High Magic Earth

Chapter 1715: According to the common routines in the movie. .

Lookatme. .

No, it's Lookmyeyes.

But this line of looking at my eyes is not an affectionate confession, or perhaps the love that the professor spent his life protecting, but a more terrible curse.

Toby realized that it was not good.

After all, most of Foxfire's abilities are in charm, and he is also an expert in charm, naturally seeing what Nancy wants to do at a glance.

She also wants to hypnotize herself, or forcefully brainwash herself.

"Do not!!"

Toby started struggling.

Before he tried to brainwash Nancy as his own, then it would be self-evident how Nancy would treat him. With Toby's character, he would naturally try to figure out others with the greatest maliciousness.

And no matter what thought Nancy would infuse him, it was all in his head. . Believe that no one will like this kind of thing, Toby will naturally rise up to resist.

However, Toby was pleasantly surprised that he felt his strength recovering and recovering quickly.

As mentioned before, this medicine is a kind of overdraft medicine, it will be traced back to the origin of the blood in a short time. . In fact, it is similar to the activation of the original gene.

But the consequence is that the target may die.

Toby's bloodline originated from Foxfire. In the past, he only traced back to a small part of the origin power, but as the drug was injected, the genes that belonged to Foxfire began to be greatly activated and active.

I'm afraid it won't take long. It can even be said that after only a few breaths, the power belonging to Foxfire in his bloodline will be completely inspired and become an existence very similar to Foxfire itself.

You should know that magical creatures that can leave a bloodstream are undoubtedly very old, and the combat effectiveness of magical creatures is often directly proportional to the age.

So no matter how weak Huhuo itself is, it must crush most wizards. . Of course, this does not necessarily mean a head-to-head confrontation, because even magical creatures whose physical qualities are far superior to humans have different focuses.

For example, Huhuo is good at charm and the like, but head-to-head combat is actually not strong.

But of course, the fighting power of Foxfire is indeed at the bottom, so even if Toby has begun to quickly activate the part of the power of Foxfire in the bloodline, the self-healing ability begins to increase substantially. . But it is still very slow.

At least he is now. . Still unable to move.

In other words, just from being unable to move at all to twitching like a dead fish.

But Nancy's brainwashing has already begun.

"No no no no!"

As if anticipating his tragic fate, Toby began to scream with exhaustion, closing his eyes to try to resist Nancy's brainwashing, just. .

"Oh, sorry, I just spoke casually...you don't actually need to look into my eyes."

Her voice was still so calm, as if everything that happened in front of her couldn't impress her, but it sounded like a pleasant voice in Toby's ears, which was like a devil's whisper and murmur.

"No!!! Let me go!"

Toby struggled harder and harder, and his voice sounded more like torture.

And naturally, Nancy is still deaf.

The two screaming women in the rear also became quiet. . Although they still don't understand what is going on in front of them, they originally thought that this was a dialogue between two neuropathy, but as a result, they suddenly developed in an incomprehensible direction.

but. . They may not have a relationship with Toby at all, just be charmed, or purely lust, but when facing Nancy, they still instinctively stood on the same front line as Toby.

Because Nancy showed a supernatural power that they could not understand, because Nancy could make them feel threatened. . This is a human instinct.

The two women were paralyzed on the ground. . But soon one stood up, and she got a little hesitant, or looked around at a loss.

She may be hesitating, not sure what to do, and continue to reduce her sense of existence, or pick up the broken wooden board scattered next to her, and come up hard towards Nancy's head.

Fortunately, she doesn't need to be bothered by this problem for too long. . Because the next moment, Nancy seemed to move slightly.


The warehouse floor at the feet of the two women suddenly cracked, and the green vines spread like flowing water. They looked very slender, similar to fingers, but actually far tougher than expected.

Because the buildings that can be built on the island are undoubtedly of good quality, but even so, these hard and solid concrete floors are still opened by the growing vines without hesitation, lifted up, large pieces of cracks, and then clusters The vines spread out like crazy.


"what is this!"

"Go away! Go away!"

The two women screamed meaningless and useless.

The vines seemed to have their own lives. They recognized the two women, and went directly to their ankles. They caught their hands and feet in the blink of an eye and fixed them in place.

They did not expect to run away, but the vines were not slow, and once the ankles were wrapped. . With their power, it is difficult to even try to shake the vines at all, and they cannot escape.

So in almost a few seconds, they were imprisoned by the vines and turned into puppets.

The green luster in Nancy's eyes faded slowly.

This is naturally her magic.

As a little fairy, Nancy is not as hard as Will. If he hadn't studied Harry Potter magic, he would be a deformed monster who can only fight melee.

Even if Nancy didn't learn Harry Potter magic, she would be magic.

This is normal, which fairy and fairy in the fairy tale. . No magic.

That's the race of the fairy godmother.

But again, because Nancy only traces the power of the little fairy in the bloodline, her magic is not strong, and the type is far less rich than the real little fairy.

But it is enough.

For example, if the vines spawned from the underground, if you change to the magic of the Harry Potter system, there may indeed be some wizards who can do it, but this is not easy. Talent and magic are indispensable. It can be done so easily. Not many people.

But Nancy. . You can easily spawn these vines.

Just like now.

She sensed the maliciousness from the rear, so naturally the two were directly imprisoned, and she noticed that the other party's conspiracy was unwilling to be ignored, and finally the other party seized the opportunity. . That's the only way to act in a movie.

