking, he didn't even feel it. At the beginning, he did have a sense of expansion that he could become any person, and there was no place in the world where he couldn't go. Fear of being found to cause any trouble or something.

But now, as a deformer is an instinctive deformer, after thousands of transformations, all this has no feeling.

There is no swelling, no fear of hands, no novelty. . There is not even any feeling.

Now Will uses Transfiguration or Magic again, just like eating and drinking. . No, it's as natural as breathing.

The thin, pale fingers seemed like invitations from the devil of hell, and as Will's fingers grew longer, the researchers trembling more and more intensely.

Finally, a researcher seemed unable to bear it.

"Do not.."

"Nothing, don't want it."

Then at the next moment, Will's long and thin fingers had been bluntly dangling downward, and his mouth muttered.

"Relax, it won't hurt you, just let you not move for the time being."

"Half...no, it will be fine in an hour."

As Will's words fell, these trembling researchers immediately felt that there seemed to be an invisible force imprisoning their entire bodies, as if transparent cement had poured in to completely seal them off.

Before and after, or even fingers and lips can't move, the only thing that can move is probably the dribbling eyeballs and blinking eyelids.

Time is frozen at this moment, and everyone is sketched in it, including the researcher who just tried to protest.

His mouth opened slightly, his eyes widened, and a slightly frightened expression was frozen on his face. . From a distance, it seems that people can even hear what he hasn't finished, and the rest of the sentence is unwilling to protest.

Then, everything was stopped.

. . Of course, this is not to stop the time. Will has no time to stop the magic.

It's just an ordinary petrified mantra, but because his wand is replaced by fingers, he can turn everyone into petrified sculptures in one breath.

Shaking his head, he picked up the special sturdy cage next to him, and Will turned and walked out.

He did not continue to deform, holding a cage in his hand that could not be placed in a seamless stretch bag. No matter how he changed the appearance, this feature was unavoidable. Similarly, although he could change the shape of the cage by secondary deformation, but But in any case, the problem of living things in the cage cannot be avoided.

Living people can be turned into sculptures, but that's not good, just like a table turned into a pig will not be a real pig.

The transformation between the dead and the living body is always a taboo for deformity.

Although it seems to work, there are hidden dangers.

For specific reasons, Will also said badly. In fact, the Origin Conference has not been able to answer this kind of knowledgeable wizard.

and so. . It's time to call someone.

After leaving the laboratory, walking away from the footsteps rushing towards here, and further and further away, after turning a few promenades, Will stopped at a place away from the camera.

"Niti Nitiniti Nitiniti."

Will shouted frantically in his heart.

Within seconds, another female voice suppressed in Will's heart.

"Do you want to die Will?"

"It's no use asking me who you are like this time."

"You are dead."

Will shrugged.

"Ok...but you can write it down this time."

"My situation here is really urgent."

Nitty snorted, but also knew the priority, instead of continuing to tear with Will, but began to contact Mianlong, who was far away in another world.

She can hear Nitty’s name, which is of course not because she is constantly monitoring Will. Of course, because the task that Will and others are doing now is the most important, she does pay attention to it.

But this is not the point.

The most critical factor is the magic on her name, anyone who calls her will be felt. . This magic is very similar to the magic in a little black book, because although Niti is not a common name, there are so many Niti in the world, not to mention countless worlds.

So not only need to call out her name, but also to know her appearance, appearance, and more precisely, to know who Nitty is.

In this way, it will be felt by Nitty in the first time, and start to communicate.

And Nitty contacted others. . That is another ability in her blood.

"It's me, Mianlong."

After half a minute, Will's heart heard the sound of Mian Long's hurry.

"Is there any good news."

He asked lowly.

"Good news."

Will said.

"I have recovered one-seventh of the entire task... a heavy machine is in hand, but the researchers are only talking about one person now."

"We need at least a team of thirty people."

Mian Long's voice was still in a hurry.

"But the problem now is that there is some chaos around me, and I can't carry thirty hamsters around."

Will's tone was somewhat helpless.

"I need Taman."

Sure enough, things are not as simple as imagined. . The expected situation is that Will will control the target researchers through normal communication, or use the Soul Spell.

Gathered more than thirty target researchers and waited in an empty laboratory. . Waiting for the return, Taman opened the portal and took away a packet.

Even when the entire plan was disrupted not long ago, Will didn't feel anything, because he thought of the Transfiguration Charm the first time.

He couldn't take thirty people to run around, or use the Soul Charm to control thirty people so that they could stay somewhere without moving. . There are too many, he can't control it, but he can run around with thirty hamsters.

But now it seems that there are still some assumptions.

