High Magic Earth

Chapter 1709: The title that is missed again

Will's ear accurately captured a lot of footsteps and noisy sounds, so many people, except for the security forces, there is no other possibility.

But his speed did not slow down.

At this time, abruptly slowing down did not have any other action except being chased by the guy behind him, so he kept walking under his feet, and at the same time, he started thinking.

The best way now is to undoubtedly bump into the head, and the security forces can indeed intercept and interfere with Will, but that is under prepared circumstances.

Will now rushed in unexpectedly, and if he wanted to, when the security forces responded, they estimated that there were no standing people.

Use the security forces to test and block the guy behind.

But... there is no doubt that the security forces cannot survive.

Normally, Will is sure to stun them instead of killing them, as he did at the beginning, but now Will does not care so much, and there is an unclear angel behind him, angels are a group of brutal Guy.

To be more precise, they are not cruel, but very indifferent, and this indifference... makes them almost ignore all life.

That is cruel.

It's just that Will has stayed here for nearly a month. He is already familiar with many colleagues in the security forces. Although most of them come from retired and mercenary transitions, they are not much different from ordinary people.

They also have their own family, relatives, friends, but other people have technical skills such as welding, computers, or practices, and they are good at fighting physical skills, different occupations.

Each security force patrol team has at least ten or more people, that is, ten families.

To break up so many families... Will can't.

He has seen the family members of his colleagues who have died due to various accidents during his work as a policeman in the past years... Grief is nothing to make up for the scars.

He doesn't like such a tragedy.

And Will can't deceive himself as just a false world, these people are also called np.

Because he is very clear that all this is not.

Leaving this world is only because he is disconnected from the world, but it does not mean that the world will not turn without him.

This is true, everyone is, flesh and blood.

At the beginning of this problem, they were not very sure... but not long ago, they knew that the new humans had already brought many indigenous peoples from the source world, and they were only sure.

After all, there is breathing and life in this world. It can't be false.

So in the next moment, Will turned sharply, a head leaped, and rammed into the glass of a laboratory nearby.


Although it is bulletproof glass, Will also exhausted the strength of the whole body and the inertia of running. As a deformer of the ancestor level, his strength should not be overlooked. Under heavy blow, the glass immediately cracked and cracked. , There is no time to hold the clock at all, it will crash broken.

Will rammed into it directly.

This is an empty laboratory, there is no one in it now, so there is no such thing as a researcher being frightened and screaming everywhere. Will fell to the ground without any pause. He rolled up on the ground and then turned to The other door of the laboratory ran.

It's much faster to hit the door than to hit the glass.

And... maybe you don’t have to bump.

"There is movement over there!"

"Everyone is on alert."

"Go over there!"

But the noise that Will made here was the first time he drew the attention of the security forces on the other side of the corridor.

Their footsteps hurried towards here... but Will can't take care of it now, and even the long-distance he could not hear the footsteps of these people.

At the same time, the angel behind him continued to follow suit.

"Click! Click!"

Because the glass had been smashed by Will, the **** angel behind him did not need to hit it again, it clicked on the glass on the ground and followed without hesitation.

But in fact, Will, the angels, and the newly emerged security forces were very close together. When Will broke into the glass and the angels chased down for a moment, the security forces also turned out at the same time.

And, just saw the angel rushing into the laboratory.

"Who is that?!"

"It's fast... is it the goal?"

The angel behind him did not spread its wings, which is also a habit of angels like Cassidio. They seem to be more partial to melee, use the fist to beat the other half to death, and then use the angel blade to finish... instead Use a variety of seemingly magical magic.

They are magical, and even powerful angels can expel demons between waved hands. They don’t need spells, nor seem to require preparation time. In essence, magic and magic are almost completely different.

So now it does not show any inhuman characteristics, and naturally it is not recognized by the security forces.

In the eyes of the security forces, he was still just an ordinary man who seemed to be dressed as a mercenary... an ordinary man running fast.

Not surprising Will.

Because of passing by, the security forces did not block their way, so the angels did not deal with them, even if they turned a blind eye and ran straight up.

Because of the delay of a few seconds, the distance between the two is being shortened rapidly.

Seeing this unknown person rushed into the laboratory in a flash, looking at the large piece of glass shattered on the wall of the laboratory, the leader of the security force team waved a gesture immediately after hesitating a little. .

"Keep up!"

At the same time that the security forces rushed into the laboratory unwilling to fall behind, Will had already arrived in front of the laboratory gate.

"Araho Cave!"

But before reaching the gate, as early as far away, Will already snarled.


Will, who was getting closer to the gate, heard a soft sound from the lock.

The door opened.

And in the next moment, he had arrived before the gate, and was even less than half an arm away from the gate. Will still did not slow down under Will's feet.... The ferocious will bump into it.


No accident, the same glass door was not broken, but under Will's collision, the door was opened with brute force.

After rushing out, Will hit a stagger under his feet, but he stabilized his body again the next moment.

"Strong blockade!"

He turned his head and yelled at the open door.


