High Magic Earth

Chapter 1714: This is professional

The severe tingling was like a needle stick, tying Toby's head and tying his body. . This made him sober from the muddle.

Then as he opened his eyes and saw Nancy's posture on one foot, the pain became more intense and real.

But again, he was completely awake.

Tolerating the pain coming from below, looking at Nancy who was still crushing, Toby pleaded again.

"Nancy, I know that Nancy is wrong..."

"You understand, I just, I just like you so much."

This sentence seemed to irritate Nancy in particular. She squeezed the rotten flesh beneath her feet, her legs were arched, and her body came to Toby's face slightly, staring at his eyes.

"You scum is not worthy..."

But before Nancy finished, the next moment, Toby, who was still in pain, suddenly changed his face, and the pain in his face disappeared. Instead, it was a vicious smile mixed with distortion and grief.

Then he growled and snarled in a cursed voice.

"You little! Be my sex..."


Before his words fell, a huge force came again, and then immediately followed, the familiar sense.


The huge impact instantly lifted Toby from the ground, but this time the impact is different from the previous one. It is not just a simple impact. It is more like an invisible big hand lifting Toby from the ground. And then threw it **** the row of large wooden boxes on the right.

But before he could react to this series of blows, the invisible hand dragged him again and threw it with a violent force onto the row of plastic boxes on the left.



Almost in the blink of an eye, the surroundings seemed to have been raged by the storm. The boxes that were neatly placed in the warehouse were also knocked by Toby because of this series of blows, and collapsed like an earthquake. , Scattered all over the place.

The screams mixed in were not Toby's, but the two women.

Because Nancy flicked Toby like a rag doll, she didn't avoid them, and the scattered boxes leaned to them like a torrent. . Slammed.

Thanks to the quick response of the two, and there was no bad luck to be directly hit by the box that was rolled from the height, this avoids the outcome of the head being bleed or seriously injured on the spot.

But even so, they are in a state of disarray. . Screaming constantly.

"Cough! Cough!"

Toby coughed up blood constantly.

The initial wave of shock was nothing. Not only did Toby fail to respond, but his body did not react to such a strong shock.

But in the next moment, with the end of the first shock, he was still carried by someone, just like a rag doll tossing around and bumping all around. . The injury from the internal organs immediately caused him to spur blood again.

Then the blood seemed to stop, as he began to spit it out.

After all, Lito suffered two traumas in a short period of time. The fragile internal organs were not even recovered, and he was hit again by a fatal impact. . Still one after another.

This made Toby's whole person dying, as if he would die anytime in the next moment.

Even if the vitality of magical creatures is tenacious, it is difficult for any creature to withstand this kind of attack, not to mention that Foxfire is not unique in this respect. . It is not so strong in itself.


Toby had no longer the power to plead, and he couldn't even squeeze out the painful groan, only to cough up a big mouthful of blood. . It is indeed very worrying whether he will die next moment.

Fortunately, at this time, Nancy seemed to have enough play. She threw Toby, who was caught in the air, back on the ground, and then sneered.

"Strange, still puzzled."

"You may have forgotten."

"I said, I have a certain ability to read the mind."

"...Yes, it's my fault. With your IQ, it's impossible to remember what I said, right."

Nancy sneered mercilessly, not feeling soft at all because of Toby's dying appearance.



Toby gasped, and made a violent sound in his throat, like an old and badly worn bellows.

There was blood in his throat, and there was even blood slowly flowing under his two eyes. . His eyes couldn't be opened anymore, and with his paralysis, he looked really miserable.

But Nancy has no sympathy.

Because although he looked miserable, it was just the things he wanted to do before, but it was a bit embarrassing.

Foxfire has the ability to charm, especially against women. In addition, it is really not a special magical creature.

As a kind of thing called a monster in Japanese folk, Foxfire's body is like a large fox. It doesn't look very beautiful, nor is it fierce. The sharp fangs are a bit scary, and it is a real beast.

There is a rotten smell on Foxfire, except for the three clusters of flames at the tip of the tail and the shoulders of the forelimbs, there is no other special place.

So there is nothing special about the place where it releases magic, just eyes.

Earlier, when Nancy approached Toby, he suddenly tore off the pleading disguise, revealing a crazy look, and scolding Nancy with a curse-like tone. . It is not just a curse, but a real curse-like existence.

He is condensing in his eyes with the power of the last point belonging to Foxfire, trying to twist Nancy's will through the transmission of his eyes.

Some are like a deep, fast hypnosis.

And he was going to twist Nancy's will into something, of course, not to mention.

Fortunately, Nancy’s goblin bloodline has a certain ability to read the mind. Although the spirit is not working at all, and it is only reading the shallow superficial mind, she is undoubtedly in the extremely dangerous situation just now. I realized what Toby wanted to do in advance.

So she was so angry.

Although she has closed brains to protect herself, and the goblin itself is a magical creature with a so-called aura, it is difficult to be affected by such spiritual magic that twists the will. . But there must be no woman who will not be angry when she encounters such a thing.


Toby's voice grew weaker.

He grunted weakly.

"Please... let me go..."

Hard gas, what's the use of hard gas?

As a little **** who knows the current affairs, Toby never talks rashly. For him, it is the most important thing for him to survive.

It's just a pity that this set didn't work for Nancy.

"Look, I already said that."

