High Magic Earth

Chapter 1710: Fox is a must

The sound of footsteps is increasing, becoming denser, and getting closer... even in the clamor and noise of countless researchers or other staff around.

And equally clear, there is Will's brain.

He felt it was necessary to solve the trouble behind him now.

Otherwise, wait for a while and the security forces will completely surround here... neither of them wants to go out either.

The security forces will not help Will against the angels, nor will they help the angels to attack Will. They will only use the storm of bullets to cover both of them in the same way.

That's not a second.

The angel behind him who can’t be killed is actually a bit like himself. In the plot of the evil force, Will once took the opportunity to observe some angels’ battles up close.

Of course not Cassidio... that guy is obviously alien and belongs to the protagonist, and the characteristics of angels are not universal in him.

Nor is it the archangels of Gabriel Michael who can tell from the name that they are archangels, how can they be like ordinary angels.

Will observed some other ordinary angels.

And the number is not much, in fact, there are only two angels.

They are not angels that appear in the plot, but are outside the plot, and it is a pure coincidence that Will can find them.

After all, Will had no one in heaven, and he was unfamiliar with the internet celebrity brothers, and could not get the angel coming message.

In the early stage of the plot where the big plot did not start, and even the yellow-eye demon did not appear, angels were indeed quite rare species... Will himself felt lucky.

Of course, now he seems to be very lucky, because he has watched the battle of angels up close, but at that time he was almost scared to death by the angel who came suddenly.

He thought it was for himself.

Later it was discovered that this was a false alarm... they came for the demons of hell.

And even more fortunately, the two angels did not take long, but they met the enemy in the first time, their target in this trip, the demon.

This gave Will an opportunity to observe closely what the angel's immortal character meant.

The first thing to be sure is... they are indeed not dead, even the demons can’t kill them. The angels who came twice knew that only their own weapons could kill themselves, so they didn’t carry the angel blade at all.

And there is no angel blade in the hands of ordinary demons... this thing has not flowed out at all, it is estimated that there are only a few of the masters of hell, or Lucifer who was also an angel.

So even if the limbs are interrupted, or even the head is folded, these angels will not die.

But they will lose their action because of the injury of the broken limbs, and they can only lie on the ground, waiting for the demon to use the blood after killing the human to draw the angel to expel the magic circle, and exile them back to heaven.

Of course, given them a certain amount of time, the amputated limb may be able to regenerate... But the time to draw a magic circle is definitely not enough to regenerate.

However, from the perspective of Will, the angel whose broken limbs were immortal is not much different from the demon who sketched the magic circle with the blood flowing beside him.

They all seem strange to the extreme in the eyes of human beings. This kind of badly injured angel is not like an angel at all, but more like an evil existence that has fallen into hell. Both are not like creatures in the human world.

So Will felt that the angel's immortality was a bit like himself.

They are not harmless, not any attack will invalidate them. Amputation will still make them unable to move, and a severed head will also make them unable to speak, but they cannot die.

The same goes for Will's transformers.

It's just that Will is not truly immortal. He can be killed, only a little trouble, such as burning him to ashes.

So in the face of an overwhelming attack by security forces... neither of them can escape.

Will certainly can't escape himself, the bullet storm is enough to beat him into meat sauce... even if he doesn't have a fatal part such as his head and heart, he can't run, anyone who has seen meat sauce will run.

The angel is the same.

Will is confident to rush out of the small-scale conflict, that is because the insufficient quantity of volley can not make him lose his power in an instant, and as long as he can not be contained in an instant, the final victory must belong to him... so he also Has been avoiding conflict with the main force of the security forces.

Will has not reached the point of crushing the opponent, the quantity will still cause qualitative changes.

Therefore, the security forces cannot be completely surrounded.

Then, we can't continue to drag on, we must solve the guy behind him as soon as possible.

This thought came to Will's mind... Part of his confidence came from the tentative attack just now. The opponent's power is amazing. Although he is much larger than himself, he has no other than greater power. Show other special features.

For example, magic divine art.

And after chasing it for so long, it did not show any other extraordinary power, it seems that it is indeed from the angelic race in the world of evil forces.

Of course, this world of evil forces is not necessarily Will's original world.

And if it is this kind of angel, then Will feels that he is half a catty with himself. As long as it is not a freak like Cassidio or Archangel, even if he has fought, the other party can't take him.

And although the strength of these angels is relatively strong, almost suppressing Will, but Will is not without a way to win.

Because he is not an ordinary ancestor of transformers... he still has magic.

But it was only a temptation. Will’s confidence was not too great. The two of them only had their first confrontation in strength, and Will also fell into the disadvantage. He still couldn’t determine whether this was a trap.

This is not Will too cautious or timid... because if it is really a trap, he is likely to lose his life.

This is no joke.

Just hesitating again and again, Will decided to get rid of the guy behind him after all. After all, he was not alone, and there were several companions here, and... the guy behind him was about to catch up!

After making a decision, Will no longer thought much. He took out his phone decisively, then pressed a few numbers in a rush, and the call was almost connected in an instant. Will seemed to have expected it. Come on, say directly.

"Nancy, proceed to Plan B."

Nancy on the other side of the phone.


"We still have plans?"

But Nancy on the other side of the phone apparently didn't give her a face. Her voice sounded pretended to be surprised...and she didn't hide her exaggerated tone at all.

"you know what I mean."

