High Magic Earth

Chapter 1712: True gangster

The effect of this agent is unquestionable. . The same serious side effects can not be ignored, after all, it is a serious consequence that may deprive life and cause death.

So even if its effect is really good, it can come in handy on some special occasions, and it is impossible to tell other people in the origin conference.

The Origin Conference is a whole. Their number is not large. Most of them can enter the Origin Conference. Even if they are not geniuses, they also have extraordinary talents in some aspects. Under the sympathy, everyone is also extremely united.

A small group of more than ten people is like a big family. . The frequency of meeting reception is very slow, so almost always after a period of time, join one or two people. . In this case, they will quickly integrate into this group, and everyone will soon accept them.

There will not be a situation of joining a dozen people. . There are not so many qualified people at all.

Therefore, no one is a cannon fodder,

This kind of cannon fodder is simply impossible to take out and say, it will make other people think, even if it is really someone. . A justice-like guy like Will is willing to sacrifice himself when necessary, but others.

It is true that the Origin Conference is a united whole, but only when they have not suffered much setbacks and waves.

Everyone at the Origin Conference traces the power of the origin of blood, no matter how much this power is, they are stronger than most ordinary wizards, ordinary free people.

Naturally, the combat effectiveness is stronger.

So far, the Origin Conference has not encountered any particularly difficult enemies.

Of course, the Origin Conference is not without hard battles, but that was limited to the beginning of the conference, and only the first few people such as Mianlong Nancy and so on supported the conference. . So for Nancy, Mianlong is absolutely at ease, which is why he gave the potion to her.

Nancy looks like a delicate woman, but as the existence of establishing the origin meeting with Mianlong, she will not be soft-hearted even if she is not ruthless and hands-on, and will not appear to be a good man like Will, or Lito has such a situation that even if he has strength, it is very difficult to get it.

Even though Nancy had been confused and hesitated at the beginning, she must have wanted to understand at this time, right and wrong concepts, but also became a whole set.

but. . Nancy is strong, does not mean that everyone is like this.

Both Nancy and Mianlong are well aware that only those who have truly experienced life and death together can truly be regarded as one mind.

Prior to this, any seemingly insignificant and unimportant little thing might bring cracks that are difficult to repair for everyone.

Just like this. . Cannon fodder.

But again, think differently, this cannon fodder can't be used on one's own, so it is not impossible to use it on others.

This too. . Mianlong will suddenly join a lot of normal three views, which is entirely due to the scum of the free man.


And Mianlong never doubted that Nancy wouldn't go, because even if it was really an innocent person, Nancy would move without hesitation after a little hesitation.

The experience of initially entering the source world and establishing the origin meeting with Mianlong has already taught her everything she deserves.

Of course, this is not for the sake of the overall situation, for the free man, for the seemingly noble slogan of the origin conference.

It's a more selfish and more real understanding, that is, don't want the benevolence of women, that's all.

Because the source world may be more cruel than imagined, although it is not shown now. . That's because the origin meeting hides itself very well, and the activities are also very secret.

And once the existence of the origin meeting is completely discovered, then it is presumed that neither the new human beings nor those angels and demons will let them go.

Maybe the people in the origin meeting want to be good people. . But this opportunity does not necessarily exist.

Because the enemy, that is, the new human beings, angels and demons, is not a kind existence.

This is actually very similar to the conflict of ideas of many superheroes.

It is to treat yourself with the law, not to exist above the law, not to try or punish any criminals, but to give to the police to let them accept the law. . Then escape from prison or escape from crime, causing more innocent casualties and victims.

I still put myself above the law and fall into the darkness to deter and eliminate those sprites and children in the darkness. I don’t need the law and will directly punish them. . Let them never have the opportunity to hurt the innocent again.

It is not good to say which is right or wrong. The former seems to abide by the law, but it is not a kind of selfishness. It does not want to fall into the darkness and become a criminal. Adhering to its bottom line will cause more innocent casualties.

And the latter. . Although it seems to fall into darkness, it is no different from other criminals, but it does reduce those innocent victims.

So, who is right or who is wrong in the two is simply a topic that is difficult to dialectically. . Even among the famous mouth guns in the superhero world, it is difficult to tell the difference.

The situation of the origin meeting is somewhat similar to all this.

Is it to abide by the bottom line of one's own heart and keep making concessions so that new human beings and angels can do whatever they can to cause greater casualties, or choose the same cruel means, but they can effectively stop them. . At least no more innocent people will die from it.

There is no doubt that Nancy chose the latter.

So even for the true innocent, Nancy had no pressure to start, let alone, Toby was really not a good person.

Faced with the screams of Toby and the two women, Nancy remained calm, but her tone was a bit colder than before.

"Now is the mission period."

"I believe Mianlong has already told you what to say."

It seemed to mention Mianlong, Toby suffocated, but he flicked his lips and soon changed to a rogue face again, said impatiently.

"Alright alright."

"What the **** do you want me to do?"

Nancy looked calm.

"There was a small problem with Will's operation. He is now being pursued by security forces. All security forces are deployed. Anyway, the active manpower is used in the current pursuit."

"All I need you to do is to rush to the second work area and then stop the security forces, all."

At the end of this passage, Nancy anticipated all the answers Toby might have given him, but never thought about it. . Toby's answer was still more curious than she thought.

"That's it?"

Toby asked rhetorically.