Nancy came to Toby again, lowered her head, and stared at his **** eyes that could not be opened.

"You will go."

"And it must go."

As her words fell, Nancy didn't care about Toby's cry and pleading at all. She stretched out her transparent wand deafly, and then put it on Toby's shoulder.

There is a black pattern there. . It is the hallmark of the origin meeting.

This pattern is not manually added, but automatically loaded, yes, automatically loaded.

When the majority of the members of the origin meeting agree and accept the newcomer to join the meeting, and after several main members such as Mianlong also nod their consent, that person will be officially accepted into the origin meeting.

At this time, the mark belonging to the origin meeting will automatically emerge from the person.

Just as no one in a teacher position in a school can serve for two consecutive years, as long as it is successfully admitted to the origin meeting, the logo belonging to the meeting will be automatically generated at the target by this kind of harmless little curse-like magic Body.

It's an interesting little magic, isn't it.

But at this time, it seems that it is not so convenient. Just like now, if you want to use Toby as a cannon fodder, at least you must destroy this unique mark, so as not to cause doubt or really reveal your identity or something.


Toby screamed again.

Nancy's wand burst into a hot temperature at the front, like a red hot iron, and it lay on Toby's shoulder. . The sizzling sound and white smoke soon erupted, and even accompanied by a scorched barbecue smell.

Naturally, the black pattern also becomes blurred, like a black mark.

But Nancy is still not satisfied.

"Not yet thorough." She sighed in her own self.

Just scorching is useless. Not only can magic be restored, but technology can also be done by many means, so the best way is to completely remove it.


As Nancy's thoughts moved, Toby below uttered a cry of silence again, because Nancy's wand seemed to be turned into a sword, and he was arrogantly cutting the black skin on his shoulder. Down.

This pain is no worse than the previous shock or something, even more intense.

And hell. . Since it is going to be down, what else is hot at first.

This was naturally intentional by Nancy.

Because Nancy was only halfway through, Toby was already so painful that she couldn't help but began to puff air.

But what made Toby more desperate than the physical pain was the fear in his heart. . Nancy's meaning in doing so.

"You didn't plan to keep me alive from the beginning!!"

Toby uttered a hoarse roar, despair in his voice.

He knew exactly what Nancy was doing at this time.

The ruin of the corpse, or the previous step of the ruin of the corpse, erase all clues that may reveal the secret of the corpse.

He had seen such a situation in prison, and often had the bad luck egg wiped off the tattoo on his body, and then was taken away by force.

Obviously, someone should have paid a lot of money and prepared to rescue another person who is very similar to his height and volume.

This requires a substitute for the dead ghost.

And that person is the bad luck.

Of course, such people are generally those who can't get out of life in prison, and no one visits orphans who are not well-connected in prison.

Otherwise, once things are exposed, the warden cannot escape blame.

Toby is a little bastard. . After all, he stayed in prison the longest time, but only spent three months in prison.

He thought he would never get such treatment, and never would, but he didn't expect it. .

"you liar!"

"You lie to me from the beginning!!"

Toby snarled weakly and madly.

At this time, the skin on his shoulder had been completely puffed out, and blood appeared. . Even if the magic creature's vitality is tenacious, after experiencing this series of tossing, Toby has become completely pale.

And don't know whether there is great wisdom or something between life and death, he even wanted to understand the causes and consequences of all this at this moment.

Yes, Nancy didn't plan to let him go at first, or, when Mianlong first found him, I'm afraid he would be regarded as a cannon fodder.

And he didn't even realize it.

It wasn't until now that Nancy had done all this, he had come to awaken.

But by this time, Nancy had cleaned the blood from the wand, and then calmly took out a tube of colorless potion.

"It's time to take medicine."

Nancy was very decisive, there was no nonsense at all, just a cold word, and then gently inserted the needle of the medicine into Toby's vein.

"no no!"

Toby wanted to struggle out, but it was obviously impossible, so he could only watch in vain that this tube of medicine was injected into his blood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is this a poison? . Or something else.

Lito wanted to scream or swear, but in the next moment, he suddenly felt it before he could say any malicious words. . A stream of heat emerged from all parts of his body.

They converged together, condensed from the limbs to the heart, and seemed to feed back from the heart to the limbs, as if the seawater was washing his body.

The essence of these heat flows is. . power.


Toby murmured unconsciously, saying a classic phrase commonly used by the villains.

"It's emerging."

"Power is emerging."

There was a ecstasy on Toby's face.

At this moment, he seemed to think of the bridge section that often appears in the movie, that is, after the villain injected some kind of fortification agent, because the effect was too good, he escaped directly out of control. . Then become the plot of the protagonist.

He thinks he is the protagonist.

but. . Toby seems to have instinctively forgotten that there is such a bridge in the movie, but in addition to the treatment of the protagonist, this bridge may also be a cannon fodder.

Just like some Osborne Industries' regeneration plan pilots, those big lizards thought they were invincible when they were first born, but they were put back on the ground by a large amount of anesthetic before half a minute.

Current situation. . It will probably be similar.

Sure enough, in the face of Toby's changes, Nancy was not surprised at all.

She put away her transparent wand indifferently, then slowly raised her hands. . It was like a special effect was applied, her hands were shining with starlight between the rise and fall, and then in a gleam of light, her hands slowly pressed against Toby's head.

"look into my eyes."

Nancy said word by word.

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