Will rolled his eyes in his heart, but he only had time to respond to this sentence, because the hang of the phone was not waiting for him to be ready, the strong wind behind him roared.


Sharp, like a broken arrow.

Will narrowed his eyes slightly, too late to turn around, and could only half his body, and also punched back without hesitation.

Obviously, the angel who followed behind quietly was going to put Will directly to death, so it had no reservation at all. The cold blade of the angel's blade exuded coldness and went straight to Will's neck.

Rather than the heart... this guy seems ready to cut Will's head directly.

The sharp angel blade gleamed in a faint cold light, like a sickle harvesting souls.

However, Will has been prepared for a long time. His angle of punching has been deflected a lot from the beginning, almost passing by and avoiding the angel's blade, and then punched **** the opponent's wrist.

In this blow, he should be able to knock down the opponent's angel blade, and even have a chance to grab it. Of course, his shoulder will inevitably be stabbed.



The dull sound of the collision of the wrist and fist came, and the shock of the shock seemed to make Will's palms numb, but the other party was motionless.

Will's heart cooled slightly.

Then in the next moment, the front section of the Angel's Blade had instantly penetrated Will's shoulder.

According to the original plan, it was natural that Will punched the other party's angel blade with one punch, and it would be best if he could grab it, of course, Will felt that it might not be so easy.

However, he has confidence in his own power. Although the power of angels is not like humans at all, as a deformer, Will’s power is also not like humans. In contrast, they should be like two humans with similar strength. The same as entanglement.

But apparently, Will was miscalculated.


The angel blade pierced the shoulder slightly, trying to expand the wound, but was stopped by the bone under Will's muscle.

Fortunately, Will evaded in time. Although he was stabbed, the wound was not too deep.

But... at the same time, the angel with a paralyzed face in front of him froze, and stretched out the other hand, grabbing the hand that Will hit his wrist fiercely.

Almost instantly, Will felt a heavy force choking his wrist.

That kind of power... is amazing.


Will murmured quietly, and then used his full strength to shove his shoulders and arms back.


His wrist was restrained from being thrown away, but likewise, the Angel Blade also left a long blood mark near his shoulder because of Will's forced break-away.

However, he took two steps back, and Will finally pulled away from the angel temporarily.

Also sullen, Will stared at the angel in front of him... Then he saw that a little black vein gradually appeared on the expressionless face of the other side.

It is like a meridian that creeps under the skin. The meridian slowly spreads from its face to the neck to the shoulder under the neck.

It's like... a spider web.

"……I knew it."

Taking a deep breath, Will sighed softly.

"This is really a trap."

Angels in evil forces don't have such cool tattoos, but only angels that often appear in new humans... This is also a sign that those angels come from the same plot world.

So obviously, the angel blade in his hand is just a fake. If Will really feels that this thing can kill angels and relax his vigilance, then the result... one can imagine...

Putting down the phone, Nancy sucked her mouth in another work area.

"It's unfortunate."

She glanced around, not finding the unfortunate target in her mouth, um... Toby, I don't know where this guy has gone again.

But it doesn't matter, she can always find this guy.

But it was obvious that the other guy... Will.

"He is in trouble."

The magic from the goblin made Nancy feel that Will was in trouble, just like the little fairy in the fairy tale like the little goblin and the little fairy can always feel the coming dark invasion in the underworld.

So, now is the time for her to save.

Sure enough, the little fairy is acting as a firefighter, sending weapons and armor to the protagonist, and even sending the princess! No matter when.

But seriously, although Nancy hated Toby, she didn’t really plan to let him die, but now it seems that she has to do it... Fortunately, this is not really to die, need Look at luck, I hope his luck is good enough.

With the last sympathy, Nancy left her job silently...she is a dinosaur, and she is actually very free to move.

Because in addition to feeding dinosaurs, she also has to get food, and even configure food to prepare water.

Adult dinosaurs are very rough, they can survive anything they eat, and they can eat people, but the dinosaurs in their childhood are not so strong in vitality. Especially, they are ancient species that have been reawakened. The modern living environment is not necessarily It is suitable, even if the environment carefully restored by the researchers ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So it is more necessary to take care of it.

Some dinosaurs can only eat fresh blood, while others are just fresh branches and leaves. They are very picky... These foods need to be prepared and picked first, because even advanced refrigeration technology is not fresh after all.

Of course, the food of the little dinosaurs is very fine, but again, it only needs to spend this period of time, so as one of the breeders, Nancy’s activity space is still very free.

Leaving the original position, Nancy walked slowly towards the warehouse position at the rear.

Her feelings in the dark told her that Toby was hiding in the warehouse.

But as she went deeper into the hallway near the warehouse, the groaning of the groaning became clearer...and the last sympathy of Nancy was also worn away.

"Sure enough... such a scum, it is still good to die."

"Only dead scum is good scum."

With a cold face, Nancy didn't just kick the door in front of the warehouse door.




A muffled noise followed by a series of exclamations.

As the door twitched to one side and opened to both sides, the group of busy guys inside revealed.

Toby was lifting the pants subconsciously, and beside him were two women who also had the clothes in front of them and had not had time to put them on.

Nancy has seen them, two young girls in the same workspace.

And at this time, Toby also saw who he was from. He didn't fit his belt down halfway and complained with dissatisfaction.

"You're crazy, what door do you kick, or say..."

Then half a sentence didn't arrive, he turned around again, and his voice became extremely frivolous, laughing, "You also want to..."

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