Even if thirty hamsters are not thirty people, it is still very difficult to carry, even if they have special metal cages to temporarily load them. . But even a sturdy cage can be broken and accidentally injured, even if it is made of magic.

Of course, Will can hide them for a while, and closing a group of hamsters will naturally not be so troublesome, but there may still be accidents.

These researchers are needed for the origin meeting.

There are many researchers in international gene technology companies, but there are not many senior researchers. The core members and doctors are even more limited.

The lack of any one person may make the entire project unsustainable.

and. . Will's own conscience cannot allow so many people to die because of his mistakes and so-called accidents.

Therefore, the safest way is to let the bird Taman open the door when he returns, and put these people first. . Ah no, these hamsters were brought back in time.

but. .

"You know."

"Taman cannot open the door for you thirty times."

Mian Long said directly.

"I will collect as many hamsters as I can and send them back together, no need for thirty or six times. No, five times should be enough."

Will explained.

"And, Taman's ability is not enough to completely connect the two worlds, and every time you open the door, it will consume a lot of magic."

However, Mian Long continued to say in a deep voice.

"I know, but..."

"We have enchantment...well, you can enchant yourself, magic is really not a problem."

"But the real problem is that the more frequently the portal is opened, the more magic power Taman consumes, and the more the locked position will deviate from the original goal."

As if anticipating what Will wanted to ask, Mianlong replied.

"The distance of deviation may be as long as several kilometers or even more than ten kilometers. It is possible that the door will be opened directly outside the Jurassic island for the third time, and the frequent specific time refers to a buffer time of at least three days. ."

Will outside the laboratory fell silent.

He didn't know that there was a limit to how the bird Taman could open the portal when he returned. The main reason is that they rarely encounter the situation of continuously traveling through the same world, or that they have never encountered it. This is the first time.

Sending people over a period of time to pick them up, or retreating as soon as they are sent, are the two most common situations.

So it seemed that suddenly, he seemed to be caught in a situation where there was nothing to do.

Is it. . Really lead thirty hamsters everywhere?

Will would feel shuddering or funny when thinking about that situation, but of course, it is not impossible to continue the mission with thirty hamsters, just a little trouble, and there may be accidents.

Will doesn't want anyone to die because of himself.

So this way. .

"In fact, it is not without other methods."

But at this time, Will heard Mian Long say slowly.

Will twitched his mouth, hell, at this time Mianlong still had a mood to show off his cold humor that few people understood and accepted. .

However, when he heard Mian Long say this, Will also felt relieved that he knew Mian Long, this is a guy who will not be targeted and stable. . Although occasionally there will be some uncomprehensible cold humor.

But in front of major events, he is still very reliable.

And Will was awesome. . On the first mission, he seemed to mess everything up, or Mian Long came to help him clean up the mess.

"any solution."

Will asked with relief.

"Your luck is good."

Mian Long's tone was steady.

"Not long ago we found out where the magical animal is in this world, the specific situation there, um... some are not so good to say, I will talk about it in detail later, but the harvest is still good."

"You understand what I mean."

Regardless of whether it was an otaku circle or a movie fan in the past, after becoming a free man, there is no doubt that it has become a qualified movie lover.

And the movie where the magical animal is alone, Will has watched it completely no less than three times. He is still rare in the origin meeting.

Some guys who love movies themselves have watched it at least a dozen times. . Of course, Will itself does not match movie lovers and otakus.

He is a policeman, and the policeman's staff is now ready, the winner of his life. . Isn't this setting in the movie.

But Rao is so. With Will's sharpness like solving a case, he still realized the key point for the first time.

"That box?"


Mian Long said.

"We didn't get the original small freckles suitcase, but we copied a few by reference. Well, the American Magic Commercial Street sells it, but the space is not as big as small freckles."

"But an entire basement area, I think it should be enough."

"It is indeed enough."

Will finally gave a breath.

That magical suitcase is much safer than the magic bag made from the unmarked stretch mantra, at least it won’t be destroyed by a bullet, and everything inside will be exploded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also Not like a cage. . Because the stray bullet accidentally spattered through the gap and hurt the hamster inside, ah no, researchers and doctors.

If the suitcase is damaged, it will only damage the appearance, and the stability of the internal space will not be affected too much. . But the volume seems to be a bit bigger, but it can't ask for more.

"Ready to receive."

On the other hand, Mianlong had already contacted Tiaoniao Taman, but after hurriedly talking to Will, a dark gray vortex suddenly appeared in front of Will.

Then immediately. . A US team's shield fell out of it.

Yes, shield, same as Captain America.

Will:. . .

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