High Magic Earth

Chapter 1706: Soul designer


Mianlong's low cough came from his ear. . Will can even imagine the signboard movement in which Mianlong clenched his fist with one hand and placed it gently in front of his face.

"You also realize that the size of the suitcase is still a bit large, and it is not convenient to carry."

"So... we converted the box we bought into a shield. Is this idea perfect?"

Will sniffed the corner of his mouth weakly.

"This is really...a genius idea."

"Oh, do you think so, eh..."

Hearing Mianlong's words, Will suddenly had a bad hunch, shouldn't he? . It's the genius of this straight guy to the honest guy, hehe. .

"It's not just the appearance of the shield, it can indeed be used as a shield."

"Although there is no defense of the original Zhenjin... but under the compound reinforcement of multiple magic, it is far stronger than other conventional metal shields."

"You can use it to block bullets or even grenades, but it can't absorb excess impact, so you still have to bear it yourself."

"The sturdy features brought by magic make it difficult to damage, and the appearance of the shield is so that the enemy will not deliberately attack it, which can maximize the guarantee that the expansion space will not be destroyed. You will not really prepare Use it to block bullets, right?"

Will yelled again in his heart.

In order not to be attacked to the maximum extent, it was made into a shield shape? It really is. . What a genius idea.

Will didn't know how to vomit.

Moreover, who said he didn’t deliberately hit the shield, Captain America’s shield is a natural source of ridicule. . Everyone's goal was aimed at his shield to tilt the fire crazy, never hit Captain America's legs, yes, never hit.

"It can't be reduced in size anymore. After all, this is a space bag type prop, we have to reserve the door as an entrance."

"The door is behind the shield, and the door can be opened with our magic."

After a pause, Mian Long said again.

"This kind of suitcase is more stable and more concealed than the magic bag made by the unmarked extension spell. Can it be used as a shield after all."

"It will become our standard configuration in the future, and the quantity is not much now. We have already scanned goods in the British and American magic world in the twenties, and only collected three."

"Your...have been delivered to you in advance."

"It suits your mission this time."

Well, standard configuration. . But can we not change all suitcases to shields in the future, otherwise a group of wizards will carry a Captain America shield behind each of them, and I don’t know that they are Captain America fan support teams.

And since it is the standard configuration, will there still be damage indicators in the future, can you change it, he really does not want this Captain America shield shape. .

If Captain America doesn't exist, it's just a comic, Will actually doesn't have that much rejection, but the source world where Captain America is located really exists.

It feels awkward, it feels like piracy.

and. . In Will's heart flashed all kinds of news about the new man. . Heroes do represent justice, but everything may not be so simple.

After giving the shield, ah no, after handing over the suitcase to Will, Mian Long again said a few words in a hurry, and then cut off the contact with Will.

It seems that things on his side have been temporarily busy, at least not in a hurry, otherwise it will not be so leisurely.

But when the connection was cut, Will seemed to hear a woman's sneer. . This made him shudder again with a shudder.

It always felt like he was being stared at by some tough guy.

After severing the contact, Will also had time to observe the shield in his hand. He took this round shield in his hands and quickly turned a few times. . The front of the five-pointed star in red, white, and blue colors presents a spiral silver-white back side by side, which is exactly the same as the one in the US team.

And also brought two brown leather back sheet. . It's really a ghost. Does this thing sticking to the back of the shield affect the balance and angle of the shield when it is ejected?

But although it is exactly the same as the US team, Will can still feel that this is just a shapeless thing.

because. . He sensed the breath of magic, or his own taste.

Again, the magic of Harry Potter is not the classic dungeon rules, nor the strange magic settings in many online games. They simply do not feel the so-called magic fluctuations.

They are a group of talented wizards. . Or a warlock, it seems to have a magical magic on the top, but no one can say the essence of the principle.

Don't even expect them to notice that the magic has fluctuated, which doesn't exist at all.

Will also belongs to the sorcerer sorcerer line, and naturally can't perceive any magic fluctuations, magic traces or the like.

But he can smell other tastes, which belong to the origin meeting alone, his own.

Looking at the shield in his hand, Will turned it over and laid it on the ground, squatted down, and extended his right hand in front of his eyes.

"I think about it... where to put it."

Along with Will's self-talk, there were strange changes in his wrists, as if there was some flesh crawling under the skin, like an earthworm.

But the twisted part is very small, as small as a seal.

Local deformation. . Local deformation in local deformation.

After about two or three seconds, the earthworm-like creeping slowly faded away and disappeared, and then a black thread-like trace appeared.

It is like an invisible hand drawing Will's wrist as white paper to draw the outline. The front of the wrist starts with black lines that are either staggered or parallel, and then these lines gradually converge and merge, and finally form a clear pattern .

It is a pattern intertwined by countless magical creatures and two intersecting wands at the bottom.

Logo of the origin meeting.

"It's still convenient here."

Will took a deep breath, and then gently pressed the pattern on his right wrist with the fingers of his left hand.

"The secret appears."

He whispered something like a spell, and then dropped his right hand naturally and pressed it on the back of the shield.

The pattern began to twist, like a reflection on the water, Will's wrist was the water, and the symbol of the origin meeting was the reflection.

When the water surface shakes, the reflection will also shake and twist.

