High Magic Earth

Chapter 1708: As long as i run fast

This is a lucky person who happened to meet his own, or...unlucky?

Seriously, Will doesn't think this guy will happen to meet himself here, although reason tells him that this possibility is the greatest.

There are so many coincidences in the world, so many coincidences in the world.

But Will's cautious side is constantly warning him to be careful... there are not so many coincidences, all coincidences are inevitable in the end.

The main reason is that the other person appears here alone, which is really suspicious.

Whether or not the other party just came across him by accident or deliberately, Will does not intend to face the other party with a light attitude.

The beating of the much weaker protagonist because of belittle the enemy eventually failed, did such examples appear rarely in the movie.

Will is not that idiot.

And the literacy of the American police also told him every moment that he was in danger, just shoot, and don’t hesitate or have any soft hands.

So under the invisible clothes, Will began to deform slowly, and some hard shells like scales gradually formed in front of him, including his head.

Although Will has no fatal parts, injuries such as broken limbs will still cause great inconvenience to his actions. It is better to have precautions than to have no precautions.

Will still didn't speak, and the guy opposite didn't speak.

And this guy feels strange to Will.

Yes, very, very strange, um... like...

Will suddenly realized something.

That's right, the expressionless face in front of him is a copy of another world celebrity, Angel Cassidio.

Hell... angel.

"Are you an angel?"

And Will is very simple, he asked directly.


But the answer to him was a silver-white spiked dagger that slipped quietly into the palm of the opponent's palm like a quiver.

Angel's special weapon is also a weapon that can kill angels.

"If you don't speak, I'll assume you."

Will glanced at the dagger shimmering in the opponent's hand... while continuing to hide it.

Then in the next moment, the other party began to sprint towards him with a dull head.

"It seems so."

Seeing the other party's speed exceeding a large section of the normal person, the ten-meter-long corridor was fleeting, one step more than four or five meters, and came to himself in a flash, and Will no longer stopped... turned and ran.

Yes, he ran away.

In his initial world, Will did indeed gain a lot of insight.

He doubts whether there is another world, with a large variety of magical creatures, which is more abundant than the original world.

Even if they are all magical creatures, it can be divided into several categories, what kind of Green creatures, aliens, and regular magical creatures and so on.

The most special one is the angel.

There is no doubt that angels are enemies, as are demons.

The Origin Conference did not explore a lot of new human beings, but these two can no doubt be determined to be enemies.

And they only exist in the source world on the new human side.

In theory.

So a big problem is coming, although there is no angel in the Harry Potter world, magic, demon, angel, they are always inseparable.

There are many angels in the magic world, like Will's original world, celebrity Cassio, it is an angel.

So... why are they here.

Will it be an invasion, Will is not sure, but according to his hindsight, those angels, namely Cassidio's siblings, are indeed pure angels.

Except for some special existences, or archangels, most angels are hostile to evil, and some evil magical creatures.

There is nothing strange about this. It is their nature. Apart from that, there are no other strange movements.

For example, to unite, resist magic, or set off a second witch hunt and the like... No, as time goes from the Middle Ages to the modern era, most of the magical creatures are hidden, and angels have returned to the so-called heaven, Keep away from human sight.

Even if it is not a special case, they will not be seen at all, even if a certain magical creature looks extremely cruel and extremely evil in the eyes of human beings, and has committed many crimes.

Otherwise, there will not be so many hatred hunters.

Like angels, demons are also different, but it may also be due to characteristics. They cannot completely abandon humans, so they are still more or less active.

But after all, he has completely separated from the human eye.

In other words, the angels did not have any changes, completely, and proceeded down the "plot".

Will is not sure what is going on. According to Mianlong, angels are their enemies and cannot exist in their source world, then these angels are obviously intruders.

But now it looks different.

Then there are only two possibilities. These angels and demons are very well disguised, or... things do have truths they don’t know.

They know too little about the source world, even Mianlong. For these things, they simply cannot make a better judgment.

Forget it... these questions are left to a guy like Lito to think about.

Will soon left behind.

Regardless of these enemies, there are not a few angels he has seen. Of course, it can also be considered...Although angels are all called angels, they are actually quite different.

For example, the angelic race in which Cassidio is located is obviously self-contained.

Angels of different races are strong and weak, some are good at magic, and some are good at melee... there are even angels who can't fly.

But there is no doubt that their combat effectiveness is generally higher than that of ordinary humans, and it is much higher than more than one line.

Of course, because of the different levels of combat effectiveness, although most angels are stronger than the deformers...even the ancestor-level deformers, there are still some weaker... although Will has not encountered such angels yet. , But it has also appeared in some movies.

So far, the angels that Will has seen can be roughly divided into three categories, one of which is the one he is most familiar with. The angel of the type of Cassidy in front of him may come from his original world, or it may come from a similar Parallel world of monster collection world.

Secondly, there are the most angels of the new humans. Those angels are not low in fighting power, mainly in the direction of speed and power. In other words, being a warrior instead of a mage, there is no magic art.

They seem to possess some kind of virus...can infect humans and make humans into another kind of angel.

But in Will's view, the thing was more like a zombie.

Without reason, he also lost the appearance of human beings. Although his strength increased faster and his jumping power jumped up to a height of four or five floors, he could beat it and explode... but he was no longer human.

