High Magic Earth

Chapter 1713: 3 must-have plots in movies

And Toby, who possesses supernatural power, can naturally perform music in a better way than before.

No matter where he is, no matter which world he is in, then of course he will not mind wherever he is.

The two women next to it are the best proof.

Of course, he didn't listen to Mianlong's explanations and narrations, and naturally it was impossible to listen to the introduction of Nancy and others, but Toby was well aware that in his eyes, he acquiesced that these companions must also have supernatural powers.

He didn't want to cause trouble, it used to be that way, it is now.

When Toby was still a little bastard, he was bullying and afraid, and picking soft persimmons, which would make him live longer and nourish. Anyway, he didn't want to be a boss.

The same is true after gaining supernatural powers.

Although he wanted to taste the Asian chick around him, he didn’t want to cause trouble. With hard means, there were so many women beside him who could get their hands at random. Why should he be entangled in this tree regardless of danger? . . But all kinds of **** and harassment temptations continued.

There is no way to do it. The little **** has been doing it for a long time. Even if Toby does not want to do this, he may not be able to control himself.

Of course, all this is based on the premise that he feels that several of his companions may be as powerful as himself.

but now. .

Does the other party ask for himself, or does he let him intercept the security forces, and let him intercept instead of her, in other words, his combat effectiveness is higher than her?

If you are not good at yourself, you still need yourself. . Then in this way, he does not have an opportunity. .

Toby is very shrewd, he always has such a cleverness, because this is the way they survive.

But unfortunately, it's just smart, because he didn't expect that, in addition to his own fighting power is higher than the other party, there may be. . The opponent just needs a dead cannon fodder.

. . .

"In fact."

Facing Toby's disgusting smile, Nancy finally said quietly again.

"You may have made a mistake."

"You will go."

"And it must go."

The nasty smile on Toby's face converged, and his face quickly froze.

"what did you say?"

"Yellow Skin, do you still want to resist!?"

it's a pity. . Toby is indeed a little smart, but it is only limited to some smarts, just like he can't see the crisis hidden behind this matter.

After Nancy's attitude changed, his first reaction was to keep his head unyielding. . In fact, this is not wrong.

Because this is the way of life for the little bastards, when everyone is half a catty, you can retreat to others, so at this time, you can’t give in.

but. . He didn't realize the real reason for Nancy's attitude change.

If he is really smart enough, the question at this time should be why this is, why Nancy would dare to be so tough, and then calm down, immediately re-export to stabilize the other party, and then try something.

At least it shouldn't be so impulsive, but Toby doesn't, but the choice is still like a real little bastard, straight up.

This has probably become his instinct, and he can't change it.

It may be that the threat of language is powerless. In the next moment, Toby's waist was pushed hard from the large box in the warehouse behind him.

He stared fiercely at Nancy, and at the same time walked quickly, it looked like he was going to tear Nancy.

Don't hit women? This does not exist in Toby's eyes.

And this series of changes happened too fast, and even the two women next to them had not responded.

The re-dressed them were originally angry. . Then I heard a lot of chatter between Toby and Nancy who seemed to be very second.

This made them a little dazed, and even their original anger didn't know where to look.

Then, before they could react from these conversations again, digesting these conversations, they saw that the two had quarreled directly, and then Toby went angrily towards the Asian woman.

The two were unconsciously excited.

What are they excited about. . Imagine what might happen next, it is not difficult to guess.

Sure enough, people are divided into groups, and these two guys are not good people.

After all, although Toby can charm women, or anyone, only works best for women, but with his level, it is probably not a good person to be charmed. . Or the guy with the brain, the enchanted woman may not take this kind of thing seriously, so she is very free.

Only after thinking about what might happen next, not only did she not be afraid of fear and resistance, but she was faintly excited, and they were already very dissatisfied with Nancy who had suddenly broken in.

None are good people.

Indeed, from the perspective of outsiders, Toby and Nancy are vastly different. With Toby's oppression, it is like a big bad wolf who is about to open a big mouth of blood basin to a little sheep. .

But the real situation. .

"You are really stupid..."

Nancy shook her head as she looked at Toby, who was fierce and hostile to herself, and the last trace of sympathy and even expectation in him disappeared.

Really. . Stupid and ugly.

He thinks he looks fierce and fierce, but in fact it is like a dog, because only when the animal is threatened and feels that the food is about to be robbed, will it show such a poor physical threat.

Shaking his head slightly in his heart, and the next moment, Nancy didn't move her feet, but suddenly raised with one hand, did a standard fencing movement, and said in a low voice.


The invisible wand was held in the hand by Nancy, shaking like a wave of water, and as her words fell, almost in the blink of an eye, the front end of it condensed into a huge force, and then. .


Toby felt a huge force rushing out, as if a galloping train hit him in the front, as if all his internal organs had been displaced by this impact. . In an instant, the concussion wrapped up with blood and flowed up to his head along various parts of his body, and then he was sprayed out.

His ears were buzzing, his eyes were black, Toby could not see anything, he could not hear anything, the whole person could not make any resistance, and he was instantly hit by this huge force.

And Toby seemed to stay in the air for half a second. . Over a long distance of several meters, it hit the big wooden box in the warehouse behind.


