High Magic Earth

Chapter 1707: Miss the title again

Not everyone is like a superhero, wearing a cloak can fight for justice at any time. Most people have the mentality of Ye Gonghaolong. They adore superheroes and have a strong superhero complex, but they are really a series of surreal. When the incident unfolded before it, it was not necessarily acceptable.

Just like Dr. Banks now, when these unbelievable things are really in front of him, no matter how hard he believes... he has to believe it.

Curiosity, curiosity, fear, and confusion about the mutation of the world... These feelings surged into the brain, leaving Dr. Banks' brain blank when he heard Will's words.

This is not to blame him.

The world has another aspect, a supernatural existence.

Although this sentence sounds simple, it is not so easy to really want to accept it. No matter whether the mind is firm or not, there will be a sense of confusion. In addition, ordinary people also have friends, relatives, and other people who are related to this world. Difficult to break the connection.

As you can see in the picture, there is another aspect to the world, and the acceptance is definitely not so easy.

Dr. Banks did not answer, and Will just shrugged.

"It seems that you need to calm down alone."

In fact, Will also knows exactly what it means to force Dr. Banks and other researchers and doctors out of this world.

They have their own family, relatives and friends in this world, and even have their own business. Forcibly taking them away is equivalent to taking all this... Although it is only temporary, it is still cruel.

If possible, Will doesn't want so much.

But... there are more people who need their help.

Of course, after discussing it, let these researchers follow him voluntarily or take it away forcibly. In fact, the two are essentially the same, because they both leave the world.

Will has already figured it out. It’s not that leaving the world doesn’t mean that he won’t be able to return. Can he compensate them after he returns?

And as leaders in the field of genes, they will definitely be interested in the genes of various magical creatures, and the origin conference may not have anything else, but this is definitely more.

This is the root of the origin meeting.

The origin conference is composed of their existence with strange blood vessels.

For researchers and doctors, being taken away may not be a good thing. After all, they can study such amazing genes as they please...There are so many genes for them to study in other places, even these genes are simply does not exist.

Of course, not all researchers or PhDs are avid scientists, but even if they are not keen on studying all kinds of magical genes, there must be other needs.

Humans always have desires.

Money, rights, he can give them, these things are totally worthless in the origin conference, or in the magic world.

Even the supernatural power, the supernatural magical existence, cannot be left to them.

Will feels that the compensation of the origin meeting will satisfy these people.

Looking at Dr. Banks, who seemed still sluggish, Will didn't say much. He bent his knees slightly, and then grabbed the edge of the upper three-meter-high hole with his hands.

Pushing hard, he seemed to pull him up without bending his arms.

At this time, it seemed that Dr. Banks below reacted, seeing that Will had only one pair of feet left, and he quickly yelled.

"Hey, I..."

Then the next moment, Will's whole person turned out, and hearing Dr. Banks's voice, he snapped his head down again.

"Relax," he said.

"You will be safe here."

After talking, Will quickly shrank his head back again, not knowing what he did outside. Dr. Banks seemed to hear that he was knocking on the shield again, and then the hole above was rotated by blocks. The gathered transitions refilled and disappeared.

This series of changes only occurred in the blink of an eye, and even did not give Dr. Banks a reaction time, he did not respond at all, so he could only watch in vain as the entrance and exit above were closed, and then whispered himself The second half of the conversation.

"...No lunch yet."...

Knocked on the shield, and the rear entrance was closed again.

Looking at the strange shield, Will was still satisfied.

The opening of the entrance and exit on the back of the shield is so troublesome only for the first time, because this is not the normal entrance and exit process, but Mianlong blocked it with some magic, and only the person who originated the meeting can open it.

After unlocking, it is as simple and easy to open the door as it is to open the door.

The identification of the enemy and the enemy refers to the sign of the origin meeting on Will’s arm, not the space suitcase, which has not yet the ability to be intelligent enough to distinguish whether the person who opened the door is himself.

Will hangs his shield behind him...just like Captain America’s signature action and dress, in fact he now not only has a shield, but also can become the appearance of Captain America, even his clothes can use magic and transformation Became exactly the same as Captain America.

But after thinking about it, Will still didn't do it.

He is not so bad.

With the shield behind him, Will looked around and chose a direction.


The piercing alarm bells sounded abruptly again, like the mist hidden in the forest. They spread at a rapid rate, like trying to devour everything.

Almost in an instant, the entire work area was once again shrouded in sirens by the alarm bells.

Obviously, Will's existence has been exposed again. Presumably, the security forces who came later discovered the researchers who were petrified in place.

When they find that they have no way to restore those people with all their means, they will inevitably report these things they see, and then...these people will think of themselves.

Will never underestimated the Aboriginal people and felt that they were all fools, and there were definitely a few smart people among them.

In fact, Will didn’t even think it would take long for them to see through his goal...because now they have discovered that Dr. Banks is missing, and as more and more researchers take away, these people soon You will realize what you are collecting intentionally.

Perhaps large machines are difficult to move, but if they transfer important researchers in advance, they will still cause some trouble for themselves.

The main thing is...Will can't kill, and sweep away everything that blocks the road.

He is not a murderous devil.