Nancy is not that stupid, nor will she give her the chance.

She snorted coldly, and again looked down at Toby below.



Toby's struggles became more intense, and his mouth began to scream of unknown significance. Nancy frowned slightly, his strength was growing. This was obviously the effect of the previous potion, and he now seems to have become somewhat Very angry. . I don't know if this is the sequelae of the medicine.

But no matter how much, he must be hypnotized as soon as possible.

Because once the potion completely activates his blood, he will not be as easy to deal with as it is now.

In the same way, after procrastinating at a critical juncture, and eventually dragging it out of control, it is uncontrollable. That is still a scene that only appears in the movie. Nancy is not so stupid.

"Your goal is the security forces."

"Security forces of International Gene Technology Corporation."

"You know who they are. Think deep in your memory."

"Stop them, or kill them, don't hesitate, you know what to do... follow your instincts."

"Think about it."


Toby snarled wildly.

Nancy couldn't hold him back anymore. His limbs were hanging on the ground, but his neck and head were high. . With blue muscles, his complexion began to redden, and he looked like he was going crazy.

But Nancy is still calm.

"Your goal is the security forces."

"Security forces of International Gene Technology Corporation."

"You know who they are..."

She repeated it again and again.

Nancy's hypnosis sounds amazing, but that's how it really is.

Mind magic is also a very magical field, although hypnosis is not so difficult, whether it is magic, abilities or even science. . But it's not that simple.

At least a few casual words like Nancy can completely reverse a person's thinking, which is very difficult.

Unless it is a very powerful wizard, or a very powerful ability to do it, it can be done, no matter which field may belong to the first-line strong.

Fortunately, Nancy does not need to go to sleep forever. She just needs to guarantee a period of time. In other words, Toby knows what to do next after the potion takes effect.

And to do this, the power given to Nancy by the goblin is still possible.

After all, flicker. . No, it's inspiring. It's exactly what little fairies are good at. In other words, bewitching people are also good at little fairies.

Nancy kept repeating a few words.

Because of the blood, Nancy's bewitching power does not require any special spells, just like instinct, so she only needs to repeat it.

For about three or four minutes, Nancy has been repeating this passage. . She even repeated it more than a dozen times, and then she could say it almost without pause.

As she kept whispering, Toby became quieter and calmer, and Nancy was a little uncertain. . I don't know whether her hypnosis is effective or the potion is effective.

After all, Mianlong also only told her the role of pharmacy and sequelae, and now the actual use of everything depends on herself.

After a pause, Nancy let go.

At this time Toby on the ground had completely calmed down. He closed his eyes slightly, and seemed to be sleeping. His face was not as pale as before, and it became a lot more ruddy.

Taking a few steps back, Nancy whispered.


"Toby... are you awake, are you listening?"

After a few seconds of silence, Toby did not give her any response.

Nancy was also unsure about what to do.

But at this time, Toby, who seemed to be in a deep sleep, suddenly moved slightly, and then said in a slightly weak voice.

"Yes... I'm listening."

"I didn't sleep."

But Nancy did not relax after hearing Toby's voice, but became more nervous.

Even with the invisible transparent wand, she slid into her hand again, was slightly clenched by Nancy, and then secretly aimed at Toby in front.

"So, what are you going to do now."

"Intercept security forces."

Toby said without hesitation.

But after he finished speaking, he paused again, seeming puzzled and uncertain.

"...I don't think the two of us seem to have that good relationship."

Nancy's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Good, actually I think so."

"What is the problem between the two of us? You can wait until both are over. Now, you should intercept those of the security forces."

"You have wasted enough time here."


Toby opened his eyes and stood up from the ground.

"Don't rush me...you nasty guy."

He glared at Nancy, and then walked slowly by her side in Nancy's comment, and then turned away from Nancy, as she walked farther and farther, she seemed to be leaving this way.

It wasn't until this time that Nancy breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she looked gently.

The two women trapped in the vines.

Solve the trouble of Toby, then there are only two people left. . These two women, they are the witnesses of the whole incident, if there is any new human or angel to trace here, then the two of them are the biggest clue.

and so. .

But just as Nancy was about to raise her wand, she discovered that Toby, not far away, suddenly fell to the ground half-kneeling.

Although Nancy's attention seemed to have shifted, she still put it on Toby's body. She was not worried about Toby, which was obvious.

So when Toby had an action, Nancy discovered it the first time.

"what happened to you."

Nancy asked, and at the same time, she would turn her wand and realign it with Toby.

"I feel.."

Toby's voice turned away from Nancy, but even so, she could hear the weakness.

"...A bit uncomfortable, no~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am very uncomfortable."

Toby murmured.

He staggered, and his movements became half-kneeling, turning his hands and knees to the ground.

Nancy narrowed her eyes. She felt that this situation was not like something happened to her hypnosis, it was more like it. . The medicine that Mianlong gave her.

That's an agent that hasn't been tested specifically.

So maybe. . Neither its effect nor its sequelae may be as simple as in Mianlong's theory.

"are you OK."

But in this situation, Nancy can't help, and she doesn't dare to make any big moves. She can only continue to face Toby with her wand, and then asks carefully.

This time, Toby didn't answer again.

His hands and knees braced the ground, his head was unable to hang down, and violent gasps continued to come and sound. . It's like breathless.

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