His back was stuck to the surface of the wooden box. It seemed that it had been a long time before he slowly fell down the wooden box. Toby slumped on the ground and coughed out another blood.


It wasn't until then that the two originally excited women seemed to react to what had happened. They looked at the scene in front of their eyes in wonder, unable to understand what had happened, and only screamed instinctively.

"Silent and silent."

Nancy glanced at the two lightly and shook the transparent wand in her hand again.

The Silent Curse was originally unable to make a sound, but Nancy dropped the spell, and the screams of the two women continued, and there seemed to be no change.

However, if you carefully observe and listen, you will find that although these people still have sound, the nearby sound is like being swallowed by something, and it can only be transmitted at a distance of five or six meters at most. Outside, it was a quiet silence, and there was no trace of exclamation and roar from here.

The soundless curse of the goblin talent version, it will not make people unable to make a sound, but it will isolate all the sounds in a certain area, so that it cannot be leaked out, like a small-scale sound isolation spell.

The piercing scream seemed to tear up the eardrums, but Toby, who had fallen to the ground, could not hear it.

Because of the buzzing in his ears, the strong shock seemed to shatter all his internal organs, and his head seemed to be slammed with a centrifuge.

No one will hear anything after being shaken thousands of times. . Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but this impact did indeed stir his head into a paste. He could not hear anything except the buzzing sound, and the eyes were black.

Toby even felt he was going to die next moment.

Hell, he knew he had kicked the iron plate, who would know that **** little boy was so powerful.

Toby's bloodline originated from Foxfire, yes, Foxfire, a magical creature from a distant country, Japan, or what the locals call monsters or something.

It is also a small number in the origin conference, not the blood of magical creatures in Europe or America.

Foxfire's power is not strong, it is not strong in itself, the biggest special power may be in charm, it can almost charm everything, but more effective for women.

In addition, it has some much stronger power, speed, and anti-strike ability than ordinary humans.

This makes it easy to slaughter human beings.

But it is just human beings with little resistance. Once human beings are trained and armed with long swords and short knives, they are not so easy to handle.

Even if it is a later hot weapon, it can be expelled or even killed directly.

In other words, it is a monster that can only prevail in ancient times or among ordinary poor people.

And Toby, who is the heir to its bloodline, was originally a bit weaker than the origin of the bloodline, and it was not strong with the addition of Foxfire itself. . It can be said that Toby is completely weak.

This is why he doesn't think he is invincible.

The power that the bloodline brings to him has changed him from being able to fight one person to being able to fight five people at most. . But there is no essential difference.

But after all, Toby still has a special power, and can be regarded as a member of the extraordinary field, so there must be a sense of expansion.

But as a low-ranking bastard, bullying and fear have become his instincts, even if he has extraordinary strength and abilities, etc., he has no plans to provoke trouble everywhere.

Because it was really stupid to Toby.

Like them, the guys who have traveled so far are either already dead or they have become the boss of the party. . But even the latter will be wiped out sooner or later.

Low-key is the correct approach.

So Lito began to bully ordinary people even more, and they were still very weak among ordinary people. . He still didn't even dare to provoke the existence of ordinary people, such as the rich and powerful.

When facing Nancy's companions, his mouth is also annoying. . But after all, nothing extraordinary was done.

Even if he had been coveting Nancy all the time, but he didn't dare to take any substantive actions. What he was afraid of was somehow bumping his head.

And now, he thought he could find out Nancy's details through the help relationship between the two, and he held her as a handle, and then he could regain a soft persimmon like bullying the ordinary people. , But did not expect. . This will be a hard iron plate.

Just a magic shock from Nancy, Toby realized that he was not an opponent at all. . Because he doesn't magic at all.

Yes, there is no Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Japan. Toby can't even learn it, and Mianlong pulled him over when he had just finished his first world. . He never taught him magic.

Obviously, Mianlong did not intend to teach him, just to use him as a cannon fodder.

So in the face of Nancy's magic, an opponent like Nancy. . Toby counseled decisively, and he himself had no courage to fight the other side, let alone this battle that had no possibility of winning at all, he had no courage.

As a little bastard, Toby doesn't have any morals. If the apology can survive, he can even kneel to the other side, but obviously. . He seemed to have offended this Asian minor before, and the other party might not even plan to forgive him.

Between the blurred vision, Toby didn't see Nancy's face getting cold again.

The disappearance of hearing and vision made Toby feel that his thoughts and the whole person were muddled. He vaguely felt that Nancy seemed to be by his side, but he could not confirm it accurately. . But in the next moment, the strong pain from the following is enough to make him sure of everything~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ah! "

Toby couldn't help screaming.

Even though his body was internally injured by a huge impact, he couldn't help twitching at this moment, presumably wanting to instinctively remove Nancy's right leg. . Unfortunately, in the end, the limbs were paralyzed again, unable to complete this movement.

"Hug... sorry..."

Toby moaned painfully.

"I know it's wrong, please... please let me go."


He felt Nancy's feet squeeze hard again, and the severe pain suddenly made him utter a series of screams again.

"We...we are companions, aren't we..."

Tony the pain, Toby said very hard.

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