Even those members of the security forces couldn't get their hands down. Before he opened the wings of the angels, it seemed to be very clean and clean, but no one died, at most, he was seriously injured in a coma, or a few ribs were broken... at least To be able to recover from the injury is to lie in the hospital for a few more months.

Because in the final analysis, these people in the security forces are only following orders, even Dr. Henry Wu has his own family and friends.

They may be criminals, but even if Will is a policeman, he has no right to try these people. That is the only sentence in the law.

But it is obvious that as a policeman who travels through different worlds, even if he catches a criminal, there is no place where he can be detained, and even the law cannot be applied in all the worlds.

Where will he go in the future, Will's heart is actually very confused.

But as a policeman who counsels at least three or five times a month, Will's psychological adjustment ability is still very strong. He firmly believes that he will always find the future direction, so before finding a direction... he must at least adhere to a certain bottom line.

For example, don’t hurt the innocent, or... don’t kill.

Will temporarily borrowed Batman's principle of non-killing.

Of course, if it was before, if those researchers or doctors were transferred in advance, it would indeed cause him some trouble, but now...

The space suitcase brought great convenience to Will, and also made his task of collecting researchers and machines much faster. Perhaps, indeed, it can be done in time.

Will kept walking at his feet and came to another laboratory again.

Then he reapplied the trick. He took out his pistol calmly and threatened. The researchers immediately obediently helped him to cut off the machine and stop the experiment.

And because of the sound of the masterpiece of the alarm bell as the background music, his pistol is obviously more convincing...Researchers thought the alarm bell sounded because of him.

Although it is indeed because of him.

He had good luck, probably because there was no experiment. There were two original goals in this laboratory, a core researcher and a doctor, so Will directly threw it into the shield behind him.

This time I didn't use magic such as Transfiguration and Soul Retrieval, because the simple thing to do is to turn on the shield and kick the two in one foot.

Of course, to ensure that they will not fall from a height of three meters and fall to death.

Will didn’t even explain it. Time was running out. The security forces outside were looking for him more and more frequently. He couldn’t explain it every time he found an original target. Or wait until the end and explain it uniformly. Dr. Banks, who is also half-knowledge, and they go skeptical in the shield.

The action went smoothly.

Although the alarm bell is a masterpiece, it has not caused an overall disturbance in the work area. Most people still stay where they should be.

With the observation and recording schedule of the target's behavior and habits, Will easily locked where they should be.

Then, while moving the machine, they also took these people by the way.

The first is the first laboratory, then the second, and with the first and second, there are the third, fourth, and more.

In less than half an hour, Will has ran more than a dozen laboratories, and even most of the experimental instruments have been collected and taken away, and transferred from the magic bag of the seamless extension spell to the space. In the box.

The remaining sporadic instruments are not important things, but small things like high-power microscopes.

Will naturally collects them in order of importance from high to low. Even if these things are not obtained by the International Gene Technology Corporation, they can be bought in other places. It is not important.

Only the original target staff was found in more than half, because even after a careful observation record of more than a week, Will has mastered the behavior habits of most people and has written a timetable. It is inevitable that some accidents will occur. Case.

For example, a doctor who was supposed to drink coffee in the lounge at this time suddenly made new progress with his subordinate female researcher and then...

This is no way, accident, not referring to unexpected things.

And Will can already be sure that there is a more important doctor who can't be found, because he saw this guy's outlying island record today, it seems that there is something to be out of the island for a few days.

If it was usual, Will could naturally wait until he came back, but now there is no such time. …Forget it, you will be absent if you are absent, it's just a pity.

Of course, during the search process, Will was not without the personnel of the security forces. As he entered more and more laboratories, the security forces undoubtedly surrounded him.

On several occasions, Will was only half a corridor away from them, and then crossed.

Thanks to Will’s previous control of some researchers by using the Soul Charm, let them sort out the instruments and instruments used in the experiment in advance. it is good.

Otherwise, he could not take away most of the instruments so quickly.

"It seems that it is not a bad thing that the plan changes..."

At least for now, everything is still proceeding in an orderly manner, even faster, and the experimental equipment has been moved almost. Next, as long as the remaining dozen doctors and researchers...


and many more.

Will suddenly stepped in, and then reached out his hand subconsciously to touch the back shield, but he put his hand down again next time, hell... He’s not really Captain America, what shield is used, this shield is poisonous what.

And he suddenly stopped not feeling the breath of a strong man, but a person suddenly appeared in front of him. Although he appeared silently around the corner like a ghost, he could be seen as long as he was not blind. .

Is it the security forces?

Will stared at the comer.

But it doesn't look like it. He is not wearing a uniform uniform of the security forces of the International Gene Technology Corporation, but the colorful camouflage pants below do not know what to dress.

He is not a security force, more like... mercenary.

Will stayed in the security forces for so long, and deliberately collected information. The insider knew a lot. He knew where the security forces came from, either retired soldiers or pure mercenaries.

It is not surprising that there are mercenaries to support now.

But... this person feels strange to himself.

Will frowned slightly, the specific reason he couldn't tell, but there is no doubt that the single person who found himself accurately and stopped in front was either a coincidence of a blind cat hitting a dead mouse, or... an enemy.

The real enemy.

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