Then at the next moment, the door that had stayed at the original position suddenly and automatically without wind, closed itself at a very fast speed, and then made a click, then re-locked.

And at this time, the figure of the angel also reflected on the glass door.

Will did not stay after finishing this magic, but continued to run forward...... Of course, this is not a random run around, Will is going to the target, where there are two PhDs in gene transcription, Very important.

And Will is also very clear that this glass door can not stop the angel behind him for how long, even if it is bulletproof glass.

After all, the power of angels is much greater than that of humans, and even much greater than him. It may take less time to break through a glass.


Then, as expected by Will, the angel didn't pause and hit the glass door of the laboratory.

Obviously, in the process of galloping, the angel didn't use its strange power anytime, anywhere...and didn't seem to know what is called glass.

Just like when Cassidy first entered the world.

But it was only a moment, the next moment, when the angel made a stand again...


His feet stepped out almost without moving, strode forward, and then accompanied by a muffled glass shatter, the entire glass door was suddenly destroyed.

However, these few seconds are enough to allow Will to pull back the distance, and the security forces behind him have already caught up.

"do not move!"

"Place your hands on your head."

After seeing the angel in front of the damaged gate, the security force that rushed in first drew a gun and then shouted at it.

Needless to say... the angel didn't answer at all.

Will is now his target, so it almost ignores the group of people behind him, the figure moves again, and has appeared outside the laboratory a few meters away.

Keeping pace, it followed Will again to catch up.

The members of the rear security forces were also stunned for a while...they also saw this reaction for the first time, and the speed of the angel was too fast. When they responded, the angel had already chased away.

Seeing this, the leader of the security forces waved again.


He said.

"Contact other people...block together."


A member of the security forces at the back responded and began to connect quickly.

At the same time, Will, who was running at the forefront, realized that the angel behind him was catching up.

And this... doesn't work.

Will ran around and looked around... There was nothing going smoothly. At this point, he had returned to the corridor of the work area, and the number of researchers in both places had increased.

Seeing Will galloping violently, the hallway immediately turned into a jump, and everyone was avoiding this guy.

No one wants to be sprinkled with coffee, or the organized documents are disrupted.

Wait... documentation.

Will's eyes lit up, his fingers spread unconsciously, and then the next moment, he finally passed by a researcher holding a large stack of documents on both sides.

"go with!"

Without any dependence, Will waved his hand violently, as if tossing something towards the angel behind.

With the angel's dynamic vision, it can naturally see that Will hasn't handed over anything... so his footsteps haven't deliberately avoided anything.

But at this moment, the scattered documents suddenly turned into knives, and then they were like flying knives thrown out in the circus, pointing directly at the angels behind.

At the same time, there is a small stack of paper that did not turn into flying knives, but turned into a bigger wire and ball, and also flew at the angel that was thrown to the rear.

Will is best at transforming spells, and there is no doubt that all of them are masterpieces of transforming spells.

It's just... Will still doesn't have much confidence.

Because even if the weight of the iron rope is increased ten times again, or a more powerful weapon... still can't trap the angel.


Sure enough, in the next moment, when countless rotating flying knives were slowly thrown at the angel, it also raised the angel blade hidden in his hand.

"Dangdang Dang!"

Before he could get close, he cut the flying knives around or flicked, and his footsteps had not stopped.

The transformation time of the two iron ropes is fleeting, and the two newly formed iron ropes are connected to the iron ball, showing an x-shaped cross and thrown at the angel.



With a crunchy muffled sound, the cold glow of the angel blade in the hands of the angel flashed... The two iron ropes were cut off by it without suspense.

Seeing that nothing was possible, Will gave up the transformation here.

The next moment, the knife changed back to paper~www.wuxiaspot.com~ flying all over the sky, even the iron wire was restored to its original state... the two stacks were completely split into two halves of white paper.

The entire series of movements seems to be unstoppable even by the angel's half a second.

Of course, Will didn't expect this simple magic to really stop an angel. What he really needs now is that the angel should expel the spell.

That's right, if there is a demon expulsion, then there must be an expulsion angel, but it is not so easy to draw.

Looking back, Will walked through a laboratory again, and instead of continuing to run when he turned a promenade, he took a slight pause, and then turned back without hesitation.

It happened to kick on the angel who had just arrived.


The angel flew out directly, hitting a laboratory wall next to him, making a muffled sound... but it was nothing.

Will frowned slightly, and he felt his feet tingle... The opponent's strength was really amazing, and seemed to be greater than him.

So after a thought, Will turned and ran away again. After all, this thing is unkillable, and now it seems that even if it is robbed, even if it is robbed, whether it can beat this strange angel is also a problem.

So... Will gave up decisively.

He turned around and ran away again, and at the same time the angel who seemed unwilling to follow was also followed...Of course, there was the patrol of the security forces behind him, but their speed was too slow, it is estimated that they could not keep up. Too.

But although it was unable to catch up, there were far more than one security force squad distributed in the work area at this time.

Will has felt it now, as the members of the security forces just didn't know what news to send out... Now almost half of the security forces in the work area are moving towards here.

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