And in the end an angel...he just saw it from a distance.

A wrong teleportation caused him and several companions of the origin conference to stumble into a doomsday world, and it is still a doomsday world with a modern background, but the two powerful angels seem to be fighting...like a battle for salvation. of.

Their power is so terrible that they can't say a sonic boom with one punch... The flapping of their wings seems to cause thunder and storm.

This should be considered a half god.

Then Taman opened the door again and pulled them back.

The last kind of angel, Will, certainly cannot be beaten. The New Human side is half a catty. Even if it can't be beaten, there must be no problem leaving it calmly.

As for the angels in his original world...

In the initial world, although Will always used to avoid them and walk around, as a member of the world, it is inevitable to encounter these guys.

The fighting power of these angels is also uneven. The high one can only fight, but he can barely run away. The weak one can even fight two.

But the main problem is... Angels cannot be killed.

Angels can only be killed unless they use special weapons, so-called angels.

But those special weapons are not easy to get that way... Because only this kind of weapon can kill angels, angels are very strict.

The loss of any weapon is bound to be found by countless angels.

Don’t look at the brothers have one, the **** master still has one... But what is their identity, if you change to an ordinary person with an angel blade, even if no angels come to the door that afternoon, you will definitely What other strange things come up.

Anyway, I certainly can't live the next day.

So the angels cannot be killed at all.

Rooting them... totally meaningless.

The angel in front of him looked like the kind of angel that could not be killed in his initial world, the same face with a paralyzed face, and the familiar angel blade of the system.

Although Will didn't have those brothers with... No, there were people everywhere who could get an angel's blade, but he didn't need to.

In the movie, he clearly remembered what the angel blade looked like. He naturally remembered it clearly.

And Will escaped, not because he determined the identity of the other party, just like Cassidio, the kind of angel that could not be killed without special weapons.

In fact, what the other party is holding is the blade of the angel, as long as they grab it, they kill the other party.

His escape is precisely because all this is just his guess, he can not be sure at all, the other party is the kind of angel similar to Cassidio.


Angels in the initial world are strong and weak. The strong can expel the demon with one hand. The weak can't even beat a werewolf. Will didn't choose to escape because even if he couldn't kill the opponent, everyone would be half a catty.

But if it is not, if the other party is another type of angel, an angel much stronger than the half-hanger like Cassidio, then only one fight is needed... It is estimated that Will will not have the opportunity to escape.

And the blade of the angel may also be fake, just an imitation, which does not have the ability to kill the angel at all.

So before all this is determined, escape is the best option.

At least also figure out what the other party is...

The facial paralysis angel is very fast, his legs seem to have infinite strength, the frequency of running has been at an extremely high point, and the speed is comparable to a galloping motorcycle.

But Will's speed is not slow.

Because of the narrow corridors, he did not continue his stumbling flight skills, but adjusted the muscles of his legs the first time the angel rushed over, and at the same time ran back and ran backward.

Yes, in fact, in addition to fine-tuning the muscles so that the legs can exert better strength and more explosive force, Will can even simulate the limbs of animals.

For example, the structure of the rabbit's legs... and its bouncing power, etc.

Of course, don’t think about other deformers, they can only simulate humanoids, that is, humans, not even other ancestor deformers.

This ability of Will was gradually developed. This is the originating force in his bloodline. If other ancestor deformers can trace the origin of this bloodline, they should also be able to do it, but unfortunately, this is not easy.

But simulating animals is not that simple. Will did simulate a cougar like him, but that was a whole deformation.

The body of the cougar itself is suitable for it, and can bear the explosive force, impact force and so on for a short time.

But the partial shape, with the human body as the main body to enhance other places... There are more things to consider, but there are more.

Will's vision is very good, partial shape is definitely one of his ace abilities, so he has been researching and developing, but unfortunately he has not entered the source world for a long time, only about a few months, so far~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ He has only successfully deformed his wings partially.

There are also things like hard-shelled skin, but that is not really a local deformation.

Speed ​​and defense are the primary factors for self-preservation. Will chose these two wisely... The yearning for flight is human nature. After developing his wings, Will tried to partially deform his feet.

There has been progress, but it is not perfect, so it is not used in this situation, but only a slight adjustment of his leg muscles.

But even so, his speed is not slower than the angel behind him... but mainly because the speed of this guy behind him is not too fast.

How can an angel compare with a motorcycle, at least the ordinary speed should be close to the speed of sound...

At the beginning, Will fled in front, and he also paid attention to the movement in the rear. If it was really disguised, maybe he would take out some magic tricks to make him look at the next moment. The worst, he could also use the angel blade as a fly. Knife.

But as the distance between the two was gradually pulled apart, and the angel behind had not moved much, Will began to hesitate gradually.

But he is still a little uncertain, because in other worlds before, he and his companions have indeed encountered attacks by angels and even other new humans, but those angels are obviously of the new human side, with distinctive features, and do not use angels. The blade is also amazingly powerful.

Not easy to deal with.

But why is there now a guy who doesn't seem to be the same type of angel...

This made Will hesitate.

Forget it, or...

Wait, while Will is preparing to continue to be happy, he finds that things in the world are not always smooth, just like now, not far away in front, it seems that there are many people's footsteps.

Is a member of the security forces.

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