Instead, this right tone made Nancy stunned. Looking at Toby's expression without fear, she had to repeat and emphasize again.

"Intercept security forces, all."

"I am not deaf."

Toby said impatiently.

But in the next moment, he just asked what he thought.

"The security forces are the fools running around with the electric baton in the movie, right?"

Nancy rolled her eyes in her heart and finally knew where the problem was. The idiot didn't know what it meant.

Seriously, has he seriously heard what happened to this mission?

Resisting the urge to tear this guy apart with the little fairy's kind glow stick, Nancy explained carefully.

"Not electric batons...no, not just electric batons, they also have stun guns, pistols, semi-automatic rifles, and grenades."

Thinking sideways, Nancy said again.

"There may be a bazooka."

As Nancy continued to explain, Toby's face became more and more ugly, and his eyes grew bigger and bigger. When Nancy finally said the term rocket, Toby's eyes were already glaring like The egg is so big.

"What are you kidding!"

He said loudly.


Toby directly refuted the promise he just spoke out and flatly refused.

"I can't die, but unless..."

When it came to this, he seemed to think of something suddenly, and suddenly glanced up and down at Nancy with a bad intention.

"...If your yellow skin is willing to obediently let me have a meal..."

But hearing this, Nancy seemed to be lifeless.

In fact, her expression was calm from beginning to end, calm to cold, and she couldn't see what she was thinking at all, only to see her faceless expression again asked.

"This way, you will intercept those security forces?"


Toby whistled.

His answer was beyond Nancy's expectations, but Nancy, who had long known who he was, was not disappointed, and Nancy's answer was also far beyond Toby's expectations.

This Asian child has always been unable to get oil and salt, and Toby's barren IQ can't imagine a second method besides using strength.

He once thought he couldn't succeed, but he didn't expect it to seem like it is now. . still have a chance?

Looking at Nancy's pretty face and petite but not barren figure, Toby's face couldn't help but show an excited smile with a frivolous sense.

"That... of course not."

He smiled strangely.

"But it will make me think about it."

"But if you treat me comfortably, maybe I can make a decision as soon as possible, so if you are in a hurry, I suggest you..."

Toby didn't finish it, but he was proud of the disgusting face, the clothes he had just unplugged and re-pulled off halfway, and the slightly tossed movements already explained everything.

Nancy's face became calmer, she still did not answer, but in her right hand, there was already an invisible wand that fell silently into her palm.

Yes, intangible and interest-free, but possesses the physical. . Transparent wand.

Toby was very proud, just like Nancy thought, he didn't even hear what Mianlong was saying before he set off, and he himself only joined the Origin Conference shortly before he even entered the source world.

When Mianlong found him, he came out of the initial world, and was busy looking for a target in the bar, soaking up something, and then was directly blocked by Mianlong.

He just had supernatural powers, although he didn't think he was the boss. . After all, Toby is a guy who is in the lower thirds. He is well aware of the cruel means of the black areas and the power of hot weapons now. He does not feel that the power he has gained can do whatever he wants.

But he still thinks he is the protagonist of the sky, ordinary people. . Ordinary people do not have such supernatural means and experience.

Only him, he is different from other ordinary people who do nothing, and this is why, not because he is the protagonist of heaven.

As a street gangster, Toby is naturally impossible to squat at home every day to watch TV and watch TV shows, but still occasionally go out to watch movies with three or five fox friends, if it can be in the alley after the movie, or the movie There are some extra windfalls. . That would be better.

Therefore, he has also been in the second.

Obtained supernatural powers. Although it may still be unable to fight those hot weapons, Toby is still full of confidence in the face of ordinary people.

Facing the sleeping dragon blocking the door, Toby. . Well, Toby was very cautious.

As a mixed third-rate guy, sometimes the most important thing is often not combat strength, but enough eyesight and enough consciousness. . People who have no eyesight have already died.

While Toby could live, he was naturally a little clever. In the face of the sleeping dragon who suddenly came to the door, he had only two reactions in his head.

He is a government man, and he also has supernatural power.

In fact, although Toby is confident that he can beat an ordinary government official. . But seriously, neither of these is good.

Being able to find the door so quickly obviously means that no matter what the possibility is, the other party has a deeper understanding of this supernatural field.

Although he leapt from ordinary people into the supernatural realm, it is possible that he has just changed from an ordinary person to a supernatural realm, and a supernatural power.

It's all at the bottom.

Sure enough, after Mian Long and the cordial exchange, Toby decisively counseled, and then joined the origin meeting.

. . He didn't think there was anything wrong with joining the Origin Conference, just like the gang who always came out to find a gang, even because the Origin Conference's combat power is high enough ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He increasingly feels that he may be the protagonist of the sky.

At that time, he was full of excitement in his head, became a superhero, and reached the peak of his life. . There are women, who didn't hear clearly, and didn't care what Mianlong said.

After all, in Toby's opinion, since Mianlong can come to find himself, then perhaps he has no indispensable importance, but it should also be very important.

Probably not as important as what you would be treated for just a few words. .

That's why he just passed through the first world and didn't know anything. Even Mianlong didn't listen to what he said and was thrown here.

Complete the mission in this world.

Of course, Toby didn’t care much.

Because a guy like him is a guy who doesn't care about anything.

They basically eat and not eat, they can count the day and enjoy the music in time. . Is their entire life.

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