It's just that this shaking seems to be more and more intense, and the degree of distortion is getting bigger and bigger, even turning the originally complicated pattern into an abstract painting that no one can understand. The pattern is gloomy and the black traces seem to It became deeper and deeper, as deep as it could drip water.

Then in the next moment, a drop of water actually appeared on the surface of the pattern.


The black drops of water penetrated from the pattern on Will’s wrist, as dark as ink, and it rolled off quickly, almost from the wrist to the finger almost in the blink of an eye, and then followed the finger and dripped down. The back of the square round shield.


This is the second drop.

"Tick, tick, tick..."

Then came the third drop, and more and more drops of water.

The water droplets continued to roll down, and soon gathered into a small stream of water along Will's fingers. The water trickled down and formed a small pool in the depression on the back of the shield.

Then Will let go of his left hand.

The black drops of water stopped flowing, and as the skin on Will's wrist squirmed again, the complex logo of the origin meeting was hidden again and disappeared.

Will picked up the round shield like a plate, looked at the black liquid in it, and shook it gently in his hand.

As the shield swayed and rotated, the black liquid spread across the entire back in an instant, but in the next instant, they disappeared as if disappearing out of thin air, but the back of the silver-white shield There seemed to be some kind of waves.


Will gently tapped the side of the round shield.

Yes, the taste of people who belong to themselves.

Will distinguished the authenticity of the shield, indeed not through the so-called magic wave, but a unique magic, extremely special, and exclusive to the magic of the origin conference.

This kind of magic is transmitted and triggered by the logo of the origin conference, that special pattern.

The badge of the Origin Conference on Will's arm looks somewhat similar to the Dark Mark, and they are indeed very similar, because the inspiration for the Origin Meeting logo is derived from the Dark Mark.

Of course, it is not as cruel as the Dark Mark. Once it is marked, it will be subject to the sliced ​​bread king. The mark of the origin meeting is just a real sign.

But with the success of the mark. . The wizards of the Origin Conference felt that it should not be a mere mark.

Just like most scientists like to mess around everywhere, so do wizards.

They tried to add magic to the logo. There are many ideas. The black magic mark is not needed. It is a useless magic that can only make people feel pain and used to contact other people, but it is more practical.

For example. . Create a separate space as a storage space by attaching the logo, or you can directly transfer voice messages and the like.

Unfortunately, the idea is good, but it is difficult to realize.

The Origins Conference traces the power of bloodline origins. In the final analysis, they are actually more like pure warlocks, of course, they can also learn general magic that can be learned in other worlds. . However, the power of the bloodline does not mean that everyone here is a highly talented wizard.

There is nothing among them that is too genius in magic.

And creating magic is not a simple thing, so. . There has been no progress.

However, some more practical small magics have been achieved. For example, the induction magic that Will has just used to distinguish can not only distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, but also can be used to open up some existence that is deliberately hidden by the meeting.

Just like now.

As for the concealment and emergence of the logo of the origin conference, that is Will’s own special ability. He is a deformer and can do it by changing the musculoskeletal, let alone hiding an emblem on the skin.

Moreover, the emblem is not uniformly left on the wrist, the position is optional, and it is printed everywhere. For example, the fox Josie who has appeared in the world, her logo is on the inside of the arm, and on the belly. Waiting for the first and so on, all positions.

Will only feels that the wrist is more convenient. When he uses it, his deformation will appear, and because he can deform at will, in fact, he can make the mark appear anywhere on the body.

Of course, even if Will disappears, it is just the surface that hides the logo. The special magic that can be used to distinguish each other can't be concealed anyway.

But it's not absolute. It's just that if you want to cover up this magic, it is definitely not so easy, otherwise the so-called discrimination will become a joke.

Looking at the back of Bolan's shield, Will erected it in front of himself, then stretched out his right hand, and gently touched the silver-white metal that looked like the surface of the water.


It seemed that some kind of mechanism was touched, and a crackling sound came from the round shield, and then there was a rumbling sound, and Will could even feel the shield shaking in his hand.

This series of changes looks very slow, but in fact it only happens in less than a second, as easy as pushing a door open.

Then in the next moment, the silver-white metal spiraled away along the circle of metal lines, like a rotating gear. With a blink of an eye, it disappeared completely, and then exposed a surrounding wall. It's all an underground space made up of bricks.

"It's really a basement."

Will twitched his lips.

He threw the shield on the ground, then jumped with his feet together.


The height of close to three meters was not a problem for Will. He just swayed slightly at the moment of landing and then stood his body, then he waved his finger again.

"Dr. Banks flew."

Still in the cage outside, Dr. Banks, who did not understand the series of operations at all, immediately felt a force pulling himself, hitting the cage directly, and then pulling it together with the cage~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ fell into the space in the shield.

Will below caught the cage and poured Dr. Banks inside out, and before he landed, the hamster Banks began to twist and tremble in the air, accompanied by bursts of seemingly dazzling expansion, and finally landed The hamster turned into a semi-squatting Dr. Banks.


Dr. Banks continued to be shocked.

"Okay, here is much safer than that cage... You stay here first, it doesn't take too long, maybe a few hours, then I will explain it all to you."

"Trust me Dr. Banks, I am not malicious, the world needs you."

But Will realized that Dr. Banks didn't respond to his words at all. He seemed to be in shock, constantly looking at and thinking about everything around him.


Will shrugged.

"It seems that this sentence is not as easy to use as in the movie."

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